#yu wu gu mang
crimsonrrain · 2 months
I love these fools. Gu Mang babbling bullshit out of his pride, constantly talking about how he had played with countless men and women, secretly enduring pain and suffering, hiding the fact that Mo Xi is the only one for him. Mo Xi hearing Gu Mang speak, growing even more impatient and restless, becoming even more out of control, tormenting Gu Mang and pushing him to his limits. Gu Mang, being provoked, saying something mortifying and absurdly obscene, adding fuel to an already raging fire. Mo Xi exploding in anger and yelling to Gu Mang that if he dares to seduce him again, he'll definitely make him pay the consequences. Oh, we know what he means, we know!
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foreheadribbon · 4 months
If I live, I’ll return to your side, but if I die, I’ll long for you forever.
Yu Wu, Meatbun Doesn’t Eat Meat
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mxtxfanatic · 2 months
Do you mind if I ask, why you dislike YuWu? Feel free if you want to ignore my ask.
Yu Wu was not as masterfully put together as 2ha, mostly because of the terrible pacing, balance, and weak characters.
Mo Xi, as a main character and as a love interest, is too insecure to stand beside a character like Gu Mang. Gu Mang is meant to go through so much shit that feels entirely unnecessary and is a direct result of Mo Xi’s weak convictions and indecisiveness. He can’t decide who he can trust, can’t decide how to act, can’t even decide what he, himself, wants, and it leads him to making such nonsensical decisions even up to the final act of the book. Speaking of, the final “moral dilemma” of the book had absolutely no stakes: it was literally a choice between 1) do the thing you always secretly wanted that’ll conveniently also save the world or 2) do the thing that will make you unhappy and destroy the world, but hey! you get to be immortal to experience despair for eternity as you rule a dead world! Wtf kind of dilemma is that??? The antagonists are actual scum villains, but one is redeemed because his mom was a little mean to him as a kid??? Shi Mei wasn’t even redeemed in 2ha, and he had an actual tragic backstory, so wtf??? So I couldn’t even find interest from the fucking villains.
Balance was shit. Why are we spending hundreds of pages in fluff land watching Mo Xi pretend to care about giving Gu Mang chores, meanwhile the final battle is approaching? Why does fluff land have as many pages as major story-pushing arcs, when just about nothing that happens in those domestic sideplots translate to material implications in the rest of the story outside of introducing other characters? And this is in every arc! Major suspense and energy build-up is squandered by the insertion of these domestic moments that do not matter in any way and don’t even serve to flesh out character. The same exact shit happens in every one of them: Mo Xi starts to be nice to Gu Mang, some outsider gets mad about it, Mo Xi realizes that he shouldn’t be nice to Gu Mang because people will get suspicious, Mo Xi is mean to Gu Mang which causes him to remember he’s “still mad,” Mo Xi’s callousness leads to Gu Mang being tortured in some way that reminds Mo Xi that he actually “still loves him.” Repeat ad infinitum.
And because balance was shit, pacing was also shit. Felt like most of the story was me reading a whole lot of nothing. I only perked up when action was happening, so either when another character took center stage away from Mo Xi, or when we were getting into Gu Mang’s past. Because Mo Xi is not a strong enough character to hold narrative interest. People wanna talk shit about mxtx LIs? Mo Xi is the actual main character of this novel, but his only redeeming quality is that the amnesiac LI with an overwritten personality turning him into a naive torture-magnet loves him. Said LI is more interesting than him—and almost every other character in the story—in every way.
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shadow-bookworm · 2 months
yu wu ch 69 spoilers ahead
gu mang is just a baby lemme protect him 😭
"But it doesn't matter. Because I think, even if it's a single day, a single chance to live that day all over again, that would be right." His face looked up, resembling the passionate youth from the past, he who would go charging into the face of death. Gu Mang said: "I'll walk as far as I can. If I die tomorrow, then I'll have been a good person for a day. If I die next year, then I'll have been a good person for a year." —— "This is the last thing I can do." This is the last scrap of a clear conscience I can have, in all these years of desperate wandering.
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web-novel-polls · 1 year
Less Popular Danmei Character Tournament - Round 1 Bracket
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Side A
Yan Hao vs. Xiao Chiye
Shen Zechuan vs. Wang Zhi
Gu Mang vs. Yan Zhengming
Side B
Wenren È vs. Song Qingshi
Yin Hanjiang vs. Wu Xi
Li Yu vs. An Zhe
Cui Buqu vs. Helian Ye
Exempt from Round 1: Yue Wuhuan
Side A of the Popular and Less Popular Danmei Character Tournaments will take place on the same day (Thursday, June 8, 2023) around noon CST and will remain open for 1 week.
Side B Polls will open on Tuesday, June 13th, 2023, at noon CST and will remain open for 1 week.
Character Information under the cut (subject to change) - CWs: sex mention, death mention, murder mention, slavery, sexual slavery, rape mention, animal mention, animal death mention, pet death/murder
Side A
Yue Wuhuan from Mistakenly Saving the Villain
A villain saved by the MC who is focused on revenge. The story seems to focuses on trauma recovery from his life as a s*x slave and handles mental health pretty well 
Technically a “yandere” character, but the Novel Updates reviews describe his possessiveness and dark thoughts as byproducts of his trauma that he heals from, realizing that he shouldn’t be thinking of the MC that way and growing
“Our ML’s journey embodies a major theme of MSTV, which is about redemption and rebirth. His tragic past shaped him into a cunning, ruthless, manipulative, and obsessive individual. His past and continuing struggle will make your hearts break. It’s a difficult and painful journey of overcoming past trauma, letting go, and subsequently achieving freedom and happiness.” - blackkoi on NU
Yan Hao from Vicious Male Counterpart Isn’t Competing Anymore
Submission: He’s p cute
Yan Hao was jealous of and competed with his younger brother, who seemed to be loved more by their parents. After he dies, however, he realizes he was a villain meant to contrast his kind younger brother and be slapped by the male protagonist. Once he’s reborn, he decides to ignore his brother entirely
“High IQ, low EQ” - Sugaminny on Novel Updates
Honestly, the story sounds super cute and interesting. Yan Hao seems to be a character “hated by everyone” in his past life who can’t figure out how to be loved but does love others a lot, especially in his second life. Skite on NU describes him as autistic and villainized due to his neurodivergency / attempts to be loved and praised (their review words it better, but it sounds super interesting). 
Xiao Chiye from Qiang Jin Jiu
Submission: Also an absolutely insane character but somehow not as deranged as his husband, shen zechuan, although he comes pretty damn close. i just wanna cause problems by putting them in the same poll 
“VERY cocky and arrogant (sexy of him), but also an extremely talented leader and fighter” - QJJ Carrd
Initially kicks Shen Zechuan, the MC, due to SZC’s father’s treason, but starts to fall in love with him (Enemies → Lovers)
Shen Zechuan from Qiang Jin Jiu
Submission: he just serves absolute cunt and is absolutely insane. like we joke about characters being crazy but shen zechuan is the 1st one where ive paused reading and said outloud oh bitch you are absolutely out of your mind. Give it up for ruthless chronically ill schemers with a sense of loyalty so strong it becomes a fatal flaw and who are also at all times 100% devoted to the ppl they care about
The son of the Prince of Jianxing, who betrays the empire out of cowardice, that must survive when his entire family is to be killed for treason. There’s actually a scene at the beginning of him losing his brother in a battle and (I believe) returning to realize his father has run away
Another of the “chronically ill schemers” type and incredibly ruthless when necessary
Refuses to die or despair; he WILL survive and will turn things around - fate can be damned
Wang Zhi from Fourteenth Year of Chenghua
Submission: Wang Zhi is the emperor's eunuch-assassin who spends the entire book and show crashing the main character's brunches. There's a scene where someone gets confused because they can't fathom why Wang Zhi would show up at someone's house if it's not to murder them. In the series he has a tiny gun. 
Gu Mang from Stains of Filth / Yuwu
Submission: He’s my little guy
He’s the tragic ML who betrayed the MC while also being the biggest fucking clown / the comedic relief
He truly believes he’s a fucking wolf at one point. 
