#yes i know will wasn't very nice in trr but he was still to nice for my liking
gaykingslayer · 2 years
Thoughts on Will? I know you talked about him plenty already but I would love to hear some unpopular opinions/headcanons/thoughts you haven't gotten to talk about in general
this man literally altered my brain chemistry and I'm 100% sure that if I had never read RA I would be a whole different person. Cracking open those books at the age of 9 unleashed all that pent-up autism and I was so so unhinged about him and that entire series. I wanted to be him so badly and gods I tried to be, took up archery, my parents gave me knives and I shamelessly walked around with that ranger cloak my mum sewed (fun fact on Helloween I always go as a ranger because its the only costume I own). Yes, I was the Weird Kid, but my love for that man gave me the confidence to be obsessively weird about anything I liked. And I'm so happy about that because otherwise, I think I would be so hobbyless and afraid to be cringy about anything. In other words, I love him.
I made my trans!will headcanon clear a bunch of times already so we're going to dive into my headcanon for that headcanon.
I like to think that as time passed and will got more comfortable in his identity that he stopped cutting his hair short. He cut his hair short because it made him feel more connected with his masculinity and it felt like something he needed to do because it was something a lot of men did. So when he started growing it out he was finally at that point that he realized that he doesn't need to go out of his way to change things he liked just because other men were doing it (HE LOVED HIS LONG HAIR!!!). In my heart, his hair got almost as long as Alyss's and he cut it off after she died because she often brushed, braided or tied it back for him and having to do it himself was too painful. Will rocked an almost bald head for a while before he started growing his hair out again, but he never let it get too long.
When john said will is short he meant it. That man is not taller than 165m (5'4) and it's a fact because I said so.
One of the headcanons I live most fiercely by is that will was a fucking mean asshole in the TRR. I know it's a children's book and all but I feel so robbed of will being mean. I've 3 wips set in TRR (ish) and I love making him say stuff that would have you laying awake at night staring at the ceiling if someone said that to you. Why isn't he so tired of being nice, why doesn't he want to go apeshit???
for unpopular opinions...this might get my homo card revoked, but I actually don't like hill. *sirens go off, bombs fall on my house, my family is dead*. The concept is nice but I'm just way to obsessed with willys to see him with anyone else. I do like myself some hill content but I'm happy john doesn't do gay people because I don't think it would've worked in canon.
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katedrakeohd · 5 years
One Handsome Devil (TRR)
Chapter 50 : Part 2
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Kate opens her eyes to a world of grey, feeling groggy and disoriented. The oxygen mask hissed as she breathed, the rubber bands that hooked it behind her ears pinched her skin. As her eyes focused she realized she was in a hospital room. The soft beep of her heart monitor filtered in as her other senses came awake. Lifting her right hand she sees the IV tube in the back of her hand and the electronic sensor clamped to her finger. When she tried to move her other arm it wouldn't budge. Oh my God, what's happening? Why does my shoulder ache so much?
The monitor attached to her finger starts to beep rapidly, registering her growing panic and the thumping of her heart. Her warm breath clouds the mask as she gulps at the cool air filling her lungs, her tears sting her eyes and her cheeks.
She hears the hurried footsteps of someone approaching and then the curtain surrounding her bed is ripped aside. The kind sympathetic face of a young female intern swims into view.
"Easy there Miss Darling, everything is going to be ok." She says, soothingly.
Adjusting the bed and pillows so Kate can sit up, she gently pulls the mask off her face and then dabs at her face with the corner of the bedsheet.
Kate gives her a weak smile of gratitude as she looks up at her nametag.  "Th-..thankyou...Dr. Maloney." she whispers.
Kate's head was full of questions, Where am I? Where is Drake?  Is he Ok?  What happened to me in the accident?
"Where am I?" She asks as she looks at the sling on her left shoulder and the cast on her arm.
Dr. Maloney smiles, "You're at Portavira General Hospital."
Kate frowns, looking around for anyone familiar, suddenly feeling very alone. "Portavira?" where the hell is that?  "I'm not in the Capital?"
The intern shakes her head, picking up her chart. "You were brought here by helicopter."
Kate has a vague memory of being strapped to a stretcher and being lifted. Then the airsick woozy feeling of being moved around randomly like a bad amusement ride.
Sliding her hand over her belly, it feels bloated and there are bandages that scrape against her hospital gown.
