#you don't say it directly but you are HEAVILY implying some awful shit
Um, I’m gonna be completely honest (and this might sound a little unnecessary, but I’m gonna put this out there anyway): I’m much LESS upset Starline lost (it doesn’t really matter at the end of the day and I’ll get over it 3 seconds from now ☠️) and MORE upset people can fling CRAZY accusations at us just for the heck of it and still win at the end of the day 😭
Like- who said we hate lesbians and apologize for abusers again??? 😭
Obviously it isn’t everyone but it’s enough to suck all the fun out of everything 😭
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dumbsack · 1 year
One last flex of my dislike for Echoes and probably my last "shit on Echoes" post until the idiotic scumbags that run the game do something else deplorable and greedy. Consider this my mega post about the game with some thoughts and reasoning put into it besides *incoherent screeching*.
Echoes of Mana sucks. We all know that. I'm shouting into the void at this point. The loading times are unacceptable, co-op is a joke, the incompetent devs couldn't figure out what to do WITH A BASIC FRIENDS LIST, pull rates are absolutely awful, there was little to no testing done, Bravers is the most shameless display of greed I've ever seen in any game ever, Gingham was fucking awful, gems were a good idea but poorly executed, and characters RARELY interacted in meaningful ways in crossovers. It was a bunch of horseshit all the way through. Characters would be advertised together, only to not show up together (Duran and Angela and Charlotte and Kevin are promoted a LOT together, but only show up together in social media posts and gems (ironically getting more likes on those posts than the story chapters do...), Amanda never interacts with Sumo, Keldy never says a word to Lekius, etc. While the Secret of Mana trio get to freely interact with each other, female protags never got to interact in meaningful ways...).
The quilt/tapestry theme was so forced. We only get to see one (1) stitched together world (DoM and LoM)... And it did nothing with the crossover. Cool. And I died internally every time the dispatches said "WE'RE WEAVING UP GOOD STUFF".
What the fuck was up with the gems for SD3? No DSK/Loki vs Duran gem? No Bil and Ben vs Hawkeye? No pornomags gem? No Grand Croix gem? A good chunk of the gems for SD3 are made up bullshit. Yet, whenever someone farts in Secret of Mana or Legend of Mana, there's a gem for that. Hmm.
Don't get me started on the banners, though. Good grief. Fire and Ice, the so-called 31st anniversary celebration, was absolutely terrible. Terrible boss, ho-hum story that did nothing with the characters... I could say that about pretty much every event, actually, except for maybe 3 of them, max. (Any event with Duran in it because he was allowed to be a character, and the Manor one with Fuji, Randi, Popoi, and Blainchet.) Also, the events text was straight up broken for like a day. Lovely.
As funny as the LoM and Toto crossover was, being shilled at so explicitly at the end was the biggest slap in the face. No, I don't want the creepy Riesz statue, and I don't want to subject myself to the LoM anime. I don't want to look at Shiloh's weird lumpy, ballsack abs ever again.
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I know I can't be too mean about this, but the English version has so many typos. As an amateur fanfic writer, I get it. I can't tell you how many typos I've passed over by accident that pop had to point out to me in my shitty fics after I've posted them. ... But neither of us are getting paid for writing/editing fanfic. So... Yeah.
But, my biggest problem, which I cannot overstate...
I absolutely detest how Angela's character is represented in Echoes. It directly contradicts and violates her character in TOM to the point I don't think the writer of that chapter actually played the Dragon Lord arc... Or the game at all, only getting snippets of dialogue from YouTube videos or some shit. Everything about chapter 2 undermines her arc AND Duran's completely (honeycomb: "lol I just trained hard to get magic lol xdddd")
In the chapter, she is shown training (yes, she says she had training when your main asks how she got to Cascade Cavern) and effortlessly fighting alongside Quilt, Honeycomb, and Duffle WITHOUT MAGIC, and tooootally besties with...
I'm sorry, this is not the same character as the one depicted below. The Angela in ToM is clearly a girl out of her depth and not the bad boss bitch she is in Echoes.
