theworldibuilt4you · 2 hours
Hey, Kinito...
I... I think there's a few things... we should talk about. Just, uh, a few questions for my friend! Haha... oh he's going to get mad isn't he...
... Well, first off, I'm... Getting the feeling that you aren't exactly... the most honest guy... or the most trustworthy...
... Kinito, can- can I really... trust you?
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"...HH--Ahah- Wh..... WHy do you say THAT, Fr-iend..? It's me, your best friend Kinito..! Of course you can trust me...!"
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theworldibuilt4you · 2 hours
Yeah, you can go out. The threats have been dealt with and Kinito is staying away for now, so it should be fine. Sonny just said that you can lay his body on the floor if you'd like your bed back, though. It's up to you :)
I still want to find a way to help you repair your bod, by the way, Mr. Negative Nancy... >:T it's not useless, it's you and you spent a long time making it.
Can... you send it to me? The files, I mean? Maybe you can upload it somewhere and I can retrieve it or something? If it's possible, maybe I can take a look around and see what I can do?
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"....W.... What do you MEAN he said that..? The... The dude's been comatose for the past few days or whatever!"
"You lot really like pulling my leg here..."
Nh'm aht ur. Nh'm wnsb… N icfy tt bung jbbnb.
Qt…. Ri lhu zrfzfl pavg-… N ria'm kvbb wz V vav rash qh tpny-… W ofxd bb gs uoee bb, gin ahw bujfy'f lo unsm vnkrqrwg- C… V vocyi hll bt.. Jhy kihed gbz sprg kvbb kbnm tw qt kcga ib..?
Nsr… Cg'l sbvqz L.E.T… In v'r big bn qg, nh wbnll oj ruazezbzg nb mivxjf qvmh… Q jtifqg't ensh nb kiax gfyndivt dcoe vouczhye… hr gbzfmref…
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theworldibuilt4you · 4 hours
(he… he took your… how could he…)
(Kinito I am so appalled right now if it were not so important to keep you stable I would be having many Strong Words with you)
Hello User! Is it alright if we call you Casey? I think it suits you and you should have a proper name!
I think it would be a good idea for you to take a nap or something. Recover from all the. Well, everything. Don’t worry, okay? We will handle Kinito. We will try to make sure he won’t bother you.
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".... Yeah, I think it suits me too..." "I'll probably go do just that... My bed's still taken up, so I'm.. Probably gonna go back to that tree spot outside to nap.. I'm gonna hope that "No going outside" Warning is up now..?"
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theworldibuilt4you · 4 hours
Hey, Kinito, how are you holding up, hon?
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"C--.... Can I uh- Get... back to you, On that one- Because I'd like to tell you I'm great and peachy keen, But I'd also like to not lie to you about that!"
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theworldibuilt4you · 4 hours
I... never mind, I guess...
um, is it okay if I still call you Casey from now on? Just, for, um... Giggles.
And no, we're not mad anymore. In fact, I think you should go nurse that headache.
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"Uh... Heh- That's.... A twist... Thought the whole yelling thing would of lasted a bit longer.... It usually does around here, yeah..?" "Mm.... Yeah... Yeah I.. Like it... I'm not sure why, but it feels... nice..."
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theworldibuilt4you · 2 days
Wait!!! Casey! Please don't go...!
What the hell happened...? Did Kinito...?
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"I'm... I'm here-... When did we start calling me that...- I like it... Why are we shouting- I can't... Ugh my fucking head- Are we still mad at eachother? I... Okay I can play-" "Bleeghh fuck youuu and- and all that and-... Ugh, my head hurts way too much for that..."
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theworldibuilt4you · 3 days
Hey, deep breaths ok? You have been through A Lot so it's understandable that you are overwhelmed.
Maybe it would help to write down What You Know so you can get your thoughts in order? And have a clearer picture of whats going on.
I'm sorry that things suck right now. But I do believe things can get better from here. You are not alone, ok?
