#zoloft is probably making things 'worse' but that is subjective. i see the world for what it is now. empty and soulless all the way down
digitalafterlife · 6 months
revolutionary optimism ... wish i had an ounce of it. wish any of it rang true
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solasan · 4 years
96 + june & adam 👀
angst/fluff prompt list
96 — “can’t you stay a little longer?”, late book 2
The Agency’s medical facilities have a lot going for them, obviously, being super-secret government-run places that cater almost exclusively to the equally-super-secret supernatural patrons of the world. The law of super-secret government agencies says that they have to be pretty well put-together, y’know? Captain America wasn’t made in, like, a garage. Iron Man doesn’t get treated in a public hospital. Batman never got himself stitched up in the parking lot of a Denny’s, or anything.
So, yeah, they’re top-notch. Grade A, or whatever. But they’re still indentured to the general rule of all hospitals and hospital-adjacent facilities worldwide, so— like, the food fucking sucks.
Which wouldn’t be a problem, normally. Except that Adam’s still laid-up from what the Trappers did to him — which June is still very carefully Not-Thinking about, because she’s very good at Not-Thinking about these kinds of things — and she’s obviously not about to, like, leave him, or whatever, even if he did have to be moved to the main Facility to be monitored. Which means, y’know. She’s stuck with shitty food.
Today’s fare had been a choice between soggy salad or soggy casserole, and June’s not a rabbit, thank you, so casserole it is.
Or— probably casserole it is. She’s not, like, actually sure? It’s kinda stodgy and stiff, and she’s pretty sure casseroles aren’t supposed to be like that, but then what would she know? She hasn’t had casserole since the week after Dad’s funeral, when it was all they ate, ‘cause Rebecca couldn’t get out of bed to cook.
She heaves a sigh, shakes her head, and knocks on Adam’s door. Only obviously, Adam isn’t the one to open it.
Elidor’s lips are twitching, but there’s a stern line to his brow when he looks at her that really isn’t encouraging. “He’s sleeping, June. Go back to the cafeteria.”
“Ugh, I can’t. It’s too quiet.”
“It’s quiet in here, too. He needs his rest.”
“I know.” June grins up at him, batting her big brown eyes that way she’d perfected by the time that she was twelve and Miss Lewis caught her carving binary translations of swear words into the underside of her desk. “Look, I’ll be real good, okay, I promise. And c’mon, who’s gonna know?”
“I’ll know.”
“Yeah, yeah, you will... But! We’re friends, Elidor. Right?”
He stares down at her for several very long moments, blinking slowly like she’s a special kind of idiot — which, ouch, she has an IQ of 163, thanks— before he sighs. Only after giving a careful look over his shoulder does he say, “you promise to be quiet, June?”
June mimes locking up her lips, then throwing away the key.
The corners of Elidor’s mouth jerk, and she grins triumphantly, her smile only growing when he sighs and opens the door wider. “I’m going to be making the rounds, but I’ll be back in an hour. Behave, alright? He’ll never get out of here if you and your team don’t let him heal.”
Which officially has her mood plummeting, but alright. She nods, face as solemn as can be, and with one last careful look, Elidor lets her through and leaves, shutting the door quietly behind him.
The room is pretty small, when she steps into it. Cold, too. Doesn’t Adam mind? Or do vampires not get cold? She’ll have to ask — probably not now, though. Nate usually answers her questions… he might not mind.
The floors are some kinda fake-wood linoleum, and they squeak under her sneakers as she crosses the space to settle in the plastic chair set up by the side of Adam’s bed. There’s a dog-eared copy of Wuthering Heights and a mostly-empty mug of tea on his bedside table, so Nate was probably the last one in here. Hopefully he also doesn’t mind her taking his space.
Bed doesn’t look comfortable, she thinks, wrinkling her nose at the thin-looking sheets by Adam’s feet. How’s he not going totally crazy?
Because he did go a little crazy when they told him they’d be moving him. To keep an eye on you, Elidor had said, and you’d have thought someone had shot Adam, the way he reacted.
Well, no. June has shot Adam, and he, like, barely reacted at the time, so...
Still. You get it.
She has to inhale carefully and clench her jaw before she can force herself to look at his face. He’s less fucked up than he was, at least; vampire healing’s nothing to sniff at. But one of his eyes is still a little swollen, his cheekbone the lurid yellow of a mostly-healed bruise, and her chest twinges at the sight.
Stupid. She’s really fucking stupid. Especially since this is, like, at least fifty percent her fault.
But that’s not a thought she likes to linger on, really, so June does what June always does: she pushes it away, swallows, and bottles it up somewhere it’ll never see the light of day.
The casserole is just as disappointing as it’d looked, and she pokes at it disinterestedly, nose wrinkled, daydreaming idly about the Chinese place around the corner from her apartment, chicken chow mein and dumplings steaming on the tongue. 
As soon as Adam’s healed up, she’s heading back to her place and absolutely splurging on as much takeout as she can carry. No one can say shit about it, either, because she’s going actually batshit as things are, and if they do, she might just hit them.
After a little while more of pushing about mushrooms and what might be beef with her fork, she gives it up as a lost cause and drops the bowl on Adam’s bedside table, swiping up Nate’s book with her other hand and rearranging herself on the rickety plastic chair so that her feet are on the seat, knees drawn up to her chest.
Only it turns out Wuthering Heights is, like, super fucking depressing. Like, seriously? This is the kinda stuff Nate reads? He’s so… not happy-go-lucky, but nice. Serious, for sure, but not depressed.
Okay. She can’t actually pass judgement on that, since she’s been carefully-cultivating herself so that no one would guess at the bottles of zoloft in her medicine cabinet since she was, like, seventeen, but still. It’s a surprise, kinda.
Her cheeks puff out as she exhales, blowing a raspberry that’d shame any toddler, before resettling herself in the chair again. Maybe she’s just not comfortable enough?
