#yuli meta
shslprince · 2 years
My big "Momota was sick pregame" theory post
This is very fast and loose but a theory I've been holding onto for quite some time, and wanted to organize it out in writing. Obvious V3 spoiler warnings.
Before I go any deeper I do wanna point out this is still only a theory and how I interpret Momota's character. Team danganronpa infecting a guy with a deadly disease for the sake of ratings and drama is totally within the lines of the post modernist critique V3 portrays, but I also believe there's enough evidence pointing otherwise as well. There's mainly 3 key points:
1: Momota's final moments
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During the post trial of chapter 5, Momota goes over his actions throughout the game, motives for joining ouma's plan, and also that he's simply out of time with his illness. And as explains there's this particular line he says above: he doesn't remember how he got sick in the first place. If Momota was always meant to be dying from this illness, then surely there would've been some sort of foreshadowing to this with his ingame memories, right? Even a little push that maybe something was off during training. But even in his final moments when hes baring his soul, this one key factor is still unclear. The fact the "my memories" part is highlighted in particular strengthens this, along with the sheer confusion in his face.
Now of course, Monokuma tries to explain this in that the deadly virus was simply dormant during his astronaut training, not flaring up until much later. And while that's possible, that only supports my next point:
2: The rushed chapter 5 flashback light
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The ingame explanation for the illness is in the flashback light of chapter 5, going over how the cast of v3 is connected to the hope's peak saga, and also tries to cover where that illness came from. All the flashback lights in V3 are a tool for Tsumugi to manipulate the game in her favor, providing motives and course correcting when needed. But chapter 5's flashback light is a bit special: its the most rushed, slapdashed one with tons of inconsistencies.
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Tsumugi even admits to this in chapter 6. It was mainly damage control after Ouma took the game away from her. The virus explanation is also an extension of that, only showing up when Momota's illness was fully exposed after chapter 4. Now it is true that she was building up a Sci Fi plot over time, and meteorites containing deadly viruses would've fitted perfectly. But if his illness was always supposed to be part of the script, why not include that detail earlier in chapter 4's flashback light, where said meteors were introduced in the first place? Why only go over it in chapter 5, the one flashback light that Momota -the guy with the illness she's trying to explain in the first place- doesn't see? Its a bandaid, a way for Tsumugi to wrangle back control of the game, and that includes weaving Momota's illness into her Sci fi plot.
If there's one thing moogs is good at, it's improvising her way out of sticky situations and using them to her favor.
The final point is the most speculative and hinges on a certain interpretation of pregame Momota, but it's an important one nonetheless:
3: The Audition tapes
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Now the audition tapes are already murky waters regarding characterization, there's room for doubt if they were edited in a way to make them look as bad as possible, or even be flat out fake. Personally I do believe they are legit, if a bit exaggerated. But regardless, there's a specific point in Momota's audition that always sticks out: that once he's got fame and fortune, he doesn't have to worry about what's impossible.
PG!Momota being a bloodthirsty attention stealing asshole is one thing, with his lines being a nice contrast to in game Momotas motto, but what's this "impossible thing" he doesn't have to worry about once he got rich? What could he have possibly worried about to the point joining a death game to win it big?
With these three points, this is where I drew my conclusion: that Momota was sick pregame. He had an illness that got in the way of his dreams, turning them into an impossibility and himself jaded as a result, and that he had nowhere to go except join a death game in the chances of striking it big and win, using said fame and fortune to get a cushy life, maybe even afford to get treatment. And if he doesn't win, then at least he gets to die in a blaze of glory, televised worldwide and reaping that post-mortem fame.
It also explains as to how quickly his health deteriorated. If he was already sick long before the game, and unaware that he was ill in the first place thanks to his implanted memories, then it would make sense how he already starts to cough up blood in chapter 3.
Again, this is still a theory based on a specific interpretation of Momota. It's still possible team DR infected him for the sake of the show, and the entertainment industry destroying their cast/crew for the sake of their craft is not uncommon. But I think the interpretation of a guy with a terminal illness going into a death game for fame and fortune, and the company running said death game using that illness for their advantage and trying to claim it as their own is also just as interesting and fits right into the themes of V3.
