theangelremade · 3 years
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Arbitrator and Chaos Defiler 
by Sacha Diener
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theangelremade · 3 years
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theangelremade · 3 years
Valrak just said the funniest thing I’ve ever heard him say ever.
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because it’s not like custodes get violently triggered just by being NEAR eldar statues, right? I love Valrak and I hope I can give him a hug one day but these are levels of imperiumbrain that shouldn’t be possible
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theangelremade · 3 years
I suppose i've never mentioned which marine groups i actually like in general outside of rp [which has dried up at this point] huh?
death guard obviously, more so for their primarch and horus heresy aesthetic then for the nurgle look tbh. ive grown to accept it, but the nurgle look just doesnt gel with me. thankfully the DG have alot of aesthetic aspects unique to them and not nurgle that i do enjoy so take what ya can huh
on the other end of the scale, i love noise marines and the slaanesh look in general for the sortta pink and purple evil rave look it has going on a lot, and the potential variance there in i find more liberating then nurgle. by contrast their horus heresy days are just kinda meh to me
iron warriors shooty and heavy industrial metal vibes i gel with in all iterations, and the sort of unintentional kinderedness of them and the death guard despite having no notable interactions to date is neat
red corsairs are neat, a pirates life for me and all that. plus the narrative threads leading to them have a lot of potential, and honestly if any chaos marine faction deserved a unique army list it was the red corsairs before either the death guard or the thousand sons
marines malevolent, bitter hateful fucks and walking embodiments of the very rot at the imperium's core. i like em because the irony of their existence is actually somewhat tragic because of the cosmic joke they kinda are at the imperiums expense. they're your usual band of vicious psychopaths juiced up on steroids, given a gun and told to kill as many enemies of the imperium as possible by any means necessary, but they specifically are the ones to get shit over it from the rest of the imperial body. theyre actually kinda like heresy era death guard or iron warriors in that respect, in that they get the brunt of criticism despite not really doing anything odd by imperial atrocity standards that isnt already in the tactics primer any imperial general or leader would be expected to follow. and yet they specifically are the ones singled out and shunned by their allies for it. it leaves a lot of range in essence for depiction from unironic assholes with puffed up egos, to bitter jerks cut off from imperial support and taking their frustrations out on other people. always the monsters or slowly becoming them, regardless always a monster of the imperiums own making. or my personal favorite interpretation, the truth of the adeptus astartes. not anything special by space marine standards of bitter assholery because they are the average of behavior in essence with true nobility being an outlier
howling griffons, ironically just because of their quartered colour pattern and because they have griffons as a symbol. their weird obsession with oaths in an oddly more clinical sense then the black templars oath making also creates an odd picture of what they must be and behave like as these otherwise pretty chill dudes, by astartes standards, who will go to insane lengths to fulfill weird requests or jobs at the same time. like, imagine an ultramarine obsessively stalking this one imperial governor who insulted the chapter at one point yet still acting like an upstanding ultramarine about it the entire time.
minotaurs, because again the colour palette and symbolic animal just speak to my tastes so much, i might have the same gold problem as the emperor tbh. the thing that makes them stick to me is the implication of them being a pet project of the high lords, like shit man that raises a lot of interesting questions about wtf is going on there as does the whole possibly immortal/body jumping chapter master thing. like they should have so much more presence in 40k then GW actually lets them have, these assholes deserve a unique army list before the black templars man
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theangelremade · 3 years
Tzeentch: you utter TRUTH? You utter unvarnished truth? Oh! Oh! Jail for Malach'raccatax! Jail for Malach'raccatax for Ten Thousand Years!!!!
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theangelremade · 3 years
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Magnus The Red
by Jaime Martinez
(via Warhammer Community)
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theangelremade · 3 years
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this scene and dialogue between kharn and argel tal is my favorite bc its early on in the book and humanizes the WE, this two page scene makes you sympathize with the 12th in a genuine way. ok i might do art for other legions next but i never get tired of drawing the WE.
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theangelremade · 3 years
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Path of Exile 2.0 Monster Concepts (4 of 6) - mike franchina
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theangelremade · 3 years
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My new character for our RotFM campaign, after Vuani was tragically killed by the Frostmaiden. This is Chandrys A'Daran, my drow Underdark druid! She’s a faithful servant of Lolth, but her unusual loyalty to her elder brother, Jevek, has brought the two of them into the party as they hunt for the vampite that turned him. She’s happy to make Auril the ultimate sacrifice to the Spider Queen!
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theangelremade · 3 years
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Sloppity Bilepiper 
by Antonio J. Manzanedo
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theangelremade · 3 years
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Art by David Sondered.
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theangelremade · 3 years
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Chaos Marines
by fat-elf
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theangelremade · 3 years
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Dire Avenger
by Miguel Mitchell Da Silva
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theangelremade · 3 years
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Female haemonculus, by zliva_art.
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theangelremade · 3 years
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Drukhari haemoxyte, by hushabye
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theangelremade · 3 years
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by  wonbin lee
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theangelremade · 3 years
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