#zoey’s extraordinary glitch
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psalm40speakstome · 4 years
Max realizing that Zoey is singing “I’m Yours” to him is one of the cutest things I’ve seen in ages.
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writing max richman as jewish: a beginner’s guide
hey y’all! as a jewish person, i haven’t really seen much content in this small but still growing fandom we have that depicts max as jewish other than an offhand mention, and while that’s also essentially what we have in canon, i thought it would be nice for goyim (non jewish individuals) to know how to write him in accordance to judaism.
let’s begin!
a bit about denominations
there are multiple branches of judaism, just like christianity. the most notable branches include:
orthodox (traditional judaism, these are your people going by the old law and believe that old laws hold true and don’t change)
reform judaism (your people that believe that judaism Has to change and evolve with the times)
there are other branches such as conservative and reconstructionist that are kind of in the middle of these two, but reform and orthodox are definitely the largest and they’re essentially the furthest to each ‘side’ of judaism (conservative errs a bit more to the orthodox side, and reconstructionist to the reform side).
the creator of the show, austin winsberg, grew up a reform jew, so one could assume that max, too, is reform.
one more thing about denominations: messianic judaism is NOT a form of judaism. messianic judaism is both a way to forcibly convert jews to christianity and for goys to appropriate our culture by slapping jesus on our culture and holidays with little care or kindness. do NOT have max as a messianic jew, and remember that they are NOT actual jews.
a bit about holidays
hanukkah (also spelled chanukah) is not, contrary to popular belief by goyim, the largest and most important jewish holiday. basically, it is not jewish christmas, nothing is jewish christmas. hanukkah is actually a rather small holiday in the grand scheme of things. do NOT, however, make max celebrate christmas, no matter how small hanukkah actually is. he and zoey can have joint hanukkah & christmas celebrations if they want, but under no circumstances does he celebrate christmas.
the largest and most important jewish holidays are the high holidays, rosh hashanah and yom kippur . rosh hashanah is the jewish new year (judaism has a different calendar, at the time of writing this in july 2020 it’s 5780, but jewish people use the secular calendar. the jewish calendar is used mostly for ceremonial purposes, such as determining holidays, torah portions, and the like). yom kippur is the holiest day of the year, and it’s when jewish people atone for their sins in the old year and start fresh for the new year.
the high holidays fall usually in september, and last three days. most jewish people, even those who don’t usually go to temple, will go to temple for these holidays. a thing you’ll see jewish people doing on these holidays is tashlikh, where we symbolically cast away our sins by throwing bread crumbs or rice into a body of water, which is a thing max could mention doing. another thing is that yom kippur is a day with a 25 hour fast, usually spent almost entirely in temple (yes, the entire day). after the fast, there’s a huge feast.
every saturday is shabbat, which is technically jewish sabbath, but it takes place from sundown friday to sundown Saturday. while christians can use electricity and even work on the sabbath, there are a whole list of things that you are not supposed to do on shabbat that qualify as working (called the 39 melachot), including using electricity and cooking. however, some modern jews have made allowances for using cars to get to shabbat services, since many people do not live within walking distance of a temple.
max says that he goes to temple, but we can probably assume that he’s not the most hardcore practicing jew, and you do not have to say that he’s not doing anything on saturday because of shabbat. many jews do not observe shabbat due to practical reasons, because we live in a secular world, where once it was very easy to practice shabbat, it is not now. many events in america are scheduled on saturday for christians who go to church on sunday, so keep that in mind.
another jewish holiday, passover, has a tradition of a ritual feast, called a seder, max could specifically invite zoey to his family’s seder. for more info on seders & other jewish holidays you’d like me to talk on, send me an ask!
a word on stereotypes
there is no law saying that you cannot portray a jewish character as a stereotype. but that doesn’t mean you won’t hurt people by doing that, especially if it’s a particularly harmful stereotype.
if your jewish character is dirty rich and horribly greedy with money and has no redeeming traits, that is not okay. that doesn’t mean that your jewish character cannot be rich. the DIFFERENCE is that you need to not portray things in a harmful way. so that greedy jew could be rich, but it would mean a lot, if you are a goy writing a jew, not making the character greedy. if your character HAS to be greedy and HAS to be jewish, something is wrong.
you can give max a jewish mother as a goy if you don’t go too over the top with it (take pointers from jewish writers, im glad to help you with this, myself), but please don’t give him a JAP sister if you can help it. also, don’t describe any family members as having hooked noses or droopy eyes or, god forbid, horns, and don’t have them constantly saying mazel tov.
something you CAN do: go ahead and use oy vey, if you’d like. you may also say oy vey gevalt, which is an oy vey telling of impending doom, and oy vey ist mir, which is just the non-shortened version of oy vey. it is also a YIDDISH saying, not hebrew, please keep that in mind.
religious texts
the torah is NOT the same thing as the bible. the torah itself only includes the Old Testament, but the torah is not the only bit of religious text.
the jewish bible is known as the tanakh, and it has three parts: the pentateuch (torah), the prophets (nevi'im) and the writings (ketuvim). the torah is the most important piece, however, and torah portions are read at temple every saturday from a priceless torah scroll, usually very old and always very very sacred. the other most important piece of jewish religious texts is the talmud, which is basically a bunch of books interpreting and explaining the tanakh. we love our religious texts so much, that we even have a whole holiday celebrating our religious texts where we take the torah scrolls out of a special case and parade them around with pride.
in conclusion:
if you have Any questions, any questions at all on how to write max (or any other character) as jewish, feel free to dm me or shoot me an ask! i would love to answer your questions, and no question is stupid. this is just the beginner’s guide, judaism is very complex and very rich and honestly amazing, and i do love to talk about it.
