#youreverydayghost: xavier heartsfeld
youreverydayghost · 5 months
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A little doodle of Xavier (my OC) and Nox (@shadowtoons-arinanon's OC) based on this post that they made.
At least Xavier is getting some sleep!
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undeadtoll · 5 months
Finding himself unable to focus on his work this particular day, the bat has decided to go outside for a moment with what appears to be a tome or two. He lays them out on the ground, the pages open to show some more powerful spells.
After seeing what Nox could do with magic against the creature that attacked him some time ago, Xavier knew he needed to practice it much more and learn some spells to defend himself better. At this moment, he takes some deep breaths as he stands there, before looking down at the book to his left.
He tries to focus his energy, but it's taking several attempts to perform the magic he wants. It's making him impatient as he huffs and stares down at the book.
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What am I doing wrong...? I'm doing everything exactly as described... He kneels down towards the left tome, picking it up and reading its pages more carefully.
This was also the time Nox was out, didn’t say where he was going to, but all he did leaving a note behind he’ll return. As wasn’t expected to actually appear, where Xavier was standing there was an open spot and there was a circle drawn. Seem had some designs there, that begin to glow. A sudden flash Nox was seen there in a clean suit, even his hair was fixed up more presentable. Next to him someone new- he was on a bigger framed in the library. Taller Nox himself, close around 9 foot, little more wicked.
Soon when the two were walking, both noticed the other male there. Nox notice what Xavier was doing, “I see you are practicing, and might be having trouble.” For him to now walking up, “Need help on it?” Until realizing something, Turning to the Peacock male, who was looking back giving a dismissal sign.
“… I will discuss the matter later, Harold.” Hear him only to walk in the house.
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That smile did gave Nox a small chill, even to use his real name in front of Xavier like that… Of course..
“Anyways— seems you are working on your magic, I take it.” Now his attention is back at the bat, can see the look on his face too. Nox trying his best not give much of a sign, “Don’t worry about him, he’s— a resident of the house hold… Which the one no one ever wants to meet.” Almost like giving a warning. Deep down knowing gonna have to say it soon.
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shadowtoons · 8 days
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Oh yeah forgot to post this!
Idea of Cutter’s years later design
With @youreverydayghost character, Xavier uwu
Cutter is basically a puppet with a soul, given a chance of life. They is one of Nox’s very loyal companions, acts like a human, but really they aren’t.
This is what they would be like more into the years, more professional than before.
How Nox is, he had told Cutter to bodyguard Xavier, which they know Xavier doesn’t need much, but would tag along here and there.
Pretty much shfbdh
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jscarzfava · 5 months
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Sorin tends to be accident-prone on occasion and will need medical attention.
Xavier belongs to @youreverydayghost
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undeadtoll · 5 months
Walking around the house while taking a break from his work, Xavier looks down and finds a piece of paper torn in half on the floor in Nox's office. Intrigued, he decides to go over there, pick it up, and turn it over to see it.
Only, it's not just a paper. It's a photograph - of a family of owls, including the parents and their two sons. And one of them looks somewhat like Nox.
He raises a brow as he looks at the owls, wondering what this picture is doing here in the doctor's office. Speaking of who... he looks up, and he sees Nox walking around the corner. He waits for Nox to pass without seeing him before stepping towards him in the hallway.
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Just found this laying here. Do you know anything about it? He inquires, showing him the torn photo.
Reading the newspaper he gotten from town, since was just getting one there and getting more items. May have gotten the news another kill and missing people. Proud at that, but to be snapped from his reading the dailies around, Xavier there speaking had dropped something. Did he dropped something? Doesn’t remember leaving something on the floor like that, fold the newspaper as he took what was handed to him. “Must of swept from the-“
Moment of silent…
Just him staring at the photo, that emotion had faded to a sadistic anger.
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His eyes changed as well just looking at it, just out of nowhere his entire hand burns into green flame. Burning the photo with it, speaking in an abyssal language (demon type) with fill rage, something this side was never shown. Only he stopped realized Xavier was standing here still… Clear his throat now, “…pardon my sudden outburst, can surely nothing too important.”
Clearly hiding something, and what it seems he didn’t wish to acknowledge about it toward the other. Walking past, with his behavior changed so quickly it was truly odd.