Essentially, Gu Mang was a slave in Murong Lian’s household, which led him to meet the MC, Mo Xi, who is a noble of similar standing to the Murong clan. He eventually becomes the General-in-Chief of the Wangba Army (later renamed to the Northern Frontier Army bc it was a funny name) and fights for the Chonghua Empire. However, since the Wangba Army was made of slaves, not a single of his fellow soldiers were given a proper burial, which - along with other reasons - led to Gu Mang defecting to an enemy nation (that also killed Mo Xi’s father and may or may not be cannibals).  
The story begins when said enemy nation trades Gu Mang back to Chonghua as a prisoner of war with parts of his soul gone, causing him to believe he’s a majestic blue wolf. The summary is a tiny bit misleading, albeit not wrong - “they’ve slept together before” is actually more “they slept together multiple times while Mo Xi, at the very least, is incredibly in love with Gu Mang.”  
Gu Mang’s also pretty funny, even with his memories gone, albeit the inherent tragedy is overwhelming. Idc what “evils” he committed… the Lotus Pavilion thing or whatever was fucked up. The author is so brutal to him, and for what? Funsies? (<--mainly joking, but it’s a SAD story… I’ve cried so many times) 
Anyway, Gu Mang Did Not Deserve This 2023 
Yan Zhengming from Liu Yao: the Revitalization of Fuyao Sect 
Submission: Winner of the award for highest number of times I’ve called a man a “pretty princess” 
Apparently has a fantastic character development into the Sect Leader (I’m not that far), but he’s also just a pretty princess <2
He’s the eldest disciple of Han Muchun / Fuyao Sect who was born into a rich family. He ran away at age seven and became Han Muchun’s first apprentice/disciple. He’s similar to a spoiled young master character, but he doesn’t really bully anyone; he may try to bully/clash with Cheng Qian, but I don’t think he wins (been a while since I started it - he’s like 15, and Cheng Qian is ~9-10 at this point) 
“Strict with others but lenient on himself” → responsible Sect Leader pipeline, More at 10 pm
Side B 
Wenren È from Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know
The MC of Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know, Wenren È, finds a book that details the world around him where he’s the second male lead / love interest who dies to protect the Female Lead / protagonist. He is not in love with her, and he can’t imagine dying for her as is; he also doesn’t understand why his subordinate, who supposedly likes her as well, tried to kill her after his death. I think he’s tasked with addressing readers’ concerns with the novel, but there’s also a lot more going on lol
Submission 1: unhinged, no idea what romance is, has a feral dog with rabies for a boyfriend and thinks that boyfriend is super cute. Also, middle aged man. I love middle aged men.
Submission 2: Because Look, he is trying to get two characters to fall in love for Important Plot reasons and a: him and his main Minion have to look up what love is like in the shitty romance novels they're characters in, and then b: decide to make the two characters fall in love through the Cunning Use of Bugs. Also he got a copy of the book he is a character in, found out his fate, and was like I Think The Fuck Not. 
He also has pretty good morals, if not personality. He’s a much better guy than I expected him to be tbh 
Song Qingshi from Mistakenly Saving the Villain
A medical student who chooses to transmigrate into a sad Danmei novel to save the protagonist. He does not save the protagonist - he saves a cannon fodder villain named Yue Wuhuan. 
“Has a lack of understanding of social situations/an odd personality” - past submission (Danmei Tournament)
Very intelligent but dense to love and s*x; book smart; passionate about what he likes
Yin Hanjiang from Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know
Submission 1: He’s my little scrunkly
Submission 2: He’s my evil wife.
Yin Hanjiang is the second-in-command of the current Demon Lord Wenren È and the fourth male lead of Abusive Romance: You are the Unchanging One in My Heart, a novel Wenren È reads. In the novel, Yin Hanjiang blackens and tries to kill the female lead after Wenren È’s death. 
You would think Wenren È would be the craziest mf in this story, but it is, in fact, Yin Hanjiang. In the original novel, he tortured/chased the FL for quite a while to the point of being one of - if not the most - hated villains in the story; he was originally masked and revealed in a completely unseen twist, I believe. 
He was saved by Wenren È as a child and is obsessed with him, although their relationship changes more to friends than boss-subordinate WAY before they get together. 
Wu Xi from Lord Seventh / Qi Ye 
Submission: He is the roundworm in my stomach
Qi Ye tells the story of Prince Jing Beiyuan’s seventh life, which is a repeat of his first life. Wu Xi is the Great Shaman’s Shamanet and the Empire’s captive from Nanjiang who did not appear in Jing Beiyuan’s first life. 
From what I remember, he uses something similar to magic to make a court official become aroused / see a beautiful woman and embarrass himself in front of the entire court. As a child. 
He also has a vast array of dangerous and venomous animals, one of which he gifts to Jing Beiyuan after they become friends. 
Li Yu from Disabled Tyrant’s Pet Palm Fish 
Submission: He’s infuriating and I love him, also helped create equal rights in ancient china
Li Yu transmigrated into a carp tasked with stealing a mute tyrant’s heart (by the system). He does not know how he’s supposed to do this, but the tyrant - Mu Tianchi - is waiting for him to transform into a human, already in love(?) with him.
The reviews on Novel Updates are… mainly unflattering… but he appears to be a naive and sweet character with in a fluffy love story with the ML, Mu Tianchi 
An Zhe from Little Mushroom 
Submission 1: honest to god, he’s just a little mushroom
Submission 1: he’s just a little mushroom
An optimistic mushroom mutated into a human trying to find his stolen spores
“An Zhe is the only person who wholeheartedly believes in Lu Feng [the ML]” - Carrd 
Cui Buqu from Peerless
Submission: He’s mean, he’s disabled and unapologetic about it, he’s a genius and all his braincells escape him when faced with his rival, he’s a secret agent and has no martial arts, he’s deeply in love and will never say so unless pushed, he will liken his rival to his sun and then tell him he’s the most annoying person he’s ever met. He’s a bastard little fox <3 
Helian Yi from Lord Seventh / Qi Ye 
Qi Ye tells the story of Prince Jing Beiyuan’s seventh life, which is a repeat of his first life. All of his first five lives have been tied to Helian Yi - he helped him ascend the throne in their first life, he was an insect crushed by Helian Yi in his second life, he was a beloved dog killed to feed Helian Yi’s family in his third life, he was a neglected jasmine plant in his fourth life, he was a fox skinned by Helian Ye in his fifth life - but in the first and seventh lives, Helian Yi’s the Crown Prince of the Jin Empire while Jing Beiyuan is the Prince Nan’ning (a title; he’s not related to Helian Yi as far as I know). In their seventh life, Helian Yi seems to be treating him very well (from what I’ve read), but he’s not the love interest. 
He’s also in Faraway Wanderers (for, like, one chapter) and technically is Prince Jin in Word of Honor (but they’re pretty much completely different characters). Zhou Zishu is his most trusted aid who formed Heaven’s Window and then left. 
Idk, I haven’t gotten that far in Qi Ye; he sounds like the villain, but he’s really just Sad - Idk if he’s in love with Jing Beiyuan or what, but he’s SAD, okay? From what I can tell, he cares for Jing Beiyuan but can’t be with him because of his position as Crown Prince, but don’t quote me on that
“In that instant, Helian Yi suddenly wanted to take him into his arms, suddenly wanted to wholly throw out and disregard the home, nation, and world that weighed down on his mind and body, no longer brooding on and wishing for a liaison he didn’t dare to have. He wanted to say, from now on, come earthly blades of wind and swords of frost, I will do everything I can to block them or you. There is only one person in this life and this world for me, even without this extensive, partially mountainous, mostly oceanic king’s land.” - Source 
Feel free to submit propaganda in the notes or in my ask box!
