the-creator-z · 4 days
so i have a mildly popular “reblog and put in in the tags” post going around and its. very clear how many people don’t know how to interact with a tumblr post
so, first of all, tumblr’s culture has changed a lot in the past couple years. there’s a genuine community effort to not start any drama, and ironically a lot of the current hostility is an effort to keep things calm. there’s also a change in how people interact with posts, so if you haven’t been here in a while please skip down to the tags/replies/reblog with text section.
for newcomers: you should be reblogging posts about as liberally as you would like something on twitter. if you only like stuff, people will think you are rude/a bot. you’ve probably heard people talk about “cultivating your dash,” and thats because this platform is 100% centered around your dashboard. trending matters less, unfollowing and blocking in order to shape your dash into it’s best form is widely accepted, the majority of the content you’ll find and interact with will be because of your dash, and the only way to put things on your dash is to reblog them. tumblr users are deeply distrustful of algorithms and have largely turned off the “see posts your friends have liked” function (i recommend you also turn of the various algorithms in settings → general settings → dashboard preferences).
so, once you’ve reblogged a post, there’s three ways to add content to it. the tags, replies, and reblogging with text. all of them have different connotations
the tags: an inside voice. originally they were meant for organizing your blog (and they’re still used for this), but they’ve also morphed into a way to share thoughts that aren’t funny/insightful enough for non-followers to be interested in. when in doubt, put your comment in the tags
replies: basically talking to your friends in class. your followers have no way of finding your replies (they don’t pop up on the dash, nobody gets notified except for the original poster) so chances are, only the person who made the post is gonna see your comment. it’s for quick one-offs that you’re okay with other people overhearing, but really is only made for one person. they’re like a public dm
reblog with text: an outside voice. you’re getting up on a stage in town square and entertaining people. make sure it’s funny or insightful— bottom line, add something new to the conversation. you should use this the least
general rules of thumb: 
when in doubt, reblog. people will judge you if your blog is only personal posts and you only interact with other content by liking it.  
the only things people will judge you for reblogging are personal vent posts. leave a like to give a little virtual hug
if a post is asking about your personality/opinions (i.e: tell me what’s the last tv show you watched, that kind of thing) put it in the tags 
also if you see a nice edit, gifset, or art, reblog and say something nice in the tags! it’s that nice sweet spot of common enough that no one will notice but uncommon enough to make the artist’s day
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the-creator-z · 10 days
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the-creator-z · 10 days
My boss:
Stop using :3 in professional emails
You can pry my :3 out of my cold dead hands.
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the-creator-z · 12 days
Does anyone else get such horrendous diarrhea and cramps around their period that they have to legitimately take the day off from work so they can lie down on the bathroom floor and throw up from the pain for a few hours or is it just me.
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the-creator-z · 12 days
Post cancelled I moved to a different chair like 10 feet away from my first chair and the change in scenery zapped me with enough dopamine to Do the Task
Time For My New Game How Long Can I Sit At Work And Not Do My Work Task Before Anyone Notices.
So Far Going On 2 Weeks
Surely Someone Will Notice Soon
The Task Is Not Done
My Anxiety Keeps Getting Worse
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the-creator-z · 12 days
I am once again thinking about digging holes
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It's so fucked up that digging a bunch of holes works so well at reversing desertification
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I hate that so much discourse into fighting climate change is talking about bioenginerring a special kind of seaweed that removes microplastics or whatever other venture-capital-viable startup idea when we have known for forever about shit like digging crescent shaped holes to catch rainwater and turning barren land hospitable
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the-creator-z · 12 days
Daily reminder that we do not actually live in a dystopian movie put the apocalypse down and back away slowly. You know when your cleaning a room and you pull everything out of it's draws to sort through it and you're like "what the fuck have I done I'm never going to be able to tidy all of this" I think that's the stage we're at in the world. Thanks to social media we've pulled out all the messed up shit from the cupboards of the world, it was always there but now we can see it and we're going to have to sort it all out we made this mess and we can fix it. Falling to the floor sobbing will not clean a crusty room. A group of people working systematically (preferably with music in the background) will.
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the-creator-z · 13 days
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the-creator-z · 13 days
does anyone else feel like they need to call someone but they never know who to call or is it just me and that dude from catcher in the rye
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the-creator-z · 13 days
Time For My New Game How Long Can I Sit At Work And Not Do My Work Task Before Anyone Notices.
