thespaceenby · 1 year
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thespaceenby · 2 years
I throw my sword to the side, the metal clanging hard on the cobblestone beneath. I hear my heart pounding loudly in my ears, I took the final blow, I won, father will be proud. Yet all I see is him lying there.
“Drax!” I blink
I am awoken by Hans standing in the doorway.
“Well are you ready for wedding planning, our mothers have the whole day planned and I cannot sleep.” he smiled that crooked smile of his.
I sit up and look around the room it's not even daybreak and he is fully dressed and sipping tea.
“Hans, my beloved, we still have hours until those plans start.” I grumble, shaking the dream from my head.
“I know I'm just so excited, I've already picked out your outfit, won't you try it on?”
I nod my head and stand up grinning. Of course, I can’t say no to him.
Finally fitted in a sun yellow silk shirt and matching pants, I look up in the mirror at myself, I like it. Certainly not something I'd pick myself but it was my kingdom's colours and contrasted nicely with the pale blue of Han's attire.
"Your Highness?" 
I turn to meet a courier handing me an envelope. "Thank you." I mutter carefully walking over to my desk.
"Must you always work, Drax." Hans whines as he crosses the room. "We have days till our wedding and so much to plan and here you are working."
He pushes his lips out into a pout.
"Hans, dear, just because we are planning a wedding doesn't mean we put aside our duties, and we haven't days, we have weeks left."  I give him a peck on the cheek.
"21 days."
"Three weeks dear."
He laughs and sits on the desk. "Fine fine what does it say?" 
"To the Kingdom of Aeratone, I am done discussing trade with you, I've stated my demands more than one and i will not grovel before you any longer, what ever deal you had with my father is now null and void, he is no longer ruler, he is no longer here, you will answer to me soon enough.
-Vox Serven"
Hans takes the parchment from my hands. "Vox Serven? We do not know that name?" He looks up at me after scanning the letter. "Do we?"
Shaking my head I lean back in my chair. "I have not heard the house name Serven before, what deal are they referring to? What trade was being discussed?"
Hans frowns and glances out the window. "Something is up and I'll be damned to Ravenrot if I let this interfere with our big day."
I chuckle softly and take his hand. "Let us not bring this up just yet, I fear there's a fox among hens, when you return to your keep see if the name Serven comes up."
"Drax, you better keep me posted, I am ruler of this realm, and I need to protect my people as well." Hans stands up and begins to walk away.
Grabbing his wrist I take the letter from him, pull him to me and kiss him before leaning my head against his. "Our kingdoms rule as one even before the ceremony, your people are my people, our union will rival those told in fairytales." 
"It better."
End of the first part. If yall like it I'll write more and longer parts.
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