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shookethdev · 1 year
a o e i i er ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ong i ia iao ie iu ian in iang ing iong u ua uo uai ui uan un uang ueng ü üe üan ün a o e er ai ao ou an en ang eng yi ya yao ye you yan yin yang ying yong wu wa wo wai wei wan wen wang weng yu yue yuan yun b ba bo bai bei bao ban ben bang beng bi biao bie bian bin bing bu p pa po pai pei pao pou pan pen pang peng pi piao pie pian pin ping pu m ma mo me mai mei mao mou man men mang meng mi miao mie miu mian min ming mu f fa fo fei fou fan fen fang feng fu d da de dai dei dao dou dan den dang deng dong di diao die diu dian ding du duo dui duan dun t ta te tai tei tao tou tan tang teng tong ti tiao tie tian ting tu tuo tui tuan tun n na ne nai nei nao nou nan nen nang neng nong ni niao nie niu nian nin niang ning nu nuo nuan nü nüe l la le lai lei lao lou lan lang leng long li lia liao lie liu lian lin liang ling lu luo luan lun lü lüe g ga ge gai gei gao gou gan gen gang geng gong gu gua guo guai gui guan gun guang k ka ke kai kei kao kou kan ken kang keng kong ku kua kuo kuai kui kuan kun kuang h ha he hai hei hao hou han hen hang heng hong hu hua huo huai hui huan hun huang z za ze zi zai zei zao zou zan zen zang zeng zong zu zuo zui zuan zun c ca ce ci cai cao cou can cen cang ceng cong cu cuo cui cuan cun s sa se si sai sao sou san sen sang seng song su suo sui suan sun zh zha zhe zhi zhai zhei zhao zhou zhan zhen zhang zheng zhong zhu zhua zhuo zhuai zhui zhuan zhun zhuang ch cha che chi chai chao chou chan chen chang cheng chong chu chua chuo chuai chui chuan chun chuang sh sha she shi shai shei shao shou shan shen shang sheng shu shua shuo shuai shui shuan shun shuang r re ri rao rou ran ren rang reng rong ru rua ruo rui ruan run j ji jia jiao jie jiu jian jin jiang jing jiong ju jue juan jun q qi qia qiao qie qiu qian qin qiang qing qiong qu que quan qun x xi xia xiao xie xiu xian xin xiang xing xiong xu xue xuan xun
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bookofjin · 2 years
Commanderies and States of Western Han, Part 1
This is really only for the really specially interested, but having done the work I thought I might as well put it out here.
From the geographic treatise in Ban Gu's Hanshu with the commentary by Yan Shigu.
The reader will note that unlike later similar works, the commanderies are not grouped by province.
Governor of Jingzhao京兆尹, formerly Qin's Neishi內史. 1st Year of Emperor Gao [206 BC], it belonged to Sai state塞國. 2nd Year [205 BC], it changed to become Weinan commandery渭南郡. 9th Year [198 BC], it was restored to Neishi內史. Emperor Wu's 6th Year of Jianyuan [135 BC], divided it off to be Youneishi右內史, 1st Year of Taichu [104 BC], it changed to become Governor of Jingzhao京兆尹. 2nd Year of Yuanshi [2 AD], 195 702 households, 682 468 people[a]. 12 counties:
[1]Chang'an長安, 5th Year of Emperor Gao [202 BC], set it up. 1st Year of Emperor Hui [194 BC], began the city walls, 6th Year [189 BC], it was completed. 80 300 households, 246 200 people. Wang Mang called it Chang'an常安[b].
[2]Xinfeng新豐. Li Mountain驪山 is to the south. Formerly the Li Rong's state驪戎國. Qin called it Liyi驪邑. 7th Year of Gaozu [200 BC], set it up[c].
[3]Chuansikong船司空, Mang called it Chuanli船利[d].
[4]Lantian藍田. The mountains produce pretty jade. Has the Tiger Marquis's Mountain Shrine虎候山祠. Duke Xiao of Qin [361 – 340 BC] set it up.
[5]Huayin華陰, formerly Yinjin陰晉. 5th Year of King Huiwen of Qin [333 BC], changed the name to Ningqin寧秦. 8th Year of Emperor Gao [199 BC], changed the name to Huayin華陰. Taihua Mountain is to the south, it has a shrine, the mountain of Yu province豫州. Jiling palace集靈宮, Emperor Wu erected it. Mang called it Huatan華壇.
[6]Zheng鄭, the district of King Xuan of Zhou's younger brother, Duke Huan of Zheng. Has an iron official[e].
[7]Hu湖, has Zhou's Sons of Heaven' shrines at two places. Formerly called Hu胡, in Emperor Wu's 1st Year of Jianyuan [140 BC], changed the name to Hu湖.
[9]Nanling南陵. 7th Year of Emperor Wen [173 BC], set it up. Yi River沂水 sets out from Lantian valley藍田谷, to the north arrives at Baling霸陵 to enter the Ba River霸水. The Ba river霸水 likewise sets out from Lantian Valley藍田谷, going north it enters the Wei渭. The ancients called it Zi River茲水. Duke Mu of Qin [659 – 621 BC] changed the name to hence set forth the Merits of Ba, to look after sons and grandson[g].
[10]Fengming奉明, Emperor Xuan [79 – 49 BC] set it up.
[11]Baling霸陵, formerly Zhiyang芷陽. Emperor Wen [180 – 157 BC] changed the name. Mang named it Shuizhang水章.
[12]Duling杜陵, formerly the Earl of Du's state杜伯國, Emperor Xuan [79 – 49 BC] changed the name. Has Zhou's General of the Right, Du Zhu's Shrine周右將軍杜主祠 at at four places. Mang called it Rao'an饒安.
[a]Shigu says: Han's households and population must in the time of Yuanshi have been the most abundant and flourishing. For that reason the treatise lift them up and use them as the number. The ones after are all classified like this.
[b]Shigu says: Wang Mang usurped the throne, and changed the names of Han's commanderies and counties, generally altering them. The ones below are all classified like this.
[c]Ying Shao says: the Grand High August thought of returning home east. And so Gaozu built a city with courtyards, streets and wards in the image of Feng豐, and moved the people of Feng to fill it. For that reason it was titled Xinfeng新豐 [“New Feng”].
[d]Fu Qian says: “The name of a count”. Shigu says: “Originally the officials which was master of ships船, and thereupon used it as county.”
[e]Ying Shao says: “The fief of King Xuan's younger brother of the [same] mother You. His son and King Ping moved east, which was further called Xinzheng [“New Zheng”].”
Your Subject Zan says: “Zhou, since King Mu and downwards had the capital at Xizheng新鄭 [“Western Zheng”], and did not get to use it as fief of Duke Huan. In the beginning Duke Huan was Zhou's Minister over the Masses. The kingly house was about to be chaotic, and for that reason he planned with Scribe Bo to convey the treasure to give bribes for between Guo虢 and Hui會. When King You was defeated, after two years he then wiped out Kuai會, after four years he then wiped out Guo虢, and settled at the hill of Zhengfu鄭父. Hence he became Duke Huan of Zheng, there are no writings of a fief in Jingzhao京兆.”
Shigu says: “The Outer Transmittals of Spring and Autum states: “When King You was defeated, Duke Huan of Zheng died there. His son Duke Wu and King Ping turned back east”. For that reason Mister Zuo's Transmittals states: “When our Zhou moved east, it was Jin and Zheng they relied on.” Also when Duke Zhuang of Zheng states: “Our previous lord's new town was here”, it is perhaps the road to Xinzheng新鄭. King Mu below were without affairs of a capital at Xizheng西鄭. Zan's explanations was wrong. Kuai會 is pronounced gong工+wai外.”
[Baxter & Sagart state: Present hui會 was then pronounced (h- + -waj C), present kuai會was then pronounced(k- + -waj C). 工 was then pronounced (k- + -uwng A). 外 was then pronounced (ng- + -waj C). Your Humble Tumbler says: Therefore here 會 should be read as (k- + -waj C) which should give kuai.]
[f]Ying Shao says: “Duke Wu of Qin invaded the Gui邽 Rong, and set up to have Shanggui上邽[“Upper Gui”]. For that reason they added Xia下 [“Lower”].
Shigu says: “邽 is pronounced gui圭. They took the people of the Gui Rong, and the came to this county.”
[g]Shigu says: “Xi沂 is pronounced xian先+li歷. The Observed Readings says shi示[?].”
