#yes r6s people you can request lol its been a while
itsohh · 10 months
Kinktober 2023
October's coming up soon and you know what that means! I'll be going of the official kinktober list again this year. (There's a couple of days I steal from other days cause I don't like any of the kinks. Now (and until until about three days before the actual date) is the time to send in character requests for any selected days.
The usual rules for who I write for apply but I'll allow anyone to request on anon. Like last year I'll update the list below with a selected character. So feel free to request (MDNI) any R6S or MW2 character I write for and what day (and what pronouns!).
List is subject to change
Pegging - Smoke
Roleplay - Blitz
Hate sex - Ace
Teratophilla - Gaz
Collaring - Doc request
Gags - Kapkan request
Stuck in a wall - Soap
Titfucking - Ace
Stripping - Glaz request
Praise kink - Ghost request
Sensory deprivation - Valeria
Public - Lion request
Size difference - Price
Orgasm denial - Lion request
Temperature play
Double penetration in one hole - Ghost and Soap +
Threesome or moresome - Ghost and Soap
Exhibitionism and voyeurism - Glaz request
Panties and lingerie Lion request
Intercrural Sex
Deep-throating and facesitting
Sex toys
Double penetration in two holes
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melodygatesauthor · 1 year
Happy early birthday to you! May I request a Kapkan x Reader with the romantic line, "You remembered my favorite food?" It's the little things that count-
Of course, I can't ask this without giving you a gift. (or rather, questions to entertain your mind with)
We appreciate you writing for the R6s fandom, it's great to have more members that are active within the community. Your longfic of Kapkan has had me in a chokehold since November lmao. I'm a sucker for enemies to lovers. (Ik that the longfic isnt exactly this)
How long have you been into Star Wars? What brought you into it? I used to be REALLY into it years ago, though I have fallen out and perhaps I may join back in.
This one I hope you can answer, and fyi i mean NO ill judgement while asking. What makes you and others so interested in the kink of non-con? I find it hard to read when I know that others irl have trauma because of it. I know that you've clarified that it's just because it's all fiction and that you don't support it irl, but I guess I can't wrap myself around this topic? I'm sorry if this doesn't make sense, but I'd like to know and like I've said before, I am not having negative feelings to those who enjoy non-con! No one should shame you for what you like in fiction.
That being said, keep doing what you're doing and I hope that you have an amazing birthday!!!
Im aware of what I wrote is long af and im sorry-
Hi Nonnie!
Omg so much to unpack and I'm so so so excited to do that. You don't ever have to apologize to me for long asks, I like them. Answers below the cut.
I'm going to fulfill your request in a different post. I have several ahead of yours but it's on my list and I'll get to it as I go down the line. I cannot wait!
Thank you for your kind words about my longfic (The Recruit and the Hunter for others to have context)! I don't get a lot of attention here for it, probably mostly because it's AO3 exclusive, but I'll be adding it to Tumblr at some point! It's definitely a favorite of mine and I've put a lot of work into it. I would say it's enemies to lovers adjacent? lol it's got a similar feel to it! On your note about having others involved in the community, I have noticed that the writings for X Reader are scarce! There are a few of us in the community that I think are keeping it going. I hope more people will get involved!
So as far as Star Wars goes, I watched it all the way through for the first time in 2015 just before The Force Awakens came out and when I watched back then I thought nothing of it. It was good but like, it was just a series to me, nothing more. Fast forward to September 2022, I had a dream about Kylo Ren. Yes, literally had a dream about him randomly and then I couldn't stop thinking about him. (True story) I googled if people even read fanfiction anymore, and turns out THEY DO and hey, 30 years old isn't too old to read/write fanfiction (no age is, you can be 90 writing ff, just have fun). When I found out they did, I rewatched the entire Star Wars movie series again through a new lens...information gathering for fic writing. The second I saw Kylo fucking Ren coming down the gangway in TFA for the first time through this new lens....I knew I was ill. Thus sparked my Star Wars obsession and the spiraling that lead me to write for all these other fandoms, Siege included (although I've been a Siege player on and off since it came out back in...was it 2015?).
This is a great question and gets a section all on its own...
On the subject of non-con in fanfiction (please don't read if this topic is sensitive to you):
To start, I can assume that other people think like me, but as I answer this, I ask that you keep in mind that I can't exactly speak for anyone OTHER than myself. I know what I like and what I'm comfortable with and that's all I can TRULY speak on so bear that in mind as you read through my response.
There are a couple reasons I think that I enjoy non-con. I'M SPEAKING PURELY FROM A FANTASY STANDPOINT GOING FORWARD, NOT A REALITY STANDPOINT. One reason is societal. I read somewhere that it's possible people gravitate to the subject of non-con in fanfiction (primarily women in ff spaces), due to societal factors. Meaning, that women who are from more sexually oppressive countries, America being one in some ways (being primarily a Christian/Catholic country and always teaching people, again with an emphasis on women since it's more "obvious", to save it for marriage), might be more inclined to enjoy "non-con". It's thought that this is due to the idea that it's attractive to think that someone finds us so desirable that they just couldn't help themselves. Further, it's the thought that the blame, again in some ways, is removed from the woman. She didn't go out acting promiscuous, this thing just happened to her, this sexual encounter. She couldn't stop it from happening and for some people the idea of feeling desired and not being able to control that it's happening and therefore it's "guilt free" is attractive. THIS IS AGAIN FOR FICTIONAL SPACES, not REALITY. No one wants this to happen to them in real life or to happen to someone else in real life period.
The other reason is that I just enjoy the purely feral and primal urge for a big man to conquer and take what he wants. Again, not something I'd want in real life or that I'd want someone to go through, but the thought is hot to me. Man want vageen, man take vageen, it's literally that barbaric and simple. I have many kinks in fanfiction that I DON'T have in real life, and non-con is certainly one of them for this reason.
Now as far as "finding it hard to read/write because others have IRL trauma because of it", while I understand completely where you're coming from, and I'm not trying to change your mind, I encourage you to think about some things. Firstly, you are perfectly valid to feel uncomfortable reading something, and that's why I said I'm not going to try and sway your opinion. Let's just understand that first and foremost. Secondly, there are other things we read about that have caused people IRL trauma that no one shakes a fist at, murder being a big one. Just because I enjoy reading/writing a fictional murder-mystery, does that mean I don't feel bad for real people who have been murdered or family members of victims? Not at all, I feel for them, but I'm still intrigued by the story I'm reading/writing. What I find interesting, (and this isn't a reflection on YOU, there's a lot of people who think this way) is that for some reason the subject of non-con is disturbing for some, but the loss of a life (murder) is fine? That is something that I still am trying to figure out! I hope this clears it up a little?
EDITED TO ADD: It also allows lots of people a safe space to indulge in a very unsafe and downright dangerous thing. We can "experience" something horrific without actually being in real danger and it allows us to enjoy it that way.
Thanks for the great thought provoking questions! I really enjoyed this exercise! I'll get to your fic soon!!
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