Unfortunately, since registration is closed, we cannot add new members to our team. On the bright side, we are so excited to meet the 13 surprise Gishers that will be added! Good luck to all, and happy Gishing! :)
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Laid Back Gishwhes Team Looking for 13 Members!
We may have gotten our start a bit late this year, but we鈥檙e ready to have a blast all the same!聽
We are looking for people with talents of all varieties! So far we are only two strong, but we are both returning Gishers! We encourage first time gishers to come on this wild journey with us and feel free to ask any and all questions you have! The vibe from this team is aimed to be mellow and fun. We鈥檙e mainly in it to have a good time for a good cause.
If this sounds like the kind of team you鈥檙e looking for, then send us a message! We鈥檒l want to hear a bit about you and the things you can bring to the team. Just a few things such as name, age, and general part of the Earth that you habit as well so we can get to know you a bit!
Come join us! We only bite if you ask us to nicely because your comfort and consent is of top priority. :)
Okay, so maybe we鈥檙e kidding about the biting thing... but the rest is true! Hope to see you in our inbox!
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We may be late bloomers, BUT WE'RE AT IT AGAIN!
Calling all last minute Gishers! A member of my team last year (Misha鈥檚 Angels) and I have joined forces to create a new, laid back team!
First time Gisher? Need a chill team to start with? Seasoned Gisher just looking to do it for fun? Sounds like you need our team. :) What are we called??
Yep. We went there.
Sound like a good fit for you? Message me a bit about yourself and we鈥檒l see how it rolls. :)
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