"What..what were my injuries?" Kate asks nervously, scared of the answer.
The doctor reads her chart out loud, bypassing the medical jargon and putting things in words Kate would understand, "Uh let's see, a dislocated shoulder, a fracture to the forearm, and a minor tearing of the uterine wall from blunt trauma. You were bleeding out pretty badly, but with a minor surgery they were able to stitch you up and stop the bleeding."
Kate gasps, "A tearing of my what?" 
Terrifying thoughts of future infertility and miscarriage race through her mind, causing a deep feeling of dread. She and Drake had just talked about how much they wanted children.
Dr. Maloney looked up from the chart, noticing that Kate has gotten a little paler, and her eyes were wide with worry. "Don't worry, the womb is very resilient. It takes a beating from the inside for several months while it holds onto a fetus. You'll heal just fine and be able to try for another baby in a few weeks."
Kate grips the sheet over her belly, scoffing with denial, "Another baby? I wasn't pregnant."
Sure I was late, but that was nothing new. But then again the last time I was late I didn't have a boyfriend. Oh my God no..
"According to your bloodwork and a urine sample there was a slight elevation in your hormone levels, and the presence of HCG. But there was only a trace amount so we can't be totally sure at this point. I'm sorry to alarm you. The nature of your bleeding prompted us to assume a miscarriage, and we tested for signs of pregnancy in your bloodwork. Were you and your husband trying to conceive?"
Kate shakes her head trying to swallow, her throat was dry from the oxygen she had been administered. "Can..can I get a drink of water please?" She whispers.
The doctor lays the clipboard on the foot of the bed, "Oh sure, sorry about that. I know this is a lot to take in all at once."
Dr. Maloney pours her a cup of water from a nearby pitcher. Kate accepts it, her hand shaking slightly as she sips. "Thanks."
Picking up her chart again, Dr Maloney looks over her information. "You're a mystery  'Kate Darling, 25'  We have a lot of gaps to fill in. When you arrived we only had your name and age."
Kate takes another sip of water. "I was wondering how you knew my name. I don't remember telling anyone."
"I'm not sure who identified you, that's just what they were calling you when you were wheeled in."
Pulling over a chair, Dr. Maloney clicks her pen and then sits down with her chart. "Ok let's fill in the blanks. Your birthdate?"
"December 17th, 1992." Kate says, guessing that the fresh faced intern was around the same age based on the slight turning up of the corners of her mouth.
"Your address?"
Kate gnaws on her lip, "That's a good question, because I really don't know. I live at the Royal Palace with King Nicholas."
Dr. Maloney chuckles, "Yeah right. Seriously where do you live?"
"I'm not kidding. I live at the Royal Palace with the King and I'm engaged to his best friend." Kate insists, knowing that her story sounded crazy to the average person.
"Okaaay, we'll leave that space blank for now." The doctor says, raising her eyebrows and shaking her head. Seriously how hard did this girl hit her head?
"Who do I list as your next of kin?"
"Umm, well my parents live in the U.S. and Brazil so there's no point in listing them. I should probably say King Nicholas, where he's technically responsible for me being in the country, but there's no way I'm allowed to give out his personal phone number. If I told you any other name than my fiance he'd probably be mad, so list Drake Walker as my next of kin."
The Doctor scribbles his name on the form. "And his phone number?"
"He doesn't have a home phone, just a cell, is that Ok?"
The Doctor nods, waiting.
Kate rhymes off Drake's phone number. Damn I wish I could talk to him, tell him I'm Ok. Looking around the unfamiliar recovery room again, Kate feels incredibly lonely. She could really use a familiar face or voice right now.
"Before we can admit you we need to contact Mr. Walker to let him know where you are. As your next of kin he should know your condition as well."
Kate gives the doctor a grateful smile, "Is there any way I can talk to him? I don't have my phone with me."
Dr. Maloney nods, "Your condition is pretty stable. I'll go get you a wheel chair, and then I'll take you out to the nurse's station to call..." she looks down at the paper again to find his name.
"Drake." Kate replies, smiling.
"Yes, thanks." Dr. Maloney gets up from the chair. "Be right back."
Kate settles back against her pillows, looking down at her arm in its cast and sling, she smooths the blanket over her bandaged sore belly. Did we really have a baby in there? It's only been a few days, probably not. I was just late that's all. I hope the surgery doesn't leave a big scar.
