theoneandonly-divus · 15 days
What is your favorite breed of dog and why?-🔆
That is quite a hard question to answer... but I can tell you what breed I hate, Doodles, at least any kind Poodle mix. I also hate any kind of flat-faced dogs (Brachycephalic dogs), pugs, bulldogs, pekingeses, shih tzus. etc.
I would like to say before getting into the "why" part, doodles are a preference based, while the others are an ethical based.
All information is put under the cut because of how long it turned out. Note: Due to the length of this post edits will not be added. -👾
Doodle Care:
This is to focus on the how the upkeep of these dogs are underestimated and can cause harm
Coat: One of the main reasons why these dogs are likes so much is because of their low-shedding coat. Now keep in mind that low-shedding does not mean non-shedding, their coat still sheds. Their coats need regular grooming or at least brushing to avoid matting. Unfortunately a lot of new dog owners neglect to do so, causing extreme matting to the point the dog has to be shaved.
Energy: These dogs are often marketed as a family friendly pet, which is true however, these dogs are also very high energy dogs and require a lot of enrichment. If this is not met they can easy become bored leading to destruction of furniture, clothing, etc.
Anxiety: They are one of the more pack orientated breeds. This can often lead to separation anxiety, making it quite difficult to leave them alone for long periods of time. Naturally, this is one of the easiest thing to deal with if you live with multiple people.
This is not to attack anyone wanting a Doodle, but just to be aware of what is required of them and that they are not an "easy" dog.
Brachycephalic dogs Health:
Breathing: Now there is common knowledge that these dogs struggle to breath. This is due to brachycephalic syndrome (thus why they are collectively called brachycephlic dogs), which are upper airway abnormalities; these abnormalities can range from a multitude of defects in the airway. While it can appear in other breeds it is commonly seen with dogs with flatter faces.
Skin: These dogs are also susceptible to skin issues (mostly seen with french bulldogs), which most are quite easy to prevent granted they are bathed regally. One of the most common being dermatitis, caused by the skin folds holding in moister. Pyoderma is also is another common occurrence, while it is very similar to dermatitis is is a bacterial infection rather than just irritation.
Allergies: While all dogs can have allergies, these dogs are prone to them. The list itself is very long which include but are not limited: cockroaches, plants (indoor and outdoor), dust, wheat, fish, egg, etc.
There are a much more that I left out due to time/length, if you are interested there are a bunch of really good resources that can provide you with more information than I can.
Please remember to research any dog breed before buying them. Also, for who asked sorry for taking so long to reply, we've been quite busy. -👾
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theoneandonly-divus · 21 days
Well, I’m done with finals, and I passed the one I took Monday with an 82!
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That is very good! Congratulations on passing!!
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I am looking forward to see what you will bring the next year.
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theoneandonly-divus · 26 days
Are crossover ocs and child muses allowed
OCs are more than allowed, there have been a few previous asks that involved OCs.
As far as crossovers go, you're ask can involve the other fandom but don't assume that Crewel knows about it.
While he may know that other universes exists he doesn't know what is in them.
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theoneandonly-divus · 27 days
I’ve been handling the cat spawner situation, and I think I almost got them all!
I just need to know where the one near you is-oh, wait, there it is!
(Destroys cat spawner)
There! No more cats near you, or the other staff members.
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Yes, but there is small flaw. While you have gotten rid of the cat spawners, the cats themselves are still hanging around the campus.
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theoneandonly-divus · 27 days
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I am curious Schoenheit, so far all of your appraisals of favorite musicals has been spot on.
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What would you say for Cabaret and Chicago?
I feel as though you can tell anything about a person based on their favorite musical, but everyone is to polite to say what they actually mean.
"If you like Hamliton then your a history fan!" No, if you like Hamilton then you are a gifted child who's now struggling though burn out and who is terrified of your friends leaving you as you are busy slowly loosing all confidence in yourself due to the fact you are never going to be good enough again in your own eyes, do I make myself clear?
