thatbipolarfeelwhen · 4 years
Hey! So I haven’t had a hypomanic episode at all this year. I can’t even remember my last one tbh. I’m not on meds, but have been working really hard on self care and going to therapy. I’ve also been going through a bit of a rough patch too. I’m wondering if anyone else has gone months without hypomania? Did I somehow grow out of this..? I want to be prepared for another episode if I find out that this is normal. Thanks!
I want to preface this by saying I’m not a doctor or professional so please take everything I say at face value-
I personally don’t know much about being unmedicated and the periods between hypomanic episodes, but my guess would be that you could have months of stability. I’ve been on the proper meds for about 3 years now and had one hypomanic episode about 2 years after I started those meds, but haven’t had one since, so I do know that it’s possible to go very long periods of time without having episodes when medicated.
Does anyone else have any thoughts/experiences they’d like the share?
-Mod Sarah.
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thatbipolarfeelwhen · 4 years
to that last anon: mixing depressants and stimulants in high doses like that is extremely dangerous and could put you at risk of severely harming yourself and even death. please do not mix these substances and reach out for help if you can.
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thatbipolarfeelwhen · 4 years
Would reckless/dangerous behaviour include days of HEAVY drinking and doing cocaine while manic?
I’m not a professional but I’d say yeah... any excessive alcohol or drug use is reckless and dangerous.
-Mod Sarah.
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thatbipolarfeelwhen · 4 years
Tbfw your roommate has to hide his car keys from you cause over the past two weeks you’ve been regularily stealing it and ripping down the highway for hours even though you don’t even have your license
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thatbipolarfeelwhen · 4 years
You’re starting to get manic so you binge mania videos on YouTube in an effort to convince yourself you’re “not really going manic because this is what mania looks like” But every time you tell yourself that your Brain Goes Faster
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thatbipolarfeelwhen · 4 years
When you end up too depressed to cook or drink water for too long and you feel sickly in the dead of night and you start thinking about how a friend you thought was changing and healing has fucking betrayed you again and again and you just fucking HATE them so much and you just want to scream and cry and sleep for days
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thatbipolarfeelwhen · 4 years
i don’t know what’s happening and right now i’m in the middle of self diagnosing myself, and feeling comfortable with the idea that i might be sick all the sites that i’ve seen mention that suicidal thoughts are a very common thing when it comes to the depressive state but i don’t feel suicidal i feel down and sad and helpless and i might hurt myself in other ways (like not putting a blanket on or wearing a jacket when i’m shivering because i feel like i don’t deserve it) does it happen to you
I’m not a doctor or professional so please remember that everything I say is based solely on the experiences I’ve had and the wisdom I’ve gained from those experiences.
Personally, I’m very against self diagnosing. It’s impossible for us to not be biased towards ourselves, especially when we aren’t feeling super stable. That’s why it’s important to see a professional that can remain unbiased and can properly assess, diagnose, and treat you. I know not everyone has adequate access to basic mental health care and that’s bs, but I’d encourage you to be very mindful about self diagnosis.
In regards to your version of hurting yourself but not feeling suicidal when depressed, every person is different. I’ve experienced suicidal thoughts during both hypomanic and depressive episodes and I’ve harmed myself during both types of episodes. But I’ve also experienced significant trauma throughout my life and I’m sure that’s definitely impacted those things.
Does anyone else have any thoughts?
-Mod Sarah.
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thatbipolarfeelwhen · 5 years
When all the pain you had a vanishes and the lack of it is more disturbing than the lack of anger or joy or confusion, and you just want to hurt again because it's feeling and you would do anything to just f e e l.
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thatbipolarfeelwhen · 5 years
You spend hours in obsessive rage about a girl you haven't seen in years that was mean but you still kinda liked in high school and end up sending her a friend request on facebook even though she was really cruel and you've been avoiding her for years and to her you're just some gay mentally ill girl who, like her, was never afraid to state your opinions
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thatbipolarfeelwhen · 5 years
Does anybody here work night shifts? I’m just wondering what it is like with BP. Any tips for someone working night shifts with BP? Or is it best to avoid jobs that require you to work them?