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laguaridadelnagual · 8 months
Que llegue la transformación a Yucatán, pide Claudia Sheinbaum
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“Tenemos que cumplir el Plan C de Claudia”, aseguró la Coordinadora Nacional de Defensa de la Transformación   “Ahora tenemos una gran oportunidad, que no solamente siga la Transformación en todo el país, sino que llegue la Transformación a este bello estado de Yucatán”, aseguró Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo luego de que empresarios, artistas, deportistas y miembros de los pueblos originarios de dicho estado se sumaron al Acuerdo de Unidad para continuar la Cuarta Transformación. La Coordinadora Nacional de la Defensa de la Transformación resaltó que el objetivo de dar continuidad a la transformación no solo es preservar lo alcanzado por el presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador, sino ampliar el alcance de la democratización de las instituciones con una mayoría calificada en el Congreso de la Unión, que permita realizar los cambios de fondo que necesita el Poder Judicial. “Yo digo que es el Plan C de Claudia, ese plan C tiene una parte muy importante porque ya se democratizó el Poder Ejecutivo, el presidente anda por todos lados caminando, ya no hay un Estado Mayor que lo cuide, ya es un gobierno del pueblo y para el pueblo; el Legislativo también porque ha aprobado los cambios constitucionales, ya no tiene moches y todo lo que había antes, pero ahora nos toca democratizar al Poder Judicial”, puntualizó. Durante su discurso, destacó el trabajo realizado por el presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador a favor del sureste del país, el cual fue olvidado por gobiernos anteriores y que hoy alberga una de las obras más grandes del mundo como lo es el Tren Maya. En ese sentido manifestó que uno de sus sueños es ampliar esta visión de movilidad para todo el país, como lo realizó durante su gobierno en la Ciudad de México como jefa de Gobierno, de tal forma que México esté conectado de norte a sur a través de un avanzado sistema ferroviario. “Mi sueño es seguir construyendo trenes de pasajeros en nuestro país, que no nos quedemos nada más con el Tren Maya, que sigamos construyendo obra pública que potencie la inversión privada, que sigamos construyendo trenes y que vayamos en tren desde la Península hasta otros lugares del país en tren”, comentó. El dirigente nacional de Morena, Mario Delgado, coincidió en que vienen tiempos de cambio para Yucatán, pues subrayó que se va a lograr la Transformación como se logró en otros estados que estaban en manos de gobiernos neoliberales. “Ya viene el cambio para Yucatán, que se va a derribar el mito de que aquí no podía triunfar nuestro movimiento, lo mismo nos decían de Oaxaca, que ahí gobernaba un solo partido y una familia y que no podríamos ganar, pero el pueblo se organizó y ganamos; lo mismo decían de Campeche, que es territorio de ‘Alito’, pero el pueblo se organizó y ganamos; lo mismo decían de Tamaulipas, el pueblo se organizó y ganamos; y el Estado de México, decían que no se podía porque de ahí era un grupo muy poderoso y ganamos”, comentó. Como muestra de reconocimiento a su liderazgo, los pueblos originarios de Yucatán realizaron un ritual de las buenas vibras para la doctora Claudia Sheinbaum, representada por los hermanos indígenas de la zona arqueológica de Chichén Itzá, con el objetivo de que alcance sus metas en este camino por la continuidad de la transformación en el país. En Yucatán se sumaron a la 4T Rommel Pacheco, clavadista olimpico; Roberto Abraham Mafud;  empresario, promotor cultural y compositor mexicano; Guty Espadas, campeón mundial de Boxeo en Peso Pluma; Celsa María Iuit Moh, mujer indígena ganadora del Premio Nacional de Ciencias y Artes; Richar Mut Tun, presidente del Colegio de Economistas de Yucatán; Yuli Chapur Zahoul, consejera consultiva de la comisión de Derechos Humanos en Yucatán y Moisés González, presidente de la unión de mayoristas de la Central de Abastos de Mérida. Asimismo, Armando Lara Ordoñez, deportista de alto rendimiento en Taekwondo; Dr. Salvador Elías Castell González, director y fundador