thiefguild-blog · 4 years
‘ never underestimate yourself. but also do not overestimate yourself, that’s bad too. ’
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“So, what you’re sayin’ is… I just gotta estimate myself? Lame.” he liked to think he did a pretty good job at balancing the two, but sometimes he got a little in over his head. still…playing it safe all the time seemed awfully dull. where was the excitement? the adrenaline?
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thiefguild-blog · 4 years
** things i’ve said as resident mom friend **
“ everyone needs someone. ”
“ you need to drink more. and no, i don’t mean more alcohol. ”
“ please let me know when you get home. ”
“ i can’t believe you didn’t listen to me! ”
“ i would say i told you so, but i think the sentiment might be lost on you. ”
“ i’m so proud of you. ”
 “ have you eaten today ? ” 
“ it’s okay, i’m here. ”
“ you had me so worried ! ”
“ who do i need to fight ? ”
“ i’ll make this better, just tell me how. ”
“ you probably shouldn’t try climbing that. ”
“ you’re okay. you’re safe. i’ve got you. ”
“ which hospital are you at ? ”
“ hey, hey calm down. it’s just a scratch. ”
“ go the fuck to sleep. ”
“ it’s three in the morning, why aren’t you in bed ? ”
“ maybe a shower would make you feel better ? ”
“ listen, i know you’re scared, but if you don’t do it you’ll only regret it later. ”
“ don’t force yourself. ”
“ crying doesn’t make you weak. ”
“ you look beautiful. don’t ever doubt that. ”
“ you don’t need to worry about me. ”
“ do you really think that’s a good idea ? ”
“ do i even want to know ? ”
“ what did you do now ? ”
“ i love you. ”
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thiefguild-blog · 4 years
‘ i never argue. i just explain why i’m right. ’
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“Yeah, ‘cept that could be considered arguing if the other person thinks they’re right, too. Gah, you’re soundin’ just like this pesky detective I know.”
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thiefguild-blog · 4 years
* twitter meme starters
‘ i refuse to listen to reason, i have to listen to so much already. ’
‘ if i was famous i would just knock on people’s doors and be like hello, yes, it’s me. ’
*eats a snack while looking for a better snack*
‘ taking a nap is always so risky like when will i wake up? in thirty minutes? in 2 hours? in 3 years? ’
‘ i’m wiping the slate clean, so i have somewhere to spill all the blood of everyone who has ever wronged me. ’
‘ horrified that other people have decided to leave their house tonight. ’
‘ to me, the cookie jar is the modern day treasure chest, and you don’t have to brush off  any skeletons to get to it. ’
‘ my morning routine includes 10 minutes of sitting on my bed and thinking about how tired i am.  ’
‘ grab your own butt. love yourself. ’
‘ on the moon if you don’t like something you can just throw it upwards into space. on earth if you try to do that the enemy known as gravity gets in the way. ’
‘ my stress stresses me out to the point where i’m too stressed to deal with my stress. ’  
‘ don’t worry, password. i’m insecure too. ’
‘ i should have thought about that? you know i don’t think about things. ’
‘ when you live the bart life you say ‘whoa, mama’ to the good and ‘ay, caramba’ to the bad. ’
‘ i got 99 problems but i’m gonna take a nap and ignore them all. ’ 
‘ i love the sound you make when you shut the fuck up. ’
‘ everything’s my fault when you just look at the facts and information. ’  
‘ why insult someone when you can say something nice in a very sarcastic tone. ’    
‘ do you like bad boys? ‘cause i’m bad at everything. ’
‘ i never argue. i just explain why i’m right. ’
‘ if robbers ever broke into my house and searched for money, i’d just laugh and search with them. ’  
‘ if your family members share one of those articles about how millennials can’t do anything right, consider countering by sharing the page of a below average nursing home or even just a photo of bones with the caption: sooner than you think. ’
‘ yeah, baby, i am an animal in bed. more specifically a koala. i can sleep for 22 hours a day. ’  
‘ can i sell my feelings on ebay. i don’t want them anymore. ’
‘ coffee is just baby formula for adults. ’ 
‘ i think i speak for all of us, just in general. ’  
‘ i get ignored so much my name should be terms and conditions. ’
‘ can you lose weight by running away from your feelings? ’
‘ do not beef shame me. ’
‘ later is the best time to do anything. ’
‘ trying to decide if i should spend my evening reading a book or browsing social media for two hours in stomach churning guilt while thinking about how i should read a book. ’
‘ if you cannot handle me at my worst, that is fine. i am a powerful and terrifying thing and all should live in fear. ’
‘ people pretending to be cats is fine and cool but if some sort of huge animal wanted to pretend to be people then everyone is all, ‘please leave the bank’. ’
‘ are you bad wifi ‘cause i’m feeling no connection here. ’
‘ in the mood for a hug and 69 chicken nuggets. ’
‘ some times you spend so much time getting revenge you forget about getting retribution. ’  
