thatotherstonem-blog · 10 years
Jane trying to get in you knickers again? I'll pop her face in. Feel like being saved by Wonder Woman?
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thatotherstonem-blog · 10 years
Freddie. Is. Here.
No… he isn’t.
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thatotherstonem-blog · 10 years
You lot all right?
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thatotherstonem-blog · 10 years
Naomi huddled into her again and Effy pulled herself together. "I know," she answered quietly. It wasn't her time to be upset. She ditched her hindsight, her foresight, and brought Naomi to her feet. "Let's get you inside, yeah?" She wanted to have the fucking cure at her fingertips. She wanted to take her place. She wanted to fix this, but she couldn't. That was what always left her at a loss, that sense of powerlessness. She thought of what she was capable of, which was only to calm Naomi down for the moment. It still would never be enough. 
Effy brought her mate to the couch and draped a blanket over her shoulders.. which felt a bit rubbish afterwards. It was summer and she wasn't cold. She was in hysterics. Effy stood back and watched. She rubbed her lips raw, feeling shit at being a mate. Feeling shit in general. "Y'know... You don't need her. You mum. You never did." She heard stories about Gina, met her in passing. The woman was sweet but flaky. It was sure to have some effect on Naomi, but it must have had some influence on her striking independence.
"You were always stubborn, Naoms. Like 'Jesus Christ, this girl is gonna end world hunger' stubborn." Her eyes widened while she tried to take the piss, but she really didn't have the heart to commit. Effy skimmed over her frame and eventually squatted to eye level. She reached for Naomi's limp hand. "That's how I know you'll pull through." It was an effort, but Effy managed an honest smile. Naomi didn't need to respond. She couldn't imagine there was much more to say.
"You have me. For the rest of the night," she forced some enthusiasm and wiggled their hands. "What's on the itinerary, Campbell?" Naomi looked all cried out, a distraction was probably smart. "We can watch a film? Take a browse through Cook's muff movies if you think you can stomach it," she joked, just hoping to put a smile on her face.
Only Road @Naomi
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thatotherstonem-blog · 10 years
Just got back from work/doctors appointment but just so everyone knows I'm taking up a few extra shifts at work within the next two weeks, so my activity will be a little spotty but I'll still be on. :)
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thatotherstonem-blog · 10 years
The office began to thin out as lunch rolled around. There were always a few stragglers, some who worked through the hour. Those were mostly interns, but a handful of coworkers tended to snack at their desk. There was nothing wrong with having visitors, but for a multitude of reasons it would be best to keep their relationship looking professional. Trying to seem busy, Effy turned to grab a clipboard. She felt Cook's sly greeting and quickly twisted back around to see his cheeky grin. "Right.." she stared him down, a hint of her amusement slipping through her modest facade. "Why don't we start over here." As requested, Effy essentially walked him through her work day. It must've been funny for him to see her in this environment. Little girl from Bristol trying to make it in the big city. She was almost certain she had everyone in the office fooled, but there was no fooling Cook. It felt a little exposing, but he'd play along. He liked games.
Never one to disappoint, Cook paused and revealed his similar thought process, if a bit elaborated. Effy could sense there was some gratification aside from the cheeky texts, but that was fine by her. Why shouldn't he have a little fun? "And then we can do lunch." Effy nodded, sucking on the corner of her lip and scribbled some nonsense on her clipboard. "Show me the works, Miss Stonem. I’m curious."
"As you should be," she flipped through her papers and tilted her head toward him without looking up. "Sir." Oh, he'd better not get used to that. She tapped her pen and continued down the hallway. "Here at the Exchange we've been thrilled with the possibility of your merger. As you can see our office has some wonderful amenities we're certain your employees would enjoy..," she rambled on, pointing out some features. "The view, for one. I'm sure you've noticed." She smirked and snuck a glance behind her. "And over here-" She paused, seeing Victoria approach. The slave driver took one look at the both of them and decided to stop. "Danny's replacement?"
Effy glanced at Cook and back. "Uh no... ASD rep. Came a bit early, I thought I'd show him around?" Victoria instantly smiled and shook his hand, introducing herself. "Well then. I can take it from here." Effy stiffened and drew in a sharp breath.
Man Business @Effy
His finest suit, well his only suit. Cook walked out the door with a new shorter haircut, a tie, tied right, and with a grin on his face. He knew where Effy had worked. He didn’t expect the turn of events to go this way, but even if they did just have lunch, he wouldn’t complain. He had a decent time with her anyway. But, just in case things did go a bit in the cheeky direction, he didn’t wear any underpants. He didn’t bother with his car, instead public transport and a newspaper rolled under his arm.
It was nice to pretend that he had his life together and he wasn’t on the run. It was nice to pretend he was getting lunch with his long time girlfriend at her office job in the city. It was nice to pretend that he wasn’t a complete fuck up going to the middle of London to get a possible shag, knob job, or even a tick beneath his skin. He just accepted it anyway.
The train stopped and he walked out and into the large oval building. He was stopped at the desk, Cook had no idea which floor was hers, but it wasn’t a problem. “Stocks?” He asked, trying to fit in perfectly. The lad pointed to the floor sign and he nodded heading toward the lifts.
