#youtarou rindou
future-trigger · 3 years
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"What?! You made B-Rank already?!"
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animethings · 4 years
I'm expecting you all to make tremendous efforts ! It's a great chance for us Tamakoma Branch to let them know, surely, perfectly, fully, firmly, entirely, keenly, how super excellent we are !
Youtarou Rindou
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mymangacaps · 6 years
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animescreendump · 3 years
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hoshisoul · 7 years
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Calm and pretty
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okikouji · 7 years
Family Bootcamp Challenge: (1/50) The Intervention
An embarrassing family dinner courtesy of a capybara who gossips. 
[ao3 link]
"Souya, me and Raijinmaru are worried about you," Youtarou starts with all the seriousness a four-year old (and a half! he'd argue) can muster. He's sitting opposite to him in Tamakoma's dining table, on Kizaki's lap, with Branch Chief Rindou at the head of the table. From the corner of his eye he sees Rindou raise his head from the documents he brought over for him.
He swallows his food, and the growing suspicion that he knows exactly where this is going somehow, and simply asks his nephew, "Why?"
"Because," Youtarou says, putting his spoon down as if he needs to give Kazama his complete attention, "Raijinmaru says you're too skinny."
A snort from Rindou.
"Does he now..." he says, glancing at the other, noting the way Rindou's shoulders shake with barely-restrained chuckles. And yup, this is exactly what his gut told him it was going to be. Kazama knows Rindou deleted that portion of Tamakoma's security feed, per his request, when he had called him down to Tamakoma two days before and laughed about the whole ordeal to his face. If anything he's lucky he's got his fair share of blackmail from the days when his brother was still alive (he'll be minced meat once Director Shinoda knows who crashed his prized motorcycle). No one aside from the two of them was even supposed to have known about that disastrous event anyway (though he didn't quite count Jin out just yet because knowing him, he was already more than aware and just not mentioning it).
Figures he completely forgot about the damn capybara.
He misses Kizaki's frown while trying to to tell Rindou to shut it with his eyes.
"And why does Raijinmaru think Kazama's too skinny?" Kizaki asks, putting Youtarou's spoon back in his little hand, and raises a brow when Branch Chief Rindou bursts into giggles.
"'Cuz Raijimaru says he thought Souya would be heavy because he's old, like you Reiji, but that when Souya got on him to ride him like I do Souya was a lot lighter than he thought so he's worried now," Youtarou says before taking another spoonful of curry. By the end of his sentence Rindou is wheezing.
"Not a word," Kazama cuts in when Kizaki opens his mouth.
Not a moment later Raijinmaru waltzes into the room. It sits to the side of Kazama's chair and just stares. Kazama stares back at it.
Across him, with a mouthful, Youtarou says, "Raijinmaru says if you eat more you can get big like Reiji!"
Kazama sighs when Rindou throws his head back and laughs, even Kizaki gets a chuckle out too.
He glares at Raijinmaru before hissing out, "Mind your own business."
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colossalblade · 8 years
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kuroijuryoku · 9 years
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future-trigger · 8 years
Do we have any clues on the whereabouts of Yotaro Rindo's mum?
Nope! There’s been absolutely nothing regarding his mother. But, we also don’t have any info on a father either, because Rindou has never been confirmed to be Youtarou’s father, and in BBF we don’t have Rindou’s family information and Youtarou’s says “unknown”. So it continues to be a mystery.
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future-trigger · 8 years
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future-trigger · 9 years
Okay so chapter 124 gave me a new headcanon: Youtarou convinced Hyuse to not wear his hood when the two of them are hanging out alone while Youtarou would also take off his helmet. They’ve hung out so much since Hyuse was captured that it’s now become a sort of unspoken agreement between them that they’ll always take off their headwear when hanging out together.
Shall we observe the evidence? (some chap 124 spoilers under the cut)
The first time we see it is back in chapter 104 when Osamu is remembering that Hyuse was being kept in the basement:
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Here we can see that Youtarou is on his way to see Hyuse and deliver him some dinner, without his helmet on. (he also seems to have the smiley-face sun insignia that was on his Trigger in the “Jitsuryokuha Elite Jin” oneshot on his t-shirt butthat’sjustadetailInoticedhahamovingon)
Next is during the training montage right before the four-way match, in chapter 110:
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Technically, we don’t know for sure if he’s going to see Hyuse, but based on what I observed in chapter 124, and the fact that he’s again not wearing his helmet here, I think it’s a good possibility. (although I do wonder why he would be taking three glasses of water... maybe one for Raijinmaru?)
In chapter 111, Youtarou tells Jin how much he’s been showing/teaching Hyuse about Border:
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In this one, we see both Youtarou without his helmet and Hyuse without his hood (and sweatshirt altogether). By this point, they seem to be fairly comfortable hanging out together.
All instances and implications of them hanging out alone together show both of them without headwear. The one exception is the scene at the beginning of chapter 121, where Hyuse is looking at his orbital diagram before Youtarou knocks and comes in. Youtarou still has his helmet on here, but he could have just come from somewhere else with the other Tamakoma members and just hadn’t taken it off yet. Hyuse has his hood off because he had been alone at first but shows no discomfort when Youtarou comes in to join him. (this is also the scene where Youtarou tells him “Don’t worry, you’ll get to go home someday.” and Hyuse looks so surprised and it just melts my heart omg)
Now, chapter 124 is what made me aware of all of this and think that something was up. SPOILERS FOR CHAP 124 FROM HERE ONWARD
In chapter 124, all of the Tamakoma agents are required at HQ for the invasion, and so Jin and Konami leave Youtarou in charge of Hyuse.
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Here, before Jin and Konami leave, both Youtarou and Hyuse have their respected headwear on, but then as soon as the other two leave and Youtarou and Hyuse are alone again:
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Both of them have their headwear off! Btw yes, Youtarou falls asleep and Hyuse steals a Trigger and leaves, which at first seems kind of incompetent of Tamakoma for leaving Youtarou in charge alone but I have a very strong feeling that Jin planned for this so we’ll just have to wait and see.
LONG STORY SHORT I think there’s more to Hyuse and Youtarou’s relationship than meets the eye. We’ve been shown a lot that Youtarou seems to have a fondness for Hyuse and enjoys going to see him. I feel like the reason Hyuse wears his hood all the time is because he might feel a bit uncomfortable about his horns when no one else around him has any? So maybe one time Youtarou visited him and said something like “You shouldn’t feel so bad about your horns. Here, I’ll take off my helmet for you, so why don’t you take off your hood too?” and ever since then it’s just been a thing for them. If it’s true, then it shows a bit of trust that Hyuse might have for Youtarou. Another example of him possibly holding trust for Youtarou is the scene back in chap 121, where Youtarou tells him that he’ll definitely get to go back home someday. The look on Hyuse’s face when Youtarou tells him that is so shocked and I really think it may have been a turning point for him.
Also, as he’s leaving Tamakoma, he stops and looks back, thinking about Youtarou, and says, “I’ve been in your care... senpai.” Of course, there could be a joking meaning behind his words, but his expression looks rather sincere?
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So yeah, I think this invasion will decide whether Hyuse ends up joining T-2 or not, and I also think Youtarou might be a deciding factor for him? I just think their relationship is very precious okay and if I’m right about all of this then bless you Ashihara cuz this is an absolutely adorable detail to add. ;-;
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