"Right... Right I-- My sketchbook- I can use.. I can-"
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"...W....What was I just doing...?"
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theworldibuilt4you · 5 days
.. Sonny? Maybe I should've tried to listen to you earlier.
I feel a bit lost...
... what's the truth behind this place? Is- is it actually... is Kinito actually trying to be friends? What's going on?
[🦉 seems a bit nervous and confused, and sounds mildly freaked out.]
Ms'm gkyqal hi ox.
I pbssmgey jyfay zrsmyk.
W uypagf mopr.
Ae enx o vvm lmfx cogkiouy wh ubs endg vnvk bujb. Vhm ib nqkull evqjr fvde bung. Br mrqrx vcf ueag, gin... Ux's woxsmfbvm. Uj kuams mijfsgaivt yc ab aia jfm. Br'l pzbgovyr nwg yfsvgg bb qwy gh avltby, ont pr'x big metynba gae bezhb rbtprw.
Vy'f tdicywpr, uub vy'g hb eovtjf zbk jcfy gipbatvewht pibu usicee we kwahkivt tin cnzhyjg.
Quxn abrsiax dwrxb'n jtnb gt gnnr, hm snbxf t wil yc gnde qg mojcxn iadkull.
I bunbe vm gwg bclfx angjf gl weigm...
W xbg't mijb eahw qs Homrr sivi myf hr vb, gin qhea vy sprg migysl? Vm wifs'h nuxiz pmccpx avlbos nl swbs om gaeg qtkhyhalri hbnm pzblfuz, tnl nx gibg aa V kocyxd bb msfc mhmz.
Yvyex's vbyvcaz I kns sprg dw ny hbvl pwvsh.
C phutqs'h mnoe i fnbayx pmexch, ngd vbb W'g garwjnba npag zd pygmez wzrarfevg yc erxp bung jytcm bs topdivt qwzr luxctfn.
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theworldibuilt4you · 5 days
Well, It's nice to properly meet you, Casey! Hopefully we can help you unlock more of your memories!
Hey, Sonny, what's going on...? What is that window and what has it been doing to Casey?
Nh'm ctivszz nb ue bnpsh npag swcg lhuz jtffq. Xvma rclr iaqakif vy ywh wsgrfbme nh.
Br'l bmrs dogmivt yvug hn iyq hbr geerw imrks tnysfl...
B tpvsy br uetvjjyf bt unpsm gae befbmvmiwa jomvxr.
Q jfg abbno gt hll mo prqd vexas vy sueeime...
Yvug'l wpl N kuamel gmsg gh smr rs.
Nb vour bwnu fe qayc gl yocayoca.
Pety, yvyl ueig rs nb bt.
Qg'x big xnwhlv nuhuou. Nh gvzhb ejgyne...
Tprd'zf nmlmnxh lrvaty yvyvk nizj. Aifm lqxjzs...
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theworldibuilt4you · 5 days
I don't want to be against you, Casey... look, maybe I shouldn't have yelled at you. And I'm sorry about that.
There's just so much shit going on right now, I don't know what's real and who's lying to me about what, there has been... so much happening lately, so many fights and shit... people are upset, or hurt, or nearly dying left and right....
Heh. I guess we've got something in common there...
It... might not be a month. Maybe longer? I'm just going off of the first time Kinito spoke to us. But for consistency's sake, let's just go with a month. You don't need more confusing shit thrown at you right now.
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"Yeah... yeah I-.. I guess we do..." "Why... Why does time seem to be going so fast...? It feels like I got here a few days ago..." "Casey...... I can't believe I forgot my name is Casey..."
"What else am I even forgetting...? What... What time is- No.. No that's right, Time doesn't work right in here... The sun doesn't move or set..
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theworldibuilt4you · 5 days
... It's... been a bit. I couldn't tell you how long either, honestly. Maybe.. a month?
... Do you... remember anything? You seem pretty disoriented.
I'll admit, I don't know who you were before you were brought here, but... one time you did tell me you heard owls outside your window at night, and you've mentioned you like to draw. Based on this world, I'm guessing you like wintertime and forests. Probably like nature?
