thehigherthefewer · 13 days
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thehigherthefewer · 19 days
Idk for some reason, people really have it in this mindset that they're healed, more authentic, and better than chronic complainers because they're always talking about how they're "unbothered" by everything, don't complain about anything, do not have an issue with literally anybody (except negative people, apparently), don't want to be around people who have issues with other people, just want to go to work and go to bed
But really they're describing depression, repression, apathy, low emotional intelligence, escapism, and/or projection
Like NOTHING bothers you except people that are bothered by things, to the point of shitting on them? Low emotional intelligence and/or apathy and/or projection.
You literally do not care how bad or good someone is because it's just not your place to give a fuck and you see everything related to morals as just unnecessary gossip? Apathy
You just don't want to deal with people ever unless they can be as shallow minded and toxic positive as you and can avoid any difficult conversations that require an understanding of struggling and trauma because it's not "live laugh love"? Low emotional intelligence, apathy, and escapism.
You just literally cannot "sit and stew" in the negativity but you can sit for days, weeks, months, etc on other people being negative because it's for some reason on your mind despite "not being bothered"? Repression and projection.
You literally don't want to acknowledge any problems of the world and just get that bag and go home and vibe? Probably depression, some repression, and more than likely escapism.
It is NOT healthy to be this apathetic toward negativity. And it's also probably the most privileged you can be, is uninterested and uncaring about the world's problems, your friend's problems, evil people, etc, but you can certainly make time to complain about the people who complain about it.
*and if you were authentic, you wouldn't need to push your performance so hard and push everyone else down in the process for living differently than you, unless they're negative to everyone because they're being a dick, like you're being one, then it's not your business*.
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thehigherthefewer · 20 days
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thehigherthefewer · 21 days
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thehigherthefewer · 24 days
Just so you know
after you die
I will not wonder
why you didn’t do
your dishes or
how long it’s been
since you
cleaned your
oven or microwave or
mopped your floors
or why there were
dust bunnies under
the bed and
behind the door
After you’re gone
I will not wonder
how you could
have allowed the
piles of old mail to
accumulate or
why you saved so
many bits and pieces
of this and that or
why you weren’t
more goal-oriented and
well-organized or
why your refrigerator
contained so many
expired condiments
When you are
absent from all your
familiar places
I vow to avoid wondering
why you didn’t
eat less and
exercise more or
why you waited so
long to stop smoking
or drinking or
whatever else was
soothing and
deadly or
why you took
whatever risk may
seem to have hastened
your exit or why
you left so much unsaid
unfinished or
I will only wonder
if you knew how much
you mattered to me
just as you are
as you were when we
met in our temporary
human disguises and
laughed in the
dressing room of the
world at how funkily
our skin suits fit
at times
I will wonder and
hope you knew
you were beloved
I will wonder when
we last hugged
and whether you
felt how our
and our bellies
bumped like boats
and then we
both sighed
~ Marva Lee Weigelt
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thehigherthefewer · 27 days
"My heart is moved by all I cannot save: so much has been destroyed. I have to cast my lot with those who age after age, perversely, with no extraordinary power, reconstitute the world."
Adrienne Rich
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thehigherthefewer · 29 days
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thehigherthefewer · 29 days
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thehigherthefewer · 1 month
Here are 7 Lessons from the book Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach:
1. Accepting Reality, Not Resignation: Radical Acceptance isn't passive resignation. It's acknowledging reality, with all its joys and sorrows, without judgment. This allows you to respond consciously instead of reacting impulsively.
2. Befriending Your Emotions: We often try to push away negative emotions like sadness or anger. Brach teaches us to befriend these emotions, allowing them to be present without judgment. This creates space for understanding and processing them.
3. The Power of Mindfulness: Mindfulness is the foundation of Radical Acceptance. By paying attention to the present moment without judgment, we become aware of our thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations. This fosters self-compassion and clarity.
