tedxvilnius ¡ 10 years
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TEDxVilnius team is ready to run first SOLE experiment tomorrow. Together w/ famous Lithuanian educator Austeja Landsbergiene and arts educational centre Rupert. More info about SOLE on www.ted.com/sugata
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tedxvilnius ¡ 10 years
Win a scholarship to Singularity University in Silicon Valley!
Have some great ambitions to improve the future world? There’s a noteworthy opportunity for you from Singularity University -- Global Impact Competition 2014 (GIC 2014).
The Global Impact Competitions aim to find projects that can positively impact the lives of people living in the specific regions where they are run. After the great success of the first two GIC competitions in the CEE region, applications are now open for GIC 2014.
Applicants should submit their projects aiming to improve the lives of at least one million people in Central Eastern Europe leveraging the power of accelerating technologies. Applications are welcome on the competition’s website: www.sucee.eu, until the 31st of January 2014.
The finalists will present their projects, at the Global Impact CEE finals, in front of a selected jury drawn from SU Faculty and regional executives of major corporations. The finals will take place in Budapest, Hungary in mid-March 2014.
The winner will receive a scholarship worth USD 30.000 to participate in the Graduate Studies Program (GSP) in Summer 2014 at Singularity University. The scholarship covers all tuition and lodging costs (travel is not included).
Singularity University - founded by major tech corporations in Silicon Valley and headquartered at NASA Research Park in Mountain View - has a mission to educate, inspire and empower bright minds to apply exponential technologies to address humanity’s grand challenges. Participants to the GSP program have the unparalleled opportunity to work together in international and interdisciplinary teams in order to understand and apply these transformative, exponential technologies. 
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tedxvilnius ¡ 10 years
The Future Is Ours – it’s YOURS as well!
Hey, TEDx’ers! As you may already know, the main idea which drives TEDxVilnius conference this year is described in these powerful words: The Future Is Ours. Changes of education, revolutionary technologies and transformation of our environment – these are only few things that give us food for thought and raise plenty of questions. The same goes with our speakers: we aim to bring people who are crazy about the future and are willing to share this with everyone around.
We would also love the opportunity to bring your favourite speakers to TEDxVilnius 2014. If you have somebody in mind that would suit our speaker profile (especially, talented Lithuanians that no one heard about)  – let us know by filling the following form: http://bit.ly/1fntu17
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tedxvilnius ¡ 11 years
After TEDActive 2013...
Back in February both me and fellow TEDx'er Justina Staselyte visited Palm Springs, California for TEDActive Conference. We were blown away for the entire 5 days of amazing program and 800 most interesting and inspiring people in the world -- people that came from more than 70 different countries.
Those people and their ideas made me think about the questions that are being discussed in Lithuania over and over again -- globalization and talent migration (of course, most often it's concerned as a negative thing here). And it reached the peak when, after coming back from U.S., the entire media was flooded with the news about nationalist marches for March 11- Restoration of Lithuanian Independence Day (whether to give a permission to march or not) and the debate about the dual citizenship question (we don't have it legalized here yet).
Close people -- from far abroad
National, nation, nationalism... Honestly, I believe it's high time to ask ourselves whether or not there's still such a thing as nation/country when being defined only by borders and geographical area or language. Let's go back to TEDActive...
For the ones who don't know TEDActive -- it's one of three main TED conferences. This year it was the 6th one and gathered 800 people, of which more than 400 were TEDx organizers from all over the world. While being there it seemed that all those people live the same ideas, same passions to change own environment and the world, to live not only for themselves but also for the others.
Since the first minute of TEDActive I felt those are my people -- people living same values, speaking same language: language of ideas and action. It's enough to talk only with few of them and you forget all geographical and cultural boundaries. Maybe THAT'S my nation?
TED evolution
I can bet that back in 1984 when TED started, no one had a clue that it will become such a huge global movement uniting millions of people.
And here we go, as of November 2012 TEDTalks reached 1 billion views, TED.com holds more than 1 400 talks online, which are translated into more than 90 languages.
At first TEDTalks were thought to be too scientific to the general audience; thus, back in 2005 popular U.S. TV channels refused to air TEDTalks for the general public. But it wasn't and obstacle. Now every single second on average 17 people start watching one of the TEDTalks.
TEDx was also definitely one of the reasons for TED to become so popular. We're counting only 4 years after the first TEDx conference back in 2009, and we already have more than 5 400 events organized in 1 602 different cities.
Task for the ones who stayed in Lithuania
I think the reason of TED's success is being open and creative with it's global community. Can't such community also be Lithuanians wherever they live?
During our visit in California we met with amazing Lithuanian community living in Los Angeles. There are more than 50 000 Lithuanians living in LA (!!)! Most of them are born there, some of them even not the first or second generation. However all of them foster Lithuanian traditions: speak the language, teach it in the schools, visit the parish, and even develop businesses back in Lithuania -- honestly, seems that more than most of the people back here. So does the fact that they live outside the country mean that they are less Lithuanians and love Lithuania less than the ones who stay here?
I believe it's the other way around. And I believe it's our who stay here task to be as open as possible and to the people who want to stay connected, no matter what nationality they are.
