the-fifth-one · 10 years
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Could you live on $8 or $9 dollars an hour? A computer game made by the Urban Ministries of Durham in North Carolina and an advertising firm called McKinney lets you play out life with a low-wage job as a single mom. The objective is to make it a month, juggling getting a job, rent, a place to live, food and coping with the costs of repairs, things for your child, insurance, etc.. Actually a very hard game to play and full of reminders of the difficulties of life on that kind of salary.
Play the game.
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the-fifth-one · 10 years
I'm going to do the dishes and some laundry then I promise I will do replies today.
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the-fifth-one · 10 years
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He's sleeping with it.
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the-fifth-one · 10 years
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The Doctors 13th regeneration.
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the-fifth-one · 10 years
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He likes the sonic screwdriver
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the-fifth-one · 10 years
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The other day I bought a fish, a beautiful white beta. I named him Luca, and got him all set up in a fish bowl on a shelf and thought he would be safe. I had to go out for a bit, two hours later I walked home to a murder scene. There was glass, water, rocks, plants, a fallen shelf and a dead fish. The main suspect was a kitten that goes by the name of Anadeaus. So, I bought a new fish and put him in the biggest tank I had at home. This fish is named Vincent, and in the picture you can see the face of a guilty kitten.
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the-fifth-one · 10 years
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Happy 90th Birthday, Doris Day! April 3, 1924
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the-fifth-one · 10 years
I think I'll turn my bad work days into something creative... maybe I'll start making little comic strips...
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the-fifth-one · 10 years
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Tumblr, you’re doing something right.
This is what happens when you search the tag suicide, depressed, self harm, and eating disorder. To anyone struggling with any of these things, please reach out and seek help.
You are worth it and you deserve it. 
Also, please reblog this so more people can see this. It could save a life. 
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the-fifth-one · 10 years
I'm sorry I haven't been active lately, I've been having work related bad mood days quite a bit... Like yesterday I was insulted and called a liar in front of my boss and then the guy started saying racial slurs to about my boss because he's Indian. Today these ladies ganged up on me because there were "only two pillows on each bed" I honestly don't know what people expect, this is a trucker motel. Then she asked how I can work for my boss, well, he pays me and I like the people I work for.
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the-fifth-one · 10 years
Oh it's Monday...
It's Monday morning I don't have to work and it's still raining... you can't tell but I am so happy about that, I love the rain. At some point today I'm going to go to Bullmoose buy something to watch and then get some Jiffy Pop because I can.
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the-fifth-one · 10 years
"Your caste? What do you mean your caste?"
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Seven Mourn The Wicked!
"What in all of Oz, do you think you are doing in my caste?"
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the-fifth-one · 10 years
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Avoiding replying by watching MST3K
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the-fifth-one · 10 years
Mmm Bop by Hanson
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the-fifth-one · 10 years
Send Me a Number and I'll Answer:
Why did you choose your muse(s) to RP?
Is your muse your favorite character?
Is your muse a lot like you?
If you have multiple muses, which one is the most like you?
If you have multiple muses, which is the least like you?
Pick a theme song for your muse(s)
Give a headcanon for your muse
Favorite scene including your muse?
What do you feel is unique about the way you RP your muse?
What’s your favorite part of RPing?
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the-fifth-one · 10 years
Once you get this you must share five random facts about yourself. Then pass this on to your 10 favorite followers.
Ahhh okay…here we go…
1: mun is a total scatter brain2: I find the number of people I owe things too daunting so I’m avoiding my replies until tomorrow morning…3:mun LOVES cats4: this forecast of rain for three days makes for one happy mun5: disturbing books and shows are muns favorite
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the-fifth-one · 10 years
Send me a " ♬ " and I will put my ipod on shuffle. The song that plays will be our song
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