atbussysparks · 9 months
I love dog motifs about being muzzled and trapped, stared in the eyes forced to defend, and slave away, and be the perfect companion of God. His faithful disciple. I love the metaphor of a "bad dog" being bonded and loving and protected with a family with no blood ties. I love the idea of a untamable and naturally unloved dingo or coyote being shown acceptance by a pack. I love when a rowdy dog is treated like they are too much or have rabies, and they're a big sweetheart truly, but they're punk. I love mental images of a dog chewing through the rope that ties them to a pole to get to their adult puppy, and they themselves are a puppy. But they heal their stunted growth by ripping the muzzle off the other adult puppy.
I love canine motifs.
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basu-shokikita · 6 months
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This moment has been giffed to hell and back but I wanted to point out some of my fave things about it:
Toki's sad and distraught expression turning into a happy one the moment he mentions his brothers (and looks at Skwisgaar)
Skwisgaar noticing this and squinting preemptively at Toki
Murderface fucking rolling his eyes because Toki is being a gaywad. Makes you wonder how many times he's witnessed this display so far
Similarly, Skwisgaar moving faster than Toki can hug him. He was way too prepared for this reaction. Again, how many times has this happened already?
Skwisgaar doesn't even say the whole sentence?? Not 'don't touch me' but 'don't touch' like he's dealing with a misbehaved pet or something
The disappointment in Toki's face when Skwisgaar rejects the affection
Yet, immediately, he's back at smiling fondly at Skwisgaar because even if Skwisgaar doesn't return the enthusiasm, he still loves him
In contrast, Skwisgaar's sulky ass is frowning
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dichromaticdyke · 6 months
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you're welcome @ogurizz
for reference, this is a character analysis based solely off the scene in "Writersklok" where Nathan explains their "process" to Abigail. yes, i'm serious.
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sleeping on the floor with piles of booze and drugs, not surprising there. though out of everyone who’s still asleep, he’s the only one who’s at the very least stirring, and he’s checking the time. he’s aware he has to be at least somewhat responsible for the band getting up and working, but he doesn’t want to.
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then for breakfast, he’s just staring angrily at his plate of meat and eggs and potatoes. kind of unenthused, like this is the meal he used to eat in his football days just to bulk up—there’s no joy in it, it’s just routine.
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the most emotion we see from him in this scene is when he’s jacking off, he looks both intense and and also like he’s VERY pent up. which i think is reminiscent of how he’s the one who craves a romantic connection the most. even though he does have casual sex, it doesn’t seem to be fulfilling him.
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passed out in his bathroom, clearly hungover and had a rough bender the night before. there’s something very lonely about it—despite them all being addicts who love to party and binge drink, pickles is still the one who does it to the most excess, and that’s so common that it’s normal for no one else to be around afterwards. they know he’ll be “fine.”
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and he is, he gets his cinnamon buns, indulging in something that we know makes him very happy. his face there looks a bit happy but also a bit unsure. i mean based off the framing of this shot, it’s implied they’re all having breakfast alone. which might not be true, they all do seem like they could be together in the same room since they’re each in different areas, but that could also just speak to the familiarity they have with each other. even when they’re alone, that’s their spot.
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but back to pickles, casual smirk while jacking off. not much to say except—this one’s for you pickle fuckers.
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he’s also been drinking. the way he’s positioned too, his arms crossed like they usually are reflects his typical disdain and anger that he carries through life. he can’t find a moment of peace, even when sleeping.
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he’s clearly not getting enough sleep, though, likely still troubled by something, whether it’s anxiety/insecurity or nightmares about his father, and so all he has for breakfast is coffee.
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again, he seems most at peace while jacking off, and he’s also really focused. we know he’s not getting as much action as the rest of the band, but he’s at least found a way to deal with it so he doesn’t get too frustrated.
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funnily enough, he has the easiest time sleeping. i think that’s crazy given his TRAUMA, but he clearly has a routine he sticks to. he’s got his sleep mask on, he’s sleeping in his clothes on top of his bed like a heathen—whatever it is, he knows how to get comfortable, and honestly? probably just having a bed AT ALL is better than his childhood, so that’s all he needs.
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then he has just a very simple cereal for breakfast—even though he could have anything he wants, and even though he DOES indulge at times, he prefers the simple things in many cases.
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and he jacks off like a maniac: not only is he using that intense focused face he makes while coloring and texting (clearly coloring, sex, and social interaction all fire off the same synapses in his brain) but he’s also. not in his room. @supersaturnnyoomkitty and i have talked about this before and we don’t know where the hell he is in this shot. but he’s not comfortable jacking off in his room, probably because of all the creepy pictures of his parents staring at him.
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my babygirl…sleeping with a bunch of groupies who he’d just spent the night with. i always think it’s interesting that he lets his groupies stay the night, i think he longs for the closeness/intimacy of sharing a bed with someone after sex, but he’d never admit it.
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at breakfast, he just looks bored. he had a beer and nathan’s coffee mug and waffles, but all he’s interested in is his guitar. that’s all he’s ever truly interested in, regardless of who else may or may not be around.
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and then he’s naked when he’s jacking off. because of COURSE he is. besides guitar, sex is the only thing he’s good at, he takes it very seriously, very intensely. besides guitar, it’s probably the only worth he thinks he has.
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and then none of them really feel like recording. not because they’re dispassionate about music, obviously they’re not. they all care deeply about music and dethklok, even if they’re just terribly lazy. because they have gotten so used to the rockstar lifestyle that it’s easy for them to fall back on base pleasures, even when they’re all clearly suffering from loneliness or trauma, and they can just WORK ON THAT if they made music together, if they worked together as a BAND a FAMILY. but they don’t always want to, because it’s gay to care.
i spent way too much time looking at this scene to write this, i deserve recompense.
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cladestruction · 10 months
now that metalocalypse is esentially over, here's some stuff i'd like to ask Brendon if he ever does a Q&A:
what is Pickles' last name?
is Pickles even his real name?
how did the boys meet? (we know about Toki, but what about the rest?)
how many stds does Skwisgaar have? (in how can i be a hero he mentions he indeed has) and does he get treatment?
how did Murderface become a notary lmao
what are their canon ages?
what is Nathan's favorite song/album? (well same question for each member)
is "the curse of dethklok" over now?
when does Toki need to wear his headphones? (we only see him with them in church)
has Pickles started to drink less after dsr?
are all the families of dethklok still alive? (not counting Toki's father for obvious reasons)
does Servetta know who is Skwisgaar's father?
who was the closest with Magnus?
how did Nathan and Pickles learn to speak french?
we know Skwisgaar has a lot of children, what about the rest?
if they weren't on dethklok, what would be the guys' jobs/lifestyle?
what was Pickles' life like after SnB?
who is the best fighter of the guys?
if they were in a race, who is the fastest?
how many weapons does Charles know how to use and how did he learn?
what are the boys' favorite movies?
is Toki a Hatsune Miku fan? please say yes
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eternallyblight · 10 months
Highlights from the Talk is Jericho Podcast w/Brendon Small and Gene Hoglan
Listen to the podcast here
Hatredcopter was the first song that Gene and Brendon ever worked together, recorded, and completed in an entire day.
How Brendon came up with Pickles and Nathan - What is the least metal name I can think of?
Toki Wartooth - Tommy or Brendon's name frome Viking name generator. Toki is like a child. Infantilized. (yes Brendon literally said this.) rhythm guitarist, but he's the darkest character.
Skwisgaar's had so much sex he doesn't like sexual things and looks for non-sexual things to get horny from.
Nathan is the guy who can never find the right girl. He's always going for the wrong thing.
Murderface is probably an incel.
Pickles has been around the block. This is his second band. He has a whole history of being in bands.
Part of producing the show is to mind the budget. They charge you by the frame. It would take 4-5 months and done domestically for 15 minute shows. Sometimes they turn it in on Friday, a couple days before the episode airs.
Gene will always be part of this no matter what. Gene is under a lot of pressure. Gene is literally a superhuman. He has to play in time with the animation and looks for the count from his peripheral vision. He takes a month beforehand to bear down on the live show. He will rehearse to the click track.
Gene loves working with Brendon and Ulrich (the producer). He's never seen Brendon stress. He's really reliable.
All the members live in Brendon's head and annoy him in different ways. But he's been close to Nathan a lot this year.
He doesn't know what is his favorite song to play. But he thinks its really fun to play Thunderhorse.
Gene's favorite member is Pickles because of his quote, "Couldn't do it, too damn drunk." and definitely not just because he's the drummer.
Gene's favorite song to play: The Gears, Dethsupport because they're challenging.
Gene and Brendon talk about the fact that Laser Cannon Deth Sentence was so hard to record they decided to never play it live but now Gene says he wants to try.
Questions and answers about the movie under the cut in case you don't want spoilers.
Brendon wanted to up the ante when making Army of the Doomstar. This is the conclusion of the Metalocalypse story, the one that began in the first episode.
The movie is mainly about the ego. It's a dipshit messiah story. Comedy that turns into an action movie. Go from the corporate world of Dethklok to the religious world of music.
This is the end of that story. It's about the search of the song of salvation.
On why Brendon decided to end Metalocalypse:
It's really important to end a story and not let it linger forever. Finishing a project is really important. A project that goes on forever diminishes the story.
Is there a possibility that Dethklok will do something beyond this? There is. I don't know. I think that Dethklok will live forever. This is the end of the Metalocalypse story.
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feline-evil · 4 months
Dethvanity is really funny to me conceptually as an episode because you can see how little they had to make the characters insecure about for the bit. They swing for obvious lowblow choices with Pickle' baldness and Nathan's weight and even those require some suspension of disbelief because ok. Sure. Nathan '(said extremely proudly) never skipped a meal in my life!' Explosion is insecure about being a big man now. Nathan *guy who everyone thinks is smoking hot 99% of the time* Explosion is a tiny bit larger than usual and is insecure about it now. Lol. Lmao even.
But anyway then we hit Skwisgaar and Toki and there's like NOTHING to swing for, you can see them going uhhh ok Skwis doesn't sleep he probably drinks a lot of coffee, and Toki? Shit, what does Toki have to be insecure about with his looks. He's perfect, he's adorable, he's ripped. Um. FUCK IT, HE'S DOING NOTHING BUT EATING LEMONS. WE GOT NOTHING, WE GOT NOTHING, JUST GIVE THE BOY CITRUS FRUITS.