‘ never underestimate yourself. but also do not overestimate yourself, that’s bad too. ’
‘ you will never be a billionaire but there’s still time to see what they taste like. ’  
‘ i don’t say this to everyone but i will barn shuffle dance on your grave. ’
‘ they will never do a live action reboot of your childhood. ’
‘ i could learn a thing or two from this? thanks for the warning, i will avoid it. ’
‘ you would think that wouldn’t you, always with your thinking things. that’s what separates me from you, the thinking. ’
‘ i’m putting free wifi on my gravestone so people will come visit me. ’
‘ sea shells, or the beach’s potato chips, are free to anyone who can find them. ’  
‘ learning is the fool’s errand. ’
‘ is your name dunkin’ because i donut want to spend another day without you. ’
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thiefguild-blog · 4 years
Ah, Miu is not really good at this egg hunt competition. She has been wandering around, looking at the bushes, below the bench–she believes she has gone through possible places where the eggs can be placed, but only one she can find. A pink-colored egg with cherry-blossom flower motif that she happened to find behind a large tree–really, who could have guessed that the egg was placed there? It was only luck that helped Miu to find the cute egg.
However, goddess of luck decides not to smile on her anymore. The basket that she carries at her left hand feels so annoyingly light, as a reminder that she barely makes any progress in this egg hunt thing. Miu is not really the most attentive person, she sometimes can be careless, and that happens quite a lot lately, considering she almost lost her phone few days ago.
Miu scans around the area aimlessly, with no hope of finding an egg especially when she already feels sort of exhausted, until a hand holding three eggs with different colors appears behind her, much to her surprise.
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She turns around and is taken aback after knowing a man is standing behind her, holding the three eggs. He seems to be offering the eggs that he found, as Miu looks at him in wonder. Why would he give the eggs that he already spent so much time looking for, to her?
“Um…” She turns her eyes towards the eggs on his hand, and to the man, and to the eggs he holds again, before she finally asks after a silence that feels long. “W-why…?”
ah...he’d spooked her on accident.
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“Sorry ‘bout sneakin’ up on ya. Ain’t got a basket, so I’m running out of room to put ‘em!” without waiting for an answer, Titus drops the plastic eggs into her basket with a grin. his pockets were full, as was the hood on his jacket, a sign that he should probably call it quits and leave some for the other hunters. however...he was having too much fun. it was keeping his mind from wandering, too, so he would stick around for a bit longer.
Titus was the type of person who got easily...distracted. as a former thief, his gaze normally found the shiniest, flashiest, or most expensive item in the room before anything else. back home, that could’ve meant a new set of genuine silverware, a solid gold picture frame, or even pearls around the neck of a party-goer. in nature, it was much the same. bright flowers, flashy insects, smooth stones...plastic easter eggs. this was child’s play!
“I guess I could go get a basket or something, but that seems like a lot of work right now, so... Would you mind if I stuck around and helped you out? Teamwork, y’know? The dynamic duo! Titus and...uh, you got a name?”
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thiefguild-blog · 4 years
[ ♒︎ ] – Coffee had never exactly appealed to Aqua, despite all the extra ingredients that were supposed to be added in to make it more drinkable. Tea was a more palatable option, in her opinion, but when she’d heard in passing of an art contest involving the former… Well, it seemed such a charming idea that she couldn’t pass it up.
She’d been seated across from a young man, not much older than her it seemed, who appeared to be encountering some difficulty with the project. Occasionally, she’d shot glances over to him, but he’d appeared to be wrapped up in his endeavor to create a flower from the steamed milk they’d been given as a medium. Who knows what interrupting with small talk would do to his concentration? Nothing good. This unfamiliar method of creating was difficult enough as it is.
Thus, Aqua herself had put her main focus into getting the shapes just right. Slowly, gingerly, jostling the cup at a certain angle to make the milk move in the direction she wanted. The resulting shape resembled something that could pass as a petal, so she moved on to the next. It was much harder than the example photos had made it look.
After a while, Aqua exhaled deeply, putting down the cup. It was by no means perfect– In fact, it was quite lopsided, having lost some of its shape in the time it took to complete it and all the jostling around. Looking up at her table-mate, she noticed that, true to his word, the design in the foam he’d been working on hardly passed for much of anything. Giving him a small smile, she pushed her own cup a bit further onto the table.