[Baxter & Sagart state: 沂 was pronounced (ng- + -j+j A). 先was pronounced (s- + -en C). 歷 was pronounced (l- + -ek D). Your Humble Tumbler says: Therefore here 沂 should be read as (s- + -ek D) which should give xi like in 析]
Zuopingyi左馮翊, formerly Qin's Neishi內史. 1st Year of Emperor Gao [206 BC], it belonged to Sai state塞國. 2nd Year [205 BC], changed the name to Heshang commandery河上郡. 9th Year [198 AD], abolished it, restoring it to be Neishi內史. Emperor Wu's 6th Year of Jianyuan [135 BC], divided it off to be Zuoneishi左內史, 1st Year of Taichu [104 BC], changed the name to Zuopingyi左馮翊[a. 235 101 households, 917 822 people. 24 counties:
[1]Gaoling高陵, Seat of the Assisting Chief Commandant of the Left. Mang called it Qianchun千春.
[2]Yueyang櫟陽, Duke Xian of Qin [384 – 362 BC] moved there from Yong雍. Ma called it Shiting師亭[a].
[3]Didao翟道, Mang called it Huan渙.
[4]Chiyang池陽, 4th Year of Emperor Hui [191 BC], set it up. Jienie Mountain巀嶭山 is to the north[b].
[5]Xiayang夏陽, formerly Shaoliang少梁. 11th Year of King Huiwen of Qin [327 BC] changed the name. The Tribute of Yu's Liang Mountain梁山 is to the north-west. Longmen Mountain龍門山 is to the north. Has an iron official. Mang named it Jiting冀亭.
[6]Ya衙, Mang named it Dachang達昌[c].
[7]Suyi粟邑, Mang named it Sucheng粟城.
[8]Gukou谷口, Jiuzong Mountain九嵕山 is to the west. Has the Duke of Heavenly Unity天齊公, Wuchuang Mountain五床山, the Transcendents僊 and the Five Emperors Shrines五帝祠 at four places. Mang called it Guhui谷喙[d].
[10]Fu鄜, Mang called it Xiuling脩令[f].
[11]Pinyang頻陽, Duke Li of Qin[476 – 443 BC] set it up[g]. [In 456 BC according to the Shiji].
[12]Linjin臨晉, formerly Dali大荔. Qin seized it [in 461 BC according to the Shiji] and changed the name. Has the He River's Shrine河水祠, Ruixiang芮鄉, formerly the Rui state芮國. Mang called it Jianjin監晉[h].
[13]Zhongquan重泉, Mang called it Diaoquan調泉.
[15]Duixu祋祤, 2nd Year of Emperor Jing [155 BC], set it up[j].
[16]Wucheng武城, Mang called it Huancheng桓城[k].
[17]Chenyang沈陽, Mang challed it Zhichang制昌.
[18]Huaide褱德, in the Tribute of Yu the northern branch Jing Mountain荊山 is to the south. Below has the Qiangliang Plain彊梁原. Luo River洛水 to the south-east enters the Wei渭, the irrigation of Yong province雍州. Mang called it Dehuan德驩[l].
[19]Cheng徵, Mang called it Fan'ai氾愛[m].
[20]Yunling雲陵, Emperor Zhao [87 – 74 BC] set it up.
[21]Wannian萬年, Emperor Gao [206 – 195 BC] set it up. Mang called it Yichi異赤[n].
[22]Changling長陵, Emperor Gao [206 – 195 BC] set it up. 50 057 households, 179 469 people. Mang called it Changping長平.
[23]Yangling陽陵, formerly Yiyang弋陽. Emperor Jing [157 – 141 BC] changed the name. Mang called it Weiyang渭陽.
[24]Yunyang雲陽. Has Xiutu休屠, the Golden Person金人 and the God of Straight Paths' Shrines徑路神祠. The Yue Shaman Gu Rang's Shrine越巫(夘+古?)𨟚祠 at three places[o].
[a]Ru Chun says: “ 櫟 is pronounced yüe藥.
[b]Ying Shao says: “It is on the sunny side of Chi River池水.”
Shigu says: “Jienie 巀嶭, precisely where present customs places [?] Cuo'e Mountain嵯峨山, pronounced Jienie巀齧. It is pronounced cai 才+ge葛, and also pronounced wu五+ge葛.
[齧 Baxter & Sagart: (ng- + -et D). 才 Baxter & Sagart: (dz- + -oj A). 葛 Baxter & Sagart: (k- + -at D). 五 Baxter & Sagart: (ng- + -u B). Baxter & Sagart have nothing under (dz- + -at D) or (ng- + -at D). But (dz- + -et D) gives jié and (ng- + -et D) gives nie as in 齧.
[c]Ru Chun says: “衙 is pronounced ya牙.”
Shigu says: “Just the place of which the Spring and Autumn states 'Qin and Jin fought at Pengya彭衙'.”
[d]Shigu says: “嵕 is pronounced zi子 + gōng 公. And also pronounced zi子 + kǒng 孔. 喙 is pronounced xu許 + hui穢.
[e]Ru Chun says: “Pronounced nianzhuo輦酌.”
[Baxter & Sagart: 蓮: (l- + -en A) 輦: (l- + -jen B). zhuo勺: (tsy- + -jak D). 酌: (tsy- + -jak D)
[f]Meng Kang says: “Pronounced fu敷.”
[g]Ying Shao says: “It is on the sunny-side of Pin River頻水.”
[h]Ying Shao says: “Overlooks [lin臨] the Jin River晉水, for that reason it was called Linjin臨晉.
Your Subject Zan says: “Jin River晉水 is in the midst of the He河. This county is to the west of the He西. Do not get to state that it overlooks the Jin River晉水. The old explanation says, Qin built a tall rampart so as to overlook Jin state晉國, for that reason it was Linjin臨晉.”
Shigu says: “Zan's explanation is correct. Those who explain sometimes consider it to be when Marquis Wen of Wei invaded Qin, he first set up Linjin, which is wrong. Marquis Wen heavily walled it and that was all, how was he first to set it up!”
[i]Ying Shao says: “It is on the sunny-side of He River郃水.”
Shigu says: “Pronounced he合. Just where the Great Odes' poem of Great Clarity speaks of as 'On the sunny-side of the Qia洽.'”
[j]Shigu says: “dui祋 is pronounced ding丁 + huo活, and also pronounced ding丁 + wai外. 祤is pronounced xu音詡.”
[k]Shigu says: “Just of where Mister Zuo's Transmittals states 'Qin invaded Jin, and was defeated at Wucheng武城'.”
[l]Shigu says: “ 褱 is like the huai懷 character.”
[m]Shigu says: “ 徵 is pronounced cheng懲, precisely the Chengcheng澄城 county of the present. When the Zuo Transmittals state 'defeated at northern Cheng 徵', it speaks of this land, that is all. Yet Du Yuankai is not detailed with its location.”
[n]Shigu says: “The Yellow Map of the Three Supports states that the Grand High August was buried on the plain north of Yueyang櫟陽, and they erected the Wannian Mound萬年陵 there.”
[o]Meng Kang says: “(夘+古?) is pronounced as the gu辜 in guzhe辜磔 [“punishment by dismembering”], the shrine of a person of the Yue越. 𨟚 is pronounced rang穰. 休is pronounced xu許 + qiu虯. 屠 is pronounced chu除.
Youfufeng右扶風, formerly Qin's Neishi內史. 1st Year of Emperor Gao [206 BC], it belonged to Yong state雍國. 2nd Year [205 BC] changed it to be Zhongdi commandery中地郡. In the 9th Year [198 AD], abolished it, restoring it to be Neishi內史. Emperor Wu's 6th Year of Jianyuan [135 BC], divided it off to be Youneishi右內史, 1st Year of Taichu [104 BC] changed the name of the Master of the Feudal Ranks Chief Commandant主爵都尉 to be Youfufeng右扶風[a]. 216 377 households, 836 070 people. 21 counties:
[1]Weicheng渭城, formerly Xianyang咸陽. 1st Year of Emperor Gao [206 BC], changed the name to Xincheng新城. 7th Year [200 BC], abolished it, belonging to Chang'an長安. Emperor Wu's 3rd Year of Yuanding [114 BC], changed the name to Weicheng渭城. Has the Lanchi Palace蘭池宮. Wang called it Jingcheng京城.
[2]Huaili槐里, Zhou called it Quanqiu犬丘. King Yi [899 – 892 BC] made it the capital. Qin changed the name to Feiqiu廢丘. 3rd Year of Gaozu [204 BC], changed the name. Has Huangshan Palace黃山宮, 2nd Year of Xiaohui [193 BC], erected it. Mang called it Huaizhi槐治.