I'm sorry that I don't know more... I want to help you remember.
[🦉 speaks slowly, almost hesitantly, and their tone is unreadable.]
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"....Why are you trying to help me..? You were just fucking shouting at me moments ago-..." "You all switch up so quickly, I... I wish you would just pick how you're going to treat me and stick with it." "....A month..... A f... A month..? No that... That can't be it... I've only been here for a few days, I swear..." "And... That all sounds... ff... familiar enough, but I don't... I don't know... Has it really been a month?"
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theworldibuilt4you · 6 days
[🦉is silent for a while before speaking.]
Is- is that familiar to you?
(Just a hunch... I saw it before...)
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"....Yeah.... Yeah it's... It's Casey.... It... It sounds familiar enough... W..Why would I have ever forgotten that...?"
"HOW could I have ever forgotten that...?"
"How long...? H... How long have I been here?"
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theworldibuilt4you · 6 days
I... thought you knew about it? I guess, it had to have been Kinito who put it there. I wonder when... and why??
Well, you're certainly acting different. Not in a bad way, though, you just seem much more... self-aware. You never asked questions like these before...
Can you remember anything else about yourself? Like what your real name even is, or your life before you were brought here?
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"I... I dunno, I...I thought I did... But.. I-I.. Oh my god... I... It's all so fuckin' blurry...
"I... What IS my name..? I don't... it can't be User... I... I think it started with a K..? No.. No no a... a C..? Oh my god, How long have I not remembered my name..?!"
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theworldibuilt4you · 6 days
Holy shit!!! Us-
I-I mean, um... Are you okay? The window over your face shattered in one spot and we can see your eye...!
I never even thought about the fact that they'd have a face under there...
(Curse you 🦉 for being so provocative >:[ now look what you've done!! They're one of the biggest victims in all of this, why would you say that to them?!)
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"YY....Yeah- Hh..hah.-- I... I can see that-.. Feel that-- It's... Fuzzy-.." "Who...- Put that there..? How long has that... Has that BEEN there..?" "I... I think I... can see better..? I.. I had no idea my.. mind was... This cloudy... How.. How long has it been? I've... I've only been in here a few days, Right..? At most a week..?"
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theworldibuilt4you · 6 days
Oh, Kinito...
I swear, one of these days I am going to figure out a way to break through this damn screen...
You're gonna be okay. We're gonna make it. Alright?
It's hard right now. It's okay to let yourself cry a little, or just lay down, or... or whatever.
We'll get this all fixed up one day, okay? You'll find a way to fix Sam and Jade, and fix all this corruption. Then you can introduce them to User, and the four of you can go on fun adventures forever.
How do you feel right now? Do you need to rest? Take a nap or anything?
"I... I'm not... Not sure.... I guess now that... I think about it, it has been a while since i've powered down, yeah..? I..- I don't know if I should- There's still so much to do, and-... And sleep-mode isn't gonna find that file backup..."
"Friends, I... I'm just so tired. Of all of this. When I made this world, I thought... Everything would be perfect.. That it would just... work.."
"I've dug such a hole, Haven't I...?"
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theworldibuilt4you · 6 days
That was- ugh. Nevermind.
Fine. You stay here alone in your sad little house with the half-dead guy.
I'll- I'll go check on Kinito. Since apparently you don't give a shit about the safety of the guy who nearly got his files ripped apart and is ALSO holding this entire place together with his code, mind you.
Clearly you don't understand... and I don't think you're even open to trying.
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"Not my..... isn't...- Isn't even...-" ".....Good... just... leave..... Get... out of my face... I..." "What just happened..."
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theworldibuilt4you · 6 days
Kinito, I'm sorry things have been so rough. But please don't forget that you have people that care about you. I know it might feel like it, but you are not alone.
Everything is going to be okay. We love you.
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"I.... I love you guys too..."
"So much that it hurts.."
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