Up and out he saw the reception desk with Effy sitting there, nose in her computer. “Right.. I’m supposed to bring some’ne to lunch.. an Effy Stonem?” He leaned on the counter with a large grin and the paper tapping on the desk.
Rumors of a substantial split had been circulating around the office all morning, which always meant more paperwork, potential cuts, room for advancement. It really put a damper on things in terms of politics. In a sea of open cubicles, Effy was the only one with the hint of smile. It endured the entire hour and a half she had left to wait. It was so out of place, in fact, it had Jane following her around like a yipping lost puppy. Every ten minutes or so Effy found her eyes slipping to the clock on her monitor. Or the wall. Or her watch. Or her phone. 
Logic said this was a horrible idea, but logic packed its bags with the mention of someone’s finest suit. Effy wasn’t terribly fussy. She enjoyed the charm of his mop top, his five o’clock shadow, his worn and weathered duck chore coat. She might’ve even preferred it. There was an ease and simplicity she could appreciate, an island in the sweeping currents of her otherwise hectic life. It was enough to be bombarded with the materialism and competitive atmosphere day in and day out. However, she was only human and none of that meant she was immune to the rare sighting of her man in a suit.
Just when she thought her morning was winding down, Victoria stomped by with a generous addition to her workload. It kept her fixed at her desk in a rush to get everything done, but time passed a bit quicker. Before she knew it, the scent of a familiar cologne tickled her nose. The voice to match. "Right.. I’m supposed to bring some’ne to lunch.. an Effy Stonem?”  Effy reigned in her smirk for appearance’s sake. She glanced around the office and back. He’d really outdone himself. She wasn’t expecting the works. It was flattering to say the least. “Mr. Cook, is it?” she played along, pretending to pencil him in. “I’ve been expecting you.” 
"Coming, Eff? I could use a cigarette after that. Did you hear about Danny? Oh, and you are going to tell me what’s got you all-“ Jane came about running at the mouth and Effy practiced her death glare. “Not todaaay. Jane. I’ve got a meeting.” The girl caught sight of Cook and her cheeks just about matched her hair. "Ooooh. Okay. Sorry to interrupt. I’ll leave you to it," she nodded and pantomimed fanning herself once Cook turned his head. It was hard to misinterpret the very obvious ’we’ll talk later’ on her lips, but she skirted off down the hall and Effy half rolled her eyes. The strain of her smirk was beginning to give her a run for her money. “Sorry about that. So,” she cleared her throat and stood. “Why don’t I give you the tour?” 
Cook watched the red headed girl scamper away and he turned back to Effy with his charming grin. Everyone around seemed to have their nose in a computer, book, or cup of coffee. The place’s phones never stopped ringing and he already hated it there. But at the mention of a tour, he couldn’t say no. Cook didn’t mind pretending to be a hot shot for the day. He set his newspaper down on the counter top and fixed the cuffs of his dress shirt. “Well, I might as well see the place, shant I?” He watched Effy turn and took a moment to stare at her bum in her dress. He knew she dressed up for work, but she really must’ve been the looker in the office. He skimmed his hand around her waist for a moment and kissed the side of her cheek before anyone could be around. The last thing he wanted to do was put a bad impression on her co-workers. Cook was already obnoxious enough and he couldn’t take the stupid grin off his face.
"Lead the way, Miss Stonem." He put his hands in his pockets and followed close behind while she pointed out a few areas in the front. Not like the office was small or anything. Everything was an open floor plan besides what he assumed was a conference center. Plus the view was incredible. "Before I getta meetin’ these fellows, can we pretend Imma bit investor? Like I’m real important. I did put on tha suit fer this." He whispered near her ear and chuckled as quietly as he could without causing a ruckus. "And then we can do lunch." Cook put his smug look back on while he walked over to the window to look outside at the city. He constantly checked his watch, even if it wasn’t working. He wanted to look busy, professional, and most of all important. "Show me the works, Miss Stonem. I’m curious."
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thatotherstonem-blog · 10 years
“Because everyone knows Effy Stonem is always right- no matter what she does to people?” Effy humbled and sighed. She knew she should explain, but it wasn't as if a needle in her arm or her boss in her knickers would be considered an understandable excuse. She went a little mental, but she was trying. "Panda.. I," she attempted. “It’s Pandora, Cook doesn’t even call me that anymore- it’s Pandora, Elizabeth, and I’m working.” Effy frowned and took a quick glance around the place. "Well, It's Eff," she piped up. "Still Eff for me." Effy tapped listlessly on the box and looked down. Panda was obviously intelligent if she could get into Harvard, but this place didn't feel like her. It was too.. stuffy. Maybe it wasn't Panda, though. Maybe this was Pandora.
She had to wonder if they'd just grown apart with time. It happened more often than not with college mates, but she and Panda had been through so much. And she was angry, which was better than complacent. At the very least Effy's presence was still valuable to her. "Look, if you're working I get it." She looked up with a coy smile. It was worth a try. "You'll just have to give me a proper tour."
