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Reblog if you wouldn't mind some curious anons
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the-prussian-musician · 11 years
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the-prussian-musician · 11 years
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Nauener Tor | Potsdam, Germany
photo by thisoysterismyhometown
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the-prussian-musician · 11 years
“Passion. It lies in all of us. Sleeping… waiting… and though unwanted, unbidden, it will stir… open its jaws and howl. It speaks to us… guides us. Passion rules us all. And we obey. What other choice do we have? Passion is the source of our finest moments. The joy of love… the clarity of hatred… the ecstasy of grief. It hurts sometimes more than we can bear. If we could live without passion, maybe we’d know some kind of peace. But we would be hollow. Empty rooms, shuttered and dank. Without passion, we’d be truly dead.”
― Joss Whedon (via passiontears)
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the-prussian-musician · 11 years
Reblog if your icon is a fine piece of ass.
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the-prussian-musician · 11 years
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Güstrow, Germany (by Inecita)
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the-prussian-musician · 11 years
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Germany this summer
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the-prussian-musician · 11 years
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the-prussian-musician · 11 years
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the-prussian-musician · 11 years
I automatically assume people won’t like me, so I don’t talk to them unless they approach me first. I can’t become a part of a crowd because I can’t get past that feeling that I don’t belong.
Stephanie Kuehnert (via kiokushitaka)
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the-prussian-musician · 11 years
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the-prussian-musician · 11 years
Overly Sexual Ask Prompts
Anything you could ever want to ask your favorite muses...IN BED! All of the things you were dying to ask, but weren't sure how to ask! All of the things you didn't want to know, but want to ask anyway!
Tie me, Bite me: Name a kink.
That's Naughty: Name something you would want to try in bed, but won't.
That's Nice: Name something you want to try in bed and will.
Self Torture: What do you like to masturbate to?
Wine and Dine: Is it important to have a nice prelude before having relations?
Sweet Kisses: Are you a good kisser?
Tasty: Chocolate? Whipped cream? Do you use food with sex?
Two's a crowd and three's a party!: Have you participated in a threesome? Any more than three? Would you be interested in inviting more people?
Swinger: Ever traded partners before?
BJ: Swallow or spit? What do you prefer?
Porn Collection: Do you watch porn? Do you make your own porn?
Vibrator: Use any toys? Have a favorite?
Tempo: Sweet and slow or hard and fast?
Secret Lover: Describe someone you lust after. No names!
Washing Machine: Ever do it in a weird place before?
Sheets: Are silk sheets sexy?
Thong Song: Do you like sexy lingerie?
Flavor: What's your orientation?
Turn On: Name a turn on.
Turn Off: Name a turn off.
Frequency: How many times do you have relations in a week?
Heart and Soul: Is love important when you have sex?
Good Morning: Do you partake in morning sex?
French Maid: Do you roleplay in bed?
Mood: How do you create the mood? Favorite atmosphere?
Takeout: Do you and your partner "eat out" often?
Trouser Snake: Does size matter? Is it big?
Meow: Shaved or natural?
Gossip: Do you sleep and tell?
First Time: Who was your first time with?
Keep it Down!: Are you loud when you make love?
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the-prussian-musician · 11 years
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the-prussian-musician · 11 years
Elise smiled back at Goebbels. Although she didn't particularly care for Goebbels or the fact that he was one of Hitler's lap dogs, he ultimately seemed like a nice man. "I will be looking forward to the premier, Herr Doktor," Elise said pleasantly. She glanced at Hans and then back to Goebbels. "Hans and I were planning to be married within the month, so...perhaps in that time, I will meet you again as Frau Landa."
Elise had not yet had a chance to tell Hans that she already had her dress picked out and put back for her. Frederick had agreed to pay for the dress, though Elise would pay him back when she was able, and it would allow them to have the wedding much sooner. In fact, she almost couldn't wait.