I'm sure i could make some smarter points about the attempts at applying vanity in this ep and how outside of this and a few other moments i do actually like that the show rarely takes pot shots at things like Nathan's weight, but you see Nathan has shirtless scenes in this one and so my intelligence is impeded when all the blood rushes out of my head and into my-
#metalocalypse#jay talkin#I LOVE TOKI'S LEMON EATING CHALLENGE HES ON IN THIS EP. BABY YR STRANGE AND PECULIAR#pickles being insecure abt balding is funny too. my man has chosen a hairstyle that is actively making that worse for himself#buddy if u didnt have whiteguy dreads impromise yr hair wld be healthier. but we love u for yr octopus swag anyway <3#also hi nathan dont listen to the tv listen to me you look great. hi hello. im unsheathing my sword to cut down anyone who makes u feel bad#EVERYBODY IN UNIVERSE IS A COWARD. ITS BIG BOY SEASON. COME GET U ONE#dethvanity isnt in my list of favs i think most its humour is rlly easy lowballs but i find it funny for reasons outside of that#which is namely the show trying to make charavters insecure abt things when they absolutely are not any other time lmao#trying to find things to make skwis and toki insecure abt but theres NOTHING. ITS RLLY FUNNY#listen. putting my hand on everyones shoulder. lets not ignore the elephant in the room this show is uh#OFTEN VERY FATPHOBIC. so its no bastion of rep just cuz it doesnt take all the pot shots it cld at nathans body#it still does take some and theres plently of fatphobia outside of nathans character#but i do like that nathan is a bigger guy and outside of a few eps thats just treated as smth fine! its not remarked on outside of those!#and i think his body is drawn really well and i like that hes permitted to be sexy and to be like. seen with his body out just as much#as like anyone else in the band. like yeah duh nathan explosion is sexy in universe ppl are rocking with this. AS THEY SHOULD BE#idk like i say. not denying the show its fatphobia just saying i like how nathan is treated and portrayed a lot of the time :]
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thatwritingho · 6 months
Strap Breeding
Pairing: Relish Rating: Explicit Summary: What the title says! Breeding kink, but with a strap-on. A direct follow up can be found here! Tagging: @m3gahet @chordsykat
Read on AO3 here
“Heh. You’ve been holdin’ out on me, babe.”
Big, dark doe eyes clouded in lust blinked up at the drummer in confusion, “Huh?”
Calloused hands gripped her thighs, pressing up until her knees were next to her ears, hips raised from the bed. Olive stared up at him in shock, teeth sinking into her lip and tongue ring worrying the backs of her teeth as a fresh wave of arousal crashed over her at the realization.
Oh, fuck, wait, a mating press-
“D-Dillon, wha-”
A grin curled crooked lips, Pickles’ eyes glinting in mischief, “A little birdie told me dis position makes yah cum like crazy.”
Olive scowled.
Toki. God damn him.
“So, you've been holdin’ out on me, babe. Never told me yah like gettin’ fucked like a gahd damn breedin’ slut.”
“Ahh…” Heart erratic beneath her ribs, plush lips parted to speak, yet all that came out was a cry of pleasure as the thick silicone slipped back inside of her. The term aroused her way more than it should, leaving her tingling all over at the thought of Pickles breeding her. A trembling hand found his, rough, band-aid laden fingers quick to hold her own for support, “N-not holding out, it- ahh- it's not like I haven't thought about it-”
Oh, that was the wrong thing to say.
A strong thrust filled her to the hilt, Olive whimpering at the fullness, muscles twitching around the thick cock stretching her. Cracking open her screwed closed eyes, she trembled as black met green, a wave of deep affection crashing over her as his fingers found her throbbing clit, rubbing in small circles. Green eyes nearly glowed as he stared her down, shining in his own love-struck desperation, crooked smirk curling his lips further.
“Oh, pretty girl, yah've thought aboot it, huh?”
Biting her lip, she nodded, mesmerized by his visage in the dim light, freckles glittering like tiny galaxies on his sweat slicked skin. Pickles leaned down, crunching her body further til her ankles touched his shoulders, bending her in half. Though, Olive didn't mind, as it meant she could wrap him in her arms, steal his breath in a kiss, drag her mouth over his skin, pour all of the mounting love she couldn't voice into each touch.
“Mm, yeah, yah've thought about me fuckin’ yah like dis huh?” His voice was rough and needy, the sound as he spoke in her ear sending shivers down her spine, cunt throbbing around his cock as he set a rhythm, “Thought about me breedin’ yah? Fuckin’ a baby into yah?”
The thought tore a gasp from between plush lips, and she trembled all over, tightening her hold on him as tears pricked the corners of her eyes, teeth sinking into her lip, “Mmhm.”
Pickles groaned, breathing out a chuckle and cradling the back of her head in his hand, voice rough and low with desire, “Yeah? You want me to fuck a baby into this tight little pussy of yers?”
“Ahh…” she breathed out, blood molten in her veins at his words, struggling to find her voice as hips ground into her own.
“Say it, baby. Say it.”
“Y-yes!” His hips were picking up pace, plunging deep into her warm, welcoming cunt as Olive panted, squelching filling the room as she moaned out her agreement, surprisingly herself with her eagerness, with how utterly enticing she found the idea, “Dillon, fuck… Want it so bad, please give me your baby, please-”
“Yeah? You want it, darlin’? Want me to fuck my baby into yah, breed yah till yer nice and pregnant so everyone knows who yah belong to?” His hips rutted against hers, aiming to be ever closer, to meld their bodies into one, “You wanna have my babies, Olive?”
“Fuck, yes! Yes, yes, please, oh my god, please- Dillon, please!”
“Heh. How many yah want?” His hips turned frantic, pounding into her with such force she could barely form words, could barely believe he could form words, “Four? Five? Fuckin’... ten?”
Whimpering, Olive managed to gasp out, “Make it t-twenty.”
Pickles laughed, giddy and love-struck and breathless, near high on her as he pressed a kiss to her cheek, panting with exertion.
“Yeah? Yeah, ohh, I'll fill you right up, babe, make sure there's naht a snowball's chance in hell I don't knock yah up.” Hips rocked hard into hers, as if he were trying to pound her through the mattress, through the floor, “We better have multiples, den, huh? We're both twins, what're da chances?”
“I'd ahh… need to do a genetics test. But- nngh!- higher than m-most.”
“Mm, yeah…” a warm hand was placed on her lower abdomen, the pad of his thumb gently caressing heated skin, “Yer gonna be so fuckin’ beautiful, babygirl, all heavy and full of me, full of my twins. Heh, no. My triplets. Gonna fuckin’ glow.”
Pointed, black nails dug indents into his shoulders, Olive whining, pleasure surging, boiling from the inside as flames licked her veins in a raging fire spreading from her cunt, from her connection to him.
“Mm, yeah, baby, gonna be so pretty fer me, dese perfect tits all heavy and milky, can't wait to taste…” His words were accented by a hand groping one of her breasts, tugging teasingly at her nipple, rolling the bud between index and thumb to tear another moan from the girl beneath him. Raising his face from her curls, green eyes were glazed in lust, expression speaking adoration that clenched at her heart, Olive whimpering as he fucked the head of the dildo into her g-spot.
Oh, she wouldn't last long like this.
A small, warm hand cupped his cheek, Pickles leaning into it, thick red lashes fluttering as she thumbed over his cheekbone.
“Ahh, fuck, Olive, yer gonna be so pretty, sweetheart, haa…” He sounded delirious, desperate, half crazed in need, his voice low and rough with lust, tingling through her nerves and erupting her skin in gooseflesh, “Yeah, gonna fill you up so fuckin’ good, make yah my pretty little wife, babygirl, my little breeding bitch… fuck, yeah…”
His words sent her heart pounding erratically behind her ribs, though she didn't have long to think on them as her orgasm hit, hard and strong. Her vision turned white as she boiled from the inside with heatwaves of passion, Pickles devouring her every sound of pleasure with a kiss that melted her brain. As her muscles convulsed around the cock, he broke from her to whisper more filth, Olive gasping as cum lube spurted into her cunt, filling her, squelching as he fucked it deep.
“Dat's it, good girl. Milk my cock, baby, don't waste a single fuckin’ drop. Take it all, take it, take it. Gonna cum in this pretty little pussy till yah overflow, and yer gonna give me a baby, right, sweetheart? Whaddya say, huh, babygirl?”
“Yes! Fuck, oh my god, yesyesyes! Want your cum so bad, Dillon, please!”
Bumping the tip of his nose to hers, strong arms caged her in with one hand on the nape of her neck, the other cradling the back of her head. Green eyes nearly glowed with intensity, his voice deep and near feral, “And yer gonna get it, babe, yer gonna get it all. Naht gonna stop til I know yer fuckin’ mine.”
Chest swelling with affection, she clung to him, pressing desperate kisses to his face, each one imbued with all the love neither would voice. Though, in moments such as this, under the guise of sex, Olive could allow more honesty to slip, and so gasped in a breath before speaking truth against his lips,
“I'm yours, Dillon, fuck. I'm yours.”
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anidiotwithfanfiction · 2 months
An excerpt from a Nickles fic I'm scraping.
I'm still writing one, this just isn't what I want for it.
Warning for very brief gore
A scream rips through the room, the sound sending a shiver up the singers spine.
He's used to blood and guts.
Gore and viscera.
It's a casual, horrific delight he's grown numb to.
It's like chaos seems to follow him.
Ever in his shadows, just a step behind.
It's strange, how seldom shock comes to him.
But as the pretty little redhead on screen gets ripped to shreds, something in him stirs.
The fear in those vivid green eyes. Her flushed freckled cheeks splattered with crimson.
And it isn't real. It's just some shitty movie banned in just about every country for 'graphic material'. The plot's not even that engaging.
But Nathan, he's really connected with this character.
She's sloppy, abrasive, sexy and witty. She hot, man.
The ideal girl really, even if she makes for a shit protagonist. Not meant to appeal, not meant to connect with the audience. You're supposed to feel some kind of catharsis as she's slain, that's what the critics say at least. But as white knuckles grip a little tighter at the cushioned arm rest, all Nathan can process is this sort of profound grief.
He didn't want her to die.
The credits roll, the rest of the band shuffles to their feet. Murderface snoring obnoxiously. At least that was better than the first half of the movie, in which he had spent it interrupting every five second to say how lame it was. Skwisgaar stretched, and it wasn't hard to see the way Tokis eyes immediately glanced down to the patch of flesh revealed as his shirt rode up. The Norwegian's face flushing red.
And Nathan was a bit slow. He could be dense at times.
But everyone excluding the pair noticed how head over heels the two were for each other.