“Bad book?” 
Her and the chair very nearly become intimately acquainted with the floor, and it’s only by mercy of her quick thinking that she manages to hook her hands onto the foot of the bed, steadying the seat before she can embarrass herself even more.
And— did Adam just laugh?
June blinks at him owlishly, taking in his sleep-mussed hair, his hazy green eyes, the ever-so-faint quirk of his lips. He— that might have been a laugh. A very, very quiet one, but—
She grins, positively fucking buoyant. If someone tossed her into a river right now, not only would she float, she’d fly. “How long have you been awake, asshole?”
He pulls a face that she’s never seen before, nose scrunching up beautifully, and Jesus Christ, what she’d give for a camera right now. “I do not know. Not long.”
“Not long,” she repeats. Then, leaning in conspiratorially, she whispers: “Were you spying on me?”
“No!” he half-yelps, his eyes green and wide and green. “I would— I would never do such a thing.”
June laughs, her heart doing something funny behind her ribs. “Alright, old man, chill. I was kidding.”
“Yes, well I was— not. Kidding.” He purses his lips, eyes narrowing as he seems to run over that sentence in his head, and then he sighs. “At any rate, you did not seem to be enjoying it.”
“Enjoying it?”
“The book.”
“Oh! Right. The book.” She clears her throat. Seriously, he is way too distracting. “Weeeeeell. I know it’s high-brow reading, but — and don’t tell Nate I said this — it’s a little boring.”
His face contorts into a vague approximation of his usual frown, and he goes a little cross-eyed as he squints at the cover. “Wuthering Heights is not boring.”
“Oh, so you’ve read it? Wait, that’s a dumb question, of course you have. You’re a trillion years old.”
He huffs through his nose in that maybe-laugh way again. “Not a trillion.”
“Basically a trillion.” She tilts her head at him, setting the book down where it was. “You doing okay?”
“Hm. I would be doing much better if they would let me out of this bed.”
“Well, no, you’d probably be doing much worse. Let the medical professionals do their jobs, idiot.”
Adam scowls properly then, but it didn’t exactly intimidate her when he was upright and unhurt, so it definitely doesn’t intimidate her now. He’s kinda like a pissy kitten, she thinks, eyeing his messy hair and trying not to laugh. A puffed up, super pissed, super adorable little six-foot-something kitty.
“Why are you smiling at me like that?” he grumbles, eyes locked on a spot somewhere over her left shoulder.
“Like what?”
“Like that,” he says expansively, jerking his hand in the rough direction of her face.
“‘Cause that explains everything. Man, how much DMB do they have you on?”
“Don’t change the subject.”
She laughs properly then, and his gaze snaps back to her all at once, the line between his eyebrows smoothing out as his whole face softens. “Aren’t people supposed to be less grumpy on painkillers? Like, I’ve seen the wisdom teeth videos. Aren’t you supposed to be all dopey and nice?”
Adam blinks at her for several very long moments. “I do not have wisdom teeth.”
“What, seriously?”
“Like, at all?”
“At all,” he agrees with sickening pride, jaw cracking around a yawn.
“Damn,” June sighs. “You’re so lucky. I had wisdom teeth, right, but I had to get them removed when I was nineteen. I think I’ve still got the video from after somewhere— God, okay, I have to delete that before Farah ever finds out.” Straightening in her seat, she points a finger at him, giggling when his eyes cross as he tries to focus on it. “Don’t. Tell her, okay?”
“Alright,” he says readily, narrowing his eyes at her finger. “I will not tell her. What am I not telling her?”
Adam frowns. “What?”
The door clicks open before she can respond, and she blinks innocently up at Elidor, who’s already sighing.
“June, you said you would let him sleep.”
“I did. I did say that. And I did also let him sleep— he woke up on his own, Scout’s honour.”
“You were a Scout?” Adam asks.
“Uh— technically? No.”
And— and at that, Adam laughs. It’s such a cute little laugh, too, a slightly-dazed little snorting giggle, and whatever she was about to say next literally does not matter, the whole world does not matter, because that is, officially, the best sound June has ever heard. Her heart tries to throw itself out through her sternum and into his hands, and she doesn’t even blame it, because holy shit. How has she been living her whole life not knowing he could laugh like that? Jesus fucking Christ.
Elidor snorts. “Okay, while this is all very sweet and everything, you,” and here he gestures to Adam, “need to rest, and you,” he points at June, “need to let him rest.”
“Uh—” June swallows, clears her throat. “Right. Yeah.”
So sue her, she’s still a little wrapped up in the way Adam had laughed. It’s very fucking understandable, in her opinion.
Adam frowns, hand reaching out clumsily to catch with hers, and this time her heart is trying to worm its way up through her esophagus, she swears to God. “Can you not stay a little longer?”
Her brain has… broken, a little bit, perhaps. Which is why it’s probably for the best that Elidor sweeps in, shaking his head. “I’m afraid she can’t, Agent du Mortain.”
He grumbles.
“Look, I’ll be back, okay?” June offers when her tongue decides to work again, swallowing thickly around the heart she can still feel beating in her throat. “Right, Elidor?”
Elidor sighs, eyeing the two of them and their hands, which are — somehow — still joined. “If I say yes, will you be good about leaving?”
“Alright, then. She’ll be back, Agent du Mortain.”
She squeezes his palm with her fingers, and Adam finally relents with a sigh. “Alright, then. Goodbye, June.”
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peggyfromtheblockk · 6 years
Get to Know the Blogger
Hey! So, I’ve realized aside from a few comments here and there, I haven’t really talked on here at all! This sad thought made me realize it was time to share a lot of unnecessary stuff so maybe you can get a basic--detailed--idea of who I am. So here’s a bunch of word vomit and feel free to come talk to me, I promise I’m a lot nicer than a lot of my answers make me seem lol
Name: You can call me E.
