thatonefallen · 7 years
One of my favorite things about Tumblr Destiny fandom is how posts will be tagged “let us make friends the fallen bungie plz” even if the post has almost nothing to do with the Fallen. It’s like the “Carthago delenda est” of our fandom.
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thatonefallen · 7 years
Ghost Fragment; Fallen
Cayde-6 Reminisces
Okay, okay, I’ll tell the story about that one Fallen. It didn’t happen like that. We didn’t, you know, do anything actively - no handshake, no icy stare of grudging mutual respect. I don’t even know which hand you would shake. Do they shake hands? It must be complicated. Anyway, it was like this. I was on the Moon. I cracked a Hive structure near Mare Imbrium, looking for a Shrine, and they just - swarmed. Ranks and ranks and ranks of Thrall, pouring out between the columns, but the columns were Knights, and all the shadows behind them rose up hissing sorcery. Of course I ran. I had a line of egress and while yes it was full of Thrall I had a backup too. I went upslope. Took cover in the shadow of a crashed Phaeton. Emptied my machine gun, ducked down to reload, and saw her at the other end of the hull, killing Thrall: a Fallen in Exile colors, bannered in the marks of a Baron, though the flags were claw-torn and stained with Hive ash. She was alone. I think she must have lost her crew. I didn’t really have time to shoot her and she didn’t really have time to shoot me so we just went back to killing Hive. Knights pushed me out into the open and back up the range to a high stone saddle in the shadow of an old interferometry array. It was good ground so she came up there too. For a while we just killed things which is hard to make interesting in a story so I’ll pass it over. At the end the Wizards came. I climbed the array to get an angle on them and she fell back to the base of the antennae where she broke her swords off in a Knight. I saw that happen and I don’t know if I can tell you how I felt. She was another living thing with a mind I could understand and she hadn’t howled at me or tried to eat my Ghost. I cheered when the Knight went down. When I came down, empty on all guns, she was slumped against a bulkhead staring at me with all her tiny black eyes. Ether leaking out of her like smoke. The Knight hadn’t died easily. Downslope the last Wizard moved like fire behind another line of Thrall. I looked at her and wondered how many innocent human lives she’d ended on those broken blades. She did the strangest thing then. Took the last shock pistol from her bandolier and threw it between us, as if to offer it. When I went to pick it up she tried to knife me, but she was slow, and when I broke her arms and opened her throat she didn’t seem surprised. To this day I wonder if she hated me, or wanted to make me kill her, or just felt she should spare me the choice. I did kill a few Thrall with that pistol.
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thatonefallen · 7 years
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A second time the Warlock sets foot on Venus, she is greeted in a rainy hour of the afternoon. Most retreated inside, and a moment of free time is found to brandish a large book in tri fingered hands. Pages littered with maps, brimming with history centered around Earth. Not far away the young ones mother works.
“Khariks was gifted this,”
“I, referring to yourself.” This interruption is brief, Anastasia not once glancing up from present task.
“Yes.. I was gifted this By Ana.”
Dark Eyes flicker upon the text in hand,then expectantly to Zufash.
“Will you read it with..” A pause as she glances to Ana once before the unspoken question is answered. “Me.”
“I would like to learn. Will you read this with me?”
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thatonefallen · 7 years
@lightbcrn "Guardian. Heard many things. Good to meet young one. "
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thatonefallen · 8 years
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thatonefallen · 8 years
The Fallen: Things you didn’t know.
* A Kell or a high ranked Captain can have more than one mate. 
*Its rare for a Kell or Captain to have only one mate than many.
*Dregs do not have mating rights if they are not of high rank. *Gotta be a Vandal or Captain if you wanna be lucky bruh.*
*Eliksni offspring are referred to as either whelps or pups.
* A female Eliksni can have up to 1-3 pups.
*Pups sleep in piles curling up against one another to keep warm.
*When a mother is away on patrols she will either leave the pups to another.
* Females that have pups are separated from the House until their offspring is old enough to join in.
* When the pups join the House they are immediately start their training as warriors and put through a lot of tests.
*When the pups are not in training they play around and hoe their skills, sometimes they will chase after their mother, Vandals or a Captain that will tolerate their playful behavior.