It made him want to cringe. He hoped if he ever fell to the same fate someone would give him the courtesy to at least smack him out of it.
But despite how much the band has hinted to the two their obvious feelings for one another, they never seemed to get it. Like to love or be loved was so out of the realm of possibility for either, that the concept simply didn't exist to them.
Cold digits glide atop his hand. Realizing he's still clawing at the poor seat, he relinquishes his grasp.
Looking over, those friendly green eyes look through him. He doesn't have to say anything, Nathan knows what that look means.
"It's nothing" he mumbles, standing up with the rest. Pickles follows him, his hand sliding down to the small of the singers back. He hides it, not that he needs to. With Murderface asleep and Skwisgaar and Toki in the same room as one another, they might as well be halfway across the country.
Red dreads brush against his shoulder, a shudder running through him. Barely above a whisper the drummer asks
He pulls back, and Nathan turns a bit too quick. Their faces close. He brushes off the jump in his stomach, it can be nerve wracking. He's lived so much of his life isolated. Being around others like this would always be new to him. It was an even greater leap to get accustomed to Pickles. The guy was just so touchy. He's like that with everyone. As though he's starved for the slightest bit of physical contact.
Nathan shakes his head, shelving those thoughts. It's small enough to go unnoticed, even under that perplexing glare.
"Hell yes" he smiles.
"What'd ya think of tha movie?" The red head asks before taking a puff of the blunt. They've shuffled off to his room, leaving the others to themselves.
"Was pretty shitty. I mean, the plot made no sense"
Pickles chuckles as he passes the bud.
"Dood I know, like, why'd they have that five minute shot of tha fucking church that literally never came up again?"
"Who the fuck picked the movie this week?"
"I think it was Skwisgaar, somethin bout tha gore being really good"
Nathan's stomach churns. It was a little too good.
"That chick was hot though" it slips. It's not like it's something they avoid talking about, hot bitches come up pretty often in this lifestyle. But as of late, he's done his best to avoid the topic around his drummer.
He can't put his finger on it, but the conversation always steers... somewhere else.
"Which one? The brunette chick? She was okay" he hits a bong at his bedside. The singer jolts a bit, quickly taking a puff of the blunt before passing it back.
He watches as clouds of white pour elegantly from those plump pink lips.
"No, I mean yeah I'd do her-"
There's a glint in those green eyes as Pickels cuts him off
"The redhead" the tip of his tongue pokes out of the corner of his mouth, prominent canines pressing against it.
"Seems about right" he teases.
"She was hot dude"
"I think yew've just got a thing for redheads"
"I've got a thing for women, okay" the singer refutes. "Hot, sexy women."
The drummer rolls his eyes "Hey nobody's objecting ta that" he raises his shot glass, with a heavy handed pour of scotch. Nathan looks down, not surprised to see the same awaiting him in the drummers other hand.
He takes it, rough hands lingering a moment too long.
They clink their glasses and throw the shots back.
Bottles are scattered across the room by now, a deadly mix for your average Joe. But Nathan's still got his wits about him.
For the most part, anyways.
Pickles has been doing double time, it's impossible to keep up with the guy, and the singer gave up a while ago. No one can out drink him, and back when he used to try... well things didn't end up so well.
But that was many years and many E.R visits ago. Now the singer knows his limit. Not that he adheres to it, but he knows.
And on the fourth bottle of bourbon, he's quickly approaching it.
Between the liquor and the weed, he's struggling to stay upright. Resigning himself to sprawling out on the drummers bed. It's comfortable, even if the decor in here screams '80s rockstar'.
Pickles passes him the joint, how weed always magically appears in the guys hand, still evades the singer.
He pulls slow, feeling the smoke clamber down his throat. His lungs expanding, filling with the intoxicant. The hum of the t.v quiets, the shitty sitcom they've got playing fades into the background. The drumming of the singers heart comes into focus.
It's soothing, a steady beat comforting him as he tunes the world out.
He's fucked up.
He was shitfaced five drinks ago, green out of his mind three joints back.
It wasn't something he was unaccustomed to.
But shit, this was intense.
Probably the strain, or maybe even the Vodka, but right now, he was out of it.
A cold hand taps on his shoulder, and his eyes dart to the redhead. Those pretty lips are moving, but he's not taking in a whisper of it.
The freckled hand is back, snapping in front of his eyes. He blinks, hard and slow. Tries a little harder to listen.
"Are ya deaf?"
"Huh?" Glazed over greens match the drummers, as Nathan grounds himself a bit.
"I said are ya fuckin deaf, jeez dood" he seems so exacerbated.
"No... no." He shakes his head, scooting closer to where the drummer lies beside him.
"Just fucked up is all" he manages, slurring only half of his words.
He can't help as his head falls to the redheads shoulder. Too far gone to notice the way the man jolts. Chilly bare arms wrap around his frame, pulling him closer.
"Cahm here, let mama Pickles take care a' ya"
He nuzzles his face against the worn black fabric of the drummers shirt. His cheeks brushing against flushed skin.
"Soft..." He mumbles, more to himself than the room.
And that icy hand is gripping his waist just a bit tighter, pulling him in. They're pressed together now, Nathan cradling the drummer, his cool flesh like the cold side of a pillow. Refreshing, calming, intoxicating.
"Mm just gonna take a nap"
"Yew do that buddy" he can hear the smile in his voice.
"So fucking comfortable" he mutters, burying his face into the drummers chest. Breathing in that sweaty smoke stained musk. His ear propped to his chest, he listens to the drummers heartbeat. The quick pace soothing, as he drifts off.
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nightklok · 1 year
MTL Rarepair Month 2023
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After a long wait, the calendar for Rarepair Month is here for May 1-27! Thank you as well for those who participated in the survey! I tried to keep in mind of everyone's suggestions!
What is Rarepair Month?
From May 1-27, this event is dedicated not only to unpopular and rarer type of ships, but to any rare pair platonic/romantic!
As doing daily challenges may not possible for some, I am including weekly challenges!
Each week has a theme, and you can use that however you want to! You can replace a day’s theme with a weekly theme, write one fic per weekly theme each week, center a theme around the challenges, anything you want! How you complete this challenge is up to you!
Excluded Pairings
Note: While these pairings are excluded, you are allowed to write OT3s of these popular ships (Ex: Charles, Pickles, and Nathan). The decision to exclude these pairings was based on AO3’s relationship tags (the pairings with over 100 fics) and just general fandom knowledge.
Skwistok (Skwisgaar Skwigelf/Toki Wartooth)
Nickles (Nathan Explosion/Pickles the Drummer)
Narles (Nathan Explosion/Charles Foster Offdensen)
Chickles (Charles Foster Offdensen/Pickles the Drummer)
Can I post content somewhere else other than Tumblr/AO3?
Yes, you can! I might only see the challenges on tumblr, AO3, and Instagram but you can always double post to get more traction!
What is the hashtag?
please use the tag #MTLRarePair2023! (Optional but encouraged!)
Do I have to do all 27 days/Do I have to complete the weekly challenges?
It’s all entirely up to you! If you want to do one over the other, both, and/or work on them separately it’s up to you! You are not obligated to do all 27 days or all 4 weekly challenges. The point of this challenge is to have fun so where’s the fun in being stressed out?
Can I write crossover pairings? (I.E Nathan Explosion x Eddie Briggs from Brutal Legend) Self-inserts/OC x character pairings?
Of course! It wouldn’t be a rare pair event without some crossover or OC pairings now wouldn’t it?
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me, but remember there is no limit to this, just do what will make this fun and easier for you! Good luck!! (Any questions will be tagged as #MTLrarepair2023qanda so be sure to check that out if you wanna see if your question has been answered!
Social Media Links
You are free to post anywhere outside of tumblr and what i'm linking below but here is some sites where I'll be checking out the content!
AO3 Collection: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/MTL_RPM_2023
When you edit your works, make sure to add this to Collections: MTL_RPM_2023
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nightklok/status/1646857331991248896?s=46&t=dEbe-5kzzkXRk_nG60esmg
Instagram: @/mtlrarepairmonth
The Prompts:
Week 1 (1-6): Movie Premiere
As anticipation over the new movie comes near, what are your predictions? Or wish fulfillment? Alternatively, what are some movies, songs, etc you want to write a fic based around? Or some movie you can see your rarepair fitting well in?
Day 1: The Opening Act: How would the first scene or first act begin? Any establishing characters making an appearance? Alternatively, use this to post the first chapter, scene, etc to any series, fic, comic, etc! 
Alternative Prompt: Movie night
Day 2:  The Soundtrack: Using any song that reminds you of the film, write a fic based around the song!
Alternative Prompt: Dancing in the Rain
Day 3: The conflict: There can’t be any movie without some conflict so what is your prediction for the conflict? Is it a misunderstanding? Doomstar related?
Alternative Prompt: Final Words
Day 4: The Endgame Couple: What is the moment that makes it official your rarepair will be canon?
Alternative Prompt: What could’ve been
Day 5:  The Finale:
Alternative Prompt: Confessions
Day 6:  The sequel: You can use this day to write about any potential sequel ideas you might have or alternatively, something you wanted to write that fits this week’s theme!
Alternative Prompt: After the War
Week 2 (7-13) The Forgotten:
A week dedicated to the minor characters, background characters, anyone you feel should’ve gotten more screen time. While the main cast is allowed, try to make the other characters the main character/focus point of the story.
Day 7: Remake- recreate an episode, scene, season, or anything really into your rarepair- give them the love they deserve 
Alternative Prompt: Birthday Wish
Day 8: Anti-hero/Villain Redemption: Maybe the villains were onto something-maybe they can be fixed
Alternative Prompt: Forgiveness
Day 9: Female Exclusive: I can’t exclude the main cast because there is no females, diversity win 
Day 10: Background Character Unveil: Find a background character (someone with NO lines or importance) and basically treat them as an OC-free design template- alternatively, create your own background character
Alternative Prompt:  Road trip
Day 11:  Side Character Exclusive: While the focus is side characters (characters who appear occuringly or at least in more than one episode), you are free to use one-shot characters as well!
Day 12: OC Exclusive: It can be OC/ OC, OC/Character, whatever you want as long as an OC is the main character! For an extra challenge: Make someone's day by writing their OC!
Day 13: Free Space 
Alternative Prompt: New Rarepair (make up a ship that has 0 tags on tumblr/AO3 or use one you’ve never written)
Week 3 (14-20) Alternate Universe:
Alternative Universes and Rarepairs go hand in hand so why not dedicate a week exploring that? Perhaps there's even an AU of an AU with your rarepair you want to explore or you've always wanted to write an AU that wouldn't have worked for your plot. Use this week's theme to go outside the box a little and explore the various possibilities you can do!
