tavard-ffxiv · 3 years
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The Quest for Amaro: DONE!
I have finished all my classes! I actually started Blue Mage for fun, but I have my Amaro!
I love my floof-dragon! Thank you to all the people that helped me level as well as offering moral support. And yes, all the lovely people who liked and cheered me on tumblr!
I'm so damn happy to have this flying sky-pupper.
Also, if you want to make your own little card for progress: https://characa.kkimu.dev/
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tavard-ffxiv · 3 years
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The Quest for Amaro: One Class to Go!
I have finished Red Mage! My goal was an Amaro before Endwalker so I only have about two weeks to go, but hopefully I can get Lancer/Dragoon done before then.
Wish me luck, and if you want to make your own little card for progress: https://characa.kkimu.dev/
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tavard-ffxiv · 3 years
Which of my favorite specific character archetypes are you? - Jaxon Tavard
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the Lionheart
The loyal one, the stubborn one, the one who fights for others. The guarder, the watcher, the brave, foolish, valiant person who is not the same person by the end of the story.
Quiz Here.
Tagged by: @hiraethwyl (sorta! Thank you for sharing it!)
Tagging: @chocoblep @placesyoucallhome @valdiis @thefrostflower @adeerinnara-blog @canalstreetbaker @illia-ast @brambles-n-biscuits @sundered-souls @miqojak @talion-graves @yokasaris @sola-ffxiv @unatobajhiri & anyone else that wants to do it!
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tavard-ffxiv · 3 years
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tavard-ffxiv · 3 years
Writing fight scenes
masterlist. main navigation.
@bluebxlle_writer on Instagram
1. Pacing
A fight scene should be fast-paced and intense. Unless it's a final battle with numerous parties, a fight scene that's too long tends to take away suspense. To speed up your pacing, use active voice to describe movement and don't overdescribe your characters' thoughts. Excessive inner monologue will be unrealistic, as people usually have no room to think during intense combats.
2. Character mannerisms
Here's a point that people often overlook, but is actually super important. Through fight scenes, you should be able to reveal your characters' contrasting mannerisms and personality. A cunning character would play dirty - fighting less and making use of their opponent's weakness more. A violent character would aim to kill. A softer one would only target to disarm their enemies, using weakened attacks. A short-minded character would only rely on force and attack without thinking. This will help readers understand your characters more and decide who to root for.
3. Making use of surroundings
Not only the characters, you also need to consider the setting of your fight scene and use it to your advantage. Is it suitable for fighting, or are there dangerous slopes that make it risky? Are there scattered items that can help your characters fight (e.g. nails, shards of glass, ropes, wooden boards, or cutlery)? Is it a public place where people can easily spot the fight and call the authorities, or is it a private spot where they can fight to the death?
4. Description
The main things that you need to describe in a fight scene are :
• Characters involved in the fight
• How they initiate and dodge attacks
• Fighting styles and any weapons used
• The injuries caused
Be careful to not drag out the description for too long, because it slows down the pace.
5. Raise the stakes
By raising the stakes of the fight, your readers will be more invested in it. Just when they think it's over, introduce another worse conflict that will keep the scene going. Think of your characters' goals and motivations as well. Maybe if the MC didn't win, the world would end! Or maybe, one person in the fight is going all-out, while the other is going easy because they used to be close :"D
6. Injuries
Fights are bound to be dirty and resulting in injuries, so don't let your character walk away unscathed - show the effect of their injuries. For example, someone who had been punched in the jaw has a good chance of passing out, and someone who had been stabbed won't just remove the knife and walk away without any problem. To portray realistic injuries, research well. I have two posts about writing realistic pain and injuries back in my pink theme, check them out if you need any reference!
7. Drive the plot forward
You don't write fight scenes only to make your characters look cool - every fight needs to have a purpose and drive the plot forward. Maybe they have to fight to improve their fighting skills or escape from somewhere alive. Maybe they need to defeat the enemy in order to obtain an object or retrieve someone who had been kidnapped. The point is, every single fight scene should bring the characters one step closer (or further :D) to the climax.