de “va por la tierra”; Carlos López Cabrera, creador de contenido; Ana María Frías, presidenta de la Federación de Cooperativas Pesqueras Turísticas, Acuícolas y Artesanales; Edna Alexandra Canto Hernández, presidenta del Colegio de Mujeres Profesionistas de la Industria de la Construcción; Adolfo Calderón Sádico, escritor; Felipe Couoh Jiménez, presidente de la Confederación de Profesionistas de la Península y Raúl Barroso, fundador del programa “Esperanto” en apoyo a jóvenes de escasos recursos. También suscribieron; Raúl Vela Sosa, doctor en Comercio internacional; Nimbre Alicia Romero, comisionada nacional de Equidad de Género de la Unión Nacional de Constructores Electromecánicos; Fidencio Canto Sánchez, ex director general del Colegio de estudios científicos y tecnológicos de Yucatán; Carlos Abraham Mafud, presidente del Consejo consultivo de la junta de asistencia privada en Yucatán; Karina Esperanza Ojeda Sierra, directora del Instituto de Desarrollo Humano Cree; Juan José Sandoval Gio, coordinador de la Red Inter Institucional de Investigación Biológica; Enrique Sánchez Progreso, empresario pesquero; José Francisco Ricalde Pons, empresario joyero; Walter Salazar Cano, ex secretario de desarrollo social y ex director del registro civil del estado de Yucatán y Ariel Avilés Martín, fundador de la escuela de letras de la Universidad modelo. A su vez, Alex Ceballos, músico; Leonor Aguilar Mena, directora creativa de Grupo Joyería San Román; Ricardo Mosqueda Lagunes, representante del partido Nueva Alianza; Alfonso Gonzales Arceo, director de la firma Perfecto Home; Mónica Bargas Caporali; activista; María Patricia Guadarrama Chavez, biologa; Mirna Manzanilla Romero, directora del Instituto Tecnológico de Mérida; Alejandro Chulim, secretario general de sección del SNTE; Andrea Grajales Canto, mercadóloga; Rosario Espadas, directora del Comité Estatal de la Cámara Nacional de la Mujer en Yucatán; Mariana Cotera, integrante de la Asociación ‘’La Verdadera Transformación  de Yucatán’’; María Cristina Isis del Toro; Aracely Córdoba, empresaria petrolera; Ingrid Robles, empresaria; Judith Elena Ortega, medica; Carlos Enrique Flores Villanueva; ex certificador Lingüístico; Mauro Estrella Canto, ex docente del Instituto tecnológico de Chetumal, Campeche y de Mérida. Firmaron, Maite Mascaró, profesora; Carlos Rosas Vazquez, fundador de unidad de docencia de la Facultad de Ciencias de la UNAM; Karina Lara Puerto, ex integrante de la Cámara Nacional de la Mujer; Julieta Hernández Ramírez, profesora de las facultades de Medicina de Enfermería y Antropología; Roberto Zamora Bustillos; investigador; Teresita Chan Estrella, maestra en ciencias de los alimentos; Hugo Ramón Rodríguez Núñez, docente; Abel Zapata Dietrich, profesor del Tecnológico de Mérida; Demetrio Rivas Corona, representante del SNTE en Yucatán; Emmanuel González Chávez, secretario general del SNTE; Lilia del Carmen Manrique Ceca, activista; Russel Fernando Cabrera Ojeda, activista LGBT; César Armando Benites Sansores, activista; Francisco Javier Pérez generador y analista de contenidos sociales; Diego Cano, fotógrafo; Ileana Garma, poeta; Erick Alberto Cupul, presidente estatal del movimiento de reivindicación; Albero Delgado Bechara, promotor social; Darío Villasis, artista plástico; Juan Manuel de Jesús Palomo Vargas, presidente del consejo de administración de sociedad cooperativa de capital variable; Leonel Macias Sánchez, ex deportista; Fredy Sansores, ex árbitro de primera división y José Manuel López Campos, empresario gasolinero. Se unieron, Renan Guillermo González, impulsor de cultura; Violeta Robledo Torres, oftalmóloga; Remigio Antonio Carvajal Ávila, ex rector de la universidad tecnológica del Mayab; Axel Bobadilla, líder estudiantil; Raúl Gody, comisionado de Transparencia del INFONAVIT; Carlos Medina, ex presidente nacional de la Cámara Nacional de la Industria del Desarrollo; Carlos Avilez, delgado COCE Yucatán; Claudia Cetina Gómez, empresario hotelero; Walter Javier Olvera, empresario; Manuel Ruiz Sosa, empresario gasolinero; Carlos Berlin Montero, ex diputado del PRI; Jesús Quintal IC, ex diputado, Joaquín Xuffy, ex alcalde del municipio de Baca; Elizabeth