[3]Hu鄠, anciently a state. Has Hugu Precinct扈谷亭. Hu扈 is who Qi of Xia invaded. Feng River酆水 sets out to the south-east. Also has Jue river潏水. Both to the north pass through Shanglin Park上林苑 to enter the Wei渭. Has Beiyang Palace萯陽宮, erected by King Wen of Qin[b].
[4]Zhouzhi盩厔. Has Changyang Palace長楊宮. Has the Shexiong Building射熊館, King Zhao of Qin [306 – 251 BC] erected it, Lingzhi Canal靈軹渠, pierced by Emperor Wu [114 – 87 BC].
[5]Tai斄,where was the fief of Houji of Zhou[c].
[6]Yuyi郁夷, The Poetry: “The way from Zhou is Yuyi周道郁夷.” Has the Qian River's Shrine汧水祠. Mang called it Yuping郁平[d].
[7]Meiyang美陽, in the Tribute of Yu Qi Mountain is to the north-east. Zhongshui District中水鄉 where was the town of King Da of Zhou. Has Gaoquan palace高泉宮, Dowager Xuan of Qin erected it.
[8]Mei郿, Chengguo Canal成國渠 at the head accepts the Wei. North-eastward it arrives at Shanglin上林 to enter Menglong Canal蒙籠渠. Seat of the Assisting Chief Commandant of the Right[e].
[9]Yong雍, Duke Hui of Qin made it the capital. Has the Five Places for Worshipp五畤, Taihao太昊, the Yellow Emperor and below, shrines at 303 places. The Tuoquan Palace橐泉宮, Duke Xiao [361 – 338 BC] erected it, the Qinian Palace祈年宮, Duke Hui erected it, the Yuyang Palace棫陽宮, King Zhao [306 – 251 BC] erected it. Has an iron official[f].
[10]Qi漆, the river is west of the county. Has an iron official. Mang called it Qizhi漆治.
[11]Xunyi栒邑, has Bin District豳鄉, the Poetry's Bin state豳國, where was Noble Liu's capital[g].
[12]Yumi隃麋, has the Yellow Emperor's Sons Shrine黃帝子祠. Mang called it Futing扶亭[h].
[13]Chencang陳倉, has the High Duke上公, the Morning Star明星, the Yellow Emperor's Grandson[s], and Shun's wife Yu's Burial mound's Shrines舜妻育冢祠. Has Yuyang Palace羽陽宮, King Wu of Qin [310 – 307 BC] erected it.
[14]Duyang杜陽, Du River杜水 to the south enters the Wei渭. The Poetry says: “From Du杜.” Mang called it Tongdu通杜[i].
[15]Qian汧, Wu Mountain吳山 is to the west. Ancient writings considered it to be Qian Mountain汧山. The mountain of Yong province雍州. To the north has Pugu District蒲谷鄉 and Xianzhong Valley弦中谷, Yong province's Xianpu Marsh弦蒲藪. Qian River汧水 sets out to the north-west, and enters the Wei渭. Rui River芮水 sets out to the north-west, to the east entering the Jing涇, the Poetry's Ruiwu芮㑄. The streams of Yong province[j].
[16]Haozhi好畤, Gui Mountain垝山 is to the east. Has Liangshan palace梁山宮, the First August of Qin [246 – 210 BC] erected it. Mang called it Haoyi好邑[k].
[17]Guo虢, has the Yellow Emperor's Sons, and Wen and Wu of Zhou's Shrines. Guo Palace虢宮, Dowager Xuan of Qin erected it.
[18]Anling安陵, Emperor Hui [195 – 188 BC] set it up. Mang called it Jiaping嘉平[l].
[19]Maoling茂陵, Emperor Wu [141- 87 BC] set it up. 61 087 households, 277 277 people. Mang called it Xuancheng宣城[m].
[20]Pingling平陵, Emperor Zhao [87 – 74 BC] set it up. Mang called it Guangli廣利.
[21]Wugong武功, Taiyi Mountain太壹山 ancient writings consider to be Zhongnan終南. Chui Mountain垂山 ancient writings considered to be Dunwu敦物. Both are east of the county. Ye River斜水 sets out from north of Yaling Mountian衙領山, and arrives at Mei郿 to join the Wei渭. Bao River褒水 likewise sets out from Yaling衙領, and arrives at Nanzheng南鄭 to join the Mian沔. Has Chui Mountain垂山, Ye River斜水 and Bao River's Shrines褒水水祠 at three places. Mang called it Xinguang新光[n].
[a]Shigu says: “Master of the Feudal Ranks Chief Commandant, originally Qin's Master of the Feudal Ranks Central Commandant, in charge of the ranked marquises. Arriving at the 1st Year of Taichu [104 BC], altered the name to Supporting Wind of the Right[youfufeng右扶風], and seated him in the right [i.e. western] territory of Neishi. For that reason this treatise retroactively writes that in the 6th Year of Jianyuan [135 BC] they divided it to be the Neishi of the Right右內史, and also states that they altered the name of the Feudal Ranks Chief Commandant to be Youfufeng右扶風.
[b]Shigu says: “潏 is pronounced jue決. 萯 is pronounced bei倍.”
[c]Shigu says: “read similar to tai邰, and is pronounced tai 胎.”
[d]Shigu says: “The Lesser Ode's poem of Four Steeds says: “The four steeds stride steadily, the way from Zhou is meandering away [weichi倭遲].” In the Han Poetry it is written with the yu郁 and yi夷 characters. It talks of a subject on a mission who drives his horses and travels on this road.”
[e]Shigu says: “ 郿 is pronounced mei媚].
[f]Ying Shao says: “To pile up high on four sides is called yong雍[“Damming up”].”
Shigu says: “棫 is pronounced yu域.”
[g]Ying Shao says: “Mister Zuo's Transmittals says: “ Bi畢, Yuan原, Feng酆 and Xun郇 were the left-side successors of Wen [of Zhou]”. The Marquis of Xun and the Earl of Jia invaded Jin.”
Your Subject Zan says: “The Ancient Writings of Ji Commandery : 'Duke Wu of Jin wiped out Xun荀, and hence bestowed on the Grandee Yuanshi An, this was Xun Shu.' It also states 'Duke Wen walled Xun荀.' As such then Xun must have been within the borders of Jin, and do not get to be in the region of Fufeng扶風. Presently Hedong河東 has Xuncheng荀城, the ancient Xun state.”
Shigu says: “Zan's explanation is correct. This xun栒 is read similar to xun荀, but is itself a separate town, and that is all. It is not the one that invaded Jin.”
[h]Shigu says: “隃 is pronounced yu踰.”
[i]Shigu says: “The Great Odes' poem of Floss silk says “The people's first life, was from the land [tu土] of Qiju漆沮.” The Qi Poetry writes “from Du杜. It speaks of Noble Liu escaping the Di and coming to dwell in the territories of Du杜 and Qiju漆沮.”]
[j]Shigu says: “㑄 is read similar to ju鞠. The Great Odes' poem of Noble Liu says: “The halted travellers then became close, just there in Ruiju芮鞠.” The Han Poetry writes Ruiwu芮㑄. It talks of Noble Liu halting his army's travel, wishing to cause calm and quietness. He therefore went to the space of Ruiwu芮㑄.
[k]Shigu says: “Gui垝 is pronounced qiu丘 + hui毀.”
[Baxter & Sagart: 垝 is not listed. 丘: (kh- + -juw A). 毀: (x- +-jwe B). No (kh- + -jwe B) is listed.]
[l]Shigu says: “Kan Yan considers it to be originally Zhou's Cheng Town程邑.”
[m]Shigu says: “The Yellow Map states it originally was Huaili's槐里 Mao District茂鄉.”
[n]Shigu says: “斜 is pronounced yi弋 + she奢. 衙 is pronounced ya牙.”
[Baxter & Sagart: 斜 is not listed. 弋: (y- + -ik D). 奢: (sy- + -jae A). (y- + -jae A) is same as ye邪.]