She sees the Doctor coming back with the wheel chair. "Ok Miss Daisy, your chariot awaits."
Dr. Maloney drops the side of her hospital bed, disconnecting her pulse monitor from her finger and switching off the machine when the alarm goes off. Placing an arm around her back, and scooping her arm under her knees she carefully helps Kate turn to sit up on the side of the bed. "You're stronger than you look, Dr. Maloney." Kate laughs.
"I've had plenty of practice. Compared to moving a full grown man, you're light as a feather." She says, blushing at the compliment.
Kate eyes the smooth vinyl seat of the wheelchair and then looks down at her bare legs. "I'm guessing my fancy chariot doesn't have heated leather seat cushions."
Pulling the thermal blanket off the bed, Dr. Maloney folds it in half on the diagonal and lays it across the seat and back of the wheelchair. "That should help. Once you're aboard we can wrap the extra blanket around you like a shawl to keep you covered and preserve a little dignity."
"Awww, thanks Doc, that'll be perfect." Kate says with a grateful sigh of relief.
Once Kate is bundled up in her wheelchair, she wheels her IV pole along while Dr. Maloney pushes the chair. "What's your first name Doctor? If you don't mind me asking? You've been so nice to me I'd feel better if I could refer to you by your first name."
"Denise." She says, navigating Kate out to the nurses station.
Kate cuddles her blanket around herself as Denise talks to the nurse behind the counter. After they update her file in the computer the nurse picks up the receiver on the phone.
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alj4890 · 5 years
The Bench~Fluffy Friday
(Prince Ellis Rhys x Lady Emily Beaumont)
From the upcoming TRR series While We're Young with @krsnlove.
Fluffy Friday Masterlist
Tagging those who wanted extra fluff 😉@brightpinkpeppercorn @riseandshinelittleblossom-deact @zaffrenotes  @fullbeaumonty  @speedyoperarascalparty  @bobasheebaby  @tmarie82   @littleblossom-18 @cocomaxley  @ehkw1989  @hopefulmoonobject @leelee10898  @itsstillnotwhatyouthink   @littlecrookedheart @mrswalkerwrites @debramcg1106 @krsnlove @littleblossom357 @ritachacha @lodberg
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It had been a very long day filled with long winded people and not enough time with the one he really wanted to be with. Such was the life he was born to. He normally didn't mind, but things were changing or had changed. He wasn't really sure anymore about anything.
The palace was still at this time of night or rather early morning now that he saw it was a little after 2 am. He felt restless. He changed into some jeans and pulled a hoodie over his t-shirt and sneaked out. If he couldn't be with her, he might as well go to their spot. He walked the rain drenched streets and finally came to the right place.
A couple of years ago
"Here it is! This will be the place we come to for the rest of our lives." Emily announced as she plopped down on the bench.
Ellis stood there shaking his head in disbelief. "Why? Why would we come to a bench?"
She rolled her eyes. "Are we not best friends?"
"And do we not share everything with each other?" She asked.
"Well, I wouldn't say everything." He muttered.
She gasped dramatically. "What have you been hiding from me?"
He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Look Em, I haven't told you everything that I do with Zoey. That seems a little much. Have you told me everything you do with Seb? What about when you were with Chris?"
Emily narrowed her eyes. "I...anyway, this will be our spot where we come to talk about all the things that is going on in our lives. When we are old and gray, we will come here and compare pictures of each other's grandkids. Newsflash: mine will be incredibly awesome. We will sit and complain about the people we married then grin and say how wonderful they really are. But...for now this is our spot to share our dating highs and lows, and of course our dreams." She smiled and patted the seat next to her.
He grinned and sprawled out beside her. "Alright. I'm in crazy lady."
Back to the present
It had been their spot. Sometimes they would meet multiple times a week to talk. Emily said this was better than talking on the phone because she liked seeing the expressions he made. How else was she to know how much he hated Zoey's lasagna if she couldn't see the disgust? How would he know how much Seb drove her crazy when he went on one of his music genre binges if he couldn't count the number of times she rolled her eyes?
Then there was the time she was away for months traveling with the Russian ballet. He had not realized how used to her he had become until he couldn't see her. So she told him to video chat on the bench with her. It was nice but not the same as having her playfully push him when he said something truly eye rolling worthy. He was her hopeless romantic friend, she said, thus he needed a shove every now and then to keep him grounded.