Age: 20
Zodiac sign: Aries
Height: 5’7
Languages spoken: English but I do remember a few random words of Spanish
Nationality & Location: American and Michigan
Work: Currently working in the infant room at a daycare
Favorite fruit: Blueberries
Favorite scent: Lavender, vanilla, or apple
Favorite animal: I really love otters and llamas
Favorite fictional character: Dana Scully of course (though, I do have a soft spot for Stella Gibson)
Favorite candy: KitKat’s but currently I’ll devour almost any chocolate given to me
Favorite holiday: Christmas and Halloween. But probably Halloween more because I love the prep and the actual day, whereas I just really love the prep for Christmas
Favorite season: I really like autumn because my hometown and college towns are so beautiful but I love spring because I love everything coming back to life
Favorite Social Media? Twitter, but like, stan twitter
Favorite thing about where you live? I just love that I have some of my favorite people within literal minutes of me. It’s a really comforting feeling. And we have a fair every year which is gross but entertaining at the same time
Favorite swear word? Probably shit, but fuck and damn do escape quite often
What are you listening to:  As of right now When I Kissed The Teacher from MM2
What Books Are You Reading? I have three books I haven’t finished and haven’t touched in like two months. We, Beaches, and Yes Please
What Time Do You Usually Go To Bed? Around 1 in the morning usually
What Makes You Happy? A lot of things, though I don’t always realize that. I’m usually an “It’s the little things” person too. BUT to answer, Gillian and msr never fail to make me happy
What Are You Craving Right Now? I could smash a plate of spaghetti right now
What Is Your Gender? Female (she/her pronouns)
What Is Your Sexuality? Bisexual but I’m definitely like 85% women, 15% men
What’s The Next Movie You Want To See In Theaters? MAMMA MIA 2 IM SO EXCITED
What Eye Colour Do You Find Sexiest? I’m a sucker for blue eyes
What Do You Wear To Bed? A tee and shorts usually but if I’m in The Mood I’ll wear just a tee (Yes, That Mood)
What Sounds Are Your Favourite? I love the sound of a campfire and babies laughing or babbling literally melts my heart
What’s the first thing you notice about people? Usually, their eyes but I’m drawn to those with a bright genuine smile
What’s something that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside? Being With My People. They never fail to make me feel warm and fuzzy. Also when I get a cute little note from my favorite professor on an assignment because she is like the light of my life  
What are your hobbies? When I’m not in school I like to read and I’m able to write some. During school, you can find me watching x files, sleeping, or enjoying movies or music
What’s your favorite book? I love anything by Laurie Halse Anderson and really anything in the YA genre
What inspires you? Gillian is really inspiring to me because of all the work she does to help others. Bette Midler too
What’s your favorite place in the whole world? well, ok. So, I love Mackinac Island because it’s so beautiful and peaceful (even with thousands of tourists covering the tiny location) but I also just love when I’m with my people. When I’m with one of My People wherever we are, that’s my favorite place because I’m really happy. Also, I really love my work because nothing exists outside those four walls except the babies I take care of
What do you typically have for breakfast? A big cup of coffee and the occasional bagel or bowl of cereal
What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? The first semester of my sophomore year I had this 60-70 page case study due for the end of the term for an education class. For at least a week I would stay up until about 5 am working on it, go to sleep, get up at 7:30 am and do it all over again. That’s been my most stressful and sleep deprived time of my life so far and just looking bad makes me shudder. At least I got a 99% on it
What makes you angry? A lot of things. Let’s not get into that.
What makes you nervous? Uh, everything. But thinking about the real part of my future (bills, working, adulting) really gets me going
Do you wear glasses: Yes and these specific frames fucking suck and my eyes keep getting worse (my doctor told me I’d need surgery before I turned 30, wtf thanks dude)
Do You Have Freckles? Yes and it used to bother me how many I have but thanks to fics that mention Scully’s, I’ve become fond of them
Do You Sing In The Shower? When my family or suitemates aren’t home, then yes I usually belt it all out but usually, I stick to humming
Do You Collect Anything? Postcards and shot glasses. And llama things now too apparently
Do You Prefer To Swim In A Pool Or The Ocean? Pool because it’s clean and I can see the bottom
Do You Study Better With Or Without Music? It depends on the subject or the task but I almost always need some type of constant sound
Do You Save Money Or Spend It? Save it usually but I also tend to spend it all on a big impulse purchase
Do You Have Any Obsessions Right Now? That’s why I’m here lmao
Do You Have Strange Dreams? Alright so I just started taking Zoloft and before it, my dreams would be weird but like unrealistic-weird, like having-a-bad-trip-weird. But since starting the med, my dreams have become realistically-weird, like sometimes I wake up and question if that all really happened
Do You Make Your Bed In The Morning? When I’m at school, yes, but when I’m home I usually just say fuck it because I’ll be back in it at least 8 more times
Do You Like To Read / Write? I love to read (fics, duh) but I do try my hand at writing but I struggle to finish anything and I’m terrified to post any of my work on here
Do You Have Any Homework Right Now? If So, What Is It About? YES and it’s just barely halfway into summer break and I’ve got a huge assignment due the first day back
Do You Get Homesick? Sometimes but I really do love my college life and wouldn’t change it
Do You Wear Jeans Or Sweats More? A mix but because of work, jeans most days
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Sarcasm is my middle name
Do you believe in miracles? Yeah I think so
Do you have any special talents? I don’t think so but I’m good at taking care of kids. Sometimes my supervisor calls me the baby whisperer lol
Do you have any pets? Three cats and a dog and some succulents
Do you have any siblings? A little (half) brother and then technically I have four other half-siblings but they don’t know I exist
Do you believe in the paranormal? Absolutely. A big secret of mine….I actually could, and sometimes still can interact with spirits...Just call me Mrs. Spooky
Do you play any instruments? Nope but somehow I have managed to have a guitar and a keyboard in my possession. I do sing though and was in choir for 7 years
Do you have any crushes? Do celebrities or fictional characters count? If no, then no
Do you have any bad and/or anxious habits? I just have panic attacks a lot lmao and I tend to get really bitchy and mean when I’m anxious which I feel bad about but I can’t stop it
Do you believe in anything enough to fight for it? My right to marry whoever I want and have kids with whoever I want and be in control of my body. There’s probably more but those have been on my mind today
Do you keep a journal? Yeah a few actually but I lose motivation after a little bit and it takes so much to start it over
Do you like your age? Yes and no. I’m an adult which is cool and all but like….most of my friends are old enough to drink and it really pisses me off that I’m 9 months short of legally doing that. I’m super responsible and mature for my age like what will 9 months do to change that? It’s just stupid that I can join the military and go thousands of dollars into debt but I can’t have a glass of wine with my mom at a block party. UGH. American laws  S U C K
Do you like your own name? Yes, I love my name. When I was a kid I hated it, I didn’t get the sentiment of being named after someone. I finally got the sentiment around the time my grandma started getting sick. Now that she’s gone, I know just how blessed I am to carry on the legacy of my full name and try to make her proud.
