#you damn homosexual /aff
decrepit-in-the-dark · 6 months
I did not forget Dave Strider's birthday at all so here's a masterpiece I've been working on in his honor (lying).
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Image description under cut!
IMAGE DESCRIPTION START. A blank background, where Dave Strider from webcomic Homestuck stands alone, stone-faced and monotone. He is a preteen boy with white hair, white skin, and is wearing a white and red t-shirt with a red-labelled vinyl record, black pants, a pair of all-black aviator glasses situated over his eyes, and a multi-colored spotted party hat on his head. He is saying "penis", encased in a speech bubble. The artist's water mark is "Beast" with a heart symbol and their @ decrepit_in_the_dark. IMAGE DESCRIPTION END.
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domesticsns · 4 years
So we hear a lot about sasuke dealing with rude people in his line of work, what about Naruto? Any bad parents or coworkers?
Naruto has it soooo much worse! He teaches in a public school and some of the parents are just....The worse. 
People are afraid of Sasuke, Sasuke is rude aff. 
Naruto is in a position people think they can just walk over him and demand whatever they want. When Naruto calls in the parents of children that are acting out on school to get ot the bottom of it. It becomes pretty damn clear why they think they can walk all over people because their parents set the example. 
Another time a men came in his classroom right before Naruto was going to lock up and go home and then this guy just started screaming at him how he was giving the wrong example to his son and all the other children and how dared they let a gay men teach and corrupt the innocent mind of children and Naruto thought ...Wtf is happening... 
And instead of keeping out or talking back he was like, “I am not gay, who said I was gay?” 
And the man looked at him and said how his son told him he was married to a men. 
Naruto said that didn’t make him gay 
this guy gets so confused, like was he making fun of him now.
Naruto said he likes women. He has been with a lot of women. Hell they should have seen him back in Highschool he was going at it. 
The guy goes quiet and says, “oh damn I am sorry i thought you were a homosexual and married to a men.” 
Naruto said, “Yeah I am married to a men, he is really handsome. You wanna see a picture?” He he pulls up the screen saver of his phone and goes, “We’ve been married for five years,but we were together for five more before that. Funny story how we got married-” 
The man starts flipping out again and thinks Naruto was making fun of him  and Naruto said he was bisexual he likes women, he likes men. But at the end he was in a monogamy relationship with a men...His husband..He shows the picture again and says again he is very pretty. 
The guy grabs him by his collar and pushes him against the wall screaming and spitting in his face and Naruto is like, “Oh calm down! I never said you had to suck his dick or my dick for that matter. I not telling you child to go suck dick either he is like eleven years old. He shouldn’t even be thinking about-” the guy is raising his fist and Naruto is like, “Ya you really don’t wanna do that” 
the guy shouts why he shouldn’t beat up a faggot and Naruto said that for starters...He will press charges and he will get arrest. Secondly, his husband is a detective in Konoha City police department. Thirdly his husband went to the All boys military boarding school of otogakue and he is not the kindest person out there and he is very protective of him and Naruto won’t be able to protect him if he would punch him in the face. 
The guy said he isn’t afraid of some faggot and then he hears a cough at the door and he turns his face and sees Sasuke standing there, looking pissed as shit. Naruto just goes “Hey babe~ So this is Kyle’s dad!”
The guy lets Naruto go and Naruto picks up his phone from the ground and he ends the call to Sasuke he had made. Yeah he was not just showing pictures he was showing the caller ID photo before calling his husband. He puts his phone away and goes, “Go easy on him babe, he doesn’t know any better. His son is actually okay..Oh you..Just don’t ...Don’t break his neck...Oh dear. Babe, I don’t think that counts as self-defence anymore.” 
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