thememequeendiaries · 10 months
The Ghoul Boys in the Vogue Theater as per ChatGPT
After seeing the ghoul boys live on the Ghost files tour and them saying they wanted to come back to investigate the Vogue Theater, I got bored writing an essay and asked ChatGPT to write an episode of Buzzfeed Unsolved episode about the theater... thought I would go ahead and share with the class what it wrote LOL
Title: Buzzfeed Unsolved: The Enigmatic Secrets of the Vogue Theater
INTRO: Ryan stands outside a vintage theater marquee, surrounded by an air of mystery.
Ryan: Hey there, folks, and welcome back to another episode of Buzzfeed Unsolved! I'm Ryan, and today we're diving into the shadowy history of the iconic Vogue Theater. A place known not only for its enchanting performances but also for the eerie tales that shroud its past.
Shane: And I'm Shane, And I'm Shane, the one who thinks Ryan might be the ghost of a failed stand-up comedian. You know, I've heard rumors that this theater is haunted by a ghost that can out-dance Michael Jackson. I'll believe it when I see it.
ACT 1: The Glamour and the Darkness Ryan and Shane walk into the dimly lit Vogue Theater.
Ryan: Our journey begins with the rich history of the Vogue Theater. Built in 1920, this place once hosted some of the grandest vaudeville acts and silent films of its time.
Shane: Yeah, but you know what they say, Ryan. Behind every glamorous exterior lies a whole bunch of creepy stories.
ACT 2: The Mysterious Disappearance Ryan and Shane interview a local historian.
Historian: Back in the 1940s, there was a dancer named Evelyn who stole the show every night. But one fateful evening, she vanished without a trace. Some say her spirit still roams the stage, perfecting her routines.
Ryan: A vanishing act that has lasted decades? Now that's some serious dedication to the craft.
ACT 3: Dancing with the Unseen Ryan and Shane attend a late-night performance at the Vogue Theater.
Ryan: (whispering) So, Shane, you ready to witness the supernatural moonwalk?
Shane: I'll believe it when I see a ghost bust a move, Ryan.
Lights flicker, and a soft, eerie music begins to play. Suddenly, a shadowy figure appears on stage, moving in perfect rhythm.
Ryan: (excitedly) Holy moly, Shane, do you see that?
Shane: (squinting) Yeah, I see it. It's a… well-choreographed shadow.
ACT 4: Unveiling the Truth Ryan and Shane meet with a paranormal investigator.
Paranormal Investigator: We've captured some unexplainable phenomena here. Disembodied laughter, lights turning on and off, and even EVP recordings of tapping sounds.
Shane: EVPs, huh? Could just be the old pipes making noise.
Ryan: Pipes that tap in rhythm? Come on, Shane.
ACT 5: Confronting the Spirit Ryan and Shane attempt a communication session on the Vogue Theater stage.
Ryan: If there's anyone here, Evelyn, we'd love to see you dance.
Soft tapping sounds echo through the theater, and a chill runs down Shane's spine.
Shane: (nervous) Alright, alright. That's a bit unsettling.
CONCLUSION: Ryan and Shane stand outside the Vogue Theater once again.
Ryan: So, Shane, after all we've seen and heard, what's your verdict?
Shane: Look, I can't deny that there's something strange about this place. But until we see a ghost cha-cha with crystal clarity, I'm not sold.
Ryan: And there you have it, folks. The Vogue Theater, a place that has dazzled audiences for decades, and maybe, just maybe, continues to do so from beyond the grave.
Shane: And if you find yourself watching a ghostly dance-off, make sure to grab some popcorn.
OUTRO: Camera pans out as Ryan and Shane walk away from the Vogue Theater.
Ryan: Thanks for joining us on another thrilling episode of Buzzfeed Unsolved! Remember, folks, truth is out there… maybe.
Shane: And remember, if you ever meet a ghost who can moonwalk, tip your invisible hat to 'em. Until next time!
[End credits roll]
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thememequeendiaries · 4 years
Die Hard AND a heist?? Jake Peralta would 100% approve and own this game
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thememequeendiaries · 4 years
Literally everyone: none of the boys in the band are straight
Me: There's a reason their name is Sunset Curve...
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thememequeendiaries · 4 years
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Made my first background today... thought I'd make one of the Professor from puppet history because why not 🤷‍♀️
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thememequeendiaries · 6 years
for the love of god UNMUTE this
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