8. Words to use
• Hand to hand combat :
Crush, smash, lunge, beat, punch, leap, slap, scratch, batter, pummel, whack, slam, dodge, clobber, box, shove, bruise, knock, flick, push, choke, charge, impact
• With weapon :
Swing, slice, brandish, stab, shoot, whip, parry, cut, bump, poke, drive, shock, strap, pelt, plunge, impale, lash, bleed, sting, penetrate
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tavard-ffxiv · 3 years
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tavard-ffxiv · 3 years
“I’m afraid of a lot of things, but mostly, most sincerely, I am afraid of being completely unraveled by you, and you finding nothing you want in here.”
— L.M. Dorsey, She Is Made of Chalk (via thelovejournals)
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tavard-ffxiv · 3 years
C - Caregiver - How do they give/receive care best? Do they care for everyone or just a small number of people? How do they react to someone in need?
Jaxon is definitely much better at giving care than receiving. He tends to be an absolute idiot about his own well-being, but will do everything he can to help anyone around him. He's definitely more devoted to the people he's closer with, but he's not someone who is good at turning his back on any kind of suffering or need. He's the kind of person that would set himself on fire to keep others warm so most of those close to him tend to keep an eye out for him doing just that.
Jaxon is very much the type to give someone the coat off his back if they need it. He knows he's lucky enough to have decent finances, a profitable business, and plenty of support. He doesn't want to take that for granted and he definitely doesn't want to deny anyone else the chance to have that.
For actually helping someone in need, Jaxon tends to be a little careful. He knows a lot of people can resent being pitied or coddled too much. His personal preference is giving a helping hand, but not taking their control away. He knows it's a terrible blow to someone already in need to feel like they're unable to provide for themselves or their families, as well as relying on someone else. His normal method of help is trying to help them find work and offering the occasional little gift/help so they can succeed. Enough so that they can move forward, but not so much they feel like they aren't helping themselves.
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@searsha-reborn - thank you for the ask!
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tavard-ffxiv · 3 years
A - Advocate - How do they show their support for others? Are there any causes that they publicly support? Why?
Jaxon has no problem being vocal about what he supports, as well as being active in helping those causes. He is heading out to Bozja shortly to support their efforts, for example.
For people, he also tends to praise and encourage a lot. If he can help them toward their goals, he definitely does although he tries to tread a line to support without overwhelming or pressuring them. He knows how hard it is not feeling supported so he tries to give that to the people in his life without making them feel coddled or humored.
Jaxon is a big supporter of providing help, proper medical care, and opportunities to both the people in the Brume and Ala Mhigan refugees. Most of his employees are from those sources, as well as war veterans. He feels that they tend to be forgotten or others consider that 'their place' to be struggling and 'below' others. He definitely doesn't agree with that and he makes a strong effort to give them help getting out of the unfair situations they are often forced into with honest work, good wages, and proper support.
Another cause Jaxon supports is the equality of the so-called 'Beast Tribes'. While he understands some are Tempered by Primals, many of them are just people trying to survive and often treated by the 'Spoken' as animals at best and vermin at worst. He quite frankly hates that sentiment. They're people, just like any other. They have languages, stories, families, and all the rest. They aren't any less than the 'Spoken', they're merely a little different.
He definitely tends to be vocal about them being people and has zero hesitation protecting them when he sees the chance, be it from Yellowjackets or raiders. He also does his best to open trade relationships and opportunities with the more friendly ones, as well as respecting the homes and boundaries of even the unfriendly tribes. They have just as much right to be safe and happy as he does and he will go out of his way to not intrude on their lands if at all possible.
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@sundered-souls - thank you for the ask!
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tavard-ffxiv · 3 years
O - Organiser - How organised are they? Do they have any unusual organisation systems? What would cause them to be uncharacteristically (dis-)organised?
Jaxon is fairly organized, although not always overly neat. He tends to put things in the 'proper place' but he doesn't always have them exactly organized. His workplace at home, for example, has all his tools, but they're just kind of scattered on the desk or in drawers. As long as he can find them with little effort, he doesn't worry too much about it being exact. His office at work is 'organized chaos', although he's extremely neat in shared workspaces, such as the ship or the warehouses. He doesn't want anyone not being able to find something they need so he tries to be courteous about it.