* The Kell judges on the ranks of the pups will be placed in.
*Sometimes the Kell will allow the pups to climb on them to improve their climbing skills. But usually have a short temper if a pup starts to bite at them.
*There are some Guardians telling of Eliksni breeding with Guardians, making hybrids. Though this is just a rumor their has been very few sightings in the Cosmodrome of these hybrids. Two ‘pups’ had been spotted near the House of Kings being watched by their *possible* parent.
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thatonefallen · 8 years
@dirtybets "Hunter, cease stirring trouble with Vandals. Do not gamble with them for cloaks. "
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thatonefallen · 8 years
Like for a small starter.
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thatonefallen · 8 years
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“Ketch is not for play. Get down from ledge.”
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thatonefallen · 8 years
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“Ketch is not for play. Get down from ledge.”
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thatonefallen · 8 years
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Avatar- Thanator
A passion project for the director James Cameron, Avatar was a worldwide phenomenon upon its release, a spectacle of CGI and world-building taking viewers to the far-off planet of Pandora, populated by all manner of beautiful and terrible wildlife. A fierce predator that emulated an insectoid jaguar, the Thanator is an apex predator of Pandora, with massive jaws and massive, powerful legs capable of rendering most other creatures into pieces. 
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thatonefallen · 8 years
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thatonefallen · 8 years
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thatonefallen · 8 years
The Queen speaks truth. Relinquishing what could be a future asset is no simple move. Not a decision that’s been lightly made, she’s weighed all options left before her. There is no future to be had or place to claim as Kell if she has no house to rule. They will starve if sacrifices aren’t made.
“Ketch, captured from Winter.” Already their own necessities had been taken, left behind weapon catches, the great servitors. A considerable addition to her own Ketch, but there were not enough of her house to maintain two ketches. One was difficult enough to defend. “Ketch is valuable. Worth many months of food at least..”
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thatonefallen · 8 years
Alliance could not be sought in the last city, none would lower their weapon to listen if they tried. Resources were long stripped away upon Venus, a better existence had been carved out there while the moon had been a dead place. Remain and die, or face both winter and wolves. The latter had been chosen, and they had observed both houses hunted like prey in the midst of a war the wolves had set into motion.
The Baroness stands before the Kell house Wolves had abandoned that day. Not Eliksni, yet she had given the Eliksni home. They had betrayed her trust, and turning to one they had knifed in the back was of great risk.
“Silver Queen.” Approach is taken carefully, the Baroness’s large frame lowering to one knee, an arm held over her chest. “Eliksni know of Awoken Kell, of House Judgement.” Or so what remained, and likely all trust for her kind had been crushed years ago. The Queen remains their only chance regardless. “Between Kell and Baroness. One does not allow her House to starve until death. Khariks can offer trade for food.”
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thatonefallen · 8 years
You can’t understand. You’ve never been a parent. You never love anything like you love your children. And nothing can make you angrier.
Maryse Lightwood, City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare (via randomquotesilove)
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thatonefallen · 8 years
The Fallen: Things you didn’t know.
* A Kell or a high ranked Captain can have more than one mate. 
*Its rare for a Kell or Captain to have only one mate than many.
*Dregs do not have mating rights if they are not of high rank. *Gotta be a Vandal or Captain if you wanna be lucky bruh.*
*Eliksni offspring are referred to as either whelps or pups.
* A female Eliksni can have up to 1-3 pups.
*Pups sleep in piles curling up against one another to keep warm.
*When a mother is away on patrols she will either leave the pups to another.
* Females that have pups are separated from the House until their offspring is old enough to join in.
* When the pups join the House they are immediately start their training as warriors and put through a lot of tests.
*When the pups are not in training they play around and hoe their skills, sometimes they will chase after their mother, Vandals or a Captain that will tolerate their playful behavior.
* The Kell judges on the ranks of the pups will be placed in.
*Sometimes the Kell will allow the pups to climb on them to improve their climbing skills. But usually have a short temper if a pup starts to bite at them.
*There are some Guardians telling of Eliksni breeding with Guardians, making hybrids. Though this is just a rumor their has been very few sightings in the Cosmodrome of these hybrids. Two ‘pups’ had been spotted near the House of Kings being watched by their *possible* parent.
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