Hongnong commandery弘農郡, Emperor Wu's 4th Year of Yuanding [113 AD], set it up. Mang called it Youdui右隊. 118 091 households, 475 954 people. Has an iron official in Mianchi黽池. 11 counties:
[1]Hongnong弘農, formerly Qin's Hangu pass函谷關. Beneath Ya Mountain Pass衙山領 is a valley from where Zhu River爥水 sets out, to the north it enters the He河.
[2]Lushi盧氏, Xiong'er Mountain熊耳山 is to the east. Yi River伊水 sets out, to the north-east joins the Luo雒, passing through 1 commandery, travelling 450 li. Also has Yu River育水, to the south it arrives at Shunyang順陽 to enter the Mian沔. Also has Er River洱水, to the south-east it arrives at Luyang魯陽, and likewise joins the Mian沔. Both pass through 2 commanderies, and travel 600 li. Mang called it Changfu昌富[a].
[3]Shan陝, formerly Guo state虢國. Has Jiao City焦城, formerly Jiao state焦國. To the north of Guo虢 is Dayang大陽. To the east of Guo虢 is Xingyang滎陽. To the west of Guo虢 is Yongzhou雍州. Mang called it Huangmei黃眉.
[4]Yiyang宜陽, at Minchi黽池 has an iron official.
[5]Mianchi黽池, 8th Year of Emperor Gao [199 BC], restored the people of Mianchi's黽池 middle district. Middle 2nd Year of Emperor Jing [148 BC], started the city, migrating ten thousand families to be the county. Gu River穀水 sets out from the Guyang Valley穀陽谷, to the north-east it arrives at Gucheng穀城 to enter the Luo雒. Mang called it Shanting陝亭[b].
[6]Danshui丹水, the river sets out from Shangluo's上雒 Zhongling Mountain冢領山, to the east it arrives at Xi析 to enter the Jun鈞. Miyang district密陽鄉 was formerly Shangmin商密[c].
[7]Xin'an新安, in the Tribute of Yu, the Jian River澗水 is to the east, to the south it enters the Luo雒.
[8]Shang商, the town of Qin's chancellor Wei Yang.
[9]Xi析, the Huang River黃水 sets out from Huang Valley黃谷, the Ju River鞠水 sets out from Xi Valley析谷, both arriving east at Li酈 to enter the Zhuan River湍水. Mang called it Junting君亭[d].
[10]Luhun陸渾, in the Spring and Autumn, moved the Luhun Rong to there. Has a pass[e].
[11]Shangluo上雒. In the Tribute of Yu, Luo River sets out from Zhongling Mountain冢領山, to the north-east it arrives at arriving at Gong鞏 to enter the He河, passing through 2 commanderies, travelling 1 070 li, the streams of Yu province豫州. Also has Jia River甲水 setting out from Qinling Mountain秦領山, to the south-east it arrives at Y鍚, to join the Mian沔, passing through 3 commanderies, travelling 570 li. Xiong'er熊耳 and Huoyu Mountains獲輿山 are to the north-east[f].
[a]Shigu says: “ 洱 is pronounced er耳.”
[b]Shigu says: “ 黽 is pronounced mo莫 + jian踐. And is also pronounced mo莫 + ren忍.”
[Baxter & Sagart: meng黽: (m- + -eang B), mo莫: (m- + -ak D), jian踐: (dz- + -jen B). (m- + -jen B) should give miǎn. ren忍: (ny- + -in B). (m- + -in B) should give mǐn.
[c]Shigu says; “Jun鈞 is likewise the name of a river, pronounced jun均.”
[d]Shigu says: “ 析 is pronounced xian先 + li歷. Ju River鞠水 is precisely what is presently spoken of as the Ju Deep pool菊潭. 酈 is pronounced chi持 + yi益. 湍 is pronounced zhuan專.
[Baxter & Sagart: 析: (s- + -ek D). xian先: (s- + -en A), li歷: (l- + -ek D). 酈: not listed, chi持: (dr- + -i A), yi益: ('- + -jiek D). (dr- + -jiek D) not listed.
[e]Shigu says: “渾 is pronounced hu胡 + kun昆.”
[Baxter & Sagart: hun渾: (h- + -won A) and (h- + -won B), hu胡: (h- + -u A), kun昆: (k- won A).
[f]Shigu says: “ 鍚 is pronounced yang陽.”
Hedong commandery河東郡, Qin set it up [around 285 BC?]. Mang called it Zhaoyang兆陽. Has Gen Granary根倉 and Shi Granary溼倉. 236 896 households, 962 912 people. 24 counties:
[1]Anyi安邑, Wuxian Mountain巫咸山 is to the south. Salt pool鹽池 is to the south-west. Wei Jiang moved from Wei魏 to here. Arriving at King Hui, he moved to Daliang. Has iron official, salt official. Mang called it Hedong河東.
[2]Dayang大陽, Wu Mountain吳山 is to the west. On it is Wu City吳城. King Wu of Zhou ennobled the descendants of Taibo here. This was the Duke of Yu虞公, he was wiped out by Jin. Has the Son of Heaven's Temple天子廟. Mang called it Qintian勤田[a].
[5]Pufan蒲反 has Yao Mountain堯山 and Shou Mountain's Shrines首山祠. Leishou Mountain雷首山 is to the south. Formerly called Pu蒲, Qin changed the name. Mang called it Pucheng蒲城[c].
[6]Heibei河北, the Poetry's Wei state魏國. Duke Xian of Jin wiped it out, and used it to ennoble the Grandee Fubi. His great-grandson Jiang moved to Anyi安邑.
[7]Zuoyi左邑, Mang called it Zhaoting兆亭.
[8]Fenyin汾陰, Jia Mountain介山 is to the south.
[9]Wenxi聞喜, formerly Quwo曲沃. Duke Wu of Jin moved from Jinyang晉陽 to there. Emperor Wu in the 6th Year of Yuanding [111 BC] moved through, and changed the name[d].
[10]Huoze濩澤, in the Tribute of Yu Xicheng Mountain析城山 is to south-west[e].
[13]Yuan垣, in Tribute of Yu Wangwu Mountain王屋山 is to the north-east. Yan River沇水 sets out from there, to the south-east arriving at Wude武德 it enters the He河. Yi軼 sets out from Xinyang滎陽 in Beidi北地, and also to the east arrives at Langhuai琅槐 to join the sea, passing through 9 commanderies, travelling 1 840 li[f].
[14]Pishi皮氏. Geng district耿鄉 was formerly Geng state耿國. Duke Xian of Jin wiped it out, and used it to appoint the Grandee Zhao Su. Ten generations later Marquis Xian moved to Zhongmou中牟. Has an iron official. Mang called it Yanping延平.
[16]Pingyang平陽, Han Wuzi's great-great-grandson Zhenzi resided there. Has an iron official. Mang called it Xiangping香平[g].
[17]Xiangling襄陵, has Banshi district and precinct班氏鄉亭. Mang called it Ganchang幹昌[h].
[18]Zhi彘, Huoda Mountain is to the east, the mountain of Ji province冀州. The place where King Li of Zhou fled. Mang called it Huangcheng黃城[i].
[19]Yang楊, Mang called it Younianting有年亭[j].
[20]Beiqu北屈, in the Tribute of Yu Hukou Mountain壺口山 is to the south-east. Mang called it Zhenbei朕北[k].
[22]Jiang絳, Duke Wu of Jin moved from Quwo曲沃 to there. Has an iron official[m].
[24]Qi騏, a marquisate[o]
[a]Ying Shao says: “Is on the sunny-side of the Great He大河.”
[b]Shigu says: “Pronounced Xie蟹.”
[c]Ying Shao says: “The First August of Qin toured east and saw a long slope [ban阪], for that reason he added fan反.
Meng Kang says: “Originally Pu蒲. Duke Wen of Jin used it to bribe Qin. Later the people of Qin returned Pu. The people of Wei were happy and said “Pu蒲 has turned around [fan反]”. To speak of Qin naming it is a mistake.”
Your Subject Zan says: “The Generational House of Qin says “Used Yuan垣 as Pufan蒲反.” As such then it was originally not Pu蒲.
Shigu says: “Ying's explanation is correct.”
[d]Ying Shao says: “The present Quwo曲沃. Qin changed it to be Zuoyi. Emperor Wu here heard that the Southern Yue were routed, and changed it to be called Wenxi聞喜 [lit. “Heard the joyful”.]
