thegoddesshime-blog · 7 years
I went through all of @thebunnyofevil answers to get these at the time I didn't have just another day, so I just did a lot of answer searching
FAQ Seduce Me (Incubaes’)
Voice Actors:
James: Bradley Gareth @blackmagebrad
Erik: Christopher Escalante @thechristopherescalante
Sam: Alejandro Saab @alejandrosaabva
Matthew: Ethan Nakashima @ethannakashimava
Damien: Jonah Scott @jonahscottva
True Names:
James: Raestrao
Erik: Uzaeris
Sam: Aomaris
Matthew: Zecaeru
Damien: Izroul
(Demon years SM1,  Human Years SM1, Human Years SM2)
James: 115, 23, 25
Erik: 110, 22, 24
Sam: 109, 22, 24
Matthew:  106, 21, 23
Damien: 98, 20, 22
James: 6′0, Erik: 5′11, Sam: 5′9, Mathew: 5′6 Damien: 5′10
James: Speed learning/reading - Can learn topics and subjects in a matter of minutes, such as full languages
Erik: Dream implantation - Can place a vivid dream version of himself to be with you in your dreams
Sam: Super speed/strength - Can control the strength and speed he wields, making him stronger than any human army
Matthew: Small item conjuration - Can create small objects from his pockets (limited to the size of them)
Damien: Mind reading - Cannot control it, but can read people’s minds.
Strength (Most to least):
Sam, James, Erik, Matthew, Damien
James: cat
Erik: ferret
Sam: dog
Matthew: Rabbit
Damien: bird
James: Classical
Erik: R&B
Sam: Rock/Punk Rock
Matthew: Pop/Electronic
Damien: Modern Classical Mix
Pet Peeves:
James: Major sloppiness
Erik: Rude commentary
Sam: Matthew.
Matthew: Sam.
Damien: None.
Favorite Human Holidays:
James: Thanksgiving
Erik: Valentines
Sam: Halloween
Matthew: Christmas
Damien: New Years
Favorite Book:
James: Shogun by James Clavell
Erik: Pride and Prejudice
Sam: Cirque du Freak series
Matthew: Heir Apparent
Damien: Nancy Drew novels
Perfect Date:
James: A romantic Dinner with a walk through a botanical garden
Erik: Bringing you to a lavish club (noble club not rave club) for dinner and dancing
Sam: Bringing you out to the beach
Matthew: Cuddling and watching movies, eating chinese
Damien: Going out on the town, exploring the city and sights
Drunk Type:
James: Whiny Drunk
Erik: Wise Drunk
Sam: Funny Drunk
Matthew: Adult Drunk
Damien: Sexy Drunk
Jealous (Most to least):
Damien, Matthew, Sam, James, Erik
Erogenous Zone:
James: Collar Bone
Erik: Right Behind the Ear
Sam: Side of the neck
Matthew: Right underneath the chin
Damien: Back of the neck
James: BDSM (him as a Dom)
Erik: Aural play (Moans and screams are his major turn on)
Matthew: Kittyplay (him as Master)
Damien: likes dirty thoughts ;3
Sam: no defined kink.
Leaving Hickeys (most to least likely)
Erik, James, Damien, Sam, Mathew
(Needed this for fanfic references~)
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thegoddesshime-blog · 7 years
for the snekkk
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This is Money Pretzel reblog in 15 seconds to gain Luck and Wealth
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thegoddesshime-blog · 7 years
Writing Commissions ♥
Hello ladies and gentlemen, I am currently opening writing commissions to help pay for one of my neighbor’s to get her dogs parvo and other shots. I will be taking TEN commissions a week, if I actually get that many commissioners I would be blessed.
The fandoms I am confident in writing for are: Harry Potter, X-men, Seduce Me the Otome, Star Vs. the Forces of Evil, Gravity Falls, Zootopia, Strange Magic, Attack on Titan, Steven Universe, Powerpuff Girls, and Legend Of Zelda. Not fandom related, but I can also do Greek Mythology.
