I'm not sure if this will come out right but:
Being loved is NOT a reward for being beneficial or useful in any way. You don't become less deserving of being loved if you aren't productive for a day or if you have a bad day and can't get out of bed.
I promise. Being loved has nothing to do with how you "help" the world or those around you.
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Don't let the media make what's happening with Israel, Iran and Jordan into some "middle-east problem" again. This was entirely orchestrated and encouraged by the US and the UK. Israel initiated every attack against Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, and Iran. Israel KILLED, targeted, the children and grandchildren of Palestinians political leaders. And the US could've stopped all of this by simply not giving Israel money and weapons bu they didn't.
The Western media has constructed this narrative that countries like Iraq and Iran are the problem and the western nations are the antidote keeping their 'terrorism' at bay. No, they have always and at all times started the conflicts, or worsened them.
Because they want the land, they want hegemony over the resources of that region and that is it. And they've demonstrated already by killing over 33,000 people that they'll do anything.
Stop joking about World War 3 and take the loss of lives and the horror of what is happening seriously. This cannot keep escalating
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The person I reblogged this from deserves to be happy.
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It is absolutely possible to have healthy and fulfilling relationships if you have a personality disorder. It isn’t hopeless.
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🚨URGENT, I'm asking ur help to evacuate us out of Gaza after we lost everything🚨
Hello, I'm Fahmi from northern Gaza.
My family and I, 7 members, we are currently displaced in Rafah in the south.
We are in a tent and there is no any necessities of life, no safety and no medical treatment for my elderly parents, no potable water and healthy food.
My home, my family’s home and my job was destroyed by the occupation. We don’t have any source of income, we need your help to save our lives and leave Gaza to any country but this requires high cost.
We no longer have hope for living a safe and happy life. After losing hope, intense frustration, and great sadness as a family who hopes that we live in healthier environment and a life we deserve , we decided to leave our country and travel to start our life from scratch outside Gaza so that we can live a happy and safe life so we can ensure secure future with a happy life in which there are no wars, hunger, fear, displacement, and heartbreak.
However, I will not be able to do that without your assistance and support, don’t make escaping from Gaza IMPOSSIBLE.
Every donation will help me and my family to survive.
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This my home street after bombing!!
🚨🚨 Help please
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the-stars-are-alive · 1 month
The person I reblogged this from deserves to be happy.
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the-stars-are-alive · 1 month
Hey. Hey. Use it/its pronouns when people ask you to cowards
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the-stars-are-alive · 1 month
something you (the moderate, the two-stater, the believer in 'israeli state') do not understand is that no Palestinian is safe under any iterations of the concept of the 'israeli' state because a Palestinian implies there to be something fundamentally flawed in the colonial state of 'israel'.
how can there be such a thing such as 'israel' if there is such as a thing as 'palestine' right underneath it, between its cracks and crevices, blocked away with walls and prisons and electric fences? how can there be an 'israel' that is a state but also a Palestine that exists even without statehood, without that legitimacy offered to it on paper and in old rickety bureaucracies?
because even if i, or my parents, do not live on Palestinian land, we are still Palestinian. we do not lose that identity no matter what. and our children, our childrens children, so on so on will also be Palestinian. but 'israel'? there can be no such thing without legitimacy from the colonial network. there is no 'israel' because it does not exist in any meaningful way. the only way for 'israel' to exist is for others to lend it legitimacy.
and a colonial state, an apartheid state, cannot have it be questioned or disproved so easily. lest it lose that legitimacy. hence, the "Palestinian" is a threat to its existence. the Palestinian shows there is a possibility other than 'israel,' something that existed before and will continue to exist after. a Palestinian can lose everything — their house, their family, their limbs — but they will still be Palestinian. their identity will remain unchanged, no matter what. but an 'israeli'?
an 'israeli's' identity is tied to the legitimacy of their state, which by nature of the state, is that of supremacy and domination. without the state — the apartheid state mind you — there wouldn't be an 'israeli,' in the political sense, as there is no deeper identity beyond ben gurion, beyond herzl. there is no history of 'israel' politically beyond that of a colonial state. that is why, a threat to the state of 'israel' is a threat to the idea of domination and colonization.
the Palestinian is a threat to that because that implies a truth and a history and an idea and an *alternative* to the status quo. no, a Palestinian will never be safe if there is an 'israel.' but an 'israeli' can be safe if there is a Palestine.
