thebonewound · 3 years
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Philip Geiger (1,2) | Michael Mao | Richard Alan Schmid | Ron Hicks | Alyssa Monks | Jeremy Lipking | Federico Zandomeneghi | Serge Marshennikov | Clarice Lispector
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thebonewound · 3 years
not to be a hater but bo burnham is not funny
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thebonewound · 3 years
apologies to the male community i just spoke to my dad
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thebonewound · 3 years
men are such dirty disgusting shameful litlte creatures…… get help all of u .. omfg
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thebonewound · 3 years
it helps to think of femme identity as a role you take on in your environment rather than a category you’re designed by virtue of the genital arrangement or the clothes you wear.
joan nestle once talked about the role she habitually took on when the cops would come into bars to collect their bribes and harass the patrons. It was her job, she explained, to keep her partner, a butch, from going completely berserk and attacking the cops who were trying to bait them into that exact thing. it was joan’s job to keep her partner’s attention focused on her, to calm them down, and to prevent her lover from being beaten, assaulted, raped, or imprisoned. that was the context of femme, for that person, in that time, in that place.
and that’s the thing about a lot of these old labels and the roles that went with them— they were one word descriptions for parts in a play that would take place every time a cop invaded our spaces.
some roles were about keeping one’s loved ones focused and distracted so as to avoid drawing violence from the police. some roles were about distracting the police— mocking them or physically attacking them or simply drawing their attention so that other people could escape physically or escape notice completely. some roles were about taking care of people after they drew attention from the police; physically and emotionally and psychically. this could be done by being extremely funny. this could be done by administering medical care. this could be done by involving lawyers, and paying for the lawyers.
the list goes on. so much culture stems from the defensive archetypes and power/healing fantasies that rose from a period of heavy policing. and they’d trade labels all the time, especially as the labels evolved along with the roles and more and more spaces with much lighter police presence opened up. the language disintegrated and coalesced around new archetypes and new fantasies.
but it always goes back to that— who’s who when the police walk into the room.
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thebonewound · 3 years
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U are not fooling anyone
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thebonewound · 3 years
lucy dacus new album is saving me… Thank you lucy
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thebonewound · 3 years
when you actually, really think about it everything we do is because were hopeful. good or bad whatever we do its because we hope itll accomplish something or cause something to happen. all that has ever been done is because of human hope. its just our nature to be hopeful
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thebonewound · 3 years
this video is so good watch it
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thebonewound · 3 years
Porn embodies, in one fucking place, every horrific abuse women have struggled to articulate and survive. Rape, battery, degradation, trafficking, abuse. Except it all gets called “sex.” 
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thebonewound · 3 years
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My boyfriend My boyfriend has some peculiar tastes about me. Tastes that distance me from myself. My boyfriend likes it when I look lost. When I look innocent. He’s older than me. And would never date a woman his age. Let alone an older one. He also doens’t like tall women. Or muscular women. He likes it when I show fragility. He likes it when I ensure vulnerability.
My boyfriend has some peculiar tastes about me. Tastes that distance me from myself. He feels unconfortable with my intelligence Or when I do something that demands dexterity. He loves it when I pretend I don’t know. And resort to his opinions. He likes to feel like he’s my teacher. And like I’m his enamored student. The opposite bothers him. He finds me sexy when I look stupid WIth my mouth half open And a finger against my lips.
My boyfriend has some peculiar tastes about our relationship. Tastes that distance me from myself. He likes me with my armpits shaven Like I was before puberty. He likes me without hair on my crotch Like his 8 year old niece’s crotch. At most, a small bush over my clitoris Like a 13 year old’s crotch. My breats should look like an adolescent’s Or he leaves me for someone else.
My boyfriend has some peculiar tastes about our relationship. Tastes that distance me from myself. He feels good about yelling at me. He feels good about controlling what I can wear. He likes to pick me up on his lap. He asks me to call him “daddy”. He finds me sexy when I come to him crawling. He turns me on my back and spanks me. He bought me a schoolgirl costume. He asks me to wear pigtails and suck on a lollipop. That’s exactly how my neighbor’s 10 year old Wears when she goes to school. Just like it arouses him.
My boyfriend has some peculiar tastes about me. Tastes that distance me from myself. His tastes may sound eccentric. But they are the same as my friends’ boyfriends’. And my neighbors’ husbands’. The same that appear on TV. That same on the magazines. That’s the way to win a man over, We soon find out. To look like little girls. That’s the way to win a man over.
My boyfriend has some peculiar tastes about me. He’s just taken his niece to the park. - Written by a brazilian black radical feminist, Keli Cristina translated by Usagi Whispers Gif is from Lolita movie, 1997
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thebonewound · 3 years
OM OMFG. ok so theres this school trip tomorrow but i have to be up at EIGHT AY EM to go.. 😢i honestly think im gonna take sleeping pills so i can wake up early
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thebonewound · 3 years
no offense but im tired of getting up everyday and pretending i dont want to kill myself 24/7
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thebonewound · 3 years
Omfggggggg i have to fix the link in my desc its broke i fr wanna kill moiself. ..
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thebonewound · 3 years
trying not to kill myself because i have a headache…..
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thebonewound · 3 years
thinking abt life is strange..
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thebonewound · 3 years
i swear somethung is wrong with my phone BOTH of my headphones broke in it but theyre fine on everything else.. What the hell.
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