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It's very heavily implied that Angela is very sheltered, lazy, selfish, and has probably never left Altena, expressing only a very vague understanding of the lay of the land (she couldn't even name Alrant!) Early game Angela in TOM pretty much lucks into her victory in her first fight (the tutorial fight!) expressing disbelief she was even capable of doing such a thing. She then almost promptly passes out in the cold and is luckily rescued by some locals.
Once you get into the meat of the game, she's pretty eager to pass off the fighting ("I can leave the fighting to you, right?"), immediately wants to take a nap upon reaching Jadd, bitches about Molebear Moors ("I'm filing a complaint about this path!"). Overall, it seems like she fluked her way to Wendel, making her way there by sheer luck, not skill.
None of these "negative" traits are shown in Echoes. Without consequence, YOUNGER, PRE-MAGIC ANGELA, after a cringe-inducing speech about friendship or whatever, she jumps into the fight with the Crimson Wizard alongside your stupid group and comes out unscathed...
Which is what completely undermines Duran's arc. Duran, one of the strongest swordsmen in Valsena, got owned by the CRIMSON WIZARD and almost died (and many of his fellow soldiers/knights were killed that night, ones implied to be more experienced than he is!)
"oh, but sack," you say, "she didn't fight the Crimson Wizard alone! She had help from Quilt, Duffle, and Honeycomb!"
ah yes, three other undertrained kids. That makes it better.
No. It doesn't. Let me reiterate: trained Valsenan soldiers, said to be among the best in the world, died to CW. Pre-magic Angela should have gotten hurt, or faced some kind of consequence for trying to take down an opponent like that. But no, she doesn't. I can believe she and Duran can take down Full Metal Hugger. Sure, fine. Whatever. That's just a big, dumb crab, not a powerful wizard even late game Duran and Angela still express difficulty facing even after getting stronger, judging by their battle dialogue.
"But sack! It's just a dumb gacha story! Don't take it so seriously!"
"Hey sack! Angela slaps the boys shit in Jadd when they approach her bed! She must be strong!"
Those are slapstick powers. Duh.
Also, this is a nitpick, but I really hate the retcon with male mages being overly present in Altena. In ToM and SD3, a soldier explicitly states the Altenish army is comprised of all women, which implies male mages are pretty rare (José, CW (who actually isn't a wizard lol he had to borrow evil powers like a little bitch)). I can believe non-mages are discriminated against, that's fine. I can believe Angela would stand up for Framaus if he was being bullied. Honestly? I think that's great! Angela may be selfish and a jerk, but I can definitely see her standing up for him for being a non-mage.
But, former besties? No. You don't talk about a former bestie like, "ew I have nothing to do with that guy!" You would probably say, "we used to be friends, but then he became a huge dick." All Angela states on the matter to Duran is "it's complicated" and that "he used to be nice". Yeah. Also lmao, the irony Framaus finally starts calling her Angela only for her to loathe when he calls her that by the time ToM rolls around is amazing. Really makes you wonder if Angela bumped her head and got amnesia or something.
Oh, and I do not find Framaus endearing or sympathetic. He's a creep. A fucking CREEP.
Ah, I get it now. Angela is too naive to realize that. Okay, chapter's issues absolved! (Not.)
Oh, and don't get me started on Angela replacing Framaus with Victor, too. Makes her look like a fucking psycho. Did the Echoes writers forget Victor exists or what? He's the only Altenish character not present in Echoes.
Fuck this chapter. I hate it more than Heroes of Mana, and that was a whole game of stupid horseshit and nonsense.
Echoes sucks. Angela's contradictory representation in Echoes is merely a symptom of a poorly managed, poorly written, poorly coded game.
Also, who the fuck thought it was a good idea for Hawkeye to be the Mana swordsman? You're the worst. The literal worst. Fuck you the most.
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eisforeidolon · 2 years
just saw this https://regardingjenmish.tumblr.com/post/678645369933070336
I am so sick of misha implying he and jensen are in some kind of bdsm relationship and encouraging his stans' delusions.