Do you have any scars? Oh plenty, I’m really clumsy. My most notable is the one on my thumb from a freak childhood accident that nearly cut my entire thumb pad off. What a wild time
Do you have a strong accent? I’m from Michigan so apparently, I have a strong Midwestern accent but I don’t hear it. But anytime I’m on the phone/skyping with my friend from Missouri, she always points it out and laughs
Do you talk to yourself? Probably too much but also not in the way that I think is expected. I’m just constantly talking in my head like a constant tv interview about whatever the fuck I’m thinking about which 99% of the time is msr lol
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: All of the above
Beer or wine or neither: W I N E
When was your blog created: I knew this was the place to find the best gifs and fics and I wanted to be in the fandom more since I’m so new. Also, I wanted to try my hand at fic writing but I continue to lose the motivation or the courage to write/post
Last movie you’ve seen: Hotel Transylvania is pretty much on repeat in my house thanks to my little brother, so most likely it’s that
First job: My first job was customer service/field hand on a blueberry patch but my first legit legal job is/was at a daycare
Pet peeve: The first I can think of is slow walkers because I walk so fast because my legs are like a mile long
The color of your eyes: Green but they used to be giant sky-blue saucers
Night owl/day person: I don’t like getting up before 9 but past midnight I’m a grouch
Tattoos:  None yet, but I have two planned, it’s just a matter of money and timing
Like to cook: Not really but I can cook enough to survive which is typical for college
Grab The Book Nearest To You, Turn To Page 20 Give the last two lines: “Action: Today I will be kind to myself. Affirmation: This is who I am, and I feel glad to be me” - We
Last Person You Cried In Front Of? I cried while holding a baby at work because my shift is changing so things will be different and also my hormones are really out of whack right now
If You Were A Crayon What Colour Would You Be? Any shade of purple
Name One Movie That Made You Cry: Beaches is my go-to crying movie, same goes for Steel Magnolias (what a typical answer, I know)
If I Handed You A Concert Ticket Right Now, Who Would You Want The Performer To Be? Cher, Reba, DD, Bette Midler or Straight No Chaser. Reba especially though because she’s going to be near me soon but it's a 21+ event and I��m nine months short of that so I’m really pissed I can’t go
Would You Rather Carve Pumpkins Or Wrap Presents? Carve pumpkins but I do a damn good job wrapping too
Did You Like Swinging As A Child? Do You Still Get Excited When You See A Swing Set? I loved it even though it made me sick. There’s a park down the street from my campus so if I’m really upset, I’ll go down there and blast my headphones and swing until I forget what’s happening. It’s really therapeutic
Name Something That Relaxes You: I have some relaxing instrumental playlists and I’ll put one of them on, turn on my lavender oil diffuser, and hop in a nice hot shower (and the hot water at college doesn’t run out so I can pretty much be in there for like ever really) or I’ll watch a fav movie that tends to soothe me
Scary movie or happy endings? Happy endings give me life. The fluffier the better
When was the last time you cried? I’m sure I’ve cried today and just don’t remember. There’s literally not a day that goes by that I don’t shed tears but I literally cry so easy (This video or this video will make me cry almost instantly)
Where would you like to visit? I’ve wanted to visit Barcelona and California since I was a kid but in the past 4 years I’ve really wanted to visit New York and Greece
Describe your favorite people in the whole world? I’ll just sum all five of them up with they literally make me feel so warm, happy, and validated. I love them so much I could cry just thinking about them. And don’t get me started with Gillian because I do often cry when I think  about her I just really love her a lot ok
Who would be your ideal partner? Gillian Anderson, Dana Scully, or Fox Mulder of course. No, but I want someone who’s like me morals/humor wise
Most used phrase? Right now I’m really into saying “Yikes” but “god fucking dammit” leaves my mouth A LOT
Most used word? Probably “like” as much as I hate to admit it
Extrovert or Introvert? Introvert 100% except when I’m with My People of course because I feel comfortable with them
Who was your first real crush? I had plenty of crushes during early school years but I think my first real one was on a school employee. Wowza I was head over heels for her and the very obvious knew-it-was-coming heartbreak hurt a lot
How many piercings do you have? Just my first holes in my ears but I’ve been thinking about getting my Helix pierced (upper portion of the ear)
How do you deal with stress? Uhhhh I panic first lol. I tend to listen to music—very specific songs that I know will drown out the anxiety/stress, or sometimes I’ll write what I’m feeling, go for a walk, read an absolute favorite fic in my list, watch x files, or I’ll just scroll through my thousands of pictures of GA lol
How many pillows do you sleep with? Three, sometimes four and then I have four accent pillows when I make my bed. Too many, as I’ve been told by everyone
Have you ever been to the hospital? Been to? Yes, plenty of times. Been in/admitted? No, thankfully
Have you ever met any celebrities? In 2016 I went to a rally for Hillary that Cher was speaking at so like…I was in the same room as her. AND THEN my friend shoved me up to her path as she was leaving and she touched my hand and I literally nearly passed out
Have you ever been in a position of authority? I am always deemed the mom friend so I’ll let you figure out that answer...