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undeadtoll · 5 months
The air between the owl and bat has been quiet since getting back safely from the night creature that attacked during Xavier's walk. Though Xavier is helping patch Nox's face after the right side of it got ripped off, he's somewhat afraid to make much of a statement towards him. Still, he begins putting away his tools as he finishes up.
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Alright, there we go... You were right. Easy to fix...
With the adrenaline wearing off now, he seems to be showing some of his more vulnerable feelings on the surface. He continues to dab a cloth to his own wounds, which are still bleeding, on his torso and face. He turns away with a bit of shame as he tries to control the bleeding.
Once again, I... apologize for what happened. His hands begin to shake as his nerves start to get to him a little. These cuts on his chest may run a bit deeper than he thought.
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His eyes opened up, sitting up properly feel his face. Making a mirror appear in hand to look at himself, Nox checking it carefully. Seeming nothing to bad, and no mistakes on it. “Usually had others do it, but impressed did it perfect.” Making it disappear now. Now just fixing his hair back way it was than up, really different have it up like this again.
His attention back at Xavier see the wounds and such, with the scroll had left of healing, and some dust. Just putting it on him giving a full healing, “There easy as done, good thing I learn this in advance.” More a good thing than getting a witch or someone with healing. Didn’t want to bother any trouble. With the heal, gotten rid of any wounds, and healed the wing pain. “Just be sure keep from flying so can fully heal properly, healing from that takes a while for it.” Explained about it.
Continues to fix up his hair again. “And no worries, why it is important know some spells, even maybe give you the list of creatures which ones it’s weak against. Always good to be prepared.” Not seeming mad about any of it.
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undeadtoll · 1 month
Everything seemed normal at first as all of the students left the room... but as it would turn out, there would be one person left in a seat in the very back of the room. His chair tilted back, he's currently writing in his notebook, when his ears flicker as he notices the newfound silence.
Ah, it's simply Professor Heartsfeld. He smiles to himself as he closes his notebook.
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"Hm... Seems class has ended at last. The students seem rather prepared for their upcoming exam... most of them, anyway. I'd say the professor is doing a pretty good job. Oh, wait..."
He looks up and grins more, knowing exactly who he was talking about.
"There you are."
Leaning over the other, sort of watching him in a way. Until, Xavier gotten better him not making noticing. Softly grinning at the other, “Getting better of me without making a sound, impressive Professor Heartsfeld.
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Soon then to stand up straightly, “Don’t mind me just eves dropping on what you were doing, seems preparing the exams coming for the semester?” Nox already did his, and soon be grading who passed and those who had failed. “How time do fly by quickly with all the teaching these passing years.”
As he then smiled, “Since classes at the moment are still going on their exams, would you care to go have lunch with me? Nothing too special, knowing you would have to return for the students to take their exams of yours.”
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undeadtoll · 5 months
After some time of sleeping - possibly a couple of hours - Xavier finds himself slowly waking up on the couch. He yawns as his eyes flutter open, and as he becomes more awake, he realizes that he fell asleep not only on the couch... but on Nox as well.
His eyes widen, and he immediately sits up and shuffles further away on the sofa, his face warming up very quickly. He looks away with a nervous and embarrassed expression as he scratches the back of his head.
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I must have been too exhausted to realize what happened, I apologize... He then mumbles, You could've waken me up so I'd move...
(Lol a continuation, now Nox is unstuck yay)
Can hear shuffling, busy reading than anything to even notice the male bat was awaking from his slumber, knew had a feeling would move quickly and embarrassed about it. Harold’s eyes move from the book to look at him, grinning a bit toward Xavier.
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“Quite an adorable sight you wander here and just flop, really caught me in a surprise.” Teasing, yet also telling the truth. Sitting up finally, “Must say, didn’t think your tired side had that much of a courage to do so.” Then the male fix himself a bit, yet to seem he was blushing himself.
“I could have— yet one’s health seems important.” By saying, he chose not to. Little suspicious… “Anyhoo, hopeful had a good sleep.”
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undeadtoll · 5 months
Hey Dr. nox!! why do you call your brother an idiot and what makes him an idiot exactly??
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Xavier by @youreverydayghost
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youreverydayghost · 5 months
Continuing from here!
Xavier studies everything around him, including this... puppet. The look in their eyes startles him a little, but still, he has researched this kind of magic, so it at least feels somewhat familiar. Still, he thanks the puppet for bringing the tea, and he nods to Nox to signal his thankfulness as well.