Day 14: Florist & Tattoo Artist AU / Coffee Shop AU
Alternative Prompt: First Date
Day 15: Fantasy/Magic
Alternative Prompt: Childhood
Day 16: Monsters 
Alternative Prompt: Costume Party
Day 17: Hanahaki: A disease where flowers will grow in the heart of the infected from unrequited love. The cure can be to either surgically remove the roots but risk death or never feeling attraction towards the person again or confess/have the love turn requited.
Alternative Prompt: Flowers  
Day 18: College/High School
Alternative Prompt: Graduation
Day 19: Fairytale 
Alternative Prompt: Soulmates
Day 20: Free Space 
Alternative Prompt: First Meeting
Week 4 (21-27) General Week:
With this month coming to close, try to write about more of the simpler things in life. The domestic stuff that you may have been avoiding to write. Use this week to try out new rarepairs by using any day/alternative prompts you didn't get to use.
But for those looking for something a little more fun to end the daily prompts on, I've used obscure/outdated tropes for the alternative prompts that you are more than free to use!
Day 1: Proposal
Alternative Prompt: College Radio
Day 2: Concert
Alternative Prompt:  Unwanted Gift Trope
Day 3: Domestic Life
Alternative Prompt: Telephone Booth
Day 4: Eras (80s,90s,00s, etc)
Alternative Prompt: Waterbeds
Day 5: Double Date
Alternative Prompt: Video Store
Day 6: Wedding
Alternative Prompt: Miscommunication 
Day 7: Free Space
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monsterhighlovurr · 2 months
My preklok/early klok headcanons 2
Nathan meets a strange man named Magnus on the street. They get to chatting and Magnus is actually a guitarist himself. Nathan is convinced a second guitarist would help Skwisgaars playing but right now they really need a drummer. Nathan says he’ll keep him in mind but he isnt intrested at the moment. The very next day Magnus is waiting outside their apartment door. He doesnt take no for an answer. Nathan now has three guitarists and no drummer. Skwisgaar has been talking about this former frontman of a famous band who thinks that they have what it takes and knows how to play the drums. Nathan is curious at how Skwisgaar managed to get to not only meet up with a famous former rockstar but also get on his good side. Skwisgaar doesn’t answer(he and Pickles fucked drunk at a bar). Nathan assumes its because Skwisgaar was also decently famous with his former bands. Skwisgaar takes Nathan to meet with pickles at a club and they hit it off right away. A little to well to Skwisgaars mild jealousy.
Pickles is 23, he ran away/got kicked out at 15/16 and immediately,IMMEDIATELY joined Snakes and Barrels after, im talking he was homeless for like a day then joined snakes and barrels. He still managed to graduate highschool while also juggling his job as the front man for snakes and barrels, occasionally doing odd jobs for when the band fell into tough times. Snakes and Barrels lost popularity in the 90s as Glam Rock was no longer a thing and the band broke up from the lack of fame/amount of drug use. Snakes and Barrels was destined to fall of anyways, it was started in the late 80s, as Glam Rock was slowly starting to loose its charm, and the drug use in the band was too destructive.
The band now has one singer, three guitarists, and one drummer. They are doing well but Magnus is growing increasingly controlling. The band doesnt think much off it and tries to work around it. Magnus starts getting abusive, the band doesnt think much of it and tries to work around it. Magnus stabs Nathan, Nathan defends himself, they find Toki after a couple months of desperately trying to find a guitarist. Toki joins, the rest is history. The begining of the show takes place in 2006, nine years after Toki joins. Toki joined in ‘97. Snakes and Barrels broke up in ‘93 and only lasted 6 short years.
The events in the main series take place between ‘06 to ‘09. ‘06 is the start of the series, ‘09 is doomstar. Yes, all that shit from Murderface getting the JFK car for his birthday to Toki getting kidnapped to the band saving the world took place in three years, the 2000s was a crazy ass time.
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twigg96 · 10 months
Please do all the fluffy alphabet for Toki!
Hello sweet Anon! Yes I absolutely will! I'm going to highlight a few asks that some other anon's asked. To the anon who asked about Pickles I will be finishing the Alphabet in full so please don't think I missed your ask!!
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A - Attractive (what about their partner do they like most?)
The attention. This boy craves validation at every junction of his life. He especially appreciates whenever his partner actively participates and listens whenever he info dumping on them. He can just feel his pupils turning into heart shapes as his partner reciprocates his energy on something he truly is invested in and is excited about. In return for this service he reciprocates in full at all times. He is an excellent listener and will always remember all of the important and little things to make his partner feel heard and loved.
B - Banter (How do they tease each other? Is it always friendly/flirtatious or does it turn nasty?)
Toki's love language is "witty" banter. After being saved by Dethklok loving sarcasm was the first thing he learned to do in English. The only problem is that he doesn't always know when his banter goes beyond picking and teasing and turns to fighting. His partner could blame it on his Autism and the inability to read emotions. They could also blame it on the years of emotional abuse he suffered. Either way he would need indicators from his loved ones telling him when enough was more than enough.
C - Cute (Cuddles, Handholding, Sweet Touches, Caresses, Sneaky Moves)
Toki is a very tactile person. He literally gets days where he craves touch and he could go hours simply clinging to his partner like a lifeline. His face burrowed in their neck arms and legs wrapped tightly around their middle while they comb through his hair and rub his back. Charles and Twinkletits called it "Touch Starved". After finding out about his punishment hole and all the years he spent forcibly separated from his family, Toki could literally use all the TLC in the world now. Hand holding is a must in this relationship. He is almost always holding his partner's hand as long as they allow it. If not then he is definitely clinging to them in some capacity. While laying next to each other in bed, Toki loves to run the tips of his fingers down his partner's arms feeling the little goose bumps rise to meet him. He loves to kiss his their collar bone and wrap his arms around their waist pulling them so impossibly close that it feels like they became one person. Toki will absolutely get frisky during the day and sneak his hand onto his partner's thigh during dinner or a meeting. Massaging their thigh just enough to get them going, creeping higher and higher all the while keeping a perfect innocent poker face.
D - Dates (What kind of dates do they like to take their partners on? Are they creative with their date ideas?)
While Toki is one of the most creative Dethklok member he is certainly not the most romantic by any means. On their first date he took his partner to a trampoline park and dared his partner to do as many backflips as they could before they threw up. He took his partner to the worlds largest theme park to ride all the rides in one day. They took a few art classes together (Not Ghost style) and ended up throwing paint and supplies all over each other.
E - Eat (Do they have similar tastes in food or do they share food at the dinner table? I. E. Swapping the tomatoes on the burger for the pickles on their partner’s chicken sandwich)
Toki is VERY picky with his food. Textures, flavors, and temperatures really fuck with him. If Toki doesn't like something on his plate he will most definitely slide it onto his partner's plate. That doesn't mean he won't steal food from his partner if there is food there that he loves though. He absolutely goes full gremlin mode during dinner time and will eat not only his nuggets and mac and cheese but his partner's too if they don't watch out.
F - Fire (What drives them the most in the relationship?)
The fear of abandonment drives Toki the most in almost all of his relationships. He puts it all on the line while with a partner. He viscerally hates the idea of loosing his partner. The loneliness and pain of loosing someone close to him shakes him to his core. Worse of all he hardly ever knows/understands what he did wrong if a relationships ends. So he tries to fight with all his might every day to hold his partner close. To show them how much he loves them. And to prove to himself that he is loveable.
G - Generosity (How do they show their partner they care?)
Gifts and acts of service are Toki's go to love language. He will go out of his way to make little things for his partner. If he sees things while he's out that reminds him of them he will always pick it up. He may give it to them the next time he sees them or hold on to it himself as a keepsake to think of them. A lot of times though he starts his Christmas shopping early and has a stack of gifts for his partner.
H - Hot Head (Are they quick to anger? Are they spiteful in a fight? Will they say things they don’t mean just to piss their partner off? Or are they easy going?)
The guitarist isn't exactly a hot head per say. A lot can happen before he looses his temper... however once he looses it he goes ballistic. It is dangerous to stay around Toki whenever he looses it even after his time in therapy. Toki has never once gone off on a partner before and he feels horrible thinking about the possibility of it ever happening.
I - Interest (What are some of the interests they may share?)
Arts and Crafts! Toki loves to be artsy and create new things! It's soothing and therapeutic.
Music. He and his partner share a love for all types of weird cool music. Metal is his favorite but he absoslutely loves discovering all types of new bands.
Fashion. Toki loves dressing up and doing make up on his partner. Cutesy fashion is his favorite.
J- Jealousy (Are they the Jealous type? How would they act if they were?)
YES. Omg! Toki never once learned that sharing is caring. He is connected to his partner like velcro and feels Offended if his partner demands to spend time away to hang out with other guys or friends he felt threatened by. He will sabotage his partner's friendships he doesn't like. He will go full psycho if he feels like he's not getting enough attention.
K- Kids (Do they want kids?)
That's complicated... He really does want a family with his partner. He does. But kids scare the fuck out of him. They're so fragile. They break so easily and they try to die all the time. He watched a baby stick their chubby fingers near receptacles enough times to know they all have death wishes. That doesn't mean kids aren't cute and he hates all of them. As a matter of fact if he had a kid with his partner he would love it so much it would never leave his sight... I think he just needs more time to mature first.
L - Likes (Favorite things about relationship and partner)
Toki loves his partner in their entirety. He loves that he gets to do cool things with them every day. His favorite thing about his relationship however would have to be the time spent with them. He loves that each day he gets to wake up and feel this overwhelming sense of belonging. He loves that he knows that someone out there is thinking about him at least once a day because they want too and not just for his music. He loves that this person carves out time in their schedule to be with him either physically or on the phone. He is eternally grateful to his partner for all the time they spend on him and he shows this in his very actions.
M- Marriage (Are they interested in getting married at all?)
YES. OMG! Toki has dreamed of getting married ever since he was a young child. He wanted to have his father officiate it and have a traditional marriage of his culture. However now that he is older he has realized a lot of things. He can wait to find the right person. He doesn't need to follow in his father's footsteps but does want his mother present even if it scares him. He also NEEDs to have his new family there to welcome in the change in his life.
N- No (Pet Peeves in a relationship)
Toki absolutely can not stand a person who is pushy and presses him into doing things he's either not ready for or doesn't want to do.
He can't stand a person who ignores him for long periods of time. The silent game does not go over well for him at all.