4. The Cycle of Suffering: Brach explains how resistance to what is creates the cycle of suffering. By accepting reality, we break free from this cycle and experience greater inner peace.
5. Decentering from the Self: Our sense of self is often based on our thoughts and emotions, which can be fleeting and unreliable. By decentering, we step back and observe these experiences without getting attached to them.
6. Radical Compassion: Compassion isn't just for others; it's essential for ourselves too. Radical Acceptance encourages extending kindness and understanding towards yourself, even when you struggle.
7. Finding Refuge: Life can be overwhelming. Brach emphasizes finding refuge, which can be a supportive community, spiritual practice, or connection with nature. Having a source of solace helps navigate difficult times.
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thehigherthefewer · 1 month
Eihei Dogen, the founder of Soto Zen in thirteenth-century Japan, said that being enlightened means realizing that 80 percent of the time you’re deluded.
— Walking the Way by Robert Meikyo Rosenbaum
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thehigherthefewer · 1 month
By simply letting yourself be, as you are, you develop genuine sympathy toward yourself.
— Shambhala: The Sacred Path of the Warrior by Chögyam Trungpa
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thehigherthefewer · 1 month
You've got to figure out how to be happy yourself before you can really help other people be happy. (…) When you're not happy you're obsessed with only one person's plight — your own.
— Lama Marut, A Spiritual Renegade's Guide to the Good Life
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thehigherthefewer · 1 month
I have no right to call myself one who knows. I was one who seeks, and I still am, but I no longer seek in the stars or in books; I’m beginning to hear the teachings of my blood pulsing within me. My story isn’t pleasant, it’s not sweet and harmonious like the invented stories; it tastes of folly and bewilderment, of madness and dream, like the life of all people who no longer want to lie to themselves.
~ Hermann Hesse
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thehigherthefewer · 1 month
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thehigherthefewer · 1 month
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thehigherthefewer · 1 month
Sadness and anger, please forgive me.
I used to run from you.
I imagined that you were 'bad'.
Or 'unhealthy'. Or 'unspiritual'.
Or a sign of weakness.
Or a fault of 'ego' or the 'separate self'.
Or shameful.
No. No. I was wrong. You are life itself.
You belong.
I bow to you now.
I breathe into you.
I give you my breath.
Sadness, you help keep my heart open.
You remind me to let go, in each moment.
You are a beautiful release.
You help me befriend death and impermanence.
Anger, you remind me of my power.
You rise spontaneously to protect the organism.
You help me speak up without fear.
Speak truth. Speak out against falsehood.
Walk this path with courage.
Protect those I love.
Sadness and anger, please forgive me.
You are inseparable from the sacredness.
You are deeply accepted now.
In my vastness.
- Jeff Foster
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thehigherthefewer · 1 month
The distortion of truth is far more dangerous than an outright lie.
A lie can be shattered and vanquished by disproving its premise or by uncovering the facts. A lie is a fragile thing made vulnerable by its own falseness.
A distorted truth, on the other hand, borrows the solidity inherent in truth and uses that strength to uphold a falsehood. It cannot be as readily banished or dismissed as a lie.
Now consider our perception:
When we perceive something that isn’t actually there, it is called a hallucination.
When we (mis)perceive something and believe it to be something else, that is an illusion.
Thus, when speaking of illusions in a spiritual context, it is not a dismissal of the practitioner’s personal experience. To say this or that is an illusion isn’t declaring it to be hallucinated. It is a reminder that some distortion of reality is occurring, which produces illusion and therefore suffering.
When we are unaware of this distortion, or still experience a distortion as if it were real, then we are ignorant of the underlying reality. This is not a personal judgement. Spiritual ignorance is temporary and not a characteristic personal to an individual; it is inherent in the misperception of being only an individual.
It is due to illusion that we suffer, that we experience divisions where there are none, enemies where there needn’t be, fears where there shouldn’t be, and seek freedom and happiness where it cannot be found.
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