                    ❝Well, it’s not perfect. I don’t think I’ll be getting any prizes anytime soon.❞
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                    ❝It was your first try though, right? Nothing’s ever perfect on the first try. And this was a lot harder than it looked.❞
Titus studied her work for a moment and deemed it much better than his own. it wouldn’t do either of them any good to compare, but he couldn’t help it. he’d never considered himself an artistic person. creative, yes, as one had to be to make up their own symbol-based language, but artistic? he’d come to terms with that a long time ago. he’d never have a piece of art hanging in a museum, have a story published in a news bulletin, or perform a song on stage. that was fine, though; he had his own talents, but, regretfully, one of them was not being able to ignore failure.
“That’s true. Gotta practice something to really get good at it.” he starts to mention not being very good at stealing when he was a child, but stops. no use mentioning that, for his companion’s sake and his. not a lot of good memories from that time.
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“See, I used to tell my little ones that if something ain’t workin’ out, go a it from another angle. Sometimes you see things differently if you change your perspective a bit.” with that being said, Titus turns his cup around and squints at it. with a quiet “aha!,” he uses the handle of his spoon to move some of the foam around. it doesn’t fix much, but when it’s done, the blob resembles an egg instead of a circle. 
beaming, Titus presents his work again, feeling a bit more proud. “Ta-da--! It’s an egg now!”
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thiefguild-blog · 4 years
“Hello!” Rung waves back with some surprise, leaning down to better hear and see the stranger greeting him.
“Your… kite?” Ah– he must mean the little contraption in his hands. From the look of it (and the human’s description) the kite is a type of flying machine. Rung wonders for a moment whether the stranger needs help fixing some kind of remote control, like the one Rung uses with his own model ships, but the kite seems too thin to contain any sort of hidden flight mechanisms.
Perhaps he’s expected to literally get it in the air with a gentle throw? Best to ask before he accidentally tosses the human’s toy away.
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“I’d be happy to. Just let me know how I can help.”
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“Thanks, man!” Titus offers the kite to him, a little yellow one with tendrils hanging from it. “It’s already pretty windy today, so I think you could just stand up and lift it into the air. The wind should take it pretty easily from up there. If not, just give it a little toss.” he pauses, thinks about what he just said, and hastily continues. “But, uh, just a gentle one, ‘cuz I’m kinda attached to the other end.” he gestures to the spool of string in his other hand. while there’s definitely a lot of string, he’s not taking any chances.
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thiefguild-blog · 4 years
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“…that would make sense.” And served as an excellent reminder to keep his own plant in an area with lots of sun, and to give it water. Hopefully it would live.
“I am not sure what my plant is, or where it should go. I was thinking of leaving it on the window ledge of my room.” Or maybe on the kitchen window ledge. 
“It seems that we are, though I suppose it is good to not be alone…”
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“Man... Just thinkin’ about all the work we’re gonna have to do is bummin’ me out already.” he’s being dramatic, of course. nothing could compare to his workload back home, but at least he was mostly used to that now. gardening required a certain type of finesse that he just didn’t have. “Eventually you gotta get more soil and a new pot and maybe even plant food, y’know? I guess this thing was optional, but I didn’t think it through first.”
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thiefguild-blog · 4 years
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plotting ad
hello!! before I head off to bed, I just wanted to make a plotter post/relationship call. truthfully, i’ve been very, very spacey lately and as such, if something on this list appeals to you, please drop me an IM/ask/twitter dm/etc letting me know! if you just like the post, i can’t guarantee i’ll get around to sending a message. so sorry, it’s just how my brain works! i’ll reply within the next day to any messages to me for sure, though.
although he’s now a lord that’s in charge of a whole nation, Titus is still a thief at heart. he’s good at it and can teach people how to pick locks and pockets if they want!
he’s also a natural big brother type. the only reason i don’t say ‘dad’ type is because he’s only ~20, but-- he has many adopted kids back home! so, if you’re younger than him, surprise! he’s your dad/older brother now!!
he’s still learning how to read/write/do math, so...if you’re a tutor, he’d appreciate the help!
he really hates being alone, unless he’s Going Thru It™, so please be his friend! he’s easy to make friends with!
he has no concept of personal space and loves to hug and just generally be close to others. if your muse is down for that, heck yeah! snuggle time
eye patch friends? if your muse has an eye patch or is blinded in some way, i’m sure he’ll make friends with them. he’s only had one eye for about 10-12 years now, so he can offer tips and tricks
musically inclined? well, Titus isn’t! buuuut he adores people who are, so if you play an instrument for him or even sing for him, he’ll immediately love you!
wanna be enemies? while he tries to see the good in people, it’s not that hard to get on his bad side. if you’re against kids, animals, or just good people in general, he won’t vibe with that
he likes to fight, too! its a good way for him to get out some energy and pent up stress. so, be spar buddies with him! he’s good at hand to hand, as well as with daggers! he’s currently learning how to wield a sword properly, too.