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He takes a sip of the tea and immediately knows something different is in it. He picks it up immediately: medicine. This is a surprisingly kind gesture... He sighs as he makes the realization - and as the tea helps clear his sinuses. 
The bat looks back at Nox after hearing his explanation on warlock magic. He looks somewhat intrigued by this point, leaning in as he listens. Making the impossible possible... It does seem most intriguing, doesn't it? Seems like a dream come true, to help others with knowledge only I could possess. 
But at this point, he leans back. Though, I must admit... I have already studied magic extensively and learned plenty of spells, mixing them with my extensive knowledge on anatomy and physiology for my work, and I haven't finished exploring their limits yet... And not to mention, my existence in of itself is an odd one, having experienced several lifetimes in different bodies and suffered several deaths by this point...
He takes another sip, and he looks down into his cup.
And though I do genuinely wish to learn more... I do fear my existence is already nearing its end. He says this as he puts his hand over the gem on his chest again - it must be important to him somehow. My soul is weary, and so is this body. I barely even feel alive anymore. If I can just hold on and keep up with my endlessly inquisitive mind...
He suddenly coughs again, and this time, he groans with frustration and sets his tea cup down, closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose. Under his breath, he mutters, Lord, help me, how did I end up in this situation...
But soon, he tries to gather his nerves and looks back up. It seems I'll have some decisions to make soon enough...
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undeadtoll · 5 months
Out at night, Xavier is walking along in the forest to explore the area a little more and clear his head. But as he's going around, he hears something stirring in the words, and his left ear flickers as he turns towards the noise.
Hmm, perhaps some creatures are out right now...
But something is amiss. There's danger out there, and he senses it. He starts to back away... but a large creature starts to race towards him.
His eyes widen. His stomach drops. He immediately starts to fly away, using spells to send spires of flames at the creature as he flees to see if he can attack it from a distance. But nothing he's doing seems to be slowing it down. In fact, at some point, it actually lunges at him and manages to tackle him onto the ground.
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He feels one of his wings crack, and he lets out a loud shout upon feeling it break. Still, despite the pain, he's doing his best to hold the beast up above himself, using a certain spell to send shockwaves through its chest in an attempt to stop its heart. 
Odd for Xavier to be little late on his walk, moment he was looking out the window just watching a bit. Something was a bit off, as soon though see something from the distance see something rustle on the trees. More he squint his eyes, more realized something. “It’s out..” He quickly end up rushing out the house, with the knife in his hand and using fly magic to speed up, only then using a far step spell being more quick up. Out of nowhere he tackled the creature off, with the knife on his hand to stab on the side.
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Loud screeching from it, only for Nox felt the claws slashing his face. Ripping the skin off his face and parts of the clothing, hand glowed he stood up straight with the hands now glowing. Forcing the creature to polymorph, without its consent on it. Making it into a different creature that was harmless.
“Damn night creatures…” mutters a bit, standing up straight and turn at Xavier. Walking up to kneel down carefully, with his hand extending out. “Can you stand?..” who knew he can be scary with magic, really if Xavier knew he did it without thinking. “Soon the better, can hurry and leave. Before it changes back, or something comes for it.” In other words gonna become the hunted.
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youreverydayghost · 5 months
Xavier and Nox sittin' in a tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G.~ >:)
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Once again, he refuses to acknowledge that.
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youreverydayghost · 4 months
Hi there!! how tall is Xavier? he looks like almost the height of nox.
He's 5'3", almost a full foot shorter than Nox actually!
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youreverydayghost · 5 months
Has Xavier meet oliver? if yes, what does he think of oliver?
He has not, Oliver doesn't go to different dimensions like Barnaby can. I imagine if they did meet though, Xavier would think Oliver's fine enough, if just a touch too friendly lol.
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youreverydayghost · 5 months
Happened to think about this in a conversation, but I do fully see Xavier having been so caught up in his work for nearly his entire life that he never really had any friendships - save for his work assistants - or relationships. He would even shut himself away from his family, who were very different from how he was.
And eventually, he outlived everyone he ever knew.
Suddenly, he's realizing how lonely his prolonged life has become.
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shadowtoons · 4 months
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Doing comm for @youreverydayghost
Drawn small doodles on the side lol
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