His needs are many and vastly important. Physical money and change isn't an option for Toki. He literally can not be in the line of sight of a bicentennial quarter or he goes catatonic. He has diabetes and refuses to take his insulin by himself due to a crippling fear of needles. He needs someone who respects and understands him enough not to judge him for his use of noise canceling headphones and regression after the events of Doom Star. He needs someone who truly is going to love and take care of him through thick and thin.
Toki has a bad habit of pushing people away whenever he's upset. If he does this and his partner doesn't understand and ends up not talking to him for a long period of time he may self destruct.
O - Orange (What color reminds them of their partner?)
Yellow! His partner is just like the sun, a warm beam of light in his life that he apricates more than anything!
P - Proposal (How would they or how did they propose?)
Toki proposes to his partner in the first week they date. It occurs to him after being laughed at and told to quit joking that maybe he should wait... And so he does. He waits with anxious anticipation for the right time... the right day to ask again. And even though he desperately wants to beg on his knees at every chance and opportunity he gets. He patiently waits for his partner to give the first hints and signs that their ready before he ever acts on it again.
Q - Queen (King) (What traits makes them a KING or a QUEEN?)
Toki is the king of funny buisness. He can always make his partner smile even when they don't want to or feel like doing so.
His mind is like a steel trap. He will remember dates and events that seem extremely small to most normal people. For example: On he and his partner's first date they admitted to liking a specific brand of ice cream. He was sure to buy it for them on their birthday nearly a full year later.
He loves like no other in the band. He loves so fully and wholeheartedly. He would never let anything happen to his partners and would protect them with his life if push came to shove.
He will always make his partner feel beautiful/handsome no matter what they are wearing.
Tells them every morning how loved they are.
Will protect them even if it means going fully feral on someone else and loosing his own sanity to save them.
R - Rain (What was the most romantic gesture they have ever done for their partner?)
Toki isn't the most romantic person in all of Dethklok. He shows his love in different ways than most people. He likes to have fun and make memories. However one evening when he took his partner to the peer to ride some rides by the ocean and play some of the carnival games winning his partner a giant plushie of their favorite animal at the strength test game they rode the Farris wheel to the top. Looking out over the reddening sky that bled into the sea making the two merge and become one, Toki crept over to his partner's seat, making their gondola sway and his partner squeal. Wrapping his arms around them he laughed pulling them into his chest as he sat beside them he kissed them deeply telling them all the ways he'd keep them safe. All the reasons he loved them. And why they were the most important person on earth to him.
S- Smooches (Who gave the first kiss? When do they kiss their partner? How often do they kiss their partner?)
The guitarist was for sure the first one to kiss his partner. He is the most impatient person on the face of the planet after all. He kissed them at the end of their second date. Much to his dismay. He wanted a kiss at the end of the first nut his partner just wasn't that kinda person and in all honestly that was really hot to him. It made him wait something he hasn't had to do in such a long time that it drove him mad with desire and want. Now that they are established... Toki kisses them every single chance he has. The gossip mags are plastered with his and his partner's faces making out on the daily despite Charles instructing him to be discreet. Dethklok is constantly cursed with tongues wrestling from Toki and his partner in the halls and rooms of Mordhaus and despite them yelling to get a room it doesn't seem Toki minds at all.
T - Travel (Do they like to travel with their partner? Where do they dream of traveling to?)
Toki doesn't really like to travel all that much. He traveled so much for work and as a part of his tortured childhood in order to escape his himeland. Travel just seemed like work to him. However. With his partner while on vacation, he enjoyed it. He disguised himself during this time and while so far they only ever went to places they could drive to he really like the thrill of seeing places without the feeling of being obligated to preform for any specific reason. One day while in bed he confided in his partner that he would love to visit Japan again on vacation this time so that he could really enjoy the culture and the sites without the fear of fans and work. But for now easing into it with getaways was nice enough.
U- Universal (How Public are they with their affection? Are they very open with PDA? Do they brag about their partner?)
He is extremely open with his PDA. As a matter of fact, his partner would have to set hard boundries on how much PDA they wanted to have.
Believe it or not... Toki doesn't really brag about his relationship all too much. While he is extremely open to show off his partner and make out in public he doesn't really like to bring bedroom talk into his everyday life. He thinks it's rude to kiss and tell and becomes shy when asked about it.
V- Valentines (First holiday together. How did they prepare? How did they celebrate?)
This boi is a prude for how holidays should go. He will make sure that all the bows on the presents are tied just right during Christmas, make sure that everyone is nearby to watch the ball drop on New Years Eve, watch as the cooks make the turkey on Thanksgiving to be sure it comes out Perfect, make personalized baskets on Easter, go out of his way to buy costumes on Halloween and organize a Halloween party, but Valentine's day is one of his favorite especially with his partner.
It was not only the first holiday he spent with his partner but also their first month anniversary. Toki went all out on this day. He bought the extra large stuffies. He bought chocolate. He made dinner and ran a bubble bath for them to share later that night. Valentine's day was their night to share. No one was coming between them.
W- Wicked (What do they do that purposely pushes their partner's buttons?)
Toki has a bad habit of finding his partner's insecurities and because he can't always read emotions correctly he uses them in a joking manner during the most inappropriate times.
Toki will also cut in on his partner's conversations just because he can.
He does this thing called "meow mode" If he feels ignored for too long he goes full cat and starts meowing and roaming around their shared space looking for his partner. When he finds them he will meow louder until he has their attention then purpousfully damage something of his partner's in a manner that is cat like solely to get his partner to pay attention to him. He has so far: cut his partner's hair, smacked his partner's phone out of their hand (once off of a high balcony essentially destroying it), broken seven vases, one photo frame, and pissed in a potted plant.
X- Xylophone (What song fits the relationship?)
Merry Go-Round of Life
Y- Yearning (When do they miss their partner the most? What do they do to placate themselves in the mean time?)
Toki misses his partner the most when he's on the road on a tour. Those times when he can't bring his partner with for whatever reason Charles insists or simply because they have work.
He finds other activities around Mordhaus to do during the time that their apart like DDR or annoying Skwisgaar. Sometimes he even practices if he feels especially productive.
Z- Zipper (Do they let their partner pick their outfits?)
Nah... Toki has a specific taste in clothing and doesn't tend to stray outside of that for any real reason except to tease Skwisgaar.
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basu-shokikita · 8 months
Kloktober 2023 Day 10
Came Back Different
I wasn't really sure what to do for today so I decided to try something new for it aka no Skwistok today
This entry features Murderface and…someone he would really like to see again, especially after the events of Army of the Doomstar.
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“With our cutting-edge technology we actually managed to reconstitute his body, well, what was left of it. We did have to replace several parts with metal because the skin was completely unsalvageable. Some organs have been artificially replicated too to allow him to subsist as…” The surgeon seemed reluctant to say the word. “Human being.”
“How could you hide this from us?!” Nathan looked at Charles in complete disbelief. 
“There was, uh, a lot going.” Charles said, straightening up his clothes. He was no longer wearing that monk robe, instead returning to his old suit and his old job too. “As you can imagine, I didn’t really have the time to inform you guys.”
“Still!” Nathan complained.
“We tha’t he was dead!” Pickles added.
“He explodeds right in our faces!” Toki said, before replicating the explosion noise. “We saws it!”
“I, uh…didn’t sees anythingks because I was unskconstcious.” Skwisgaar scratched the side of his neck. “But they tolds me he was dieds.”
“Dood, it was pretty horrible-”
“I hads you in my arms, Skwisgaar.” 
“You don’ts has to says it like dat.”
“Skwisgaar, you were seriously just out.”
“I fucking knows!”
“It’s nuthin’ ta be embarrassed about!”
“Ams not-”
“Isch it true?” Murderface raised his voice to be heard amongst the ruckus. They all turned to him and then back to the surgeon.
“Well,” The man cleared his throat. “Like I said, we essentially patched him back together so we’re unclear about the side effects so far. But he’s alive, yes.”
“Can we schee him?” Murderface asked, for once not making an inappropriate comment or cracking a rude joke. His left fist was clenched and his eyebrows were furrowed together though not out of anger. 
It was guilt.
The surgeon  and Charles exchanged glances and the surgeon gestured at his assistant, who quickly left through the door.
The guys stared at each other in disbelief, chattering between each other. Toki kept insisting on telling Skwisgaar the heroic details of when he carried him on his back for God knows how long. Pickles threw in random guesses of how their friend would look like now and Nathan listened attentively. Murderface didn’t participate, just stood there, thinking and feeling his palms get sweaty. Fuck. Fuck, was it true? Was it really true?
Less than a minute later, the assistant came back, his hand on the doorknob as if to keep it from opening preemptively. 
“Alright.” The surgeon looked at Dethklok. “Just remember, guys, he might be a little different. So be patient. Also-”
“Just shut up and let us see him!” Nathan demanded.
“Just do as they say.” Charles said, shaking his head with resignation.
The assistant opened the door and in came…
Dick Knubbler, looking pretty much the same as when they last saw him. Well, his legs appeared to be exclusively made of metal now, as well as his neck. His eyes had now been updated with some sort of futuristic-like visor. “Long time no see, babes!” He greeted them, and there was a metallic texture to his voice, too.
They all stared at him astounded for a good 10 seconds until…
“Holy shit!” Nathan went first. “It’s fucking real! You’re alive!”
“It takes more than a bomb to kill me, babe.” Knubbler smirked, striking a pose.
Murderface walked up to him, unable to contain himself. “Knubbler, I…I’m schorry.” He said with heaviness in his voice. “I did thisch to you…I’m schorry.”
Nathan frowned. “Murderface-”
“Oh, Willy!” Knubbler wrapped his arms around Murderface’s neck. “You don’t need to apologize. I’m better than ever, babe!” His face drew close to Murderface’s, smiling.
“Woah…” Nathan stepped back in surprise.
“Dat’s…” Skwisgaar started.
“...Gays.” Toki finished.
“Oh, yeah!” Knubbler glanced at the others without letting go of Murderface. “I’m feeling totally gay, babes! While they were putting me together, I had a lot of time to think, you know? And I thought, life is pretty short to not be gay!”  His ‘eye’ winked at Murderface. “How about it, babe?”
Murderface’s cheeks turned red. “G-G-G-Get the fuck off me!” He said, trying to shove Knubbler. “I’m not gay!”
“Now, Willy,” Knubbler shook his finger. “We both know that is not true, don’t we?” He said, hugging Murderface by the waist.
“Huh…” Nathan, raised his eyebrows while the other three just watched agape.
