tarot-of-the-day · 5 years
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Our calm white cat lays next to a pond, surrounded by marigolds in a meadow. She wears a brown collar with a fire symbol. A fish jumps out of the bowl that’s in her paws, into the pond. There is a rainbow we can see in the pond that is on the bowl as well. This rainbow looks lively and big in the cloudy skies above. The Temperance cat invited you to stay calm, even in stressful times. You seem to have an abundance in patience and the little things are not getting to you. Be a peacekeeper and don’t rush into what your long term goal is. Your inner voice is guiding you through the correct path.
Reversed: Losing touch with your inner self, resulting in overindulgence and reckless actions. This is a warning sign to find your balance as soon as you can.
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tarot-of-the-day · 5 years
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Our all-black pagan cat sits in a moonlit graveyard, wearing a silver rose collar around his neck. A paw holds onto the scythe on the ground. Behind him is a Celtic cross used as a tombstone, decorated with roses in a vase on the ground. Despite being the card that everyone fears, it is a card that shows a much-needed change in your life. This change comes suddenly and unexpectedly; Resisting will make the transition difficult, so instead, embrace with open arms this fresh start for you.
Reversed: Resisting the inevitable change in front of you, causing you more pain and negativity than necessary. The Universe will find a way to make it happen.
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tarot-of-the-day · 5 years
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The Hanged Man
Our calico kitty is up to mischief! He’s currently hanging upside down from a green curtain on a window facing a tree that’s full of life right outside. He might be contemplating on different angles to jump right into it! On the side of the window, you can see a framed picture for each tarot suit (pentacle, sword, wand, and chalice). On the floor, we see a broom ready to clean up our kitty’s mess and a rat playing cards scattered around the floor. The hanged kitty encourages you to take a pause before you take any further steps, or the Universe will do it for you. The way you are approaching certain aspects is just not working out and it would be best to start looking for new perspectives for better results. Resisting this halt will only have you meeting more obstacles in your path. If you are feeling stuck, assess why and what is preventing you from moving forward. Mix up your routine to ponder on this and you will see your energy starting to shift.
Reversed: Resistance to put a pause on your endeavors. Instead, your days are filled with busy tasks and projects instead of dealing with the issue that needs your most attention. Your spirits are asking you to take it slow before it’s too late.
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tarot-of-the-day · 5 years
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Our sophisticated and respected sphynx cat sits with its paws curled up to her chest. She stares, waiting for something to be said. Above her, she has a circle is drawn on the wall, making it look like a crown. There is also a balance scale with a feather on the left scale. The wall behind her shows the four suits (chalices, wands, swords, pentacles) scattered and some Egyptian hieroglyphics. Right now, your actions will be judged and you will have to face the consequences. If you've acted in a way that did not align with your higher self, you will have to make up for your actions. However, this is not something to be antsy about since a level of compassion is accompanied by our Justice sphynx. Be aware of the impact your decisions have on yourself and onto others. Prepare to question yourself on what you believe is ethical and fair.
Reversed: An action you've done may be weighing on your conscience since you know it wasn't morally right. This causes you to be defensive and put your blame onto others for your mistake when it is not the case. Acknowledging this and figuring out where is it that you went wrong, will make you see your mistake and free you of your guilt.
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tarot-of-the-day · 5 years
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The Wheel
Our white and gray cat lays atop of a loft, surrounded by books, candles, an hourglass, and a crystal ball. He is looking straight into our soul with his yellow eyes, while his paw sits on the wheel right below. This wheel shows blue, red and yellow colored runes and rats; along with the four suits (chalice, pentacle, wand, and sword), the elements (water, earth, fire, air) along with the twelve zodiacs for their respective element. The Wheel of Fortune reminds us to go with the flow of the Universe! Life is constant change, and the good fortune you've been hoping for might be on its way. It might also be here to remind us to always be kind. The kind of energy we put into the Universe is the same one it's gonna throw back at you. An unexpected change might be on its way. Even if it might be unpredictable, take some time to dwell on it and focus on the new paths this will pave for you in your life. Trust your intuition and go with the flow.
Reversed: An experience of unexpected, negative change. This is an opportunity to either wait until things turn around on its own or take action and reclaim your life. Take this time to dwell on what went wrong, and if it's something under your control, ensure the same mistakes aren't done. You might be ready to break from a negative cycle that has had a negative impact.