Gamboa, ex diputada del PRI; Lupita Canto Ale, ex presidenta municipal de Chicxulub Puerto; René Geremías Tun Castillo, ex alcalde y Moisés Rodríguez, ex diputado local por el PAN. Finalmente, Fernando Romero Ayuso, ex diputado; Enrique Castillo, ex alcalde por el PRI; Liliana Araujo, ex alcaldesa por el PRI del municipio de Tekantó; Ingeniero Eduardo Cupul; ex candidato a la presidencia de Tunkas; Ramón Estrella, ex alcalde de Teya; Fermin Sosa, ex alcalde de Izamal; Manuel Aguilar, ex alcalde de Telchac; Sansores Millán, ex alcalde de Santa Elena; Martín Alcocer, ex alcalde de Chochla; Lila Frias Castillo, diputada local; Luis Borjas Romero, ex diputado local; María Fernanda Vivas Sierra, presidenta de la Comisión Permanente de Salud y Ecología; Oscar Medina, regidor de Mérida por el PRI hasta el 2024; Lorena Polanco, regidora de Progreso PRI; Erick Quijano, ex alcalde de Tixkokob; Manuel Carrillo, ex director general de la Junta de Agua Potable y alcantarillado de Yucatán; Carlos Salón, ex diputado local; Juana María Baltazar, ex alcaldesa de San Felipe; Irving Piste, ex alcalde de Kinchil y Alejandro Muñoz, ex secretario Jurídico del Comité Directivo del PRI Yucatán. Read the full article
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glitterdustcyclops · 10 months
more aria meta because i keep thinking about astarion and it keeps inspiring me lmao
so one of the things with her is that, after she's been rescued from the slavers (and i'm still deliberating on how dark i want the abuse there to be), on the pirate ship at first the other men are pretty gross and rapey/leering crudely towards her, and she gets into pretty violent fights a lot with them (her old gf Yuli taught her the rules of streetfighting so they could survive lmao) until the captain, Barlow, steps in and tells the men to knock it off, and from then on he becomes sort of her protector/mentor
the two of them have a messed up father/daughter dynamic that compels me so much. aria is his pretty shiny toy, the tool he uses to get what he wants without resorting to murder all the time, and she's incredibly good at it (and for extra fucked up points, she's only 17-18 for all of this) but he feels some sort of affection for her too? and Aria respects and admires him as much as she lowkey resents him for putting her in this position, but she doesn't know how to express those feelings because she's also completely *terrified* of losing that protection, of what the rest of barlow's men would do to her should they ever get it into their heads to mutiny
so much more black sails than ofmd on the pirate vibes scale, y'know
and anyway part of why she manipulates giselle into buying her is because she's seeking that same security and protection she had with Barlow, and he (however unintentionally) groomed her into thinking that was the only way she could be safe, and you know, giselle is hot and respectable, the sex is fun, she's rich as fuck and it means another man will never touch me
so you can imagine how much aria absolutely looses her goddamn mind when she goes and falls *in love* with the woman
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Final Servamp Quest
Leader: Mahiru
Leader: Kuro
Leader: Misono
Leader: Mikuni
Leader: Snow Lily
Leader: Jeje
Leader: Tetsu
Leader: Hugh
Leader: Licht
Leader: Lawless
Leader: Ophelia
Leader: Tsubaki
Leader: Sakuya
Leader: Belkia
Leader: Otogiri
Leader: Higan
Leader: Shamrock
Leader: Lilac
Leader: Shuhei
Leader: Tsurugi
Leader: Yumikage
Leader: Junichirou
Leader: Toma
Leader: Freya
Leader: Ildio/WorldEnd
Leader: Johannes
Leader: Mitsuki
Leader: Yuly & Mary
Leader: Krantz
Leader: Guildenstern
Leader: Gilberto
Leader: Rayscent
Leader: Ryusei
Leader: Koyuki
Leader: Takuto
Leader: Yoshimasa
Leader: Inner Wrath (Marked as “Who?” on the card)
Leader: Iori (Marked as “Who?” on the card)
Leader: Gear (Marked as “Who?” on the card)
Leader: Youtarou (Marked as “Who?” on the card)
Leader: Niccolò (Marked as “Who?” on the card)
Leader: Inner Kuro (Marked as “Who?” on the card)
White Day Event
Prelude - Izuna Version + No Chocolate Route
Prelude: Freya Version
Snow Lily
Gear of Night Trick
Character Cards
Day 1
Do's and Don't's
You may...