Jaxon tends to keep a notebook on him at all times if possible. He uses it to write down ideas, but also important notes or information so he doesn't forget. It's helped eliminate a lot of stress for him because he worries about not remembering things or getting too distracted. His new Allagan node, Eddie, is also very helpful with this. Basically a personal assistant, Eddie has taken it upon herself to help Jaxon remember things as well as take care of himself better.
Stress definitely affects Jaxon's organizational skills. When his mindset is poor, he tends to be more forgetful and far less extroverted. That means his organization suffers. On the really bad days, Haelrael and Caderyn even tend to send him home because they know he's a (mild) danger, mostly to himself since his mind isn't focused.
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@valdiis - thank you for the ask!
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tavard-ffxiv · 3 years
X - Xceptional - Who is the most exceptional person in their life? Are there any rules that they have notable exceptions to? What gets them excited in life?
Jaxon would be hardpressed to pick someone as 'most exceptional'. He finds a lot of people exceptional and in their own unique ways. He's a firm believer in everyone has worth and no one is 'ordinary', let alone 'boring'. He would very much say he's lucky enough to know quite a few exceptional people.
One person in his life he definitely considers exceptional is Haelrael Grynhyltwyn. A lovely Roegadyn woman who is a little older than him, 'Rae' as she's affectionately called has been married to her husband Rhylstyr for over twenty-five years and they've had six kids together, ranging from age twenty-three to a pair of seven-year-old twin boys. Rae takes care of her family, takes care of the business and the crew, and while Jaxon is sometimes loathed to admit it, she keeps an eye on him too. She manages it all with grace, maturity, and good humor. So he considers that pretty damn exceptional.
One of Jaxon's rules is 'don't start violence', which some might be surprised at considering his past as a soldier and a mercenary, and the fact he can be a bit of a hothead. However, he normally regulates himself to snark or a little posturing. He doesn't throw the first punch most of the time. The notable exception is someone touching someone that says no. Whether it's himself or someone else, he breaks his own rule when it comes to that. He will definitely throw the first punch. Also if someone is being, in his words, 'a wanker', such as a Wood Wailer harassing a Duskwight or a Highborn bullying someone in the Brume. Long story short, he doesn't like bullies, especially ones that think they have the right to touch anyone they want.
The thing that likely gets Jaxon the most excited is learning. Be it creating something, learning how to fix something, studying a language, or exploring a new place, learning something new always gets Jaxon excited and ready for more. He really enjoys the unknown, be it mundane or extraordinary, and is eager to learn about it.
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@airykansui - thank you for the ask!
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tavard-ffxiv · 3 years
can we all agree that pressing foreheads together is an underrated act of affection??
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tavard-ffxiv · 3 years
my heart aches for words i never had a chance to say
silence after the pain // ma.c.a
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tavard-ffxiv · 3 years
Honestly, my goal in life is just to be a very warm person. I want to be as loving and as kind as I can be.
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tavard-ffxiv · 3 years
“Rather die on our feet, than keep living on our knees.”
— James Brown
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tavard-ffxiv · 3 years
How do you love? - Jaxon Tavard
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with thunder, thorns and tales
you love with passion. bright burning barely controlled love exploding everywhere. your love is so raw and it has so many branches, it touches almost everyone near you. but the people who you truly care for really know how exhilarating it is to be loved by you. tucking hair behind their ear as you continue a heated debate. fingers intertwined as you run around the parking lot, laughing and tripping. you love with So Much. you love with So Much that there is no time to speak of it, only to do, only to act. you love with certainty.
Quiz Here
Tagged by: @airykansui & @brambles-n-biscuits - thank you!
Tagging: @valdiis @placesyoucallhome @thefrostflower @ythealleycat @canalstreetbaker @houserosaire @trishelle @yokasaris @sundered-souls @charm-in-spades @chanaihimaa @phoebe-of-ivalice @lukawarrioroflight & anyone else that wants to do it!
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tavard-ffxiv · 3 years
if you would be so kind as to reblog this if you feel insecure about your writing skills.
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