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theoneandonly-divus · 29 days
Yuuko: Hello Professor Crewel, what happen to uhm, well Cater. After he threw a cheese at you, in which you got cheese…
Armaros: Yuuko, why are you even asking that question in the first place?
Ooc: Yuuko is my Yuusona while Armaros is my TWST OC from Diasomnia
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"Cheesed", is that what they call it?
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Do not worry about Cater, unless you wish to join him?
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theoneandonly-divus · 29 days
Someone has been placing cat spawners in the dormitories
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So I have seen.
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At this point my allergies are goi-
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theoneandonly-divus · 30 days
Thea - Mrs. Crystal is temporarily stuck in her animal form right now. And not the usual one
Ami - *in her smaller form, which is a small fluffy white dog*
((ooc: Her other form is basically what Jack has in Unleash The Beast, but she can switch between three forms whenever she wishes)
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So... she's stuck... Like that...
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Ahem, I've heard of this happening with those who are first discovering their shifting abilities. But, I'm assuming this is not her first time transforming. Interested...
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theoneandonly-divus · 30 days
Hello, Crewel! I’m ahead in all my subjects and am preparing for finals! How’s life been for you?
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What is this, a weekly check-up?
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I jest, I jest. I'm doing just fine. Good luck with your exams.
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theoneandonly-divus · 30 days
Walks over to him at the end of class, grabbing something out of his pocket before quickly unwrapping a room temperature slice of cheese and slapping it on his face
You've now been cheesed.cheeses.
It's a good luck thing I guess I don't know the cheese quest mechanics please don't punish me . I also don't recommend doing anything with that slice other than throwing it away or maybe freezing it and keeping it as a momento I guess.
Takes a quick selfie of the two of them mumbling a "for magicam" before quickly speedwalking away ducking out of the classroom like his life depended on it because he definitely did not want see his reaction or get in trouble
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Peals off the cheese and flings it into the trash with a little too much force. Gets up from his desk to peruse.
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theoneandonly-divus · 1 month
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The results are in and it is only natural that I came first.
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Who ever voted for Crowley, who hurt you? And I want to know the thought process for Ashton.
Because there’s been a lot of talk about fathers it is only right to create a poll:
This will be live for a week -👾
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theoneandonly-divus · 1 month
Hello, Crewel! How’s my favorite NRC staff member doing?
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Hello, your words flatter me, I am doing quite all right at the moment. Just going over some final grades before the exams start.
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Hopefully all of my student pass, or there will be extra lessons for those who fail.
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theoneandonly-divus · 1 month
-fearfully, Envi
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Why are you coming to me about this? Make use of that skill of yours and chew yourself out.
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theoneandonly-divus · 1 month
the NRC club rp blogs (including me) are teaming up to make a dating sim of us. Thoughts?
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Making a game is not easy, including dating sims, and requires time and patience if you do not know how to code.
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I wish you and the rest of the blogs the best of luck with this project.
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theoneandonly-divus · 1 month
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I do not know why you are telling me this. I was never involved in these plans. I have just been watching them unfold, but I never took part in them.
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theoneandonly-divus · 1 month
Althea - A friend of mine just got the job of the school nurse by the Headmage and she said she'd like to get to know you, Sensei. I think you'd get along since you're into fashion and she likes pretty dresses as far as I know ^^
(ooc: Talking about Ami here, a 23 yro wolf 'beastwoman' (she's not called a beastwoman in her world) from a different world. Crowley let her work in NRC as staff instead of a student because he's so nice)
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It is good to see that the Crow is hiring more nurses for the infirmary. With how rambunctious some of the children are, it is about time.
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Most of the staff hang out over the week end, if she would like to join us. Just do not tell Crowley.
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theoneandonly-divus · 1 month
Uh, Crewel? One of the students had an accident alchemy lab... and now that student is a Dire wolf and is currently freaking out.
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I would hope that my students were responsible, and knew to go to the infirmary after the accident.
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I know that they occasionally carry reversal potions there, but let it be known that it is going to be painful. Granted I am usually the one making it for them...
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