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vendimeyers · 4 years
Remember that lady that asked Zoey if she was okay just before Zoey burst into singing Gnarls Barkley’s “Crazy” instead of actually answering the question?
Well I just think about that lady a lot.
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You always know an episode is good when it’s over but you want to start it from the beginning all over again.
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anyway leif donnelly is jewish i don't make the rules
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Zoey’s whole fear of confronting her father’s death speaks to me in a way I cant quite describe...but I feel it deep in my soul.
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shipppphappens · 3 years
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Max & Zoey
Zoey´s extraordinary Glitch (Part 3/3)
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clairefrser · 4 years
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♪ Zoey’s Extraordinary Gif Meme ♪ - [7/10] Songs - Jane Levy 1x08
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psalm40speakstome · 4 years
Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist. Episode Eight.
Okay people good at lip reading what does Max says when she spins his chair during “I’m Yours”
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max didn't know that zoey knew about his feelings for her, and either way, he is Not entitled to a response. he ambushed her with his romantic feelings, and based on zoey's character... i don't think she'd really like a big public spectacle on her behalf, especially one she doesn't know about beforehand. and shouldn't he have known that??
even if he thought she would like it, even though she knew he had feelings for her... he is an entitled bitch. dude, you ambushed her... you are not entitled to an immediate response. and then he gets butthurt when she doesn't know what to do like... what the fuck did you think was gonna happen? she's not gonna drop her panties right then and there. and she's kinda like... allowed to have feelings for other men??? he acts like he owns her and that's not healthy.
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noonevincesme · 3 years
I feel like we don’t talk about “Crazy” enough,, bc that was such an amazing performance
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Tobin is one of the only things that makes episode 8 bearable lol
Like, the second-hand embarrassment from most of the musical numbers is r e a l
But the little bits of comedy here and there that Tobin provides are really nice, and I like that more soft moment near the end when he's talking to Zoey, because honestly it's a sweet moment between the two and I very much enjoy seeing these two as buddies
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starsprinkledwaters · 4 years
the zep finale was done *so* well holy shit: a summary (in no particular order)
zoey’s singing in the beginning of the episode and the constant paranoia it caused felt very natural and in character
the max and zoey hookup that we were ALL WAITING FOR (oh man this scene. first of all, i am in love with max richman, i have been since the beginning, but in the past few episodes he has been a little bit of a dick (sometimes righteously so, sometimes not. it’s been a rough few episodes for everyone) so it was really nice to see the growth he’s made with him going back to movie night with zoey and him turning down the job offer because he wants to be more of a leader. i really loved that character growth and it made it clear that he’s less reliant on zoey now; he’s taking time to work on himself and what makes him happy. and seeing zoey get to see and appreciate that side of him!!! i loved how sweet and playful this scene was with max’s heart songs cutting in and i kid you not my heart lept a little when max picked zoey up (i’m in love). basically i feel like this scene was really done because it didn’t feel like the characters were *forced* to be together; it was a natural progression based on the growth both of the characters have gone through)
max calling simon (more growth!! max obviously knows that simon cares about zoey, and maybe he is a little jealous, but he doesn’t let that get in the way of him reaching out to simon about zoey’s dad and truly having zoey’s best interest at heart)
max telling maggie that he told mitch how he really felt about zoey + maggie saying that she thinks mitch already knew
simon and his lasagna
just simon being there for zoey in general i love him too
getting to see everyone’s heart song reactions/last words to mitch
zoey dancing with her dad. this was by FAR my favorite moment in the episode. the moment zoey turned around to see her dad, up and well, calling to her, i started sobbing. it was such a gorgeous farewell between the two characters and it was a really nice ending to mitch’s storyline; i’ll miss him
not seeing the actual funeral
the pure choice in song of american pie as the “big song” of the episode. the constant theme in the song is that it tells of the day “the music died”. the core of zep is music, but it’s also centered around zoey’s dad; in a way, he is that music for his family. they all came together around him to take care of him, and with his death, the music died. so good omg
everyone getting a verse of american pie
JOAN AT ZOEY’S HOUSE i love her and it’s great to see how much she and her and zoey’s relationship have grown
howie getting a verse + howie in this whole episode
simon + max’s handshake
max’s verse of american pie ft. zoey’s head on his shoulder
MO’S VERSE OF AMERICAN PIE HAD ME CRYING AGAIN bc at that point it really hit hard that this scene is just about mourning it’s also about celebrating life and the good things about it
everyone being there for zoey
max kissing zoey on the head
i would say zoey’s ending of american pie but it made me too damn sad
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sitcomshippers · 4 years
Max just saved Zoey 😍
Have you watched the episode today?
𝘻𝘰𝘦𝘺'𝘴 𝘦𝘹𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘳𝘺 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘺𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵 || 1𝘹08 || 𝘻𝘰𝘦𝘺'𝘴 𝘦𝘹𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘳𝘺 𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘤𝘩 || 2020
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Okay so when does Zoey tell Joan about her dad? Cause I’m a big fan of the idea that she overheard her talking to Max at the end of Zoey’s Extraordinary Glitch and decided then and there that she was going to be there for Zoey no matter what.
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