Have you ever drank underage? Yeah but nothing crazy. I just really like my wine. The craziest I’ve ever gotten was after I turned in that case study, I chugged half a bottle of wine (on an empty stomach), got bad heartburn, and then went to bed for like 14 hours
Are You Easily Influenced By Other People? Depends on the person, but I’d have to say no unless it’s Gillian/Scully/Stella
Are You A Picky Eater? I say yes, but compared to my brother and my uncle, no
Are You A Heavy Sleeper? Usually yes
Are Both Of Your Blood Parents Still In Your Life? Just my momma, but I do see my *gag* father around my hometown every now and again
Are you religious? Not really. I used to go to church a few years back, and then went to another church which ruined a lot of stuff for me and then I went through some tough stuff that made me question, idk
Are you a good liar? I like to think so (I say that as if lying is something I should be proud of), at least to everyone but my mom because I swear I can pull off the best lie ever and she always sees right through me
Are you a clean or messy person? My home life is messy. My room is trashed but the things that are put away are organized. But life at college is completely opposite, my dorm is very clean and organized and I clean it top to bottom every weekend
If you made it this far, thank you for putting up with my crazy long first post, and I’m sorry that I practically vomited my thoughts into a jumbled mess but I wanted to share myself with you! 
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hamilficsfordays · 7 years
New Beginning—Chapter Six: Manipulation
Disclaimer: I don’t know Lin, nor do I know any of his friends or family.
Also posted on Ao3
Summary: The plan to have Alexa return is finally put into motion.
Rating: M for language, mentions of cutting/self-harming
Words: 4824
Askbox / Masterlist / Chapter Five / Chapter Seven
Later that same evening, Lin was in his office with a blank document open on his computer.
Vanessa was stood behind him, hands on his shoulders, carefully feeding him instructions.
“You’re going to write a letter expressing your heartfelt thoughts on the situation. But it has to be sad.”
“You want it to be sad?”
She nodded. “It needs to be sadder than an animal adoption commercial. Then you’re going to read it during curtain call one night to the Hamilton audience. Whoever runs social media for the show will film it and put it online. It’ll make people sympathetic. That’s just what we need them to be when we anonymously send those documents to the press. That sympathy will turn into public outcry at the first sight of injustice. Nothing puts self-entitled bitches like Janine on their ass faster than a group of execs forcing her to handle angry donors who are demanding answers.”
“You really think that’ll work?”
“Trust me.” she kissed his cheek. “Put your heart and soul into this and she’ll be back here in no time.”
For a while, Lin hesitated to write anything. He could think of plenty of things that he wanted to write, but nothing seemed to want to come out. Everything was second guessed. Would it be sincere enough? Would it gain sympathy? Most of all: would it get her back?
Eventually, he gave up on trying to appeal to others. He wrote exactly what he was feeling; the pain, the frustration, the heartache.
He printed it out before heading to bed in the hope it would be just enough to get the job done.
At curtain call the following night, Lin bowed with his cast before pulling a paper out of his sleeve.
“If I could just have another minute of your time,” he asked of the crowd, applause dying down.
He opened the paper, beginning to read aloud. Behind him, the cast knew of his intentions and was eager to show their support. In the audience, cell phones were pulled out, eagerly awaiting what came next.
“I wanted to take time this evening to talk about how incredibly grateful I am to work alongside a tremendous cast every night. I truly believe that they push me further every day. They’re my family away from home.” he paused for just a moment, looking back at the cast who encouraged him to continue.
“While I’m so grateful for my family here, I know my family at home gets no standing ovation at the end of each night for being who they are, though they totally deserve it.”
The crowd chuckled at the notion.
“My amazing wife works hard day in and day out, pushing herself every day for me and our two kids—truly the best of wives and best of women.”
There was applause.
“My son Sebastian inspires me every day with his views of the world around us. He is truly a reminder that the greatest thing we can honor is the child in all of us.”
More applause.
“My daughter,” his voice cracked as he choked back tears, the audience erupting in applause. “One of the smartest, most incredible people I’ve ever met. Her strength, her passion is above all else. I look to her for ways to better myself each and every day. She has—” he paused, unable to hold back tears. The audience applauded again, Renee stepping in to finish the note for him. She continued.
“She has been and continues to be the most astonishing source of hope since my wife and I brought her into our lives less than a month ago. Recently, she was pulled rather abruptly from our lives for extenuating circumstances, but that doesn’t change how prominently she’s affected me or my family. I only hope that wherever she is at this very moment, she knows how much my wife and I love and miss her.”
Renee was brought to tears this time.
“I would not be standing before you today—that is to say, Hamilton would not exist without my family.”
More applause. The audience was on their feet, Lin smiling through his tears as Renee continued.
“If I could ask you to do anything this evening, it would be to go hug your loved ones, tell them that they’re loved and appreciated. I certainly know I’m going to do the same.”
More applause erupted as the cast headed off-stage. Lin changed out of his costume and prepared to head outside and sign autographs at the stage door. On his way out, he received multiple texts from Vanessa who commended him on his work.
[It’s already all over twitter. I’ve never seen so many crying emojis. You nailed it.]
[If everything goes right, this should be national news by tomorrow morning.]
They were both up early the next morning. Lin was feeding Sebastian in the kitchen while Vanessa was in the living room, dressed for work, changing the channel from one news outlet to the other. Several of them were fixated on last night’s events, just as Vanessa had expected.
“It’s working!” She called out. “I’m almost kind of upset that the public is so easily manipulated! What’s going to happen on election day next year?”
