thetreford · 3 years
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I’d like you to meet someone…. His name is Eric, actually Eric Manning To be more precise; Reverend Eric Manning, and he is one of the most amazing people I have ever encountered. Reverend Manning pastors a church in Charleston, South Carolina. The name of his church is Mother Emanuel A.M.E. If you know nothing of Mother Emanuel AME, it is historically one of the greatest church’s on the planet. Honestly, I have just read it’s amazing story of birth and triumph. Unfortunately, if you did know of Mother Emanuel AME, your knowledge is probably centered on the terrorist attack on the church after a Bible Study Wednesday, June 17, 2015. Based on this communities deep reach history, this tragedy is a small attempt to eliminate a rich history that runs deep and can not be erased. Yet, this heinous attack happened, and some how, this church has continued to move forward. As a pastor, especially during this season of covid, managing loss has been a skill that has been exercised almost on a daily basis. How to walk a community through loss and tragedy??? Which brings me back to Reverend Eric Manning. Today, I got time to connect with him and I quickly realized, he is uniquely gifted to handle, manage, and ensure growth through this tragedy. Another thing that was reaffirmed; the phrase “Time heals all wounds” is grossly inaccurate. Maybe, time heals SOME wounds. Six years and it is apparent that it not just scarring, but this wound is still real and painful. Yet, he still presses forward and speaking from a platform rooted in forgiveness. Even as he dealing with repeated attacks and threats, he still insists on moving forward and loving all people. The church still insist on being a place that will open doors to all. The pain they endured, does not deter his purpose. As we spent time today, I was empowered and strengthened. He repeated to me: I pray, act, and leave the rest to God. So, yes we pray, in faith we act and leave the rest to God. Thank you Reverend Eric for being gracious with your time, but for continuing to pillar of strength and an example in the kingdom. #charlestonshooting #forgiveness #purpose (at Mother Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church - Official) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQM9rKOBcm8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thetreford · 3 years
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“You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people.” ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭50:20‬ ‭NLT‬‬ Sunday morning, I walked the grounds of Fort Monroe and visited the place the first African slaves entered the country. As I was trying to explain the sequence of events to my 7 year old son, I began to think of how so many people suffered and endured the horrors of slavery. Those who inflicted the physical and mental torture only saw them as tools of labor and not as human or worthy of dignity. Good was nowhere to be found. Yet, from those who endured were birthed a lasting legacy that birthed generations that have impacted the world. I believe that that the blatant disregard for thousands of Africans placed in chains and moved around this entire earth has been used for good by a good God. What some intended to use to harm many, was repurposed by a God to work to the good of those that love him. No, I am not saying slavery was a God thing. No, it was an evil sadistic system rooted in greed, birth out of hate and those things can’t come from a good God. However, God can repurpose our mess to be something great. They intended to destroy them and abort us…but God. (at Fort Monroe at Old Point Comfort) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQGrHPVBdEy/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thetreford · 3 years
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So on most people’s birthday it’s about giving them gifts and celebrating them for the day they began life. Well, it’s my wife’s birthday and I’m gonna make it all about me. Like her birthday is more about the day we received the gift. To describe my wife as such is an understatement. I have been tremendously blessed with an amazing partner who has consistently added value to me at every turn. One of the greatest compliments I can ever receive is when I reminded of how good of a wife I have been blessed with. While this day is for her to be celebrated, to Tre, Jordan, & Hope she’s our gift. Not just us, but the many lives that she enhances on a daily basis. Not just as a uniquely gifted therapist or game changer in the mental health space, but just her presence is gift to all she encounters. WE ARE BLESSED BY HER. Yeah I’m bragging, cause I have something to brag about. https://www.instagram.com/p/CN2kB_BhGFZ/?igshid=1umv9fvp9hizu
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thetreford · 3 years
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Let me sing it: “Do you know what today issssss, it’s our anniversary” (throw back) It’s crazy to think that we have been together 2 decades and change; married a dozen of those. It’s crazy how there’s a concern for about getting old, but a pure delight on growing old together. Today marks 12 years of marriage, but I am grateful everyday for our life together. https://www.instagram.com/p/CKMRXA3B95g/?igshid=16kx4lb6lasqs
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thetreford · 3 years
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Reconciliation is messy, hard work. But it’s worth it. No, if you claim to be a follower of Christ, IT’S REQUIRED. My mind is weary at times, I wish I was afforded the luxury of ignoring the world around me. However calling is never convenient. Not just unity, but unity based and in love. (at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJz1cIiBsCl/?igshid=nwo0h6rg6cz4