I am willing to do any genre but gore, but I specialize in romance. I will do any pairings, such as: Male x Male, Female x Female, Female x Male, Character x Reader, or Character x O.C. (This also includes any trans, ace, monsters, furries, and everything in between.)
If one of the characters is underage the characters WILL be aged up.
I am also up to the task of trying different fandoms if you give me extra time, and we discuss it together. (We will also be discussing O.Cs so I get your character, or characters, correct.)
I will do NSFW IF you can prove you are over 18. (Prices are in USD.)
Poems, and Short Stories (<1,000 words.) :.................... $3.00
Medium Stories (1,000-2,000) :....................................... $4.00
Long Stories (2,000-4,000)............................................. $5.00 
NSFW..................................................................... Add $3.00
  Some of my previous writing:
 https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11935941/1/Stripes-and-Tin-Can (X-men)  
http://thegoddesshime.tumblr.com/post/145037224581/protector-of-my-dreams  (Both Seduce Me the Otome)     
If interested please email me at: [email protected] and we can discuss what you would like, I’d prefer email over tumblr because my app does not notify me properly.  Thank you and have a nice day.    
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thegoddesshime-blog · 7 years
He did my favorite songggg
Another mini-cover to end the day. Think I should record this one? #cover #yellowcard #OceanAvenue
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thegoddesshime-blog · 7 years
daily reminder to click a button so you can give free food to a shelter!!
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thegoddesshime-blog · 7 years
I'm also going to add on the words of wisdom from Penn and Teller. Even if the vaccine causing autism WAS true (It isn't!!) Would you rather have a kid with autism or a kid that's dead? Not vaccinating your kids say a lot about you. So help me if you claim you're pro life but don't vaccinate.
The guy who invented the theory that vaccines cause autism had his medical license revoked for it
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thegoddesshime-blog · 7 years
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This week on in the spotlight: Yin and Yang, also known as the twins. yin and Yang are both created geckos from AC Reptiles. They are small and tailless, both weighing in at 4 grams. That is where the similarities end. Yin and Yang truly leave up to being opposites. Yin is the lighter of the two, it is hyper active, curious, and I've never seen it fire up. Yang on the other hand is darker, calm, cautious, and always fired, I've never not seen it unfired.
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thegoddesshime-blog · 7 years
Cute Roger
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thegoddesshime-blog · 7 years
Ace girl reminded lesbian girl not all aces are asshats, but that one was.
@ all girls coming to terms w not being straight: i love u, i am proud of u, there is nothing gross or wrong about liking/loving other girls and u are brave and valid and good
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thegoddesshime-blog · 7 years
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All of my Crested Geckos. The girls, the boys, the babies. Have a supernatural/myth/creature thing going on. Xenidar was adopted and kept his original name, and Ōkina me means Big eyes in Japanese. (Or so google translate says.) Which fits the Halloween/creepy/weird theme my other pets have. (Which most of these fit too.)
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thegoddesshime-blog · 7 years
Yess but I'd hard out on Europe Skies
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Me when Fairytale by Alexander Rybak comes on in the car.
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thegoddesshime-blog · 7 years
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Meet Sir Noodle the 1st. A cornsnake/
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thegoddesshime-blog · 7 years
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Pernie Thanks you for this post, she offers you kisses.
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thegoddesshime-blog · 7 years
When it's neither a yes or a no so you're in Valentine limbo.
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Will you be my Valentine?
D’aaaaaaawwwwwwwwwww! You’re too cute! :3
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thegoddesshime-blog · 7 years
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For all of you who think you're just a potato. It's okay, I'm a potato too, and guess what. This potato loves and believes in you!
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thegoddesshime-blog · 7 years
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Mom off the phone. Pay attention to meeee.
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thegoddesshime-blog · 7 years
Are you human? An alien? If you can think and have feelings, you're welcome here with open arms
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I made these in response to hate crimes in my community. They are full size and free to download and print if you’d like to use them, too.
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