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tarot-of-the-day · 5 years
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The Hermit
Our hermit walks up on a mountain with a hooded rag and a lamp hanging from a stick that he grabs with the end of his tail. The light in the lamp holds a 6-pointed star and it lights a small portion of our cat’s surroundings; this light only illuminates the next few steps rather than the entirety of his journey. Our hermit invites you to go into your private world and take the time needed to look within yourself. It’s best to keep to yourself or get a small group of people following a similar journey. This is a time where you are contemplating the path you want to follow and modify the road to best fit your end goal. The hermit might not necessarily be you, this might be someone that appears in your life as a spiritual guide. As much of a teacher this person can be to you, they will encourage you to find answers within you.
Reversed: You're not taking enough time for inner reflection or you are taking too much of it; Encourages you to meditate and refocus on your path; Distancing yourself from loved ones.
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tarot-of-the-day · 5 years
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Our white cat sits on the flowery grass with a serene yet powerful look on her face. She is adorned with a wreath of flowers with green and red leaves from the top of her head to her tail. She puts her right paw on a chow chow puppy for comfort. There is a chalice with sprouting plants and a crystal ball on a table with a flower bush sitting on the bottom. The Strength card represents determination and power. It is about knowing that you can endure life's obstacles with patience and tranquility. It is all about inner strength with you and this gives you the confidence to overcome any fears or doubts you might have in yourself. Others feel influenced by your demeanor and see you as a loyal friend. Approach situations head-on, but with love and compassion.
Reversed: Lack of self-confidence, a time to reconnect with your inner strength, lazy and pushing back a goal you really want to achieve. It is important to take care of yourself in order to take care of others, or you might end up exploding on someone else and saying (or doing something) you might regret later.
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tarot-of-the-day · 5 years
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The Chariot
Our white cat warrior sits tall and graciously inside a chariot, surrounded by a canopy decorated with six-pointed stars. He wears a yellow sash across his body and a collar with a pentacle on it. On his tail, he holds a wand with a crystal on top. Pulling the chariot, there are two opposite colored peacocks; One the usual bright blues, reds, and greens while the other one is all white. This card, like our white cat, shows that you are confident and determined to make your choices work out in your favor. This is not a time to sit back and relax; It is a time to stay focused on your course regardless of the obstacles that may come your way. Willpower and self-discipline are important right now. Be courageous and bold in expressing your desires.
Reversed: Take a step back; Loss of motivation; Letting obstacles get to you; Focusing on other's opinions too much.
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tarot-of-the-day · 5 years
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The Lovers
On a bright and sunny day, our tuxedo cat looks into its golden orb. It sees a vision of two cats of opposite colors circling each other. Behind our cat, we see an apple orchard with a green snake twisting through its branches during daylight on one side and the bark of an oak tree with the tip of its branches on fire in the darkness. The vision of the lovers signifies the paths we see in front of us that give us the volition of which direction we want to embark on. We can take the path of the apple orchard where the snake slithers or wander through the night where the fire is burning. It’s important to understand that having a balance between the light and darkness is healthy so we aren’t overwhelmed by one or the other.
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tarot-of-the-day · 5 years
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The Hierophant
We see our Hierophant laying on an open book. He holds a pentacle between his front paws and a wand sits on his behind. Above, we see a chalice and a dagger on a plate. There are stacks of books behind him, showing that he has the knowledge that lies within these. Two kittens sit in awe in front of him, eager to grow spiritually while learning from their trusted source. These kittens are ready to explore a religious or spiritual path, along with a group of people.
Reversed: This is a time to trust your inner guidance and start creating your own path. You no longer feel the need for external approval to succeed; Instead, you seek out ways to reclaim your power.
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tarot-of-the-day · 5 years
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The Emperor
Our orange and black-furred coon Emperor sits on a tower of blocks of the four suits. Each block of the tower shows the four suits of Tarot painted on the sides; Wands, Chalices, Swords and Pentacles. His face shows a powerful stare, demanding respect and authority. The Emperor is knowledgeable and shows expertise in any matters you might ask him about. This builds structure and encourages efficiency, prosperity, and stability. Decisions are made for the greater good, intending to benefit as many as possible.
