thoughtsinred-hair · 9 years
Burning Up through the years <3
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Jonas Brothers + Burnin’ Up
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thoughtsinred-hair · 9 years
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Joe Jonas + 2009
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thoughtsinred-hair · 9 years
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thoughtsinred-hair · 9 years
Hi, I’ll be auditioning for the role of Mrs. Lovett and I’ll be singing Burnin’ Up by the Jonas Brothers.
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thoughtsinred-hair · 9 years
God I love this man <3
and his many faces.
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thoughtsinred-hair · 9 years
MAY 26/ #3
It’s been a month, I apologize! It’s been a pretty busy month though. I’ve been working, cleaning my apartment to get it ready for the move, taking care of my growing puppy, and traveling... - work has been lame, but money is money. I want to find a new job because things are changing within the store, especially my shoe department, but I like how easy it is to request off. - my apartment has to be in tip-top shape for the move on the 6th to our 3 bedroom! It not like we’re dirty, but there are weird spots on the walls and dust in random places. I’m so excited to decorate the new place! - my pup is growing so fast! My prince is 8 months old now. The last few days he has not been feeling well so we have a vet appointment tomorrow. - traveling has been fun, but exhausting! My husband & I went to New Hampshire for our very close friend’s wedding. The wedding was beautiful and the town they lived in was too. We actually went to Mass & New York! More states off the bucket list! :)
As far as personal stuff, I’m currently on an eat-better & actually-try-to-workout kick. The first part is going rather well, but the working out part is hit or miss. They’re actually more random than planned; like swim in the pool all day or building 20 heavy shelves at work. Tomorrow I am going to try some yoga. Tonight I am sad but annoyed, if that makes sense. I’m realizing that another one of my guy friends has “more than friends” feelings for me. He hides it well, but when he has been drinking it’s pretty obvious. So I guess that shows that he knows it’s wrong but can’t help it when he’s drunk? I don’t know. Maybe I don’t help the situation, not on purpose, just my personality. I am very caring and affectionate towards all my friends and family, but I think some guys just take it the wrong way. And since I mostly have guy friends, the odds aren’t great there. I’m going to try and work on that, it’s just that I don’t even catch myself doing it because it’s just the way I am. But like, I hate when guys hit on me now that I am married; is that weird? It just sucks because he’s a really awesome and funny guy. I still can’t handle girl friends though; those are much worse in my opinion. Anyways, I promise to be more active. Blogging takes some stress off so I definitely will. Byeeeee ~
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thoughtsinred-hair · 9 years
I'm so turned off to drinking now that I'm into smoking. 
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thoughtsinred-hair · 9 years
My favorite guy singing my favorite song!
/end fangirling.
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ciara: @joejonas Too Much Fun On Set Of #ICanDoThat (x)
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thoughtsinred-hair · 9 years
Ciara – I Bet (Remix) Feat. Joe Jonas (Snippet)
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thoughtsinred-hair · 9 years
I hate everyone.
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Looking around at all of your completely worthless coworkers and knowing that you are stuck like this until it’s time to go home.
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thoughtsinred-hair · 9 years
So relatable, and duh I love Adore!
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“Do you have any more of these in the back?”
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thoughtsinred-hair · 9 years
Follow up to #2 + Good news!
So in my last post I said “I think my coworker likes me”... Unfortunately I was right. We went out to eat like we always do after Sunday shifts because we close at 6, then he came over & we played Mario Party 10 (great game btw). After he left he texted me “I had fun tonight but I'm sorry”. I was like fuuuuck here we go... But I really replied “What's wrong?”. Then he said it. He followed it saying he feels bad because I'm married. WELL NO SHIT DUDE, YOU'VE MET MY HUSBAND & I TALK ABOUT HIM ALL THE TIME. I'm not saying the friendship is ruined, but this definitely will stop the outside of work hangouts. Honestly I don't know why he would feel this way, beside the fact that I'm a great friend like I am to all my friends, because we don't have much in common. Like at all. We like different music, he's younger, he's way too immature, we have different morals, and so on. He is pretty funny & a good friend though. We'll see how these next few days at work go.
GOOD NEWS! Our big trip is this weekend!! My husband and I are flying to New Hampshire on Thursday for our friend’s wedding. We come back on Monday with a 2 hour layover in New York, so I can finally say I've been to NY! ;) This trip couldn't have come at a more perfect time. With my husband on night shift & my crazy retail hours, I only see him sleeping. Like the only time we spend together lately is literally sleeping. It's so annoying and I miss my best friend. But, the Marines will always have him first as long as he is still enlisted. 