... use the translations as inspiration for fanart/fanfic *
... reblog the translation
... mention what happens here in theories/metas/squeeing about how cute characters are
You may with proper credit...
... post the translation to other sites
... translate them into more languages (I can help if you want to translate them into German!)
... use the exact wording in a fanfic/comic/fanart *
... use them in fanvideos, including making those clickable youtube videos
You may not...
... claim the translations as your own
... ask for money to give out the translations
(*) What I mean with "inspiration" vs "use the exact wording": If you, for example, write a fanfic about Kuro going on a date to an arcade and plays the crane games like he does in his White Day Route, you don't need to credit. If, however, you directly quote my translation (For example, Kuro says "Look closely at the plushie inside the machine… Focus on a cute plushie… If you do that, the arm will be drawn to the gaps between the plushies all by itself…" in your fic), please mention me in your author's notes.
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I'm so happy you're still around, writing awesome stories and basically keeping the fandom alive. Thank you so much!! There's so little kunzoi content these days...
EEE thank you so much for this message! It means a great deal to me as well that there is still interest in this fandom! I know a lot of my contributions tend to be very text-heavy, so to hear that people still take the time to read my fanfics or my essays - ...just, omg <3 <3 <3. Thank you guys so much for keeping me engaged and the juices flowing! 
(In particular, Without Words is my magnum opus - it’s the fanfiction form of all my meta and essays applied, so I assure you that until it is done, this blog will continue being alive! If...sporadically inactive due to meatspace stuff lol!)
Incidentally, if you are craving more KunZoi activity...would you believe that there is a KunZoi community that is alive and well on Twitter in Japan?? I’m talking at least three artists who still continue to draw, tweet and do doujinshis of them! My Japanese is too rough now for me to totally understand what’s going on in their textual posts, but if you have the time, scrolling their timeline for the art is well worth it!
YEN, who has great ideas / metas / does some doujinshi-writing (I hink)
Yuli, who does fantastic and adorable art and doujinshis
Aya, who also does fantastic art
Delice, who does incredibly adorable fanart
WalterVega, who is an incredible source on all things Slapstick (the band Kunzite’s voice actor, Kazuyuki Sogabe, was part of), Kunzite, Shitennou, etc!
And there’s so much more! Since anything KZ tends to get retweeted around the community, following these five would be a great place to begin! Hopefully this will scratch some of those KZ itches <3!
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shieldandword · 7 years
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Fill in about your muse:
➥ What is your character’s full name?: Yulili Yuli
➥ Do they have any brothers or sisters?: she’s an only child, which is perhaps why her parents are so overprotective of her.
➥ What kind of eyes do they have?: Medium brown
➥ What kind of hair do they have?: Sea green, she tends to keep it in braided pigtails.
➥ What is their complexion like?: On the lighter side, she’s the type that will start tanning after being sunburned once.
➥ What body type are they?: She’s rather short, even for a Lalafell. She’ll loudly declare that she’s still growing if the subject ever comes up.
➥ What is listening to their voice like?: It’s fairly high-pitched and she talks about a malm a minute, which makes her a little difficult to understand sometimes.
➥ What do they hate most about themselves?: She’s very frustrated with how slowly she learns magic, though her perseverance ultimately serves her well.
➥ Do they have a favorite quote?: 
➥ What sort of music do they enjoy?:
➥ Have/would they ever cheat(ed) on a partner?: No, she’s very straightforward about her wants and needs. If there’s a problem, her partner will know right away...
➥ Have they been cheated on by a partner?: No, she’s only ever had one relationship that lasted all of three months. She ended it when she decided that she wasn’t getting enough attention, though that’s what happens when you date an adventurer who travels a lot...
