Yuma! Did you know a girl one left her hair in the same style for a few months,and when she took it down she saw that spiders laid eggs in her hair :)
Yuma: . . . !!
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Yuma: I-I mean... I wash 'n brush my hair regularly, so s'not like they're gonna just appear in my hair... Right?
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ugh Shu!! My parents are forcing me to take extra classes during day even when I already take night school classes!!! Can you believe it, like when I am I supposed to take a break? I tried talking to them but they brushed me off….I want to be 18 already and gain some control over my life…
Shuu: Wishing to grow up already? Like looking into mirror...
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Shuu: Kid, you've got no idea. It's all downhill from here, so just ride it out. Classes are the least of your worries...
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Shuu: And at least you don't have a Reiji on your ass.
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the urge to cling to ayato every second,every day is so strong. I just want to hug and never let go honestly 💀
Ayato: Only got eyes for Yours Truly, huh? Bordering on fan-behaviour for sure, but it's not like I can blame you, heh.
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Laito-kun, can I be greedy just this once and have a nice long hug? It’s been such a long and tiring day and I’m really trying my best.
Laito: Nfufu, when you ask s~o nicely, how can I refuse? Let your Laito take a~ll the weight off your shoulders.
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Reiji’s reaction to a s/o who crochets tea coasters and doilies and places them around the mansion for him to use with his tea sets. Her favourite ones always go in his study. Shhh.
Reiji: At what point does this develop from doilies to tea cosies? Fufu, for now, I see little issue with it. It is a cute hobby.
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Reiji: At the very least, it spares the furniture from from heat stains.
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136 notes · View notes
Here is proof of Cordelia doing those exact things. This is the text code from the games themselves. I am not making Cordelia into a black-and-white character, I am simply stating you cannot deny the fact that she did, indeed, abuse her children. End of story.
Kanato's Ecstasy Prologue:
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"燃える" = to get fired up (by extension, slang to mean to be aroused)
Kanato's Maniac Prologue:
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Laito's Maniac Prologue:
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Laito's Maniac Epilogue:
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Both the above three scenarios clearly have sexual undertones and, not solely blood-sucking. You have the Japanese, and a translated, proof-read English version from the team - myself included - who worked on the patch; We have not altered the canon material, this is clearly what Rejet intended. That is literally a whole backstory plot.
To say otherwise is baffling to not only me and the English fandom but the Japanese fandom as well; It is insulting that you regard the entire English fandom as inferior for this, when it is simply canon. This isn't a debate on whether her parenting was old-fashioned, or whether it compares to the Tsukinami's parenting; This is a debate about the fact that: YES, the triplets WERE abused.
This is the last I'll say on the matter. Do not interact with me if you simply wish to push your defence on Cordelia. Everyone can agree on the saying "don't like? don't interact", and this is no exception. You are free to make your own content, but actively ignoring canon and - far worse - normalising this abuse is not something I want on my page.
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Я так понимаю, юзер @the-mostdiabolik-of-lovers все никак не успокоится. В таком случае и я тоже не хочу молчать, уже много лет терплю все эти издевательства от англофэндома.
Дорогая @the-mostdiabolik-of-lovers, пойми уже, пожалуйста, что если ты ведешь блог с реакциями, то каждый читатель имеет право отписаться в комментариях, если с чем-то не согласен и если его формулировка в рамках допустимого. Я просто указала на то, что твой пост не соответствует каноничной Корделии, в этом нет ничего преступного. Не нравится такой подход и предпочитаешь лишь лесть? Блокируй, если хочется. Закрывай комментарии, если хочется. Но зачем выставлять эти сториз?
Я повторю: возможно, ты так и не поняла, что мир не делится на "плохих" и "хороших". И потому Никто в DL не может быть 'good person'. И да, Корделия "козел отпущения" для вас. Потому что вы приписываете ей то, чего она не делала. Она не занималась сексом с Лайто, не занималась сексом на глазах у Канато и не заставляла Канато петь до крови в горле. Это все придумали вы. Вместо того, чтобы посмотреть и задуматься, а почему Корделия так или иначе поступала.
Видимо, по вашему мнению то, что родители Шина никак не наказывали его за его вылазки в земли других кланов, -- это не абьюз. Да, то, что благодаря такому "нормальному" отношению родителей к его поступкам он подставил под удар свой клан, вынудил брата вставать на колени перед вибора и лишился глаза, куда лучше чем то, от чего пыталась уберечь своих детей Корделия. Шина давно бы стоило искупать в озере, но ведь это абьюз.