“Did you hear back from Claudia yet?” he prompted changing the concerning subject. “Isn’t that the next step in this plan?”
“She hasn’t gotten ahold of me ye—” As if on command, her phone rang. It was Claudia, likely with news regarding their situation. She moved to Lin’s side, putting the call on speaker so they both could hear.
“Claudia? What happened?”
“¡Ay Dios Mio! I got it!” she exclaimed. “I have a bag full of everything that was in her shredder.”
“Perfect! Bring it here tonight and we can start putting things together.”
As she hung up the phone, she caught the slightest glimpse of a smile on Lin’s face.
“I know you work tonight, but when you get back, you’re gonna have to help us sort through all of that shredded paper.”
“I miss her.” he seemed rather distracted as he wiped the remaining food off of Sebastian’s face.
“It’s only a matter of time before she’s back.” V pointed out. “I’m surprised that you’re not more excited.”
“I wonder what she’s doing right now.”
“She probably heard about your speech and is in tears like everyone else.”
“If you take a medication, please line up at the door.”
Hamilton biography in hand, Alexa stood in line by the med clinic and waited to receive her medication. Her usual pediatric dosage of Zoloft typically kept most of her symptoms of depression, anxiety, and PTSD at bay, but lately, it wouldn’t be enough.
When she reached the door, she swiftly hid the pill behind her teeth, swallowing the cup of water that came after. They checked her mouth to confirm it was gone, before moving along to the next person.
Once she was back in the main hall, she pretended to cough, placing the pill in her hand so it could be carefully thrown out when no one was looking.
In hindsight, it wasn’t the brightest idea to not be taking her meds. She’d been voluntarily doing it since her return to the orphanage; though she couldn’t keep any pills down during her stay in the hospital anyway.
She felt more on edge, that was for sure, but at the moment it was the only way she could protest her current situation. She almost hoped to snap, putting the people who had sent her back into the system through hell. That, and losing her mind enough to not remember how badly she missed Lin would be the best case scenario.
She approached an empty table and began quietly trying to read the Hamilton biography. The book was hidden under the table to avoid another page-tearing incident.
The noise from the TV at the end of the hall distracted her, however, as it was especially loud that morning. She got up, headed toward the group huddled around the tv to complain.
“Could you turn that shit down?” she demanded, glancing at the screen. “No want wants to hear your—”
Her sentence was cut short, her words suddenly missing at the sight of Lin, onstage in his final costume, on the screen.
“My daughter…“
His speech was moving, something she had come to expect from Lin. As Renee finished the speech, some of the others surrounding the tv screen turned to look at her. She realized her mouth was hanging open in disbelief.
His words sounded so final. It almost felt like he knew something that she didn’t know.
Like maybe there actually was a chance she would never see him again.
The thought haunted her as she rushed to Claudia’s office upstairs, only to discover that she wasn’t there.
“Alexa… you’re not allowed to be up here.” Instead, she was greeted by Janine, who was stepping out of her office.
“I need to speak to my case manager,” Alexa demanded. “It’s an emergency.”
“Well, she’s not here today.” Janine attempted to move her back toward the stairs.
“Probably desperately trying to find a new job.”
“New job? What new job?”
“That’s none of your concern. Why don’t you head back downstairs?”
“I want to speak to someone about my case with the Miranda family.” the teen stood her ground. She was determined to not be moved until she got answers.
“That case has been nullified.”
“Wait, what? According to Claudia it was still being reviewed—”
“If you’d like, I can have someone discuss your options for aging out. It’s unlikely that another foster family will be looking to take you in at your age.”
“You can’t just tell me the case has been nullified and not explain why! I deserve to know what’s happening—”
“I appreciate your admiration, but I’m afraid it’s irrelevant. The Miranda household has been deemed unfit for foster care children. Now if you’ll just head back downstairs—”
“But you can’t do this! They were the nicest people I’ve ever—”
“Miss Jordan, if you don’t move back downstairs, I’m going to have to call the authorities.”
Being black in America was difficult enough without the police getting involved to make a bad situation worse. Alexa seceded, frustrated, feeling tears well up in her eyes as she headed downstairs. She angrily wiped them away.
In a way, this felt expected, like just another day of the foster care system letting her down. She was supposed to be used to this feeling, but somehow it hurt ten times as bad in this case.
She negated heading back to the large room with everyone else, instead of ducking into a corner at the bottom of the staircase.
Her heart was pounding as she sunk to the floor and tried to catch her breath.
The anxiety attack was coming on faster than she could handle. Her meds typically slowed things down when she got too panicked, but without them, she couldn’t handle what was coming next.
This was it.
She’d never see him again.
She didn’t even really get to say goodbye.
For the first time since her return to the orphanage, she felt alone.
Not just in the system, but in this world.
There was an impulse driving her that she couldn’t control without meds.
It drove her back to her bed, where hidden somewhere in her dresser was a half-full package of plastic shaving razors. She pulled one out, snapping the plastic at the top and pulling a small blade out with ease.
It wasn’t her first time trying this.
The blade was unused, making it easy to cut through her skin.
Both of her forearms were covered in open wounds before the door to the room burst open, a female, middle-aged staff member coming inside.
“You know you’re not allowed to be here during the daytime—What are you doing?!”
Alexa could feel her cheeks turning red, her shame rising as the woman caught sight of all the blood.
That night, Claudia, Vanessa, and Lin were sat on the floor of his office going through the thousands of shredded pieces of paper in the hope of finding Alexa’s documents and putting them back together.
They slaved over Chinese takeout, working through the night. As pages started piecing together, Vanessa began to notice a negative pattern.
“Wow… there’s a lot of questionable shit in here.” She pulled some of the half-pages out. “Public funding being put toward hotel stays in Miami, the rent on a penthouse in the financial district… not to mention there are documents shredded from the files of other kids. I honestly wish we were able to sue this woman… there’s enough here to put her away for a long time.”