➥ Have they ever lost someone close to them?: Older relatives who passed away from age.
➥ What is their favorite sound?: 
➥ Are they judgmental of others?: She is a bit, but some of it is just being a teenager.
➥ Have they ever been drunk?: Not yet.
➥ What are they like when they stay up all night?: Very silly, probably a bit dangerous if she thinks she can do magic in that state...
➥ Have they ever been arrested?: Nope.
➥ What evokes strong memories for them?: She grew up in Summerford and would often leave her parents’ farm to go sit by the ocean. Just the sight or smell of it makes her think of freedom.
➥ What do they do on rainy days?: Mope or study.
➥ What religion are they?: She considers Oschon her patron.
➥ What word do they overuse the most?:
➥ What do they wear to bed?: Cute frilly stuff.
➥ Do they have any tattoos or piercings?: She wears earrings.
➥ What type of clothing are they most comfortable in?: 
➥ What is their most disliked food?: Cabbage.
➥ Do they have any enemies?: She likes to THINK she does, it makes her feel more important.
➥ What does their writing look like?: It’s very clear and neat when she takes the time to make it so.
➥ What disgusts them?: Aurelias, injustice.
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soundtracktracklist · 5 years
Quien te cantara Soundtrack
Quien te cantara Soundtrack by Alberto Iglesias #ost #filmmusic #soundtrack #movie
Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (OST) from the film Quien te cantara (2018). The music composed by Alberto Iglesias (Yuli, Spain in a Day).
Source: Quien te cantara Movie Genre: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack Music by Alberto Iglesias Label: Quartet Records Format: Digital Release Date: January 28, 2019
Quien te cantara is a 2018 mystery drama filmwritten and directed by Carlos Vermut. The…
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yeahnews · 3 years
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Shops in Groups enables admins of Facebook groups to set up an online store on their associated Facebook Page. This could get hairy in groups that don't have a clear philanthropic aim, but it's not as though Facebook groups have never been sites for drama before. Still, Yulie Kwon Kim, Meta's vice president of Product Management, pointed out that many group admins are volunteers, and these shops could offer them a revenue stream for their work. Facebook had previously announced its plans for group monetization features - including shops, fundraisers and subscriptions - at its Facebook Communities Summit hosted earlier this month. Facebook also said that users often ask for product recommendations in groups - think about a skincare or makeup group - so now, if a user mentions a product that is listed in a Facebook shop, they can tag it and embed it into their comment. Facebook has had Live Shopping for years, but as partnerships between brands and creators become more common, the app has begun testing a feature that would make these collaborations appear more seamless. This year, Facebook - now under the company name Meta - has consistently worked on building out shopping tools for businesses and creators.
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gmail1251 · 3 years
Facebook launches Shops in Groups and Live Shopping for Creators
facebook announced today that it’s rolling out new shopping features: Shops in Groups, product recommendations and a test of Live Shopping for Creators.
Shops in Groups enables admins of Facebook groups to set up an online store on their associated Facebook Page. It’s up to the admins where this money goes — in the case of OctoNation, a page that tested the feature, the profits went to OctoNation’s nonprofit that educates people about octopuses (octopi?). This could get hairy in groups that don’t have a clear philanthropic aim, but it’s not as though Facebook groups have never been sites for drama before. Still, Yulie Kwon Kim, Meta’s vice president of Product Management, pointed out that many group admins are volunteers, and these shops could offer them a revenue stream for their work.
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shslprince · 2 years
Rambles on Maki’s DR:S route even tho I’ve got issues w the games writing I am So Glad w how hers turned out (spoilers obv!!)
They remembered Maki likes to tease others and make jokes!! I feel like some fan content plays up her cold demeanor too much to the point of being No Fun Allowed, but she snarks a lot and tells plenty of jokes(badly). The way she teases Akamatsu and Kaito especially are great, she might poke fun at them but she always does so in such an affectionate manner.