I've drank all my coffee so it's time to get ready for work. Even though all I want to do is clean my apartment and go to the pool. Byeeeee ~
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thoughtsinred-hair · 9 years
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thoughtsinred-hair · 9 years
APR 25/ #2
Technically it's after midnight so it's April 26, but that's besides the point.
So last night I went to a party with some new friends I've made in this small town I now call home. It was one guy’s bachelor party and another guy’s Pampers party, because his wife is having a baby. It's great to see people grow in their relationships & have new, exciting life adventures. Marriage is amazing and crazy at the same time. Finding your best friend and soul mate in one is a big accomplishment by itself, then deciding to spend the rest of your life with them, go through the craziness of life together - it's a beautiful, special thing. I love my husband & the relationship we have. Today (26th) means 9 months of marriage! We can't believe our first anniversary is so close already! I hope we can go to Myrtle Beach or maybe Florida for it. Getaways with him are always so fun & leave me smiling even after its over. 
I couldn't date with this new generation anyway. I COULD NOT just have sex with someone I just met or even not in love with. I have too much respect for myself, and sex has a bigger meaning to me. But to each their own; I have my morals & you have yours. 
Speaking of weird relationships, I think my coworker has a crush on me. I'll be pretty sad if he does because he's a good friend. I'm probably over-analyzing it because he's met my husband & I help him with his girl problems. I prefer guy friends until something like this happens or they turn into a douche with a girlfriend. 
It's the end of the month so I'm overly emotional and craving random stuff. Lol poor husband. Byeeeee ~
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thoughtsinred-hair · 9 years
APR 23/ #1
I just want to give my family the world. They care so much, and give & give- then the universe betrays them (us) and takes someone away. Losing someone, family or not, hurts so much because the memories hold so many feelings- love, being young and maybe naive, happiness. I lost my grandpa (Poppy) on my dad’s side October of 2013, then I lost my grandpa (Pappy) on my mom’s side March of 2015. Grieving is such a unique and crazy process. You’re sad cause they’re gone. You’re mad because it was “never supposed to happen”. Then it doesn't feel like it at first but, eventually you go from crying every day to once a week to when little moments hit you. And you never know when those moments will come either. For example, the other day I was driving alone in my car with the windows down and apparently I drove by someone burning something. I've probably smelled this before, but that day it reminded me of making smores while camping with my grandparents (on my dad’s side). My Grandpa would love taking all his grandkids camping and make of smores on the fire. I broke down while driving. My eyes filled with tears and tried to breathe in the burnt smell hoping it could just take me back to those nights camping at Short Stay with him and my family. I literally wished with all my heart I could actually time travel back by just inhaling that smell. I flashed back to him making them, smiling so handsome, and probably sneaking in a story about him back in his younger days. God I miss that amazing man. I love you Poppy.  I miss my Pappy too. I learned that along with people grieving their own way, you also grieve differently for each person. I’ll admit I had totally different relationships with my grandpas, but I loved them both so much. My Pappy pretty much disowned me when I started dating my now husband because he is mixed. He didn't even come to our wedding. A month after our wedding, my husband got into a really bad car accident. After that, my Pap told me he wanted to be a part of our lives and my heart was so happy! Underneath his hard shell is a caring and loving man - and that is the man I miss. Another thing that upsets me with this topic is that my husband has never gone through something like this. No one really close to him has died and he is not as close to his family as I am with mind. I mean, I don’t want him to ever feel thing kind of pain, but at the same time it’s hard for me because he doesn’t understand what I am going through. I know it hurts him a lot to see me so upset during my moments and he tries to comfort me, but he doesn’t exactly have the right words to say - but being in his arms does help. I love him though, with all of my heart. My only, always, & forever <3 
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thoughtsinred-hair · 9 years
It is possible that longing for something is better than actually having it. I’ve heard it said that satisfaction is the death of desire.
Hank Moody (via psych2go)
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thoughtsinred-hair · 9 years
I don’t know whyy I’m obsessed with Odd Future, but maybe it’s because Tyler the Creator is crazy hilarious and I think we would be great friends. I don’t always understand his music, but he’s awesome.
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