Goebbels was taking a sip from his glass of wine before the question was posed to him from Elise. He set the glass down and sat forward with his arms up on the table. “Ah! Well,” he began. “I was thinking in two weeks time or so, as long as the cinema can be arranged and invitations can be sent to the officers.” Goebbels seemed excited just thinking about it. He was a small man, but he spoke largely and he was a rather overzealous about his actions. 
Hans turned to look at Elise for a moment with a soft smile as he felt her hand on his lap, but the fun he was having in toying with Shosanna was far too much fun for him to ignore. The more she behaved nervously with him, the more he was certain who she really was. However, as Hans felt Elise’s hand remain on his lap, he suddenly felt conflicted. Three very important Nazis were sitting at this table with him, three Nazis who’d be very interested to find out that the person sitting beside Zoller was actually a Jew who had escaped him a couple years back. Because of this, Hans turned to Shosanna to pose as if he were asking a question. 
“Mademoiselle Mimieux, there was something else I’ve been meaning to ask you,” he began, but then he turned away, staring blankly at the table with a cigarette between his fingers as if forgetting what he wanted to say. 
The woman he loved was also sitting with him, and the woman he love did not approve in the least what the Nazis, or him for that matter, were doing. If he revealed who Shosanna was, she may never forgive him. He’d have to make an exception… or perhaps change who he was entirely. 
“… but I can’t for the life of me remember what it was. Hm… must not have been important.” 
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the-prussian-musician · 11 years
"Oh, that is a shame to hear about your parents," Elise said sympathetically. "My parents died when I was eleven from the influenza, so my grandfather raised me. But you do a wonderful job at running your cinema. Hans and I visit at least once a month."
Elise rested a hand on Hans' leg under the table, but as she watched her fiance and Mimiuex, she noticed that there was some sort of strange air between them...some sort of tension she could not explain. Mimieux appeared to be nervous, and Hans...well, Elise couldn't put her finger on it. She knew he wasn't flirting -- he knew better. But she couldn't for the life of her figure out his behavior. Mimieux really had no reason to be nervous -- if she was. She shouldn't have anything to hide....should she? Or maybe Elise was reading into it too much.
Instead, she chose to speak to Goebbels. "So, Herr Doktor," she began. "When will this premiere take place?"
Having not been informed of her cinema being an option for the premier until that moment at dinner, her eyes seemed to look away nervously. “My cinema?” she asked, the question directed towards Goebbels. Hans leaned forward, getting enjoyment in seeing her react in such a manner, as he was already aware of who she must be. 
“Yes, it was Herr Zoller’s idea, actually. I had another cinema in mind, but Zoller seemed convinced that yours was the best choice. I’ve created quite the persuasive monster!” Goebbels spoke somewhat theatrically and only in German. His interpreter had to repeat what he said in French so that Shosanna cold understand. 
“Tell me, Mademoiselle Mimieux,” Hans butted in, taking a sip from his glass of water casually. “How did you come about owning a cinema at such a young age?”
Shosanna’s eyes flickered nervously to Hans. “It handed down to me by my parents after they died,” she replied. 
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the-prussian-musician · 11 years
Shosanna's lips twitched into a pleasant smile, and her eyes shifted to Elise. "I own and operate Le Gammar cinema," she said, in French.
Elise smiled. "Oh! Hans and I see pictures there all the time," she said. "We love it!"
"We were actually about to discuss the idea of doing the premiere of a movie Zoller is starring in," Goebbels added. "It's about Zoller's heroics that Hans had described."
"Oh...well, you must be very proud Herr Zoller," Elise said pleasantly, though really, she hated war movies. The waiter brought her wine and she sipped it. "So, a premiere. Madmoiselle Mimieux, it must be very exciting to have your theater chosen for something so important."
  Elise smiled and nodded at all of them. “Hallo, very nice to meet you all.” She laid a napkin down in her lap and ordered a water from the waiter along with a glass of Chablis. She turned to Hans, resting her hands in her lap. “So, Liebling, you have told me of how you know Doktor Goebbels. How are you acquainted with everyone else?”
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