violentmouths · 4 years
So sorry if I've been acting lazy, I'm just a little blue from this month. But hey, have another insight of the Celebration of Grima's mayor!
I actually wrote this years ago, but won't get away with using this song if I published paperback. So yeah, I love this song very much.
Tagging: @birdgirl69 @clevermentalitybeliever @dhalia111
The celebration in Rabbit Hole was usually at night, all the monsters take torches and place them all over the town, putting straw all over the streets, and once the full moon is out, Grima's mother would run around town gently singing "Go tell Aunt Rhody" but since she no longer performed for the town, another woman did.
Once they heard her singing echo through the streets, they'd runs out of their house behind her and into the street singing. All sang and chanted in the middle of the town where Aunt Rhody waits for us, sitting high in their chair in the town hall. "Go tell Aunt Rhody" they sang, looking at them "Go tell Aunt Rhody" they sang again. The performer stood in front of the other monster citizens, they surrounded her, circling her "Go tell Aunt Rhody, that everybody's. . . Dead" she sings. The monsters slowly walked around her shifting their gaze onto Aunt Rhody and the performer. The performer wore a long black dress with dead purple flowers in her hair, she was a brunette, and her hair was tied in a bun. Her face was painted like skeleton; just like mom did before her lost her beautiful head.
"I was raised in a deep dark hole" the sound of a door creaked open to close "a prisoner, with no parole" the performer sang, her body rolled under her hand on her hip, her body movements made the little monstress want to be like her as well. Her swaying had the spider plant hypnotized, "They locked me up and took my soul" she sang, pressing her hands on her throat "Ashamed of what they made" we whispered, the performer spun on her tip toes.
The circle broke as they spun away from the performer who's name was Molly, she was a witch. Molly raised her arms in the air as the monsters held hands and slowly walked around her some more. "Go tell Aunt Rhody" she sang pointing at a zombie "Go tell Aunt Rhody" she sang again pointing at a skeleton, both the zombie and skeleton danced towards the witch, Groma didn't take her eyes off of them until she had to face away from them. Moving their upper bodies in circles "Go tell Aunt Rhody, that everybody's dead." The witch sang, the many eyed monstress could hear violins being played, the monsters turned around to see her being hoisted up by the zombie and skeleton's shoulders.
Grima prayed she didn't fall.
pointed towards Aunt Rhody before looking at the sky. Another time of walking around them in a cirlce, it was never a square, or a triangle. But then again, circles have no points, and neither did this dance. It was like they all knew what they were doing.
They never practiced! They just knew!
"I call for him and he will come" she sang before putting a hand on her hip again, she continued to point "She'll answer him like he's the one" she sang while leaning back, we flickered  our hands towards our face as we looked at the sky, making 'Ooo' sound as she sang "His arms outstretched but when she's done, he'll be torn apart" some of us broke the circle, we ran and spun and chanted "Go, tell Aunt Rhody, go tell Aunt Rhody, go tell Aunt Rhody" jus then, those who broke out of the circle, got on their hands and knees. The sound of a piano replicated the words 'that every-body's'. A sound of drums took over, the other citizen's who were standing up, ran towards those who were on the ground and jumped over their heads only to get on their hands and knees "Go tell Aunt Rhody" they sang, those who were already on their hands and knees would get up and roll on those on the ground "Go tell Aunt Rhody" they sang as well, adding a clap. "Go tell Aunt Rhody, that everybody's" they sang, standing up, looking at Aunt Rhody.
"Every-body's, every-body's" all the citizen's except for me and the zombies knelt down, not looking at Aunt Rhody, I pulled down my mask, just then you hear,  the most hoarse "dead" come out of our mouths. We were breathing heavily.
A few seconds later, two little voices began to sing "Go tell Aunt Rhody, go tell Aunt Rhody,that everybody's" it was from small children who're holding hands and dancing around in little circles. Everyone stood up and faced Mayor Aunt Rhody as they clapped their hands  "Bravo" they said, continuing to clap "Bravo, that was a lovely  performance!" they shouted, walking towards their citizens. Aunt Rhody was split person down the middle. One side of them was a woman that had kinky curly hair that was tied up, some of the hair was all over the place. The other side was a man, he had a faint cut next to his mouth, his hair was blonde and he had blue eyes while the woman had cinnamon colored eyes, her name was Aunt while his name was Rhody. They wore a long black trench coat with a crisp white, button up shirt. Their pants were black and so was their dress shoes.
