Before it was the internet, it was that people were always walking around talking on their cell phone and never paying attention to the world around them. Before that, it was that we stayed home talking to our friends on the landline instead of actually going out and socializing.
People always stick their nose up at everyone utilizing the current technology, and they will continue do so for whatever the next thing is.
folks love to blame the fact that younger people are "always" on their phones or computer, always on the internet, wasting their youth, wasting their time, whatever manufactured problem they have with the situation... but what they fail to realize is that everyone is always on their phones and/or computers- because they have to be.
everything is online in 2024. you need to keep up with your school and/or attend classes? almost all of it is entirely online. you want to apply for medical insurance or food/bill assistance? the call center tells you to apply online because they're too swamped to help you in person or on the phone. want to apply for a job? the receptionist or person at the desk tells you to submit an application online, they don't handle paper ones anymore. you need to check on medical documents? they're in an online "portal" now. you need to pay your bills? completely online- some places don't employ call centers at all anymore. you need to stay in contact with important individuals like landlords, social workers, lawyers, therapists, or other professionals? email is always the preferred method of contact. it leaves a trail. check your bank balance? some banks are online only and do not have brick-and-mortar locations anymore. need to look up the address or phone number for the nearest hospital? yeah you get the point. internet.
i went without internet and a phone for months last year and it was the most stressful period of my life. i couldn't apply for anything. i couldn't log into any of my accounts for anything. i couldn't go anywhere. i couldn't use uber or lyft. i couldn't look up information for my pharmacy. i couldn't pay for anything or even check most of my bank accounts. i was screwed. he reason we're on our phones/computers all day long is because we literally have to be, because the internet is so interwoven into our every day lives that it's not a choice- it's literally a necessity. lay off with this mentality. most people do not want to be online as much as they are. it's just necessary.
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twitter historically sucks but man this is a banger of a tweet
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It’s actually wild how some people are so uneducated on trans healthcare that they seriously believe children are out there getting actual gender reassignment surgeries.
Like no that’s not happening anywhere. In fact not even all trans adults want to transition medically. From what I’ve heard for kids it can be as simple as just using different pronouns and at MOST they might be prescribed puberty blockers in some countries. But puberty blockers are used as medical treatment for cis kids too?? Like I literally know cis people in real life that have been medically prescribed puberty blockers as children due to abnormal puberty and they turned out completely fine cause the effects of puberty blockers easily wear off.
Like don’t use the “save kids” excuse to be transphobic cause literally nothing is being done to those children.
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genuinely very sad to me how people have forgotten that women are like, an oppressed class. god forbid you talk about the patriarchy without someone saying "but it affects men too!!" that doesn't change the fact that MEN ARE THE OPPRESSORS. imagine if we did this with any other sort of bigotry, if black people talking about antiblackness got told every time they tried to bring it up that it affects tan white people too. that would be stupid and for good reason. people really took intersectionality and completely misinterpreted it
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Shane Dawson just farts out videos full of downright dangerous and damaging conspiracy theories with absolutely no evidence to back them up. Nick DiRamio (an NB YouTuber) has a couple of great videos on how a lot of Shane’s conspiracy theories are just thinly veiled classism.
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a comment i really appreciated on jenny nicholsons subreddit regarding her starcruiser breakdown. i do love me some kurtis conner shade
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"when people ask how you're doing, they don't really care." most of them do, actually, the amount they care is just directly proportional to how well they know you. you're just mad you can't be the main character of the Twice Daily.
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sherlock holmes deduces you are trans before you've figured it out yourself and refers to you with those pronouns and then when you look confused is like "ah...had you not arrived at that conclusion yet?" and wafts away in his dressing gown to smoke seventeen pipes, leaving you in a gender crisis
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JK Rowling being a Holocaust denier wasn’t on my 2024 bingo card but in hindsight it probably should have been.
At this point I don’t care how much Harry Potter means to you, I don’t care if it saved your life, if you think having some dumb fucking House scarf from a made up fantasy series is more important than calling out a white supremacist, transphobic, ableist hag then YOU are part of the problem and you are just as bad as she is.
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J. K. Rowling and Neil Gaiman are such a funny contrast to me, like Rowling: Oh, and by the way, I put gay characters in my books. People: Is there anything... showing that? Rowling: No. Also trans women don't deserve respect People: wtf Gaiman: Here are some immortals that transcend all human concepts of gender and attraction who use a variety of pronouns, and also some clearly canon human queers. People: Are the immortals queer? Gaiman: That is an entirely valid way to view them. Other people: Ugh, pushing a modern woke agenda. It used to be- Gaiman: Fuck you
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You could have given me 1000 guesses of what JKR’s career would be post-HP and I never would have predicted that she would decide to become a super villain.
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I thought Tumblr would enjoy this
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Edit: credit goes to @/pharmafemboy on Mastodon
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She ain't even subtle anymore lmao
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Janitorial and sanitation workers should be considered health professionals and should get the same respect and a similar salary.
I just think people who clean public spaces should make no less than $100,000 a year
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