Можно подумать, будто в их мире возможно существование без "абьюза".
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Can we have Subaru learning of a new bride who actually *knew* what coming to the mansion would entail, but agreed to it because Karlheinz (in disguise) promised to pay for her parent's medical bills? She doesn't try to run or escape and puts up with *everything* the boys put her through to make sure her parents stay alive and out of crippling debt.
Subaru: ...So, you're sacrificsing your life completely just for the chance that your parents'll pull through?
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Subaru: Fucking crazy if you ask me.
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Subaru: Silver-linin' for me is, you're gonna put up with anythin' we do to you, then, huh? Heh. Guess I can't complain.
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121 notes · View notes
*shows up to one of Ayato's basketball practices in a cheerleader's outfit that says "Ore-sama"* Hey, Ayato! If you can get five nets from the other side of the court in a row, there's a special surprise for you! 😘
Ayato: "If"!? You better mean "when", 'cause I'm sinking five easy, titless. You better get that surprise ready!
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May i ask what happened to @/smonie i just randomly decided to log back into my old dl account and noticed that alot of dl bloggers that i used to follow randomly dissapeared i hope she’s ok :((
// They were active in October, not too long after you sent this in actually! Their account isn't gone! They reappear every now and again, but as time passes, a lot of us have grown up and have bigger commitments than before hence days, or months, of inactivity.
// If in doubt, reach out via their dms (if they're comfortable) or send in an ask to DL blogs/leave comments and maybe you'll get a response back if these blogs are active! ^^
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Hi Ava, I’m so happy to see you back! I was wondering if l can get some comfort from Reiji- l started uni this year after taking a gap year because l didn’t know what l wanted to study, and l’m still experiencing that now.
// Hi, anon!! I hope you're doing alright, and are feeling a little more certain about university. If not, don't fret! Take your time, you can always take another gap year if you feel you need it! ♡
Reiji: Whatever you decide upon, I shall offer you advice that extends to any area of study; Adhere to your passion.
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Reiji: If you are not driven by intense emotion for your study, you will find yourself falling short; If the end result will not be one that will fill you with satisfaction, it may not be right for you.
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Reiji: I have faith though that, since you are reaching out to me on the matter, you won't disappoint; You have potential.
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My friend once called me a super fan when I talked about how Kou brought me back to Dialovers because I wanted to see how he was doing. That's really accurate because it looks like it's happening again-
Kou: S-I-M-P〜★
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Kou: Hehe, don't look at me like that, M-Neko-Chan. You were the one that said I dragged you back, not me.
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hii dear admin! just wanted to say that i passed the entrance exams!! also, thx for the good luck wishes and for yuma's ones, too! you're the best <3
// Aww that's wonderful news~! Congrats, anon!! Sending a big congratulations from myself and the DiaBoys!! ♡
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The fangirl within me wants to make an edit for Kou but my workload and lack of editing skills says, "no."
Kou: An edit of me would be too powerful anyway~★ The world almost wouldn't be able to handle it, hehe.
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Hi! First off I want to say that this blog brings me so much joy. You capture the personalities of all the boys so well!! Keep up the awesome work 💕
As for my request may I have headcanons of Ruki as a biological older brother to a sister? She's a few years younger than him, in her early teens.
// Thank you so much, anon, you're the sweetest! I am very touched to hear this feedback, and it's always a relief to hear people think my portrayal is authentic/matches canon! ^^
As for your request, I'm not currently accepting headcanons, I'm sorry ^^; It's a fun idea for sure! But, currently I'm only answering single reacts.
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Yumaaa, there’s this really big bug in my room, can you take care of it?? I can’t do it on my own. ;_;
Yuma: What's with people askin' the big guy t'handle this sorta stuff?
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Yuma: You gonna gimme a cup, or do I gotta use my bare hands?
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130 notes · View notes
(To Ayato) Your girlfriend is a very famous actress, today she will be interviewed on a national television channel, she asked if you want to participate in the interview with her, reaction? (Sorry for my bad english)
Ayato: Yours Truly's been given a chance to shine, eh? Nationally!? As if I'm lettin' her take the spotlight all by herself.
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Ayato: This face is gonna be all over T.V.
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Reiji-san, do you find that your right hand has become more sensitive to touch since you usually wear a glove? That happens to me sometimes!
Reiji: It is not something I've particularly noticed, no. Perhaps that simply speaks to how sensitive humans are generally.
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