Then something happened. One night they seemed to see each other differently. Or at least he had. And what did he do? Nothing. For weeks, all he did was think. Now, he had come out to stare at a wet bench. He shoved his hands in the pocket of his hoodie and turned to head back to the palace. His mother would flip out if she knew he had pulled an Uncle Leo and left without a guard.
As he took a few steps away from the bench, he collided with someone. He couldn't get his hands out fast enough to steady her and she fell into a puddle.
"Well, this was not where I really intended to sit." Said a voice filled with bubbly laughter.
"Oh Emily, I'm sorry." He reached down and took her hands to help her up. She twisted around to look at her wet rear and laughed some more. "I don't suppose you have a towel of some sort on you? An extra pair of pants?" Her eyes were filled with mischief causing him to chuckle. He pulled his sweatshirt off and handed it to her with a dramatic bow.
"For you, my lady. Take this meager rag to rest your weary...bottom." They both burst out laughing as she curtsied. "You are far too kind, my prince." She went to their bench and sat down, pulling the hoddie over her head. She patted the wet wood next to her. "Sit with me for a while."
He sat down and crossed his arms against the damp cold. When she noticed his chill bumps she scooted closer and pulled his arms around her. Emily leaned her head against his chest and snuggled against him. "It's only right to share body heat."
He nodded, grateful that she had. His t-shirt was useless tonight. Emily propped her chin against his chest and looked up at him. "Ellis, what's wrong?"
He debated on what to tell her. How could he explain it? He thought he had romance all figured out. Zoey had seemed perfect. Then it hit him that she wasn't perfect for him. His heart recognized someone else. Someone he had known since her birth. His father had explained how he had felt a spark when he met his mother. He said it was unlike anything he had felt for anyone else.
Ellis' spark felt like a lightning bolt straight from Zeus himself. Emily poked him in the ribs when he remained silent. He looked down at her and fought the grin that always bloomed when she was near. She made it impossible for anyone to be gloomy for long. He was more susceptible than others. One laughing glance from her and he was smiling like a fool.
"Talk to me, your highness." She whispered.
"I don't know what to say." He whispered back.
Emily chewed on her bottom lip. He had acted different the last few weeks and it worried her. She didn't want to lose the relationship they had. She loved spending time with him. She could be herself without worry. She knew that eventually they would meet and marry the ones they were destined to be with and that their time together would be greatly reduced.
But until that came about, she would selfishly hoard all the memories she could make with him. "Is it about breaking up with Zoey?" She asked, involuntarily tightening her arms around him, hoping he wasn't hurting.
"Have you met someone else?"
"Not exactly."
Emily studied his face in the dim light of the nearby streetlight. "Have you fallen for someone you already know?"
Emily felt her heart race. They knew the same people. She didn't know how she would react if it ended up being one of their other best friends. She felt jealousy churn in her stomach thinking of it being Jules or Izzy. And she believed they were two of the best ladies on the planet!
She met his eyes, waiting on him to admit who he had fallen for. With one hand, he gently pushed the hood back off her head and ran his fingers through her hair. He seemed in awe of its silkiness as his eyes traced her features pausing at her lips.
As if they were under some spell, they both moved closer and their lips met. His hand cradled her head while the other grabbed the material of the hoodie. Her arms slipped up his chest to wrap around his neck. It was a kiss that took every thought away save one: this moment was perfect.
A few years later
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"Now we can talk." Emily said as they stood in front of their bench.
Snow fell in fluffy flakes around them. Ellis shook his head, laughing at being brought here.
"Alright my princess, what is it we need to discuss?" Ellis cuddled her in his arms, placing kisses across her face. She giggled and tried to remain serious. "I have to talk about the man I married."
Ellis sighed. "What did he do this time?"
Emily grinned. "You won't believe how happy he makes me. It is criminal how often I am found smiling and laughing. And wow, is he cute. I wish you could see him. What am I to do?"
Ellis frowned playfully. "That's nothing compared to what I have to deal with. My wife does nothing but make me lose all track of thought. The smell of her perfume nearly made me walk into a wall as I looked for her the other day. The goofy grin on my face has been commented by more than one in the news. I'm not sure if it is a good thing or not that she is so incredibly beautiful. What am I to do?"
Emily stood on her tiptoes as she kissed him. "I think you should love me forever."
Ellis deepened the kiss. "Already done."
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