[e]Ying Shao says: “Has Huo Marsh濩澤, is to the north-west.”
Shigu says: “濩 is pronounced wu烏 + guo虢.”]
[Baxter & Sagart: 濩: not listed, wū烏: ('- + -u A), guó 虢: (k- + -waek D).
Which should give ('- + -waek D) which is the pronunciation Baxter & Sagart lists for wò擭. Zdic.net lists huò as the main pronunciation of 擭.
[f]Shigu says: “ 琅 is pronounced lang郎. 槐 is pronounced hui回.
[g]Ying Shao says: “Yao's capital, it is on the sunny-side of the Ping He平河.”
[h]Ying Shao: “Xiang Mound襄陵 is to the north-west.”
Shigu says: “Duke Xiang of Jin's mound, followed it to use to name the county.”
[i]Ying Shao says: “Emperor Shun changed it to be called Yong'an安.”
[j]Ying Shao says: “Yang楊 was a marquisate.”
[k]Ying Shao says: “Has to the south the former Chengbei稱北.”
Your Subject Zan says: “The Ancient Writings of Ji Commandery : “When Zhai Zhang saved Zheng鄭, he stayed at the southern bend南屈.
Shigu says: “屈 is pronounced ju居 + wu勿. Precisely where the Duke of Jin's son Yiwu stayed.”
[Baxter & Sagart: qū屈: (kh- + -jut D), jū居: (k- + -jo A), wù勿: (m- + -jut D). No (k- + -jut D) listed.]
[l]Ying Shao says: “Formerly Pufan's蒲反 old town, Emperor Wu set it up.”
Shigu says: “Where Chong'er resided. Ying's explanation missed it.”
[m]Ying Shao: “Jiang River絳水 sets out to the south-west.”
[n]Shigu says: “讘 is pronounced zhī之 + shè涉.”]
[Baxter & Sagart: 讘 not listed, zhī之: (tsy- + -i A), 涉 not listed. Guangyun: 涉: 時攝切. Baxter & Sagart: shè攝: (sy + -jep D), (tsy- + -jep D): zhé]
[o]Shigu says: “pronounced qi其.”]
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eyenaku · 1 year
Ji ji fu ji ji
a o e i i er ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ong i ia iao ie iu ian in iang ing iong u ua uo uai ui uan un uang ueng ü üe üan ün a o e er ai ao ou an en ang eng yi ya yao ye you yan yin yang ying yong wu wa wo wai wei wan wen wang weng yu yue yuan yun b ba bo bai bei bao ban ben bang beng bi biao bie bian bin bing bu p pa po pai pei pao pou pan pen pang peng pi piao pie pian pin ping pu m ma mo me mai mei mao mou man men mang meng mi miao mie miu mian min ming mu f fa fo fei fou fan fen fang feng fu d da de dai dei dao dou dan den dang deng dong di diao die diu dian ding du duo dui duan dun t ta te tai tei tao tou tan tang teng tong ti tiao tie tian ting tu tuo tui tuan tun n na ne nai nei nao nou nan nen nang neng nong ni niao nie niu nian nin niang ning nu nuo nuan nü nüe l la le lai lei lao lou lan lang leng long li lia liao lie liu lian lin liang ling lu luo luan lun lü lüe g ga ge gai gei gao gou gan gen gang geng gong gu gua guo guai gui guan gun guang k ka ke kai kei kao kou kan ken kang keng kong ku kua kuo kuai kui kuan kun kuang h ha he hai hei hao hou han hen hang heng hong hu hua huo huai hui huan hun huang z za ze zi zai zei zao zou zan zen zang zeng zong zu zuo zui zuan zun c ca ce ci cai cao cou can cen cang ceng cong cu cuo cui cuan cun s sa se si sai sao sou san sen sang seng song su suo sui suan sun zh zha zhe zhi zhai zhei zhao zhou zhan zhen zhang zheng zhong zhu zhua zhuo zhuai zhui zhuan zhun zhuang ch cha che chi chai chao chou chan chen chang cheng chong chu chua chuo chuai chui chuan chun chuang sh sha she shi shai shei shao shou shan shen shang sheng shu shua shuo shuai shui shuan shun shuang r re ri rao rou ran ren rang reng rong ru rua ruo rui ruan run j ji jia jiao jie jiu jian jin jiang jing jiong ju jue juan jun q qi qia qiao qie qiu qian qin qiang qing qiong qu que quan qun x xi xia xiao xie xiu xian xin xiang xing xiong xu xue xuan xun
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ber-go · 2 years
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some dilfs dudes from Yu Wu
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hamliet · 3 years
(Y)uwu: Remnants of Filth
Or, the novel I told myself I'd read the first 20 chapters of one night and then read the first 75 and then it was the wee hours of the morning. Oops.
It might be my favorite Meatbun novel thus far, though CFC is not finished yet, so we shall see. The angst was just perfectly my taste (chapter 56 killed me), so I was drawn in from the beginning, even if I was pretty consistently like this throughout reading: 
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Gu Mang and Mo Xi are like an AU of Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji (with a little Jin Guangyao mixed into Gu Mang, imo). Bratty demonic-cultivation-associated boy and righteous boy who turns out to be horny for bratty boy whom the world hates. There are even Jin Guangshan, Jin Ling, and Jiang Cheng-esque characters. But, it’s not the same story, though there might be some inspiration. Each character feels completely their own, with realistic strengths and flaws and compelling goals driving them forwards through a terribly cruel world. No one established complex character was fully evil. 
The main two, Gu Mang and Mo Xi, were both instantly likable, pitiable, and easy to root for. The characters I hated at first (like Murong Lian) got fully explored to the point where it was impossible not to see them as human. And even though some twists with certain characters were obvious (Mengzhe not being a healer, for one; Meatbun really doesn’t trust healers does she?) the ultimate reveals were still satisfying. Mengzhe, again, in particular felt like it worked because it was an anticlimax... she wasn’t a Shi Mei-esque final villain, and there was still much good in her, but she was also not the saint she feigned being. But, that saintly part of her was still enough for her to not only achieve her goal (ruling), but to be encouraged to do better. 
The major twist was of course the fact that Gu Mang was no traitor at all. Not only did I feel this twist was earned, but ultimately necessary (the best kind of twist): it resonated with the themes, reinforcing them by offering us a new perspective. I'm actually not sure it would have worked for the story to keep him as guilty, if only because him being innocent actually offered far more of a challenge for Mo Xi than for him to be guilty. Gu Mang’s innocence made Mo Xi question exactly what/who his loyalty was to, and what really counted as betrayal. It made him realize he was a betrayer in many senses, and that was fascinating to me (yes, Gu Mang was my boy, but I loved Mo Xi too!). 
As for other side characters... Yue Chenqing was a precious baby, and Murong Chuyi and Jiang Yexue were definitely a side ship. As I read, I found myself comparing them to Mei Hanxue and Xue Meng from 2ha, so I thought, it’ll stay subtext. And then. It didn’t. And then. Surprise, they’re brothers but no one knew. And then. Surprise, one’s controlling the other. And then, surprise, they die together. But their deaths were so, so beautiful that I found myself actually crying as I read. 
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While Jiang Yexue may have died a villain who needed to be stopped, he died knowing that he was loved, even for one moment, by the person he most wanted to love him in Murong Chuyi. In fact, Murong Chuyi’s sacrificial death to stop Jiang Yexue was an act of love, because he knew Jiang Yexue would be horrified if free from the demonic influence, because he knew Jiang Yexue was better than this. In stopping him, Murong Chuyi showed him that he too remembered the boy he spoke to in the snow that day. Their love story was clearly a tragic reflection of Gu Mang and Mo Xi’s, and so well integrated into the overall plot. Genuinely one of the most beautiful scenes I’ve read in fiction. 
Speaking of the boys who turned out to be brothers, the story offers interesting commentary on birth status and class, and even gender at times. Murong Lian and Gu Mang are brothers, yet one is a slave and one is not. Jiang Yexue and Yue Chenqing are brothers, but Jiang Yexue is scorned for being a bastard--yet he is still treated better than Gu Mang, because he wasn’t born a slave. And then you have Murong Chuyi, who is adopted into the family, but because of his blood is never fully accepted as a member of the family--and then it turns out he is a member of the family, conceived from his father’s r*pe of a poor girl, but no one even knew. 