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thetreford · 3 years
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Sometimes the only way God can get us in our right place is for us to be kicked out of the wrong place. We will never get to the promise land if we never move. Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take. Proverbs‬ ‭3:5-6‬ ‭NLT‬‬ https://www.instagram.com/p/CJqN0ufB75p/?igshid=et61uhk535im
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thetreford · 3 years
This is a suprisingly honest reflection. Wow
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thetreford · 4 years
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So the empty seat was mine for the weekend. I got to play “lyrics and graphics man” and I was pretty dog gone awesome!!! But, to see @mariangel719 step up and lead this weekend was a blessing and a half. She answered the call and owned it. Understand, those on the platform are nothing without the gifts and talents of those behind the scenes. Couple of things that were very apparent. @philgrande set us up amazingly. He does a lot, so when you walk in and you don’t see him, apprehension can run up on you. But he puts in the work everyday to ensure that weekends and midweeks service come off amazing every time. And he made sure success we could succeed. Maria was amazing and she owned the work. @jaisonkoshy1 does more than just make sure you have something to hear, more than a tech guy. Listen I could go on and about the work all of the @bchurchtv tech volunteers put in. The entire team makes our job so much easier. I was just in awe of all of them this weekend. Plus, every other weekend too. You guys are great. I should have gotten pictures of all them flying around, but I had to hit the space bar on time 😁. @bchurchtv has the greatest volunteers on the planet. Ushers, greeters, security, worship all are A+. And Maria, you’re a blessing and a half. (at Bethel Church Philadelphia Mills) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHoYywSBoJ9/?igshid=o49lls01s1z
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thetreford · 4 years
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No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.
Micah‬ ‭6:8‬ ‭NLT‬‬
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thetreford · 4 years
There was a time when the church was very powerful, in the time when the early Christians rejoiced at being deemed worthy to suffer for what they believed. In those days the church was not merely a thermometer that recorded the ideas and principles of popular opinion; it was a thermostat that transformed the mores of society. - Martin Luther King Jr
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thetreford · 4 years
This is sad and disheartening on so many levels.
“Race is never far from the surface of any situation in the U.S. Having come directly from South Africa, I wasn’t prepared for the way it manifests in the U.S. and quite simply, I lacked the tools to both process and deflect it. The lack of respect and empathy for Black people, especially Black women, caught me off guard, although it’s by no means unique to Spitzer. I suppose I’d say in the end that my resignation was a profound act of self-preservation.” - Lesley Loki
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thetreford · 4 years
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Be Careful https://www.instagram.com/p/CF2DxqXhB8P/?igshid=u5nyiq6betso
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thetreford · 4 years
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Be careful.
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thetreford · 4 years
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September 23........a jury decided that a young black persons life DID NOT MATTER and there would be no consequences for their unjustifiable death. Someone said, “But a “fair” jury decided the out come”. Oh really??? Yes, Breonna Taylor on September 23, 2020 was told by a system that she did not matter. Here’s what is so troubling. On September 23, 1955 a “fair” jury told Emmitt Till the SAME THING. 65 years and the only thing that has changed is the date. Do not try to play comfortable by telling yourself the lie that all are treated equal. The only thing that seems to change is the date. IT’S NOT POLITICAL TO VALUE LIFE. I am perplexed by those who are so proud to be pro-life, yet so easily and vocally attempt to justify the death of “some” individuals. Being pro-life does not stop once the person exits the womb. You’re just pro-birth. September 23 is screaming that the bathrooms have been upgraded but it’s the same “mess”. For the sake of “unity” we are told not to discuss these matters. That’s stupid. If the only way to achieve unity is at the expense of empathy, compassion, love, truth, accountability, integrity, or justice, then that unity would be at odds with the kingdom of God.
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thetreford · 4 years
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thetreford · 4 years
God's Place, God's Pace Ensures God's Grace
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thetreford · 4 years
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It’s NOT my wife’s birthday or our anniversary or anything like that, but my wife is everyday awesome. Often times, I’m the one on the platform or on someone’s screen, but understand WE are putting in work. I thought it was cool that others have noticed how gifted she is and how important she is to the overall ministry. She is gifted and makes all of this go. (at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDUWGt_pxAE/?igshid=gzylkkchw8zj
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