“Let’s focus on getting what we need.” Lin reminded her. “Alexa is the most important part of this. If we can cost Janine her job after the fact—”
“It’s a bonus.” Vanessa finished.
Hours passed. It was an ungodly hour in the morning before Claudia began to raise concerns.
“Aye, there’s so much here. I’m worried we won’t have everything we need in time.”
“We’re going to need all night at this rate. This is more than I expected.”
“I haven’t found a single document with her name on it.” Whether it be from exhaustion, lack of progress or both, Lin seemed defeated. “What if this was all for nothing?”
“This was not all for nothing.” V took his hand, lacing their fingers together. “We’re gonna fix this, okay? Trust me.”
“You haven’t even entertained the possibility that this won’t work.” he insisted. “It might not.”
“That sounds like a waste of time. Lin, we’ve been together for ten years. Have I ever been wrong about this kind of thing?”
“Not really.”
“Exactly. Please trust me on this.” she kissed him. “I’m confident everything will work out.”
By sunrise, they’d put all of the pieces together. They made copies of the once-shredded pages with plans to expose them by the end of the day.
“Shouldn’t we just give it to them now?” Lin questioned as Claudia left that morning. “Most morning shows are on until noon. We could get the news out now and by the end of the day, everyone will know.”
“What, so they can squeeze the story between back-to-school fashion shows and the latest superfood?” Vanessa compiled the copies, stapling each set together and sliding them each into a manila envelope. “No one will take it seriously if it’s morning news. Anyone who watches the morning news is either up at five am on their way to work and too tired to care, or willfully unemployed and watching mid-morning. This needs to be evening news. Then they’ll be all over it. People tend to be annoyed after a long day at work and a frustrating commute home. They’ll be more likely to get angry about something like this.”
“That sounds manipulative.” he pointed out.
“Of course it is. I’m a lawyer. This entire plan works because the public is so easily manipulated. Why do you think I told you to make your speech so emotional?”
Lin was quiet for a moment.
“It’s been a long night. You should get some rest. I can call my mom and ask her to look after Sebastian. I’m going to get ready for work.”
“I should take Tobillo for a walk first.”
“Okay.” She kissed his forehead. “I love you.”
At one, Vanessa headed out for a lunch break claiming to be meeting a client. Instead, she took the train up to midtown to deliver a few copies of their records. First to NBC News, then Fox, ABC, CNN and New York 1. At each location, she refused to give a name. She left the documents with a receptionist who would inevitably hand them off to someone else.
By the time she’d returned to the office around four, the news was already beginning to break. There were a few online articles that had gained traction on social media, only scratching the surface of the whole story. By the time she’d gotten home around six, every evening news show had latched on.
“Coming up tonight, potential corruption within the foster care system here in New York City. Why one particular family who recently had a foster child unjustifiably removed from their home has been told to Wait For It in regards to their return, only to find out that the case they were in the middle of had been nullified.”
“I hope you’re ready for an egregious amount of bad puns based on Hamilton lyrics.” she told Lin, who was quietly watching the tv from the loveseat.
The news led to an outcry on social media, where the hashtag #givebacktheirgirl sparked public outrage over the incident. Just as Vanessa had predicted, people were upset by the news and had plans to fight back. Protests began downtown near the orphanage. As the movement gained more traction, some of the organization’s private donors began to express their displeasure with the situation.
When Janine headed into her office the next morning, she was greeted by Jonathan Daley, the owner of the organization.
“Mr. Daley,” she stopped short on the way to her office. “I didn’t expect to see you, sir—”
“Ms. Bryan, we need to speak immediately.” He opened the door to her office for her, stepping inside. “This is not good.”
“I’m sorry, I’m not sure what you’re referring to.”
Jonathan took Janine’s usual seat behind her own desk, leaving Janine to sit on the other side of her desk like a guest in her own office. His suit was worth more than any item of clothing she owned, and he wore that fact rather well.
“We’ve received several calls from benefactors who are furious with the news of our history with the Miranda family. When I attempted to examine the case for more details, I was told the case had been nullified by you. Why is that?”
“I—I don’t—”
“The information released by the media included copies of clearly shredded documents from that girl’s file. What explanation do you have for that?”
“Sir, it was that case manager, Claudia. She shredded the documents to—”
“I don’t care who’s fault it is. You need to fix this.” He stood up, heading towards the door. “So far, this has all been traced back to you which means it’s your responsibility to take care of it. If we lose even a single donor because of this, it’ll be on you.”
“What do you expect me to do?!”
“Keep the public outcry to a minimum. If that means pulling her out of that pediatric psych ward and putting her back with the Miranda family, do it. Honestly, I don’t see why you didn’t do that in the first place.”
“I was trying to save us money by keeping enough children in the system—”
“Saving money?” he stopped just short of leaving, turning back to her. “The money we’ll lose if donors start backing out will be a hundred times what we’re making by keeping one person here. Still think that you’re helping us?”
Janine was silent.
“Fix it. Immediately.”
The door slammed shut behind him.
This wasn’t Alexa’s first time in a pediatric psych ward.
As per usual, she was one of the least fucked up people there.
They’d stuck her in a room with a fourteen-year-old white girl who was anorexic, constantly staring at herself in the mirror over the sink. Her blue hospital gown gave the slightest impression that she was bigger than she was, which was not very big.
“You’re like, ninety pounds Alyssa, stop fucking staring at yourself. It’s not gonna make you any thinner.”
The girl turned to glare at her, still in bed in the middle of the day, before refocusing on herself in the mirror.
Alexa sighed, rubbing her eyes. There were bandages wrapped each of her forearms that she always managed to forget about until the skin under the bandages itched and she couldn’t reach it.
A boy that was about their age popped his head into the open door.
“Why is rape illegal?!” he demanded before a nurse pulled him back.
“Oh, that’s nice.” Alexa rolled her eyes. “Just the friendly reminder I needed on top of this shitty situation.”