We get to actually see the Caregiver side of her. Theres hints of it in v3, but seeing her deal with the Warriors of Hope make it shine. She’s stern, but not pushy with Nagisa bc she knows kids Hate It when adults start nagging about proper meals. With Kotoko, she know whatever she went through must’ve been traumatic, so she decides to invite her to play with the kids at the orphanage so they can all make friends with someone their own age. She complains about paper being stuck on her back or pigtails being pulled, but it’s very big sister-like and much in line of someone who had to take care of kids at a very young age.
In this universe, Maki’s assassin talent is never revealed. Even in a non killing game AU this makes a huge difference with her dynamic with everyone. She’s allowed to make bonds and get closer to others without them fearing her or trying to kill her. However, because of this she’s at crossroads with herself. Only Kaito and Saihara know her true talent so she has someone to confide to, but throughout the game she’s conflicted about wanting to tell everyone else. She hates that she has to lie to everyone like this, but at the same it’s for their own safety. While it doesn’t exactly get resolved it’s nice that it gets touched upon
I need to give special shout out to her optional scene with Sakura. While Maki can’t give away her true talent she’s still able to confide about her struggles, and was able get insightful advice from Sakura about what it means to be strong. She doesn’t have to only use her strength to kill, but can use it help others. While she can’t get away from her being an assassin so easily, theres a little bit of hope now, a possible way out.
There’s more but aaaaaaaaaagh I’m very very happy with her route!!!
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didoperez-blog · 4 years
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Yuli me siento muy feliz de que cumplas tus metas. Jamás te conformes con algo inferior a tus sueños mientras sigas viva, nada es imposible y siempre habrá una posibilidad para todo❤️ Recuerda que soy tu familia y siempre te acompañó ♥️ https://www.instagram.com/p/B9LKGPZlfyrUv4FEAOLu-PZhIsKLYz3TZq06Ig0/?igshid=1trt5zouxuktw
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soundtracktracklist · 5 years
Yuli Soundtrack
Yuli Soundtrack by Alberto Iglesias #bio #drama #film #soundtrack #movie #ost
Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (OST) from the film Yuli (2019). The music composed by Alberto Iglesias (Spain in a Day).
Source: Yuli Movie Genre: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack Music by Alberto Iglesias Label: Quartet Records Format: Digital Release Date: January 18, 2019
Yuli is a 2019 biographicaldrama film directed by Iciar Bollain. The film stars Carlos Acosta, Santiago Alfonso,…
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vampirevocalistyuli · 7 years
(I don't know if this counts as a meta, but what are thoughts about your muses ending up in a Persona 4 Arena scenario where they are dragged into a fighting tournament against their will and forced to fight each other? You can choose to write about any muses you wish. If you feel like it, you can write about what if, like in Persona 4 Arena, their senses are twisted so they hear their friends saying hurtful things to them to provoke fighting.)
send me a topic to write a meta about my muse on
(( omg I’ve always wondered how my characters would be like if they’re in a fighting game! I mean, they all have the capacity for it. Yes, even the harmless-looking kokeshi doll. |D
(( This could be lengthy as heck though.
(( Ahem, that aside, for this specific scenario, I see Yuli and Uno being the ones out of my characters majorly affected by the offensive words. Most especially Yuli, who’s got, like, a ton of insecurities hidden under his perfect visage. Uno’s packing some serious baggage himself, so it’d be easy to upset him. Idols really have it tough.
(( Ash had seen and been through enough crazy supernatural things that hardly anything could bother him much anymore. If the ringmaster tries to fool him with illusions, you can be sure Ash would be taken aback at first, and then proceed to beat some sense into his opponent. If said opponent is Yuli or Smile, then you can be sure that he’d do whatever it takes to snap them out of whatever’s possessing them; he knows them enough by now. Of course, he’s not at all thrilled at the fact that he’s being pitted against his friends in the first place.
(( Ninjin would be mostly ambivalent; who knows if she cares or even acknowledges that she has friends. She’d just want to go back to her book or whatever’s her current interest, and she’ll stop at nothing to get that. If Yuli’s her opponent, however, she’d probably be devastated if he tells her that he’s bored with her now. It’d sting too since Ninjin had learned how ridiculously easy it was for anything to lose their novelty to Yuli. She’d still fight him though, since if she can’t have him, then no one else will.
(( Grim. She’s sassy enough to actually talk back to her opponent…If she even has a friend to battle against. Phantom and Eclipse don’t count.