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the-stars-are-alive · 1 month
we are so ableist about memory. people with good memory take for granted the fact that they can recall as much as they can, and use that to taunt, guilt and threaten people with memory issues. many neurotypes and mental illnesses cause memory lapses. traumatic brain injuries can cause memory lapses. brain cancer can cause memory lapses.
even if your memory is good, it's not right to guilt someone because they can't remember something. trust me, people with memory problems are desperately trying to remember: it's just that we literally can't. it is a very literal "i can't remember".
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the-stars-are-alive · 1 month
vegans making honey a bee labour issue is the funniest thing imaginable because like, you picked the one animal that has already unionised
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the-stars-are-alive · 1 month
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Well this sure hit me like a ton of bricks
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the-stars-are-alive · 1 month
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“I will be no longer complicit in genocide. I am about to engage in an extreme act of protest, but compared to what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonizers, it is not extreme at all. This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal. Free Palestine. Free Palestine. Free Palestine.”
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the-stars-are-alive · 1 month
My last post on this didn’t get a ton of traction so I’m trying again. The latest budget proposal for NYC includes a $58.3 million cut to public libraries.
Previous cuts forced NYC public libraries to close on Sundays, and this further round of cuts would likely force libraries to end weekend service entirely. Additionally, it would mean further cuts to programming and the indefinite delay of reopening libraries that have been closed for renovation, which would leave entire neighborhoods without a library.
There is a preliminary budget hearing on May 21, and until then libraries are asking people to sign a letter here to urge the mayor’s office and city council to reverse the cuts.
I know things are terrible in a lot of ways right now and people probably feel overwhelmed and burnt out, but signing this letter (or reblogging this post) is a small, quick, concrete way to make a difference.
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the-stars-are-alive · 1 month
Another friend of the family had to leave her house in Rafah today because of the warning from the IOF. She had gathered the funds to evacuate her family to Egypt, but just as she was about to leave, they closed the border. She is absolutely devastated. Hundreds of families are experiencing this now.
And now they're bombing Jabaliya. There's not a single moment of rest for Ghazzawi.
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the-stars-are-alive · 1 month
boycotting eurovision is not simply about israeli participation. you have to understand that, the presenting sponsor of eurovision is moroccan oil, an israeli brand. israel’s money is all over eurovision. i keep seeing people hoping for israel to be banned from participating, but lbr it’s never going to happen. i’ve seen people post evidence of israel having paid advertising telling people to vote for them etc. the whole show is israeli propaganda and i am begging you not to watch it and to keep your eyes on gaza tonight, keep your eyes on rafah
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the-stars-are-alive · 1 month
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Hey guys? I could really use some help paying rent this month. My court date to be evicted is on the 22nd of May. My boyfriend lost his job recently, but has gotten a new job. However, the first paycheck won’t be delivered in time.
I… really need help. I don’t have much food. Most of my money is going to gas to get my boyfriend to work. I’m… running out of options. I need help. Please. Even a share helps.
I can’t work because my back is really messed up but the disability process where I live can take YEARS.
Another thing: I have an emotional support cat and I really don’t want to give her up but I’m not gonna make her live out of a car. I’m really scared of losing her.
They also took away my food stamps for some reason so I have no way of getting food until they reinstate my card.
Please help if you can.
Cshapp | Vnmo | PayPl
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the-stars-are-alive · 1 month
Reminder to Click for Palestine today!
Thank you kindly! 🕊️
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