“Girls, lunch is here. Come eat.” Another nurse peeked her head.
“I can’t eat, I’m like three hundred pounds!” Alyssa insisted.
“Alyssa, do you need to see a doctor?” the nurse reminded her. Defeated, Alyssa headed out of the room and down the hall toward the dining room.
“Can I please not sit next to that kid who set his parents on fire again?” Alexa asked the nurse on her way out. “He always stares at me like I’m his next victim.”
“If he touches you, let one of our nurses know.” she reminded the teen.
She grabbed her tray and sat at the table beside the fire kid. As per usual, he glared at her without a word.
Her discharge couldn’t come fast enough.
“I’m so glad you two could meet on such short notice.”
The next day, Janine had managed to get both Vanessa and Lin into her office. They sat beside one another on the other side of her desk, quiet, listening.
“I believe there’s been some kind of misunderstanding here. I think we got off on the wrong foot. There was an accidental nullification of your file that I take complete responsibility for. I’m willing to have Alexa returned to your household. As long as you comply with your case manager and there are no other incidents, you should be able to keep her through the duration of the year and then decide if you’d like to adopt or not. Just a few Hamilton tickets and a promise not to sue and she’s all yours.” Janine put on her best fake smile, hoping she had them convinced.
The looks on their faces, however, said otherwise.
“You and I both know that the higher ups here are putting pressure on you to make this disappear.” Vanessa leaned forward, metaphorically going in for the kill. “Your donors are threatening to back out and that would put you out of a job, Janine. A lawsuit would drag this out for another year or two. How about you give Alexa back, you don’t get any Hamilton tickets, and you pray that I don’t go through with that lawsuit.”
Lin smiled wide for the first time in a long time, fist-bumping his wife for her successful intimidation.
“Oh, and Claudia keeps her job and stays assigned to this case,” she added. “If you’re not going to get fired, she definitely shouldn’t be.”
“Agreed.” Janine nodded once. “Talk to Claudia, but you should be able to get her back after she’s released from the hospital the day after tomorrow.”
Their smiles faded.
“Wasn’t she released from the hospital like a week ago?” he questioned.
“It’s a minimum three day stay for self-harming behavior. There was an incident two days ago.”
“Which you’ll be disclosing to us in full, of course.” Vanessa clarified.
“That’s not my job. Talk to Claudia. She knows more about this than I do.”
The couple glanced at each other briefly.
“Is she in today?”
“I was going to tell you, pending your meeting with Janine went well. I’m assuming it did.”
They had relocated to Claudia’s office shortly afterward.
“She won’t be bothering any of us anymore,” Vanessa confirmed.
“What happened to Alexa?” Lin wasted no time moving back to the topic at hand. “Is she okay?”
“She is now, yes. She’ll have to be held in the hospital until Friday. One of our staff caught her with a blade and her arms had open wounds, so they considered it an act to self-harm and admitted her to a pediatric psych ward.”
Lin felt the breath in his lungs leave all at once.
“Why would she do that? She never did that when she was with us.”
“She has a history of self-harming,” Claudia reminded him. “… but it typically only occurred under abusive care. This was probably part of a reaction to not being around you two anymore—that is, assuming you treated her as well as she claimed.”
Lin instinctively reached out for Vanessa’s hand, squeezing it for support.
“You’ll still be able to see her on Friday,” she assured them. “I would keep a watchful eye on her behavior if you can, though. If she does or says anything that seems out of character to you, let me know. As long as we communicate, something like this should never have to happen again.”
By Friday, Alexa’s method of getting rid of her meds (harder at the hospital though not impossible), had proven to be a bad idea. Her anxiety was through the roof, and every time another patient screamed, which happened relatively often, she was rather disturbed by the sound.
At the announcement of her discharge, she had never been more excited to see Claudia and be on the other side.
Claudia greeted her outside the psych ward with a smile.
“How are you feeling?”
“Not saying that I’m looking forward to the orphanage, but anything is better than that.”
“You’re not going back there,” Claudia informed her, gesturing to the bag of Alexa’s things in her hand. “Come with me.”
Curious, Alexa followed her down to the lobby of the mental health center.
In the lobby, Lin was trying to contain his excitement as he waited for Claudia to return. Every time one of the elevator doors opened, he glanced over eagerly only to find someone else.
Finally there she was; Alexa by her side. There were huge bags under her eyes and bandages wrapped around each of her forearms, but he’d never been so happy to see her.
He watched as she caught sight of him, nearly sprinting in his direction.
She practically jumped into his arms. He caught her without hesitation, kissing the top of her head.
“Oh my god, what the fuck?! I thought I would never see you again! What are you doing—” she paused, stepping back. “Please tell me you’re here for me and not someone else.”
He laughed. “Yes, I’m here for you. You’re coming back to the heights with us.”
She hugged him again. “Oh my god… you scared me so much! What was with that speech you made?! It sounded like you knew you’d lost me! It scared the shit out of me!”
“Believe it or not, it actually helped get you back. Sorry for scaring you, though.”
Claudia carefully handed him the bag of her things.
“Take care of her.” she reminded him.
“Okay, first thing’s first, I’m going to take you out for lunch,” Lin announced once they’d left the hospital. “Anywhere you want to go. Vanessa won’t be home until later, and my mom is watching Sebastian, so we’ve got the afternoon to ourselves.”
“We should probably go pick up a prescription first,” she confessed. “There’s a slight chance that I’ve been tossing my meds since I left you guys.”
Lin sighed.
“Please don’t be mad.”
“I’m not mad. I’m glad you told me right away. Meds first, food second. Then when we get home, we should probably give you a new set of bandages.” he directed to her forearms.
“Yeah…” she glanced down at her arms. “Things kind of got fucked up when you left.”
“It’s okay if things get fucked up.” he reminded her. “Just as long as you’re ready to fix them. That starts with taking your meds every day.”
She nodded. “I can agree to that.”
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