(( Loof…The ringmaster ought to be really powerful if they can manage to fool the Fool. Unless Loof lets them, just for the heck of it. I don’t see him taking the whole situation seriously. I mean, when did he ever? He’s the true ‘Wild Card’ here. More importantly, he doesn’t have a friend to fight against.
(( Similar to Ash, Agent’s been through a lot himself, and in his line of work, close familiar bonds would just be a liability for him. If he did end up having a friend that he must fight, then, he will fight them. No hard feelings, but he needs to get out alive…If it’s Shion, however, Agent’s going to have a problem, even though he knows she couldn’t possibly say such awful things to him, or anyone.
(( As for Elenoa, her situation’s not much different from Agent, wherein everyday is a struggle for survival for her. Who knows how many friends and allies she’d seen fall, either at the enemies’ hands or from her own? She could’ve become used to betrayals already, so if her friend was to fight her, then so be it. If her opponent is Trinity, it won’t be an easy fight, but it’s not one she’d back out of either.
(( Parado is a difficult one. For one, he’s got a lot of problems under his hat, being JOKER’s disciple, but he’s not exactly easy to fool either. I mean, come on, he’s a demon jester, the Jack of Spades; fooling and making a fool out of others is his job! That said, if his opponent is Wilhelm or Trifoli, you can be sure he’s still going to act like they haven’t just insulted him. They already do that to him all the time anyway.
(( Back to Yuli and Uno.
(( Yuli, as I’ve said above, he’s got a lot of insecurities that he either hides or ignores…Or at least try to. He could end up fighting either Ash, Smile, Wilhelm or Milk, with Ash and Wilhelm able to bring the haughty vampire to his knees with their words.
(( Uno’s possible opponents would be 2st, Waka-san, Force or Nero. This is going to be a painful match as he won’t be able to bring himself to fight them, even despite having subjected 2st and Force to the mercy of his killer leg crushes countless times before.
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bangbaradotcom · 4 years
UMKM Kitubeb Jadi Perwakilan KBB dan Jabar, dalam Expo Diversifikasi Pangan Lokal dari Kementerian Pertanian
UMKM Kitubeb Jadi Perwakilan KBB dan Jabar, dalam Expo Diversifikasi Pangan Lokal dari Kementerian Pertanian
Jakarta, BANGBARA.COM. – Sebuah prestasi membanggakan diraih oleh salah satu Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) produk gula aren Kitubeb, dari Kabupaten Bandung Barat (KBB).
Pasalnya, Kitubeb ini terpilih menjadi salah satu UMKM dari 5 perwakilan dari Provinsi Jawa Barat (Jabar) dan satu-satunya yang mewakili KBB dalam kegiatan yang diadakan Badan Ketahanan Pangan Kementerian Pertanian RI.
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conlasbasesllenas · 4 years
Actuaciones de los cubanos en la jornada de MLB, liderada por Yuli Gurriel y Yoenis Céspedes
Actuaciones de los cubanos en la jornada de MLB, liderada por Yuli Gurriel y Yoenis Céspedes
Los cubanos en MLB tuvieron una jornada de altibajos y repasamos todos los que participaron en la jornada del 31 de julio en Grandes Ligas.
Yuli Gurriel fue el más destacado al irse de 4-2 con 1 empujada y 2 anotadas en la victoria de los Astros 9-6 sobre los Angels.
Por su parte, los Cubanos en White Sox no les fue bien, Yoán Moncada de 3-0 con 1 BB, José Abreu igual 3-0 1 BB, Yasmani Grandal de…
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wacananews · 4 years
Limbah B3 di Jombang, Sebanyak 15 Rit di Dua Titik Pembuangan
Limbah B3 di Jombang, Sebanyak 15 Rit di Dua Titik Pembuangan
JOMBANG – Data yang diperoleh dari Dinas Lingkungan Hidup menyebutkan, dari dua titik lokasi pembuangan sebanyak 15 rit limbah B3 abu aluminium yang sudah dikeluarkan. Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kabupaten Jombang masih mendalami sumber limnah tersebut, Sabtu (18/07/2020).
“Dari perkembangan memang akhirnya diketahui ada dua titik, asalnya diduga sama dan yang pasti saling berhubungan,” terang Yuli…
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