“What the fuck are you talking about, man?” Murderface weakly tried to resist the affection, with a nervous chuckle. “He’sch totally out of hisch mind!” He whispered to his bandmates.
“Right.” Charles adjusted his tie, visibly uncomfortable. “Let’s give Murderface and Knubbler some, uh, some privacy.”
There were mumbles of agreement and the boys followed Charles to the door. 
“What?!” Murderface yelled, while the assistant took notes on Knubbler’s behavior. “Are you fucking kidding me?! Don’t leave me alone with thisch fucking lunatic!”
Nathan was in the doorframe when he turned his head. “You’re fucking gay, Murderface. Just get over it.” 
“Yeah.” Three voices said in unison.
“Oh, fuck you, guysch!” Murderface yelled when the door closed. “You’re the gay onesch!”
“Come on, Willy, just give me a kiss.” Knubbler insisted, puckering his lips. 
“God damn it!” Murderface moved his face, flustered. “Schtop being gay, Knubbler!”
“After you kiss me, babe.”
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dichromaticdyke · 6 months
you said you werent sure where toki was jacking off in that screenshot-- the bricks look identical to the bricks in the shower room they threw toki into in s2e19 when he was drunk off his ass, so maybe there?
this is gonna be a long response, so it's going under the cut. because when i say @supersaturnnyoomkitty and i have talked about this A LOT, i'm NOT JOKING. but, yes, for a reminder to those who follow me for completely different reasons: when analyzing this scene, i threw that line in as a throwaway, because it's definitely not Toki's room, and the only important thing of note is that he's getting the fuck away from the creepy photos of his parents.
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the bricks are a different color and shape, and there aren't any pictures or posters anywhere to be seen.
here's everwhere in mordhaus where we thought it could be: outside the recording studio, the room where facebones addresses the klokateers, and, of course, the bathroom* (*the bathroom theory is way more complicated than it should be).
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so, we'll probably never know, because brendon small refuses to email us back, but here are some of our theories as to each of these places.
1- outside the recording room. he's listening to skwisgaar play. now i'm not just saying that because i'm a trash skwistok shipper, i'm also saying that because toki obviously has a very strong attachment to skwisgaar's guitar playing. call it romantic, call it idol worship, call it whatever you want, it doesn't matter—in the credits for Dethalbum III, he thanked skwisgaar's fingers, and his only plans for vacation post-album release were watching skwisgaar play guitar. he's got a problem. (this also goes into my and nyoom's theories about them all having jack-off songs, spawned from her fic "Sensual Playback", don't worry about it, it's not important right now.)
2- the gathering room of klokateers/full dethstaff meetings. uh. that's just. well.
how do you want me to take this anon? do you want me to be serious about this? do you want me to tell you how i've considered the possibility that toki just got as far the fuck away from the photos of his parents as he could and this is where he ended up? because that's my only theory for this. (this does also just sort of go with the fact that most of the walls in mordhaus look like this. it could be ANYWHERE. consider the gathering hall to just be a catch-all for, toki just being a little freak.)
moving swiftly on...
3- the bathroom thing is way more complicated than it should be, and here's why: there's a public/staff bathroom. we see it most prominently when they're all drinking bleach together, and it could very well be there. you mentioned this shower scene specifically:
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and that scene is also near identical to murderface's own shower scene when he was scared of being gay (we even see more of the public bathroom in the background):
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that would make sense, i guess. BUT—it's implied they all have their own bathrooms, right? pickles and murderface both do, anyway:
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not sure why murderface would shower in the public bathroom when he's having his gay panic and you'd think he'd want to be as far away from naked men as possible, but that's not my business.
side note: i just noticed for the first time that murderface took his shorts all the way off to take a shit, but left his demonias on. this man i stg—
i find it hard to believe toki also wouldn't have his own bathroom. i'm not sure if this scene is meant to be in the public bathroom or either murderface's or skwisgaar's, but it's also something to consider:
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though, as i'm writing this, i'm coming to a realization that maybe they did all have their own bathrooms prior to the attack on mordhaus. i completely forgot they renovated the whole place. they might have gutted their personal bathrooms and replaced it with a public one, which is why all the showers and bathtubs seem to be there. the shower that toki's in might have been either his own, or a public one that was later expanded after the renovations. either way, i'm positive it's a public bathroom and not one that toki would have had, and i think that for one major reason:
toki's bedroom is so super tiny. especially compared to nathan's or william's bedroom. his bed is small and snug, also. i think he's never really needed anything that big for himself. he grew up extremely deprived and abused, just having anything that was truly his own was all he'd ever wanted. plus, maybe having to sleep in a massive space all by himself might've triggered his memories of being forced to stay alone in the punishment hole for days on end. of course, that's not to say toki doesn't love excess, but given how small his own bedroom is, i don't know where he would even be able to have his own private bathroom.
not to mention, in aotd, we see he doesn't like to go to the bathroom alone. sure, he's regressing in that moment, but i still don't think he likes to be alone, if he can help it—hence the stuffed animals and pictures of his parents (regardless of how creepy they are, at least he's not alone when they're staring at him).
i think that's my thesis of the whole thing, actually. toki's not being a creepy lil guy on purpose, i don't think. i just think he doesn't wanna jack off in front of his parents, but he also has hang-ups about being alone, so he goes to random places around mordhaus. it's not a kink thing, i'm like. 99% sure. i just think he's still trying to figure out how to be comfortable with himself.
plus, the boys were all ready to suck their own dicks together in the same room. i really don't think any of them would consider it all that weird, so long as toki himself doesn't act weird about it.
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m3gahet · 5 months
25 skwis/robin/nathan
25- Write about your ship bathing or swimming together + (Nathan/Robin/Skwisgaar)
We're gonna do siren au again for this one ^^ this isn't edited and it isn't EXACTLY swimming and it's very late ;w; I'm sorry 
Skwisgaar is still learning not to sink. I just headcanon Nathan sucks at it. 
It was a small island they'd drop anchor for. Seemingly uninhabited as they brought some supplies (Food and Booze) to shore. It had been a rough few weeks, the whole crew needed a morale boost, a change of scenery with the added benefit of not being caught by navy eyes. It didn't compare to Vivi's bar though.
The last barrel splashes in the shallow water before Nathan throws himself over the banister with ease, splashing Murderface as he lands. The brunette grumbles beneath his breath before bringing the barrel to shore. Olive and Toki had made quick work of making the beach more inviting. They'd placed older and worn crates around the fire pit Pickles was working on. 
They'd spend a night or two there, pretending they weren't single handedly waging war on the entire navy in order to restore Robin's heart and in the process  Skwisgaar's. Green eyes scanned the shore and found the two blonds were the only ones unaccounted for. 
“Where are-” He began as he approaches the widow of the waters as she chats with his first mate. She points a finger towards the far left end of the beach where he saw the shorter of the two attempting to coax the other into the water. He mutters a thanks as his feet already begin to head towards them. 
“You're being a baby.” He hears Robin scold. She spoke with a rasp to her voice, a side effect of having her neck snapped in her human life. 
“T'en I ams the babies.” Skwisgaar whines before catching his approach from the corner of his eye. “Helps me.” Skwisgaar pleads to him with a pout and earns an eye roll from Robin. “She am bullying me. “ Robin scoffs, kicking water at him. “See!” 
Robin was never soft when she had a heart but her lack of one still shows. She was less patient, quicker to larger fits of rage. She tries, he knows she does but it still took a toll especially on Skwisgaar. 
“How is she bullying you?” He asks, arms crossing over his chest, his tone unconvinced. 
“He needs to practice. He almost got caught last time.” Robin's hands sat firmly on her narrow hips. “He won't because of his ego-”
“Does you know how embarrassing it ams for a siren to learns to swim from a land walkers?!” Robin's lip parted to fire back but Nathan stopped her.
“We're here to relax, not stress out about any of that shit.” Both blonds seem to shrink at his disappointed tone. “Especially you, Bobbi. That's an order.” 
“I- yes captain.” She nods, he's glad she respects his command even without her former soft spot for him. She takes in a deep breath before beginning to remove her boots. “I'm going for a swim anyway.”
She declares, tossing her boots out if the tides reach before stripping. Both the men's eyes fall as she turns towards the water before fully semurging herself, the water clear enough to see the shift. Skwisgaar lets out a sigh, his eyes set on where she went under.
“Ya know, she-”
“If yous says she just cares, I'll drowns you.” Skwisgaar snaps causing the captain to flinch. The blond's glare softens before he's running a hand through his hair. “I am sorries- Ams just-”
“A baby?” He taunts, testing the waters. Skwisgaar glares before his expression softens again. “I'll go with you? Make you feel better?” That earns a laugh. 
“Watchings you sink? Ja, sounds fun.” He takes another glance before his lips purses and makes a silent sound. Robin had stayed close, popping her head above water, her glowing eyes studying them. Skwisgaar begins to strip, Nathan follows his lead before they both get into the water and slowly swim towards Robin.
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toki-is-the-king · 1 year
Another horrible Dethklok conversation I made. I have dyslexia and read the word asparagus wrong at work today so enjoy.
Dethklok chilling in the hot tub:
Nathan: guys…I can’t believe I’m saying this but…we have to start fucking eating better…
The rest of Dethklok gasping in shock:
Murderface: why would you shay that!?
Nathan: I mean…It’s just obvious Murderface. Since Charles is working a lot and is being a fucking dick you’ve gotten really really really fat. There’s no other way to say it so uh, there…I’m done, fuck you.
Pickles: yeah…y’know now dat you mention it..I wasn’t gonna say nothin either but yeah he’s right Murderface. You’re really fat dood.
Toki: but nots me thoughs, right? I’ms in greats shape.
Murderface: shcut up, Toki! Geeze. You can’t even be apart of this convershation. Don’t even look at me.
Nathan: ugh look! All I’m saying is if we have a fat bassist the world’s gonna think we’re ALL a bunch of fat fucks.
Murderface: …
Pickles: no, no, Nate’n is right. It’s like fat by association.
Skwisgaar: holys shit! You’s right. No wonders I start feelings like my hands am slowings down lately…deys ams catching de fat froms him.
Murderface: Fine you want me to be healschy I will show you all! I CAN be healschy. What’s that one vegescable named after disabled people?
Dethklok: …
Nathan: You know I uh…I don’t really eat vegetables. Ever. So I don’t know…
Murderface: uh…oh! An Asperger’s. I’ll eat that, like throw scome Asperger’s on the grill with scome bbq chicken and BLAMO! Healschy meal.
Pickles: motherfucker…*long sigh* dood…you mean asparagus. It’s asparagus you fuckin’ clown.
