#you’re amazing ❤️❤️❤️ xox
rancidsugar · 26 days
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Commission for the wonderful @illuminatedquill xox 💜💙
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writingsbychlo · 2 months
Could I ask you for some advice ? Would it be weird?
It may be long, so if you're not in the mood to read/give advice or if you don't want to, it's totally fine ❤️
For context, I went on tumblr and created an account on September or October 2023 ( one of those two months, I don't remember which one it is). Initially, I only went on this platform to read and access more fics since I could have a bigger panoply of choices than on ao3. I sometimes commented on some fics or liked them, but that was it. I never planned on doing more with my profile because I was only reading and feeding my imagination. I was kind of just here, on tumblr.
Eventually, it made me crave wanting to write fics and post stories/concepts that I had but didn't see any similar written. I am a daydreamer since I was little and always had a vivid imagination, writing allows me to express those thoughts and show others the world's that I'm building in my mind.
I have multiple questions...
-For starters, how do I upgrade my profile, how do I personalise it, make it aesthetic? How do I add pictures for the main page/ homepage..? ( Does my question make sense?) I don't want to be a blank profile. I literally have no idea how to personalize my account because I was previously only having it to jump in the fanfics.
-Also, would anyone see my fics and be interested in them? I feel like since there are so many talented authors ( which is an amazing thing btw!), having someone that only began wanting to write fiction on tumblr, not an essay or something practical, and who'se English is the third language spoken, would not attract readers. It may not even be that beautiful written or poetic since I do not have practice yet.
-How do you organize your time to write? I personally have no idea how and I have a lot of things with uni at this moment. How can you do it all? 😭
-Lastly, how the f can I protect my work against AI ?! It freaking discourage me and exasperates me that my writing can be taken advantage of and help improve something that I don't want to.
Thank you so much and I want to express how much I love your Mattheo fics!!! 🥰
hi! I totally get the nerves and the discouragement, don’t worry!
I would suggest that firstly, when you’re starting out, the biggest thing is tags! tag your works as much as you can, join events and write for them as theyll reblog (ie: @starfallweek which has just taken place, a lot of people use this to discover new writers, etc!) and staying consistent! I still have works these days that only get a few notes, and sometimes, it’s thousands! it’s all just based on algorithms, who sees it, and what readers are in the mood for! stick with it and you will grow, I promise!
as for AI, I can’t say anything about that. I try not to think about it to be honest 😅. and time management? couldn’t help you there. I have been so run off my feet with work, getting sick, and keeping up with uni lately that writing has been basically impossible! it’s about when you can squeeze it in, pressuring yourself to stick to a timetable never helps!
I can, however, advise on the aesthetics. I like to use matching colour schemes for a cohesive look, and I usually use a profile pic that matches my current interests, as well as colour scheme. I also like to just mix it up and use pretty pictures. use little emojis and links to masterlists etc. to keep things tidy, and have fun with it! play around and see what you like! I use pinterest for a lot of my images, btw!
I hope this helps! have fun and enjoy your hobbies, sending so much love xox
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phdmama · 3 years
Hello! I started following you because I love love love your 1D stories and just have to give you a weird thank you for all of the Drarry content you post here. Although I grew up on HP, somehow I never explored this ship??? 😱 Anyway, thank you so much for writing some of my favourite stories and also introducing me to a ship that will bring me so much joy into the future. Can't wait to explore the HP portion of your writing catalogue 💚❤️
Dear anon, I’m the literal embodiment of heart eyes now, you have no idea!!! 😍😍😍
Such a lovely message to wake up to!!
I’m so thrilled that you’ve enjoyed my Larry fic and I’m SO STOKED you’re coming to Drarry!!! There’s so much amazing art and writing in this fandom!!!
And more 😍😍😍 because that’s me
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fcntasmas-archive · 7 years
Cee cee! I love you and your writing sm it's not even funny!! Just chill and relax and stay healthy. (Also its literally 1.30 in the afternoon here so this is like the perfect time tbh) love you so much and i just wanted to send this to tell you you're amazing! xox
sometimes i forget there are other timezones, how egotistical am i??? i’m gonna have to work on that. I LOVE YOU thank you so much babe and you’re even more amazing always ❤️
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phdmama · 6 years
Not sure if your still doing the thankful thing but thought I’d send it anyway. I’m thankful for my husband and two daughters who have taken amazing care of me the past week. I’m thankful for my surgeons that did an amazing job on my bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction. I am thankful the pathology showed that the prophylactic procedure was in time and there is no sign of cancer! Lastly, I am thankful to the authors in my fandom that are keeping me entertained 🎉❤️😊
OH MY GOD ANON!!!!! I AM CHEERING YOU ON AND SENDING YOU SO SO MUCH LOVE!!  And “no sign of cancer” are some of the most beautiful words in the universe so I’m just SO thrilled for you!! I’m thankful with you that you’re getting good care and I send you all the healing mojo in the world!! xox
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