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thiefguild-blog · 4 years
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“…how did you kill a cactus?” He thought that, out of all the plants, they would be the ones most suited for survival.
“I am not one for plants myself, but it seems that this one has been left in my care.” Whenever he found his housing he would place the pot on the windowsill and go from there. 
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“They need lots of light, apparently, and I didn’t know that, so...” the thief trails off, slightly embarrassed that he killed a plant that basically thrived on neglect. normally, he would count on his friends to take care of something like a flower, but he hadn’t seen many people around that he recognized this time around, so he was officially a single parent of a plant!
“Well... I dunno much, but different plants have different routines. See, I got this sunflower here and I’m supposed to plant it in, like, a garden, but I ain’t got one of those, so... I guess we’re in this together.”
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thiefguild-blog · 4 years
Nathaniel looked down at the clay pot that was placed into his hands. After a rather elaborate body scan, one of the white robbed workers handed him a pot, saying that the flower that would best suit him was planted and waiting to bloom. Apparently he was allowed to keep the plant, though he was not one for taking care of them.
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“…whatever am I going to do with this?” He asked aloud, his gaze remaining on the pot in his hands.
in a similar predicament, Titus stares down at the pot in his hands, wondering how a magnificent flower could be born from some seeds and some dirt. flowers were never his strong suit, but he figured having something to look after and nurture would be good for him. a lot of the people around him seemed very happy with their new plants, but he was glad to see that someone was having the same trouble he was.
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“Yeah... I ain’t too sure what to do with mine, either,” Titus says, glancing at the other. “Never been much of a flower guy. I actually killed a cactus a few year back and then never tried again.”
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thiefguild-blog · 4 years
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been a long time since i’ve posted color pages here--! i’ll singlehandedly keep the senmei fandom alive if that’s what it takes-- as always, these are all from aikawa-sensei’s twitter!!
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thiefguild-blog · 4 years
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“Y’think if I shake my head around real hard, it’ll make my memories less fuzzy? I just wanna remember my girlfriend completely, man.”
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thiefguild-blog · 4 years
one of the fortunate (if one could call it that) things about having been abducted to this new world several times before was that he no longer freaked out over those who weren’t exactly human. he didn’t freak out as much, that is. with already hazy memories, Titus had to quickly calm himself down when he noticed the very tall robot approaching. he’d hate to make the guy feel self-conscious or anything.
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“Hey-!” Titus calls, waving his hand a bit. if there was one thing he was thankful for, it was his genuinely amazing ability at making friends. he was also fairly good at making enemies, but that’s irrelevant. “My bad if this is kinda, uh, imposing or something, but would’ya be able to help get my kite up in the air?”
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thiefguild-blog · 4 years
in his endeavor to preoccupy his mind, Titus found himself seated across from a stranger at a cafe that was hosting latte art competitions. he was neither a huge fan of coffee, nor had he ever made art on a cup of it, but a challenge was a challenge and he wouldn’t back down!
...it was much harder than it looked.
steady hands or no, he couldn’t get the design to turn into the flower he had set out to make. his hands were made to finesse locks, pick pockets, and draw maps, not combine two liquids to make art! 
he peeks over the table at the blue-haired stranger, trying to see if she was fairing any better. admitting defeat, Titus sets the cup down and sheepishly scratches the back of his neck.
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“Damn. This ain’t no joke! I mean, if I were aimin’ for a big blob, it’s perfect, but this was supposed to be a flower. How ya holdin’ up over there?”
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thiefguild-blog · 4 years
the second he heard about the egg hunt, Titus was on the prowl. a simple challenge, of course, but it was something to distract him from the myriad thoughts swimming through his head. he wished he could’ve been hunting for the colorful eggs with his friends back home, but for now, he would just have to hone his skills for whenever he could make that dream a reality.
before he knew it, his pockets were full! he should’ve gotten a bag or a basket or at least something to carry the eggs, but he hadn’t thought that far ahead. looking around, he spotted a girl who actually had a basket. although, under closer inspection, her basket was nearly empty. well, that wouldn’t do.
approaching, Titus holds up his hands, three multi-colored eggs gripped lightly in each.
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“Y’want some? Got too many to carry!”
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thiefguild-blog · 4 years
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starter call! cap will be 3 for now and they may or may not include some of the springtime festivities! so sorry if they’re a bit lackluster or take me a bit to write up-- it’s been a while since i’ve written consistently!
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