Original article on DELFI: http://bit.ly/1bqWerK
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tedxvilnius ¡ 11 years
People don’t buy what you do; people buy why you do it.
Simon Sinek: http://on.ted.com/hhdR
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tedxvilnius ¡ 11 years
Created to inspire by Michael Marantz: www.michaelmarantz.com - www.twitter.com/michaelmarantz Produced by Already Alive www.alreadyalive.com Imagine the future&
Amazing video giving a lot of food for thought... stay tuned...
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tedxvilnius ¡ 11 years
School boys are developing robots!
VKA students Aurimas Jankauskas, Rokas Lileikis, Vytautas Tumas, Alanas PlaĹĄcinskas are constructing robotic systems.
Robotics is a popular topic among teenagers today, so a special group at VKA ("Vilniaus kompiuterininku akademija") was established and 9-12 grade students are constructing robots, special robotic systems for two years now. Robotics training is designed to provide practical knowledge necessary to build, program and develope of the various classes and the complexity of robots. 
During the Makers' Fair the students from Academy Rokas Lileikis and Vytautas Tumas are going to present constructed electrical bicycle. Paulius Ĺ idlauskas is going to show a bicycle computer, which is capable to capture the speed, has a temperature sensor and the lamp control circuit. Aurimas Jankauskas will invite you to watch robots football and Alanas PlaĹĄcinskas will present a smart house system project.
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tedxvilnius ¡ 11 years
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Matas Jankauskas shows his work.
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tedxvilnius ¡ 11 years
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This photo was selected as “Photo of the day” at “GoPro” daily photo contest. “Almost fell off my chair, when I saw this photo got 1 500 votes just in a half of the day”, - Matas laughs.
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tedxvilnius ¡ 11 years
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First copter made by Matas Jankauskas
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tedxvilnius ¡ 11 years
Makers’ Fair: a young and talented constructor shortly got in to business!
Matas Jankauskas has started to construct copters at the age of 14! “It was a difficult beginning and it took some time”, - Matas says,  - “I was browsing the forums and trying to get the answers, how to make a copter. A few years ago there were no precise instructions how to do that. Step by step it happened and at the age of 16 I was already making calls to get my own clients”.
Now Matas is using his copters in the real estate business. He is working with a company from South Florida and taking photos of the real estate for two years.
Want to know how to manage a copter? How to take wonderful photos with it? Come to the Makers' fair! Matas is going to show some serious stuff!
Pictures to follow...
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tedxvilnius ¡ 11 years
What should you say to your boss
Need to explain to your boss why you need to take a day-off to come to TEDxVilniusLive? We got you covered! Here are the reasons your boss should let you go:
1: A unique chance to talk and spread the news about the work that you and your company is doing, not mention get feedback and brainstorm new ideas – @TEDxYouShare session.
2: Obviously, there’s a great benefit of watching all the TEDGlobal talks in real-time, with people who are eager to dissect and discuss each one.
3: It’s not just the talks – throughout the event you will be meeting with Vilnius’ cutting edge business, technology and artistic innovators, who are making magic in everything from robotics to 3D printing! @Makers’ Fair
4: The great opportunity to network with TEDxVilnius community members!
5: Guess who’s bringing all the great ideas they see and hear back to the office? You are! The conversation around the water-cooler is about to get a lot more interesting…
6: If all else fails: you’re actually a superhero who creates and spreads all the world’s newest ideas, and the world is calling for your help!
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tedxvilnius ¡ 11 years
Key elements of TEDxVilniusLive event
Hey guys, 
We want you to know more facts and figures about TEDxVilnius Live event program. So, what is special about this event? 
As you can see in a program, the event will contain 3 sessions of TEDGlobal 2013 Simulcast, Makers Fair, TEDxVilnius YouShare platform (where you can share your ideas) and a great party after all! 
Makers Fair@TEDxVilnius Live
At Makers Fair you will meet our former TEDxVilnius speaker Paulius Briedis (3D printing), our special guests Gediminas Vansevicius and Laura Dubickiene from SPIDERFLY FILMS (the flying camera demonstration) and others (we will announce soon)!
During the first break all the makers are going to present and demonstrate their work to the audience. You will have a unique opportunity not only to watch demonstrations and ask questions, but also to learn how to create something new by yourself! So, come and learn some DIY techniques!
TEDxVilnius YouShare
TEDxVilnius YouShare is a new thing at TEDx events! Here you will find a platform, created for you to share your great ideas in 2-7 minutes talk. Talks can be given in English, or Lithuanian.
We believe that TEDxVilnius attendees are often just as extraordinary as the speakers – that's why you are invited to contribute to the program! Prepare a short talk, register, come and speak!
If you want to take TEDxVilnius Live stage, please send an email with a topic and short introduction of your talk to [email protected]
XXII century PARTY
It is time for a PARTY details! We are happy to have one more former TEDxVilnius speaker on our stage – Mark Splinter will join us! Mark is going to make you dance until your feet hurt! Be ready for the experiment – you will see 3D visualizations and DJ is going to record and mix the sounds of the public! We will create some music together!
Save the date for XXII century party. You will see.
12th of June @LOFTAS (Ĺ vitrigailos street 29, Vilnius)
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