Yet, class and blood are often performances more than anything else, as is loyalty towards a country. Lu Zhanjing might’ve been the one literally under control of the Zhenlong Chess Formation, but was not literally every character a part of a chess game? Even the ones who assumed they were chess masters ended up becoming pawns to another chess master. 
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There was no end to a tangled web of players, and if you play the game of war and politics, you more often than not lose your freedom. You become a slave to a game master, and you don’t even know who it is you’re really serving. That’s fascinating political commentary. 
Of course, like Meatbun's other two novels, Yuwu makes copious use of alchemy:
the first chemical wedding/sex scene post-reuniting is literally taking place because of primal instincts on a demonic bat island, and I lost count of how often the term “primitive” was used.
Murong Lian is the body character to accompany the mind/soul and heart/spirit ones in Gu Mang and Mo Xi respectively;
Gu Mang is also associated with white, silver, water, and his mind is carved out;
Mo Xi is associated with red, gold, fire, and Gu Mang stabs his heart.
Meatbun seems to have an affinity for animal alchemical symbolism and within that an affinity for birds. There are so. many. phoenix references; Yue Chenqing is called the Little White Bird, etc. 
Of course, the reversal stone is literally the philosopher’s stone. 
I’ve spoken before about how I love seeing how a writer evolves through multiple works: you often see repeated elements or tropes that become increasingly refined, and you learn at least a little bit about what questions they ponder and what aspects of humanity they find fascinating. So I loved reading Yuwu after 2ha, and I’m even more excited to see where Meatbun goes with Case File Compendium now. 2ha’s sometimes clumsy thematic balance between the pure idealism of the love between the main couple she portrays and the bitter realism of the world was much better struck in Yuwu (which isn’t necessarily to say that I think Yuwu is technically better: 2ha was also a more ambitious novel in a lot of ways, and I’m still amazed that was her first!). While the flower twist bothered me in 2ha, the twists in Yuwu were fully earned, so I’m hopeful that the same will be the case for Case File Compendium. 
I talked about this briefly once before, but there's an element to Meatbun's writing that is... well, I know she herself called it melodrama, but I'm actually not sure that's exactly what I'd call it. Melodrama implies something unearned. I'd call it more 'heightened reality,' like what Dostoyevsky used in his works, wherein the stories--be they set in fantasy settings or a mirror of the real world like CFC--have exaggerated stakes and exaggerated character emotions to meet those stakes. However, the point of these exaggerated emotions isn't to wring out cheap tears from a reader, but instead used as a way to comment on the human being as a creature.
There's an element of the... again, for lack of a better term, I'll resort to 'Freudian id' (which again is better applied to patterns in stories than real life) to her writing. She's not afraid of writing about the very limits and depths a human heart can sink to, the edges of what a human mind and body can endure. It's certainly not to everyone's taste (trigger warnings are good), but there's something that resonates within me there, something real and honest, in a way that many novels peddling realism nowadays but doing so under a shiny gloss that makes them marketable (in the western market specifically) just don't hit. The rank ugliness makes the beauty shine brighter.
There's also an element I've noticed in her novels: it always comes back to the main couple in her stories. Every plot twist, character motion, is connected to their destiny as lovers, and while that's genuinely a technical positive (tight and neat writing), sometimes it can almost feel a little too much? I just am kind of like... let Princess Mengzhe have both sacrificed herself to heal Mo Xi and be poisoning Gu Mang, rather than Gu Mang have healed Mo Xi. (But, for this reason, I loved the inclusion of Lu Zhanjing’s character. He was loving and loved Gu Mang, and Gu Mang loved him (like a brother), and he was good.) Thematically, though, I get that every moment coming back to them ties into the idea of destiny, which is a Thing in her novels. This is an opinion and not a quality thing, to be clear: I am in general less prone to like the concept of fate/destined lovers than I am to like the existentialism of, say, MXTX’s novels. But if you do prefer destined lovers, it’s hard to do it better than Meatbun does. 
So anyways, yeah, highly recommend. 
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mondaijo · 3 years
Hi! I love everything you post and I think you're just so delightful! Wanted to ask - is yuwu worth the read? How does it compare to 2ha?
2ha spoilers //
hey anon!! ahhh you're so sweet, you're delightful too!!! ♥
I think yuwu definitely is worth the read!! compared to 2ha.... definitely more painful... lmao! there are some lighter arcs in 2ha that help make the pain more tolerable (farm arc, the chapters in the island after the wedding/when ranwan get together etc etc), and yuwu doesn't have any of that.... so it's pretty much all the pain in 2ha with little to no reprieve...........
if you're into how meatbun torture us (I know I am), then totally go for it! there's some political intrigue in it (not priest levels of intrigue, but intrigue still), and 2ha easter eggs!! so many of them!!!!!!!! 😭 also ..............omegaverse elements........?? yuwu is DELICIOUS
and the main couple............. DELICIOUS.......................... ximang is so so good............ so painful, I love them. also murong lian. the worst boy. I love him. let the world know I love him tons 🥺
ps: I never got to post these but here’s a pic of my (very messy) shelf with yuwu & 2ha physical version standees!!! I’m still waiting on 2ha vol 2 so these are all vol 1……… I have to get another shelf to put them once yuwu vol 2 releases too (which will be in November I think 😭)!
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blubibbpo · 3 years
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i dreamt of a you that was warm
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mxtxfanatic · 1 year
I am almost done with Yu Wu, and I will likely read the official when it releases to see if I like it better upon a reread, but the only person I actually like unconditionally in this book is Gu Mang
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shadow-bookworm · 2 months
so I'm reading yu wu (ch 51 spoilers ahead) and i want to bang my head against a wall
In fact, it wasn't really like he said, making “many” mistakes. Regarding Gu Mang, he felt that he only made one true error. And that was falling in love with Gu Mang.
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web-novel-polls · 2 months
Smartest WN Character Submissions
Submissions End: TBD
One character per response. Submit as many responses as you want, but please don’t submit the same character more than once unless you forgot something important (can also be fixed via asks).
Must be from a web novel or similar media (Ex: manhwa/manhua) with a web novel adaptation/source. 
“Smartest” can be based on anything from studies to martial arts to strategy to emotional intelligence. If you think they’re smart in any way, they’ll qualify & compete
Tournament Tag: #smartest WN character tournament
[Last Updated: May 21st, 2024 - Check the original post for updates]
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Fei Du from Mo Du / Silent Reading
Submission: idk what to say without spoiling the whole novel
Carrd Link
Gu Mang from Yu Wu / Remnants of Filth
Submission: He is intelligent and clever enough to rise from a slave to a general and then become a high-profile spy in the enemy's camp. His intelligence is only compromised by his idealism and its resulting naivete. Even so, he's a genius. 
Ji Yushi from Mist [Unlimited]
Submission: He is somehow able to figure out and understand all the super complicated things that go on in the novel. Incredibly intelligent (and not just because of his hyperthymesia).  
Lloyd Frontera / Kim Suho from The Greatest Estate Developer / TGED
Submission: Excels in both long-term and immediate planning, if the standard for excelling is 'how to get the absolute most benefit out of the situation'. WILL use methods no regular person could ever think of.
Nie Huaisang from Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation / MDZS
Submission: He delicately wove a ten year revenge plot, manipulating people and evidence behind the scenes so deftly that even after having pulled his plan off, only a few people ever even learned of his involvement. 
Shen Zechuan from Qiang Jin Jiu / QJJ
Submission: He is the schemer of all time. Schemes within schemes within schemes. Incredibly clever and an excellent manipulator. He is everything. 
Song Qingshi from Mistakenly Saving the Villain
Submission: The scholar tyrant himself! He knows everything there is to know about medicines and poisons. A very well-read pebble. 
Wei Wuxian from Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation / MDZS
Submission: He is a genius and a visionary. He's invented numerous things that make it easier for the cultivation world to do their jobs. He also figured out how to control resentful energy.
Mod Propaganda: He grandmastered that Demonic Cultivation, man
Ballister Blackheart from Nimona
Reason: Not from a web novel
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luminouslumity · 2 years
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