I haven’t worked them but my psychiatrist has strongly opposed the possibility of it ever occurring because she’s worried it’ll trigger an episode.
Has anyone else experienced this and has more experience based wisdom and advice?
-Mod Sarah.
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thatbipolarfeelwhen · 5 years
I want MANIA again..... feels like a drug you can’t quit, ya know? I just want it so bad idk whyyy. 😭 Just need to feel the fastest again! I also have adhd, BPD so that means already zero impulse control babee .!
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thatbipolarfeelwhen · 5 years
How would I get a psychiatrist to believe me? I have a baby face and just look super innocent and small and tiny so they tend to look at me like they don’t understand what I’m saying when I try to explain symptoms and experiences. I don’t have a credit card to max out during manic episodes, I don’t do drugs, never been arrested or been hospitalized so they don’t get how I could be manic. But my family has seen me manic. Should I fill out a questionnaire & bring it to them? I’m old enough for dx.
I honestly don’t know. I’d recommend to find a psychiatrist in your area that’s widely respected by teens/young adults because they tend to listen a bit more and look beyond someone’s appearance. But thag might not be helpful in your situation. I don’t know.
Does anyone have any other suggestions or ideas?
-Mod Sarah.
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thatbipolarfeelwhen · 5 years
That weird in between where you're depressed AF during the day but as soon as you try and sleep at night your brain speeds up into hypomania. This happens when I'm switching from depression to mania and it feels like watching a hurricane make its way to shore. The tides are changing and I'm just hoping I can prep well enough to outlast the storm
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thatbipolarfeelwhen · 5 years
I would like to clarify that indeed I have come across several individuals including some in my family that say they have X illness or that they’re X thing ‘wrong’ with them for attention. There’s nothing actually wrong with them. As proven by doctors. So that just makes me wary of people who say they have illnesses that I’m not sure if they’re possible to actually have all together. I don’t want to fall for lies
Same here. It’s possible for people to have a lot of diagnoses but it’s also possible for people who have experienced trauma to look for attention and support (totally valid) in sometimes unhealthy ways. Both can be true.
-Mod Sarah.
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thatbipolarfeelwhen · 5 years
when you can't stop spending money even though that money is the very last paycheck from the job you impulsively quit and you know you're heading for full blown financial destruction but you can't help it because you need all the things
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thatbipolarfeelwhen · 5 years
anon is a little bitch, ofc that diagnosis is possible. mood disorders, personality disorders, and whatever adhd is classified as now are 3 very different types of Wacky Brain. no shit they can present at the same time. i'm so fed up with people assuming you're faking it just because you have a lengthy diagnosis. it's not like you spend all your time sucking your own cock and bragging to others about how cool and mentally ill you are, having that many disorders at once is an actual living hell
This is unnecessarily rude. It’s totally valid to ask questions when you don’t know something. Of course it’s hell to have any diagnosis, let alone multiple ones. And there are people out there that flex their mental illnesses for clout, which probably impacts whether or not someone will believe other people when they discuss their diagnoses. I can’t even list how many people I know from treatment who straight up lie about their mental illness for attention and clout. Please be polite and kind. Not everyone is fully educated on every single thing ever.
-Mod Sarah.
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thatbipolarfeelwhen · 5 years
Someone told me they have Bipolar 1, ADHD, BPD and HPD. Is that actually possible or are they makin’ stuff up? 🇺🇸
I’m not a trained professional in any sense so I really have no ability to answer that with any validity, and most on tumblr probably don’t as well. You should definitely ask a professional if you really want to know the answer. But I guess, hypothetically, that is possible? I don’t know.
-Mod Sarah.
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