#yes this is about silmarillion and wind in the willows
Me: Being emotional over fictional characters doomed by the narrative written by dead authors from last century
Me: The dead authors lived in a period of time with pathetical limited understanding of basic human psychology and religion was probably the major duct tape for every broken water tank.
Me: The authors believed love fixes everything. They tried to believe it so hard because that was what they were told and what they wanted to believe. When they see something that cannot be fixed by love they got confused and thought maybe there is something very WRONG with this thing because why it just refused to be fixed by love?
Me: But sometimes there is nothing to be fixed. The thing should not be fixed to begin with and it cannot be fixed because it is not something wrong it is just something different and needs to learn coping methods or get therapies or get medicines
Me: And LOVE FIXES NOTHING. Love is good but people need actual respect and understanding and they need to be listened to instead of talked to
Me: Love hurts without respect. Love KILLS without respect.
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