Metamorphose de Narcisse @Panda
"Yeah, right. You’ll be in tomorrow though. ASD account and Danny hasn’t got the bloody backbone. Remind me to draw up those PIPs. Oh, and feel better."
Grating as it was, Effy never thought she’d be so happy to hear Victoria’s voice. Life had her reeling as of late, but she felt she earned enough credibility in the last few months to call in a day. She still hadn’t had the chance to sit down with Jake. Any excuse to avoid the office was well appreciated. More than that, Panda was long overdue for a visit. The girl didn’t ask for much. Just some company and she hadn’t even offered that. Effy had her reasons for keeping a distance, but it still felt shit. Pandora was sensitive to these sort of things and she could have been more considerate having known that. Besides, Effy honestly missed her best mate. She could use a dose of that daft, bubbly grin of hers. Of course it wasn’t likely she’d be greeted with that. It was her turn to make the effort.
They texted briefly when Panda first arrived. Effy recalled her mentioning her job at the Arts Museum. Seeing as there was only one museum in all of Bristol, she had no difficulty tracking her down. After paying the fifteen quid for entry, she stalked the halls until seeing the blonde in her own world (as per usual) staring at a travelling Chagall. Effy slipped beside her as if she were only a random observing.  ”Innovative,” she nodded and looked down at the small pink box in her hands. “Almost as much as these Jelly Baby sprinkled donuts.” She lifted the lid and extended the gift. “Lad thought I was mad but I told him he hadn’t lived and we had a laugh.” Panda didn’t look so amused. Effy puffed her lips and cocked her head. “Anyway. Morning, Panda Pops.”
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thatotherstonem-blog · 10 years
Busy and bored. Effy guessed he had other reasons for coming home but she genuinely hoped he was both that. She saw him last in a state of recovery. Cognitively he'd just met the mark. His confidence had been shaken but was building by the day. If he was busy, he was up to the task. If he was bored, he didn't have to try very hard to achieve it. She never doubted him. Not once. And here he was- healthy, smiling, proper adult. Of course with Tony boredom held a dangerous potential. Time would tell if this new maturity of his factored in, but as usual Effy would be on the sidelines ready to fix and defend. Either way she was glad her brother was home and once again, well... busy and bored. “I think you’ll be going gray before I do. Work’s keeping you busy, I’m assuming?"
Understatement of the century. Effy gave a loose eye roll to confirm his suspicions. The kettle whistled and she poured them both a cup. "White, black, 'Grey?" she asked while rummaging through her cabinets. "Might have some herbal, not the funny kind. Sorry to disappoint." The flat was dry. A bit too dry for a Stonem if Tony was to snoop around, but she didn't suspect he would. Effy laid out his options and sat at her small kitchen table. She took a sip and stared off into space. The whole day felt surreal. Her whole week felt surreal. Seeing her cup had left a ring of tea on one of her piles, Effy cursed under her breath and gave Tony a comical glare. "Where're you staying then? Not home.. I'm assuming."
Blood, lines, and Bloodlines @Tony
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thatotherstonem-blog · 10 years
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thatotherstonem-blog · 10 years
you're going to be slapped if jackson calls you mum
Not his mum. We’re buds. Mums are boring.
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thatotherstonem-blog · 10 years
Looks like our "date" isn't going to happen. Naoms wants you alllll to herself. And Cook.
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thatotherstonem-blog · 10 years
Text @Cook
Effy: I'm not mad. Just don't do anything stupid.
Effy: Without me.
Cook: Noted. Only stupid stuff with Elizabeth Stonem
Effy: Good lad.
Cook: Do I getta treat?
Effy: It's possible.
Cook: when will i kno?
Effy: You'll know.
Cook: im too dumb to kno
Effy: Won't be doing much thinking.
Cook: heh when?
Effy: Tonight?
Cook: ditchin work then
Cook: double bonus
Effy: Yours or mine?
Cook: urs. dont want to disturb naoms ukno
Effy: Probably a good idea.
Cook: or we can meet now, my flats empty for a bit.
Cook: oh but u got that job and stuff
Effy: I get an hour lunch?
Cook: just an hour... maybs i can meet u at work? always wanted a treated view of london
Effy: Lots of windows.
Cook: and east london aint far from ur work rite?
Effy: I don't know. You're going to get me in trouble.
Cook: did u not just say dont get in trouble without u? so vice versa
Effy: Cheeky.
Cook: say the word n i put on my finest suit n head on over for "lunch"
Cook: i gotta suit btw
Effy: I remember it well.
Cook: so? do i getta be a business man td?
Effy: 11:30. Don't be late.
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thatotherstonem-blog · 10 years
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thatotherstonem-blog · 10 years
how does it feel to see your brother again?
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thatotherstonem-blog · 10 years
sounds like you have a stalker
Does it?
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thatotherstonem-blog · 10 years
I miss you and Cook. I bet he still has pato
Yeah, maybe. Probably Jack though.
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thatotherstonem-blog · 10 years
OHHHHH so fit and mysterious....
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