So Far Going On 2 Weeks
Surely Someone Will Notice Soon
The Task Is Not Done
My Anxiety Keeps Getting Worse
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the-creator-z · 13 days
help me be able to afford rides to work
i recently got a raise at my job, but it’s not enough. on top of being financially abused by my older sister; my normal ride home from work has gone through some really harrowing stuff in their personal life, and therefore can’t bring me home. my guaranteed ride home will cost 40 dollars a day, not to mention 20-30 dollars in the morning for an uber.
i need this money to keep my lights on and feed my nephews and dog. getting to my job is extremely important, or else i won’t be able to get said money. i hate to ask, but please consider donating or reblogging.
cashapp / paypal / venmo
$0 / $220
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the-creator-z · 13 days
from now on your tumblr nickname is whatever you get from this sexual identity generator  ☆
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the-creator-z · 13 days
I have to rant about this somewhere because I won’t stop thinking about it until I do.
So, my crusty ass neighbor always hangs out and has a beer and a smoke in the evenings and I went out to sit with him for a bit (trying to be friendly, my mistake), and when he offered me a drink I refused by saying “no thanks, I’m sober actually!” The conversation moved on, I thought we were over it.
Then a few weeks later while I’m helping my OTHER neighbor with her newborn kittens, she says, “so Phil said you’re an alcoholic!”
And I just. Ugh. Ugh. UGH!!!!
No, I’m NOT an alcoholic. I don’t even use that word, even to describe people who do use alcohol. I think it’s a problematic label so I know goddamn well that it didn’t come out of my mouth. So PHIL, this motherfucker, he heard me say “I’m sober!” And in his head translated that to “she must be an alcoholic.”
Listen. Being sober is literally as far as you can GET from being an alcoholic.
An alcoholic is someone who drinks, not by choice but via habit or addiction. Being sober is someone who does NOT drink. Who CHOOSES not to drink. Its the opposite thing. They are opposites.
So she said she lectured Phil to not offer me drinks anymore. I said clearly, it’s okay, it doesn’t matter how many times he offers, I’ll say no every time. I’m not worried about it.
And she’s like ooohhhh but you never know!! You know my husband was such a drunk the only thing that stopped him was being in jail for five years! When he got out he was such a drunk even his PO gave up on him! So you never know whats going to change to make you drink again!
And I’m just like. Ma’am. I am telling you. RIGHT now. That I have MADE the choice, past tense. I NEVER have to wonder. I NEVER have to think about it. I have NO problems being around someone who is drinking. I have NO problems being offered a drink. Because I KNOW. I will. NEVER. say yes. NEVER!!! I know what is at stake and I won’t risk it!!!!!! Never!!!!!!
But she still. STILL!! Decided to have a little bracelet that she got blessed by a priest (derogatory) and hung on my door without my permission. Because she wants to keep all MY juju over on MY side. (I moved it. Fuck that.)
I’m like. Oh MY juju is what you’re worried about? My “my life is in my control”, “I can choose to break generational cycles”, “I get to decide what my future looks like” juju? That’s the juju you have a problem with? Bitch you have 13 cats. You know cats carry the spirits of unsettled ancestors. I think you have your own problems. If anyone’s juju is problematic out here it’s not mine.
Anyways that’s the rant. Don’t treat people in recovery like we’re infants who aren’t capable of making our own decisions. Don’t treat us like ticking time bombs that could go off at any second. Listen to our experiences and take our word for granted.
Also most importantly. Don’t juju anyone’s house without their permission.
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the-creator-z · 13 days
people are saying do it scared, but you also gotta do it alone. you'll miss out on so much you want to do if you wait til someone will do it with you. do it scared and do it alone.
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the-creator-z · 13 days
What if there was an apocalypse but some people were really really in denial and optimistic and thinking everything will be back to normal soon?
Like they’d be foraging through the ruins of New York for supplies, shooting raiders in the face and saying “Man, this recession is really bad, huh?”
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the-creator-z · 14 days
Lo fi beats to study and relax to
Feeling an incredibly weird specific nostalgia but what piece of media defined 2020 for you (as in you spent that year with it) mine is mtv's catfish
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the-creator-z · 14 days
this is so mean but sometimes i see published writing and suddenly no longer feel insecure about my own writing ability. like well okay that got published so im guessing i dont have much to worry about
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