Reversed: There is an abuse of your power. You might be afraid of being seen as a leader. Pay attention to your goals and self-discipline.
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tarot-of-the-day · 5 years
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The Empress
Our cat empress lays in a secluded forest on a comfy pillow, decorated with pomegranates on the ground. She is abundant in white fluff and wears a decorated royal crown with twelve stars. Her four kittens run and play around her while she looks over them. Alongside her, she provides a bowl of water to ensure her young do not go thirsty while playing in the flowery field. This is a time of great abundance and creativity. Good energy abounds is available for you to use and enjoy.
Reversed: It's time to make self care a priority. You may crave a stronger connection with yourself and nature.
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tarot-of-the-day · 5 years
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The High Priestess
Our high priestess cat sits on her altar between a pair of black and white star decorated curtains. In the middle of the altar, we see that she sits upon an open scroll that reflects what we might see as a crescent moon. Between the stars and the moon, our black cat sits with an all-knowing glare. It's time you trust your intuition and take the next step towards the spiritual realm. This is the knowledge that can only be and understood through direct experience. Foreknowledge is not possible because experience is essential.
Reversed: Mistrust in your inner voice, resisting actions. Denying what your soul wants only leads to misery. Do not let others get in the way of your wisdom.
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tarot-of-the-day · 5 years
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The Magician
Our white cat sits graciously on an altar, wearing a red collar and a crown of infinity. They hold a wand upright to the sky; On the altar, we see a pentacle, a ritual dagger, and a chalice. Our cat has everything it needs to manifest what it truly wants, that being to finally catch that pesky mouse around the house; Or getting that wet food it's been craving. Using the skills and resources they have, including their understanding of how the world works, to achieve those goals.
Reverse: Someone is tricking or being conned.
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tarot-of-the-day · 5 years
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The Fool
It's a sunny, bright day and our calico kitty runs to an edge, curiously following a yellow monarch butterfly. The kitty seems to be daydreaming on some of the finer things in life, like milk and comfy pillows to sleep on. This is the moment before the first step is taken. You may have an idea of where you want to end up, but you have no idea how to get there.
Reversed: Making a foolish choice.
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tarot-of-the-day · 5 years
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King of Swords
A powerful person of authority; a self-assured and self-serving individual; a boss; a dominating or controlling individual ruling with an iron fist discipline; one who serves in the military or works in law enforcement; strength; domination; violence and abuse; cruelty; conflict and negativity; the strict and stern father; anger; quarrels; power; a show of authority; having to submit to another persons rule; government trouble with the law; a powerful enemy; a warning of danger.
Reversed: A powerful enemy is conquered; control is broken; authority is lost or threatened; abusive behavior brings a downfall danger; weakness; a lack of confidence in one's leadership; a ruler is overthrown; disrespect for authority; escape from oppression; anger is left behind; violence is threatened; a negative individual who must be banished from one's life; an unfavorable court ruling; a person whom the card signifies is troubled or seeks to cause trouble.
Magickal Uses: Use in spells meant to increase one's authority or bolster one's personal power. It can also be used in magickal workings to represent dominating leaders or oppressive regimes. Reverse, the card to overthrow the power structure and disrupt the hierarchy.
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tarot-of-the-day · 5 years
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Queen of Swords
Missing a loved one; loneliness; a powerful, determined, tenacious, and reserved individual; a grieving person; yearning for the distant or unattainable; a strong and confident leader; a deep sense of longing that remains unsatisfied; focusing thoughts on the past or the future; one who wears a thick mask; maintaining or utilizing one's position of authority; grace determination; a persistent memory; an inward sadness and an outward calm; an impenetrable facade; closing off the affections; an intelligent individual who is somewhat distant bearing; one's pain in silence; a person who is able to suppress their immediate desires in order to achieve larger aims.
Reversed: A person who should not be trusted; something or someone that has been dearly missed returns; a calm facade is broken; a mask is cracked; self-serving leadership; determination and resolve start to falter; a longing is satisfied; a long-held desire or memory is left in the past; a person whom the card represents is troubled or at odds with the querent.
Magickal Uses: Use in spells to help bolster resolve, determination, and authority, or in rituals and other magickal workings aimed at reconnecting with the past. Reversed, use as an aid to revealing the truth or for reclaiming that which has been lost or left behind.
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