Murderface: oh yeah, that one! Schee, you know it. I’ll eat an Asperger’s anyday as long as it’s cooked with something else good, like a scheak or a whole roasted chicken or scome bullshit.
Toki: wells…I thinks that you gots to puts that Asperger’s with likes some potatoes too, so it’s looks nice! It’s abouts the presentaskon!
Murderface: yeah, yeah! Schome Asperger’s and fried potatoes…for the preshentation of the meal.
Nathan, pickles: …
Nathan: …MY GOD you two are idiots.
Pickles: …I can’t do dis today guys. My head hurts, it hurts so fuckin’ bad. I’m gonna have to take a nap after dis. I just can’t do dis shit.
Skwisgaar: Ja…I ams t’inkings maybe I uh tries to uh…go kills myself because dis ams actually embarrasking…
Murderface: guys, seriously, stop! I’m literally just trying to get in shape here!
Pickles: oh you’re in shape all right…a shape dat is.
Nathan: YEAH, a fat one.
Skwisgaar: dats is true a big shapes of fat.
Murderface and Toki:…
Toki: so cans we haves the disabled vegetables for dinners, YES OR NO’s!?
Pickles: *sighs* y’know without eating any of em, you guys are the closest thing to vegetables I’ve seen all day. How about that. Dildos.
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In A Pickle
|| I was going to do a short and silly drabble mostly, for the first day of Kloktober.
But then my idea turned into a long second chapter for 'I Am Your Mother's Keeper'
I guess I'm writing this like Taiga's OG story and hopping around to different timelines repeatedly!
(Also, omg, hi, it's my first Kloktober! ☆)
As always, I'm open to any feedback!
Prompt: favorite character or OTP
I went with favorite character.
I mean, Pickles!!!
It's quite a read-through, but the adventures with him eventually do ensue. --ohheythatrhymed--
I promise.
Thank you so much~!
♡ ||
It was now a few months since Taiga had been a new addition to Mordhaus.
Around the end of the first month, she had officially made the move into Mordhaus and entrusted her cottage back home in Minnesota to her trusted best friend, and former roommate Markus. He had never been a fan of her going off to work for anyone even associated with Dethklok, especially after learning about the incident that preceded her new position back then.
It was explained to him not long after he returned home.
But he also still never tried to control her, or dictate what Taiga did in life.
They were similar in those areas.
She understood his concern. Truly. And she appreciated it, along with all the years of care.
Taiga tried to ease his worries, saying she'd try her best to be careful and use her best judgement.
But this was just something she had to do.
Markus understood why Taiga wanted to go, despite any of her own worries.
He made sure to always try and be available regardless. By phone or otherwise. And that comforted Taiga in the back of her mind whenever she felt lonely. She did exactly the same.
It had been a big shift.
And it was all still so new, plus borderline overwhelming, yet things weren't necessarily horrible.
The room Taiga now had was not really decorated.
All she had was her luggage, her laptop out on her bed, and her daily essentials neatly placed on her dresser, as well as in the bathroom.
The only other thing that gave her room a little personality was her Vodou doll on one of the bedside tables she had, along with the stuffed folder, filled with each file given to her from Charles, that had her name on it.
As Taiga looked at them, she remembered when she got the final ones on her first day here.
And how she was basically given a briefing.
It was a lot more to take in, but it was needed.
Charles had made sure, multiple times, to drive home the point of being extremely careful about Toki's fear of bicentennial coins.
Taiga made sure to not forget that detail, but she dared not ask why he was afraid of them, or even why Charles himself seemed so fervent about this.
Despite his usual put together appearance, his piercing eyes told her that it'd be in her own best interest to keep this in mind.
'...That whole day had been such a blur...'
Taiga thought as she silently glanced around more.
It didn't really bother her how mostly barren her room was, because she didn't exactly see a need as of yet, especially since she packed relatively light, everything could easily be found.
And thankfully, she had all she needed.
The only things that she ended up needing brought in/ordered were for Aksel.
Yes, she was honored to care for him and make sure that his habitat was properly coming together. Which it thankfully was.
But it was quite the responsibility making sure the cougar cub was properly taken care of in the new space designated for him within Mordhaus until the construction was completely finished, along with trying to manage some of the apparent regular antics that happened around here.
Taiga never once outwardly complained, though.
However... Inside her mind, it was another story.
She still felt a bit unsure on how to feel around Dethklok; the band as a whole.
Taiga was wary at times, but tried to move on and not hold resentment, or be so standoffish.
She didn't want to judge Toki or anyone else unfairly for what happened the night they all met.
Adrenaline was running high.
Choices were made.
And ultimately, the consequences had to be dealt with.
She'd never excuse the bad behavior.
But still at least tried to make an effort to be open-minded and understanding of these individuals. Even if they may not ever do the same.
They didn't seem to really mind her presence overall. And were still intrigued by her appearance at most.
At least she was able to set things up to where her therapist could still meet with her online, which certainly helped.
Everyone in Mordhaus at the start were either strangers or leveled up to be acquaintances at most.
The one person she felt the most trusting of at the beginning, in a strange way, was Charles. But that was mostly because he had set up everything for her in the first place.
And she still managed to thank him wholeheartedly, even after he let her stay in this castle.
Taiga always tried to give thanks where it was due.
But she also didn't want to feel like she was being annoying and kissing ass, so she eventually stopped after a while.
Any form of gratitude sent his way continuously took Charles by surprise, even if he didn't outwardly show it.
But even if he didn't state it, it was welcomed.
It still floored her and it all felt surreal just thinking about it.
She was actually living here in Mordhaus now.
All the way out in
Taiga couldn't help but feel like a nuisance around here.
She was truly taken aback for what Charles was doing. Especially when he didn't even have to.
Of course...
Taiga figured Charles had only been doing all this because it either was beneficial, in this case, for basically everyone involved, cost-effective/practicality-wise...
(Like with the MNDA, and now the commuting costs being lowered.
It was why he suggested she just move here in the first place; less hassle from the back-and-forth transport. It made sense from either way Taiga looked at it.)
Or it just saved his skin in general, and he'd have one less irritable situation to fix.
Charles didn't know everything about the girl.
But he was a good judge of character and figured this would be the best course of action for now.
But Taiga was still grateful.
The deal seemed more than fair still. She doesn't cause trouble, and make sure nothing bad happens to the men in the band while in her company, Taiga wouldn't have to deal with any fees, etc.
If Toki especially was happy in this situation, Charles didn't care.
He was the one who wanted Taiga for this in the first place, after all.
And for weeks she felt terrible even using the amenities, or like she owed Charles; needing to pay him back in some way.
But Taiga knew that she'd just have to suck it up and accept it, and didn't want to look a gift horse in the mouth.
Besides... Why let these things, especially the wonderful food made up by Jean-Pierre each day, go to waste?
She found that so far she enjoyed the short chats that happened every now and then with said man.
Each time Taiga roamed around Mordhaus, she would try to sneak around and go mostly unseen by any new individuals.
She thought that even if everyone here was under an oath or contract themselves, Taiga felt better safe than sorry; not wanting to possibly cause any form of headache for those that brought her here and be careful.
She was used to hiding anyway.
Despite that, she wasn't quite successful; accidentally bumping into Jean-Pierre around her first days here.
But it ended up working out for the better, because she got to make what was hopefully a new friend.
He was pretty interesting, but she didn't want to distract others from their jobs.
So she got out of his hair pretty quickly more often than not.
Speaking of interesting...
The Klokateers.
Taiga would be lying if she said she wasn't curious about them all. Who they were as individuals. Where they came from. Their stories overall. But around here, they just seemed to be treated like numbers most of the time.
She could understand why. After everything she'd heard about, and the little she'd already seen, even without going to the forbidden areas in the files given to her before coming here.
Those waivers were no joke.
Curiosity would not kill this cat.
But Taiga still tried her best at her duties.
Despite any mischief the boys got into, or the distractions that arose while tending to the habitat being built/caring for the cub in general, she found a bit of a... Peaceful rhythm.
But they didn't act like she was irksome to them or anything, which she was grateful for as well.
Although, with Murderface, he decided to make it a habit to incessantly try poking fun or messing with Taiga whenever he felt the need.
Apparently, her reactions were "funny as fuck."
And sometimes he wasn't the only one.
However, Murderface seemed to know the most how to easily get under Taiga's skin.
Usually she was extremely patient, but he pushed her.
Which just egged him on, so she tried her best to act unphased about it.
But still...
She didn't want to butt in their business if it wasn't necessary especially.
They barely knew each other.
It wasn't her place.
Although... If they needed or wanted a friend, or just someone at all, she'd try and be there, but otherwise, she'd leave them be.
Taiga was a realist. But even she needed to try and be positive at times.
If not for others, for herself
'Besides, who knew what the future might hold...'
She would think to herself.
Taiga was almost impressed at the start, with how much they didn't care most of the time. Or at least, how they seemed to.
And since she had gotten more acquainted with each of them, despite everything, Taiga could see whenever the veil of the personas they've formed to stay "brutal" would slip and their true selves would show.
The rare acts of kindness, their struggles, their passions.
She may be slow at times, but Taiga wasn't stupid.
She noticed.
They all might not exactly be "friends" still.
But whatever one would call it...
Sometimes it felt...
Toki and Pickles were definitely still the most outgoing towards her.
But she could tell that even if they all didn't act "warm" in similar ways, it didn't mean that they didn't care at all.
And it didn't appear that they disliked her.
But she couldn't read minds, after all.
Regardless, she continued to try and give the boys the benefit of the doubt, more often than not.
And even if things got chaotic, she could sometimes laugh about it when looking back; relieved that she could at least be helpful in keeping an eye out in a way.
Right now though, she wasn't finding the humor in her current situation.
'I really should bring Ibuprofen with me or something...'
Taiga sighed.
Too late now.
She was already out.
'How did I get here, again?'
Is what Taiga thought as she tried to massage her temples for what felt like the billionth time.
The boys who made up the infamous band Dethklok had dragged her along once again to go have an adventure.
It had become a habit whenever they were bored especially, and would have Taiga try this, or drink that, etc.
//It all started when Toki invited her to come with him for one of their mini parties that took place in their lounge area.
There weren't really complaints, as they were all still pretty much getting used to Taiga's presence being a common occurrence, but she understood when they were making an attempt at gauging her reactions to everything.
At first, they tiptoed around the subject of why she looked the way she did, until Pickles eventually took it upon himself to ask.
It caught her off-guard.
But she actually preferred him asking rather than them all just standing around awkwardly.
