tarantuling · 5 years
me, a fool: i will use live plants in my snake enclosure. they help with humidity, look nice and my snake will enjoy them as natural cover and feel secure and those plants will thrive
my snake:
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tarantuling · 5 years
how many spiders do you have? And how do you afford this??? I only have a rose hair and an LP, and I'd love to have a red knee but they're so expensive. I love your blog by the way
1) Thank you
2) I currently have 25 tarantulas and 17 different species. This sounds like a lot but most of them are still small-ish and it’s literally just a spooder shelf in the corner. I have one (1) snake that takes up the same amount of space.
3) I assume you live in the US? One thing you need to know is that the tarantula keeping community in Europe works completely different from the US. Firstly, everything is a lot more affordable. I don’t think I’ve ever paid more than 15 bucks (assuming € and $ are pretty much equivalent) for a sling - for example, each of my pokies was about 5€ when I bought them. Brachys for example are really common over here. I think I bought my B. hamorii (a sexed female) for 20€ or something. Rose hairs, on the other hand, are somewhat hard to find. American prices for Ts are ridiculous to me, if I had to pay the equivalent of 150€ for a spider, I probably wouldn’t have any.
I’m also lucky enough to know a few other mad spider people personally, and I’m also part of a group of exotics vets where there are quite a few invertebrate keepers. - So I get great deals, like swapping a mature male Grammostola for a Pamphobeteus sp. :) It all happens on its own when you’ve been in this hella weird community for a few years.
Good luck with your spiders! I’ve never had a rose hair, and I’ve also never had an LP, but I can tell you that B. hamorii are worth every penny and I love them.
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tarantuling · 5 years
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just chillin on my log
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tarantuling · 5 years
Why are you getting so much backlash from your cute little leggy boi? Humans are scarier than spiders. I have these spiders called vibrating spiders that usually hang around during the summer months and they're super chill. They will run away from you if you spooky them.
Once you start collecting big hairy spiders like pokemon, a bit of backlash is to be expected. Nah but seriously, you're soo right, these animals are, objectively, still small and mostly helpless and more afraid of people than most people are of them. And I would never try to actually trigger anyone's arachnophobia, because that's not funny in any way. On the other hand, getting told that my animals are disgusting and should be killed just really doesn't sit well with me, no matter how hard i try to ignore it. Why on earth is it okay to say that about someone's pet?
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tarantuling · 5 years
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look at my newest addition, he’s so tiny and pretty. 0.0.1 Pamphobeteus sp. platyomma
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tarantuling · 5 years
stevia333k replied to your photo “if you know someone who’s scared of spiders and thinks they’re evil,...”
sorry @tarantruling i meant damn it @tarantuling​
that’s cool. glad you rectified your mistake and you’re now cursing at the right person. i don’t know what you’re doing on my blog if my animals disgust you so much but i’m just here doing my thing ya know. chillin with the spoods, not caring about your opinion and all that.
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tarantuling · 5 years
also, thank you for 1,300 followers. i still can’t believe it, i very fundamentally cannot believe that y’all care about my spiders. thx for being here
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tarantuling · 5 years
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two gals being pretty in their new home <3
Nymphadora (B. hamorii)
Sybill (B. albopilosum)
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tarantuling · 5 years
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i’m kind of sorry for spamming y’all with pictures today but: i moved all of my tarantulas across half the country this weekend and everyone arrived safe and sound and i’m just so glad they’re all fine and their enclosures have arrived in one piece as well.
that’s not everyone btw, that’s just the juveniles and the slings. i swear i don’t have a problem
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tarantuling · 5 years
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if you know someone who’s scared of spiders and thinks they’re evil, show them this picture of Musgrave, my Caribena versicolor (Antilles Pinktoe Tarantula) sitting on top of his star shaped water dish and sTICKING hIS LEGGY OUT reaL FAR
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tarantuling · 5 years
update: still five. Nobody eaten. They just get secretive when they're kept communally, apparently. I'm so relieved. Peaceful blue babies.
Made an attempt to figure out how many m. balfouris i have left after setting up a communal of 5 a year ago. Signs point to three, but can’t be sure. I think we call this a fail because someone definitely got eaten here. Communals are not my thing anyway so i suppose this was the first and last one.
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tarantuling · 5 years
Made an attempt to figure out how many m. balfouris i have left after setting up a communal of 5 a year ago. Signs point to three, but can't be sure. I think we call this a fail because someone definitely got eaten here. Communals are not my thing anyway so i suppose this was the first and last one.
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tarantuling · 5 years
There's another very interesting thing that happened on the tarantula front: Goodbye and good luck Stefan (formerly Andromeda), my Grammostola pulchripes. 💕 Nah he didn't die, he just matured out as an adult male and I gave him away for a breeding project. Soooooo if he does a good job and the female has mercy (ahem) he'll be a father next year and I'll be a GRANDMA omg i'm so excited. Also, i got a Pamphobeteus spec. platyomma sling from Stefan's new owner, so all in all this was an amazing deal. 🌸🌿🕷️
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tarantuling · 5 years
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Dolores, Nhandu chromatus 0.1, freshly molted, currently the largest, smartest and still weirdest spider i’ve ever had
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tarantuling · 5 years
btw my snek got tungle famous
why on earth are snakes seen as mysterious, cunning and insidious, they are literal dumbasses, slithering through the world trying not to die of their own dumbassery. Sometimes my pet snake fails to eat his rat because he can’t find the head and it won’t fit into him because he tries to eat it ass first, so he gives up and sulks in his cave for three days. Sometimes he tries to wrap around his heat lamp in the middle of the night, then kaboom! falls to the ground and lies there confused for half an hour. He gets offended by his water dish. One time he got scared of his plant because a leaf touched him funny as he was slithering by. When he was little and not used to handling,he tried to bite me occasionally but missed every single time. He’s scared of black rats and won’t eat food that isn’t either white or light brown. I have no idea how he would survive in the wild. He’s not evil and mischieveous, he’s literally a cannoli with a head and he’s never had a thought in his life.
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tarantuling · 5 years
i moved so many new world tarantulas to new terrariums today, my hands are ON FIRE from all the urticating hair but. worth it.
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tarantuling · 5 years
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my juvenile B. hamorii, Nymphadora, freshly molted and glowing, exploring her new home <3
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