textposts-erased · 5 months
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textposts-erased · 6 months
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textposts-erased · 7 months
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textposts-erased · 2 years
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[Image IDs: Giovanni doing fingerguns with a post that reads “I extend my hand like a mob boss and allow you to kiss my ring but when you lean closer you see it’s one of those glo-in-the-dark spider rings you win at arcades” / Molly’s friend Trixie holding their hands close to themself nervously, with a reply reading “*pretends to kiss it but I eat the spider very discreetly but you notice anyway because my mouth is glowing from the inside*” / Giovanni on the ground in defeat, with a post reading “*godfather voice* you disrespec me… and eat my spooky spida ring, which caught me 50 tickets at funtime arcade and pizzaria… vinny, hit them with da sticky hand”
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textposts-erased · 2 years
Okay I'll bite what is epithet erased
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textposts-erased · 2 years
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[Image ID: a screenshot from the Molly plush promotion video, showing the Molly doll flying towards a rusted white truck. A discord message reads “Imagine getting yeeted by God” End ID]
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textposts-erased · 2 years
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[Image ID: a screenshot of Bugsy with his stomach sticking out. The text post reads: “category 5 tummy event”. End ID]
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textposts-erased · 2 years
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[Image IDs: two screenshots, the first one is of Ramsey, and the second is of Giovanni. Both have the same text, which reads: “I would be That Guy who throws a rock into the deep dark spooky water with bad vibes that everyone says not to disturb. And yeah obviously I’d die for it but at least I’d die doing what I loved: throwing rocks and causing problems on purpose.” End ID]
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textposts-erased · 3 years
i agree with the swiss cheese anon
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textposts-erased · 3 years
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[Image IDs:
The first image is a screenshot of Zora with her eyes closed, looking upset, with a text post that says “Me holding a gun to a mushroom: tell me the name of God you fungal piece of s_” “Mushroom: can you feel your heart burning? Can you feel the struggle within? The fear within me is beyond anything your soul can make. You cannot kill me in a way that matters.” “Me cocking the gun, tears streaming down my face: I’M NOT _ SCARED OF YOU”
Image 2 is of Percy, looking confused and asking “Hey OP? What the _ does this mean?”
Image 3 shows Zora holding one of Gorou’s donut guns, as it starts to get covered in rust and fall apart. The text post says “Decay exists as an extant form of life”
Image 4 shows Ramsey holding his head and screaming, while Percy continues to look confused in the background. The text post says “That’s a terrifying answer, have a nice day.” End IDs]
Figured I should probably make a meme for the 2nd anniversary of this blog. _’s were used to indicate where the words have been edited out in the meme.
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textposts-erased · 3 years
swiss cheese
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textposts-erased · 3 years
hi!!! i hope youre doing okay
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[image id: a picture of a sandy-colored fish, with the text “This fish has no clue”. End id]
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textposts-erased · 3 years
Hm. Should probably have said this ages ago but:
This blog is on an indefinite hiatus! I’d love to get back to it eventually, but no promises.
I will try to get to asks if any get sent in
As always, please do not @ people on my posts. Like/reblog spams are fine!
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textposts-erased · 3 years
Here’s a good post about IDs!
What are your tips on making textposts?
Anon i’m so sorry for the wait I have not been checking this blog
For EE and most shows, getting screenshots is a pretty simple matter of screenshotting it. (If you’re on a computer, there’s extensions to get screenshots off youtube) Games can be more tricky but youtube videos playing the game can make it easier. You can try googling for screenshots but that. Doesn’t always work. Character sprites also can work! Do not use fanart without the artist’s permission and proper credit.
Find your text post, screenshot, plop background-colored-squares or highlighting over anything you want to remove (usernames, follow buttons, etc)
Grab a software that lets you edit photos (I’ve used tons. I’ve used mspaint and google docs before. For my phone i use ibispaint or picsart for most of my meme making, and firealpaca for my computer), plop down the screenshot, then the text, save as one layer, and voila! Text post
Image IDs are incredibly important. Tumblr is not a functioning website so don’t trust the image id feature, it doesnt always save and has limited space. You can find tons of guides on writing descriptions with a quick search for “image id guide”. Some general rules I’ve picked up are don’t put it under a readmore unless it’s insanely long (as it is extra clicks for those who need to use screenreaders and if someone’s tumblr isnt gonna load the image, it might not load the page with the id), try to make reading the id take about the same amount of time as looking at the picture to grasp the joke, which means don’t go into absurdly long detail. Try to be faithful to the text in the meme, but understand the limits of screen readers. They don’t have autocorrect, they won’t understand that “shluod” is a mispelled “should”. They can struggle with words put together likethisandthis. Ellipses and spaced out words like “t h i s” take incredibly long for the screen reader to read. If needs be, substitute with (ellipses) or (the following words have spaces between letters). Be sure to mark it with Image ID and End ID, especially if there’s added text to the post that’s not in the photos.
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textposts-erased · 3 years
What are your tips on making textposts?
Anon i’m so sorry for the wait I have not been checking this blog
For EE and most shows, getting screenshots is a pretty simple matter of screenshotting it. (If you’re on a computer, there’s extensions to get screenshots off youtube) Games can be more tricky but youtube videos playing the game can make it easier. You can try googling for screenshots but that. Doesn’t always work. Character sprites also can work! Do not use fanart without the artist’s permission and proper credit.
Find your text post, screenshot, plop background-colored-squares or highlighting over anything you want to remove (usernames, follow buttons, etc)
Grab a software that lets you edit photos (I’ve used tons. I’ve used mspaint and google docs before. For my phone i use ibispaint or picsart for most of my meme making, and firealpaca for my computer), plop down the screenshot, then the text, save as one layer, and voila! Text post
Image IDs are incredibly important. Tumblr is not a functioning website so don’t trust the image id feature, it doesnt always save and has limited space. You can find tons of guides on writing descriptions with a quick search for “image id guide”. Some general rules I’ve picked up are don’t put it under a readmore unless it’s insanely long (as it is extra clicks for those who need to use screenreaders and if someone’s tumblr isnt gonna load the image, it might not load the page with the id, and if your blog deactivates the id will be lost), try to make reading the id take about the same amount of time as looking at the picture to grasp the joke, which means don’t go into absurdly long detail. Try to be faithful to the text in the meme, but understand the limits of screen readers. They don’t have autocorrect, they won’t understand that “shluod” is a mispelled “should”. They can struggle with words put together likethisandthis. Ellipses and spaced out words like “t h i s” take incredibly long for the screen reader to read. If needs be, substitute with (ellipses) or (the following words have spaces between letters). Be sure to mark it with Image ID and End ID, especially if there’s added text to the post that’s not in the photos.
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textposts-erased · 3 years
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[Image ID: Giovanni posing. Above him it says “MY GENDER IS SO QUEER”. Below him it says “BOTTOM TEXT.” End ID]
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textposts-erased · 3 years
Announcement: So This Is Basically Epithet: Erased! (Unofficial)
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For months, I have been working in secret with the wonderful artist @masu-pasu​ and editor @jellybeansandcartoons​ to create a full-length So This Is Basically video for EE. We’re about 95% of the way to completion, and will be releasing the video on Sunday, October 3rd!
We’d appreciate if you’d all spread the word by reblogging this announcement! We’ve all been working really hard on this and we want Jello himself to witness his name being slandered by his own formula. It’ll be fun!
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