(in case this is confusing, the meaning and context of the phrase "good boy" is something every heller/cockles shipper would understand, since it features heavily as something cas/misha frequently says to dean/jensen in almost all even slightly bdsm-themed destiel and cockles fics, of which there are many and some of which are very popular and well-known. if you check the tags on the post, the idiots reacting and squeeing over this clearly all understand what is implied as well.
misha has done this before by saying that phrase in a video a couple of times, though he was talking to a dog, so that gave him plausible deniability, since it's a normal thing to say to a dog. but I was already suspicious then (especially since this was shortly after a cameo video where he talked about his "dom brow") and now after seeing this, I believe he was saying this shit intentionally in the dog video as well, knowing his creepy stans would freak out about having an audio version of him actually saying that phrase (and they did).
what pisses me off especially is the underhandedness of it all. when misha says awful, creepy shit at cons, like when he made that comment recently about wanting jensen to obey him, it's still awful, but at least it's out in the open where everyone can hear/understand it and form their own conclusions about his character or even call him out for it.
but this sneaky, highly specific and targeted bullshit? only his own minions, cockles shippers and people deep in the spn fandom would understand this. not even jensen would understand what misha's so slyly doing if he looked at any of this stuff, most likely. it's also very similar to when he sent out that picture of himself in bed in jensen's apartment to his minons via his messaging thing, because he was obviously too much of a coward to post that on his twitter or instagram. he's just such a despicable human being for constantly doing this shit without jensen's consent and without jensen's knowledge, since he does it in ways where jensen usually will either not see it or would not understand the meaning behind it, even if he saw it.
Yeah, this kind of shit is why I've stopped giving Misha any benefit of the doubt. What the people excusing him somehow don't seem to be willing to admit is that it is entirely different to mutually joke around with someone versus making them the butt of your jokes behind their back. Not once, not twice, not even just a small handful of times.
It's no secret Jensen really doesn't do social media more than the bare minimum. So Misha is intentionally doing this in a way Jensen probably won't notice in a place he's probably not going to even look in the first place. Hell, even if Misha was doing this and Jensen was responding with, "LOL, No." that would be mutual ribbing. Like queerbaiting the most at the cons J2 don't attend, it's not a coincidence.
Not only would it be different if it wasn't intentionally where he thinks he can get away with it out of Jensen's sight? It would be different if he was just randomly tagging Jensen on things for attention that had no specific connotations. Instead, it's dragging him into explicitly ship-related nonsense of both the character and RPF kind. When Jensen has made it very clear he didn't play that in the show and doesn't want to personally be part of it in fandom either. The specific tone of some of Misha's oh-so-funny shipping commentary "jokes" only compounds it further. The implication Jensen is submissive to him, sexually and otherwise, is not just a weirdly objectifying and condescending way to talk about a supposed friend behind their back. It's, again, no coincidence it plays directly into that part of the fandom with fantasies of a meek pushover dumb bimbo Jensen who doesn't know his own mind or or his own sexuality - he really wants to validate D/C and come out of the closet as Misha's RL lover but just can't find the spine and get over being so performatively hetero, alas! For a bunch of people who cry about toxic masculinity so much, they sure don't seem to recognize when they're masturbating to it. Misha is sharing in mocking Jensen with people who disrespect him and treat him like a dumb sex object who doesn't know his place. Which doesn't even get into the small but very loud and incredibly unhinged portion who have real issues with boundaries and take this as a validation to continue being harassing nutballs. Misha totally wouldn't do it if Jensen wasn't secretly into it, too!
And for what?
Again, this is not something he just did unknowingly a few times and then stopped. Stopped when he saw that some people take it seriously, and that he was actually queerbaiting them because it isn't a thing in the show or reality. Stopped when he saw some people would go psycho stalker nuts over it - sending Jared death threats, slandering Jensen as a homophobe and shoving porn in his face claiming he likes it, and even stalking him, too. Nope, to this day he continues to not just keep doing it, but actually escalate. Because at the end of the day, for Misha, it's pretty clear at this point that his getting attention and disingenuous asskissing praise for being the shippers' oMG LGBT+ aCTivIsT hErO in the most backwards, regressive way possible is more important to him. With friends like that ...
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