They were the nicest mayor you'd ever see or hear about.
"We loved it, such grace and love, we could feel it from up here!" They announced pointing at their chair. Grima pulled up her mask, not taking her eyes off them.
The citizen's do not know who Grima was or who she belonged to. Not even the Mayor.
They knew that Alexandra had Dante, but they didn't know that she had Grima.
She was kind of a secret, because no one asked.
Grima didn't want to stay to hear Aunt Rhody's speech, for it had absolutely nothing to do with her. She held herself as she went home, it was a beautiful night, and the little monstress was enjoying her walk.
Once she got to her street, she looked at the street sign "Somewhere between psychotic and iconic street" Grima read before walking down the street until she reached her home. Grima opened the picket fence door and closed it. She noticed some of the lights were off as she walked onto the porch, the sounds of the wood creaking under her booties reminded her of a house she didn't want to remember. Grima knocked on the door before waiting for someone to open it.
"Who?" A stern voice said behind the door, she knew who it was; Dante.
The little monstress pressed a hand onto the door before looking down at the porch "Dante, it's Grima..." She said in a low voice, the door unlocked and opened, Grima squinted before putting a hand over her eyes. The light from the inside the house almost blinded the young monstress. "Hey Grimms, how was the celebration?" Dante said putting his arms around his little sister, Grima placed her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes. "It was... Nice." She replied as her brother released her from his grasp, Grima bowed before going up to her room which was in the attic. She walked up the stairs while looking around the house, it was always warm. Grima slowly walked down the hall before aproaching her ladder and climbing up.
Grima Li's room wasn't that special, she had a twin sized bed that was up against the wall when you first climb up. Basically it's the first thing you see when you entered her room. It even had a huge sun roof that had Christmas lights around the edges, her mother always turned them on at night. On the left side of the room was a book shelf filled with books such as;
-Paradise Lost
-Moby Dick
-Gulliver's Travels
- Pride and Prejudice
-Chicken Soup for the Soul
-Lord of the Flies
-South Beach Diet
-Hunt for Red October
-To kill a Mockingbird
- Zen of the art of Motorcycle Maintenance
-Cask of Amontillado
-Call of the Wild
-War of the Worlds
-The Adventures of Huck Finn
-Myth of Sisyphus
-Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
- Clan of the Cave Bear
-Prince and the Pauper
-Waiting for Godoth
-Bridget Jones Diary
-Antony and Cleopatra
-Oliver Twist
-Titus Andronicus
She read all of them.
On the right, was her night stand that holds all of my mouth masks, she also had a TV attached to her wall infront of her bed, and had many classic horror movies! She had merchandise from the strange game called Five Nights at Freddy's that her dad bought her while he was away on his businesstrips. There's nothing else to say other than she had a wardrobe filled with clothes and a dresser that holds all of her unused perfumes and scented lotions. That's it!
Grima removed her dress and boots to put on her black pajama pants, she quickly removed her small bra and put on a white spaghetti strapped shirt. The many eyed monstress kicked her clothes across the room before climbing into the bed.
She decided to wash up tomorrow. 
The many eyed monstress looked at the sun roof before removing her mask and placing it onto the night stand. The stars were twinkling, Grima closed her eyes, scrunched up her nose, and crossed her fingers, making a wish; to get out of that town! Grima slowly opened her many eyes, she then clapped her hands as the Christmas lights turned off.
Another awesome night she had with the town.
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violentmouths · 5 years
When you get this, publicly answer it with five things you like about yourself!!!!! Then send it to ten of your favorite followers!
Z'aww thank you sweetheart!
Hmm, five things I like about myself... Let's see:
- How creative I can be.
-I love how I'm energetic and childish (Imma little)
-I love to venture.
- I'm dedicated to things I wanna do.
- I'm curious about everything.
I don't have many friends on here but I'd love to make friends (I want to expand my circle and yet I'm unsure) but here ya go.
@lewdbunbun @cantcopewithlosingv @thedyingmoon @clevermentalitybeliever @lessy86 @dhalia111 @gaaebolg
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violentmouths · 4 years
*hugs you real tight* would you please send this to the first 10 people in your dash? Make sure someone gets a hug today and stay safe!❤️
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Z'aww thank you sweetheart! ❤💖💞
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