Yeah actually I just checked the French audio and it’s the same sound. I don’t see them putting a muffled English line in the French dub…
Also just tested it and it can also sound like it’s saying “kill ebay” lol
A very interesting rumor about the final moments of Echoes when the light shines on the doors to the supercomputer with the XANA symbol, XANA supposedly says the phrase, "I'll be back" albeit the audio is very muffled. I checked the scene myself and when I raise the volume I can hear something being said during it; but it's so fast, unclear, and the music interferes. Do you know how to isolate or clear up audio from a CL episode or know someone who does to check what's being said, if anything?
I think I've heard the rumour before but I'm not sure anyone has confirmed it. Unfortunately I know basically nothing about audio editing so I can't look into it myself :B But maybe someone who sees this post can have a try.
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I’m pretty sure that’s just the sound effect of the light coming through the slats.
The human mind is an incredible pattern seeker. It finds patterns even where there aren’t any. It’s the reason why we can see the shape of a face in things that are definitely not faces, but are instead, like, a wonky looking sink faucet.
I think that sound is a wonky looking sink faucet
A very interesting rumor about the final moments of Echoes when the light shines on the doors to the supercomputer with the XANA symbol, XANA supposedly says the phrase, "I'll be back" albeit the audio is very muffled. I checked the scene myself and when I raise the volume I can hear something being said during it; but it's so fast, unclear, and the music interferes. Do you know how to isolate or clear up audio from a CL episode or know someone who does to check what's being said, if anything?
I think I've heard the rumour before but I'm not sure anyone has confirmed it. Unfortunately I know basically nothing about audio editing so I can't look into it myself :B But maybe someone who sees this post can have a try.
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"Hey, I taught you that!"
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51 - Revelation || 90 - Wrong Exposure
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Hi I guess
Instead of working on an essay due in two days, I got a Tumblr account. I am going to waste so much time.
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