Taiga knew they wanted to say something, but wouldn't spit it out.
It had been a long time since she had explained the sordid story to others.
She just talked about the experiments that she went through as a child and left it at that.
Taiga didn't lie, but didn't feel like being possibly teased for the other reasons why.
She wasn't ashamed of the truth, or Avis; any of that.
But she just didn't have the energy to deal with that right now.
It already took a while to tell this much.
Pickles was staring at her like everyone else, but had a more pensive expression on his face as he rested his chin on his balled fist, before it turned into a look of confusion.
"...So, how are you naht actually a cat, again?"
Taiga deadpanned.
Then Nathan pulled out his tape recorder, saying: "Anatomical Violation"
Which she now recognized as him saving song name ideas...
Before Toki started talking about how he wished that he could be tested on like that so he could have cat ears too.
And Taiga was close to banging her head off a wall after that.
Oh well.
It was pretty insensitive the more it went on, but at least they seemed to listen for a short time before they continued drinking.
Although, it was never brought up again.
Part of her wondered if they even remembered the conversation.
Sometimes she felt almost like some science experiment or circus freak that was there to cure their boredom, yet...
It did not exactly seem like it was ever intentionally malicious?
Which, she was used to from most others, however, she couldn't help but still get tired at times.
It was... Weird, but...
She'd take it if it meant some more dangerous shenanigans wouldn't take place.
The fact she would be held responsible and have to pay for anything bad that happened honestly didn't matter to her.
She just didn't want anyone to get hurt.
Taiga wasn't their babysitter or anything, but she'd feel such guilt...
A lot of the time going with them did help ease her mind, while also exasperating it.
And even if Taiga didn't always take part in the substances they consumed, it was appreciated that she never judged or scolded them.
They were grown-ups, after all.
And who would she be to try and tell them what to do?
Taiga would show concern and attempt to give friendly advice without seeming condescending, if it ever seemed to be getting out of hand, but never pushed it.
Overall, each of them were either pleasantly surprised and/or just impressed whenever she would join in.
Finding it funny but also awesome that she wasn't "stuck up" about it.
"Who woulda thought you would know how to have fun." Nathan stated more to himself rather than anyone else in particular.
As if he had already assumed that Taiga was a certain way and it actually baffled him that he was incorrect.
She honestly didn't mind parties and all...
Not that she'd really been to many in her time on this planet.
But she could respect the concept of letting loose and having a good time.
To a point.
Like whenever Taiga would be told to "Watch THIS!", her heart would almost stop from the wave of dread that would flow through her.
For example, the last time she heard that, Pickles had back-flipped off a roof while hammered before she could even try to talk him out of it.
Thankfully, he didn't get severely injured, since he landed in a dumpter that was filled with garbage bags...
But he definitely felt it in the morning.
In his head though, it was nothing more booze couldn't fix!
He'd say it was a success, because he didn't feel any more physical pain!
Another thing that added to her turmoil, was some of the pranks that were pulled on her over time as the guys got more comfortable around her.
Maybe too comfortable.
It could really get on Taiga's nerves.
From Murderface jumping out to scare her at random times during the day, or when they'd offer her Oreos that had the filling replaced with toothpaste.
Made her so fed up.
But somehow, she truly couldn't ever stay mad for long...//
This time, the boys wanted to barhop and see how many they could visit before puking or blacking out.
Taiga obviously tried to state how bad of an idea this was...
But they weren't having it and designated her as 'Official Counter', along as being the determiner for the winner, plus who lost first.
This city was known for its 56 bars, as she had come to find out from Pickles' recounting of some of his times in Wisconsin, and the rest of the guys immediately wanted to try it.
Taiga knew this would be a long night.
Taiga was thankful that they didn't try to get her to drink this time, even if it was just so she could be coherent enough for her new "job."
She sarcastically thought about how she should get an award for all these jobs falling into her lap.
Lucky her.
She wasn't taking this position that seriously, mostly just trying to watch out for them; ever ready to call Charles for assistance if needed.
Along with the files on her first day, Taiga was given his emergency line as well, in case anything happened.
And she had put it into her phone ASAP.
For the most part, she tried to stay off in the corners of the bars.
She had her hood up, hands in her pockets, and tail tucked away as best as possible under her large coat.
Taiga was always a bit surprised that she could still kind of hide her giant tail when needed, but it was a bit painful each time.
And the pain grew the longer it was tied up against her body.
But she tried to ignore it.
If anyone looked closely, they'd see her skin color more clearly, but she also tried not to worry about that too much.
She hung her head and looked over at the men every now and then.
They seemed to be having a blast.
Taiga was glad that it was winter, since it was easier, and less strenuous to hide her features, but it was still a struggle.
At least there was no one around, but Taiga still felt bad, because the only reason it was dead is because the guys had made the owners stay open longer.
To them it was no big deal, their reasoning being:
"We do it all the time."
And they had gotten so wasted once again that even Pickles ended up a mess.
Taiga knew this part also wasn't a first occurrence, but it was the first time she had to personally deal with it.
Eventually she lost track of how many bars they had been to at this point, but after Taiga yawned, she stopped as she realized something.
...Where was Pickles...?
The others were loudly chattering and had gone inside, but he was...
Wandering off into a cornfield.
Taiga didn't want to get separated from the rest of the boys, but Pickles was getting further and further away by the second.
If she went inside, even for a minute, he could end up who knows where.
So she tried to act quick and just go after him for now.
Maybe he could easily be brought back.
Even if that was highly doubtful.
Hey, wait a minute!!"
Taiga was glad that she wore layers under her fluffy coat, thick gloves, and insulated pants.
But still, it was almost February now in the "Malibu of the Midwest;" Sheboygan, Wisconsin.
The lake-effect did not help things, and she was a giant wimp against the cold, but she just tried to focus on continuing to move.
She tightened the straps on her coat as she ran off towards the red-head's slowly shrinking silhouette as he continued to stumble off further away into the cornfield.
For being plastered, he was fast-
Her trusty boots made specially for winter trudged along while she carefully went through the snow, and over the unshoveled areas across the street.
Taiga stumbled but made haste in climbing over the snowbank she approached, trying to keep up with the drummer.
She didn't fall despite her slip-ups, and soon caught up to him.
God, cornfields really were itchy.
But he seemed to be greatly enjoying the sensations past his fascination about something else entirely; frantically looking around with his iconic grin.
At least he also had some winter-ready clothes on, but that didn't ease her worries too much.
Her ears perked up more at hearing his mumbling before he belted out:
"I sworeee I saw en aaaaalien! Yeww caan't hide from me!"
Taiga noticed how much thicker the Wisconsinite's accent had gotten.
And she knew that he wasn't just drunk, but that was beside the point.
Pickles quickly tensed up and got in a fighting stance for a second when Taiga ran in front of him.
Taiga was trying to catch her breath while she put her hands up to show she wasn't going to do anything; relieved to not have been decked in the face.
Her hood had fallen down while running after him and her hair was blowing a bit around her head.
The chilled air hit against her skin even more; the ghosts of their individual breaths dancing along until they took their final step into disappearance.
"Sorry, but...
You really need to come back with me, okay?"
His pupils were dilated and he looked like he was super amped up.
She tried to speak in a soft, soothing voice as an attempt to make him pay attention.
And Pickles smiled more.
She smiled back with a hope-filled expression.
Then he suddenly stepped forward and pulled over some of the hair cascading down the back of her head to cover her face like a mask instead, and he started snickering; not listening to a word Taiga had said.
This wouldn't be easy.
Pickles started laughing seeing this now.
He couldn't explain it even if he tried, but the colors and shapes coming from Taiga right now were insane.
And if he didn't already know her, he would have thought she was just a hallucination, like Toki almost did at first when meeting her.
Taiga put her arms back down and slightly huffed, talking past her hair now, until most of it inevitably blew out of her face.
"I'm serious."
"Nyeeehh, what's new?
Y'know... If I had anotherr pill, I would've given it to yah!"
As Taiga fixed her hair fully, Pickles' voice consistently raised in pitch as he hit the word "to."
He unceremoniously leaned over and rested his elbow on her shoulder as he slurred out, causing her knees to almost buckle, because he was putting most of his weight on her suddenly. He usually ate it up that he was no longer the shortest in the group now.
But Taiga grit her teeth as her eyes widened, and was able to keep herself upright.
For the most part.
Taiga frowned and was about to tell him to get off, but something else had gotten his attention and he quickly moved away.
Taiga immediately went after him.
"You're going to get hypothermia or something, come on...!"
Taiga shivered and hugged herself.
They both might at this point.
She decided, screw it, and decided to call Charles to let him know what was going on, sooner rather than later.
No one was hurt, yet.
And she didn't want to take that chance as she continued to follow Pickles as he was hunting this so-called alien and doing a...
Chicken call?
Taiga refocused as Charles picked up, and after he answered, she sighed before explaining.
She felt so embarrassed as she spoke and ran a hand over her face, even though she knew that it wasn't her fault.
Taiga disclosed the name of the bar she remembered and their location, not knowing still about the trackers he had on each of the boys.
There was a pause and the line was silent for a bit after she finished.
She didn't even have to see his face to know he was most likely pinching his brow.
He didn't yell or anything, although she would have absolutely understood it in this situation...
But as Charles said he'd be on his way to get them Taiga was at least glad no one else would be lost, or worse.
Especially in the states that each of them were in.
He gave a terse thank you and finally told her to just continue keeping an eye on Pickles until he arrived.
Taiga was going to return the thanks but then the line suddenly cut.
She put her phone back into her coat pocket as they emerged from the cornfield on the opposite side.
Taiga was glad someone was coming to help, but that relief dissipated as she saw what Pickles was chasing an American woodcock.
It was running instead of flying away, which was strange, but then she noticed it had a busted wing.
Taiga narrowed her eyes and sprinted like a cheetah.
She took Pickles by surprise again as she passed him, and it gave her enough time to pick up the terrified bird and gently cradle him.
Taiga used her rare assertive, authoritative tone and held up a hand in front of Pickles.
He actually listened this time and didn't continue trying to catch the bird.
His eyes stayed wide as he look at them.
She calmed down and lowered her arm, along with her voice; not wanting the bird to go into shock or anything similar.
"...He's scared, and hurt. Just... Please, try to remember to be careful."
Taiga pitied the little one, but he seemed to slowly be calming down after realize he wasn't being hurt further by either of them.
He seemed to relax a bit under her touch, so she decided to test very gentle petting, making sure to not bother the hurt wing.
There was good news all around, and Taiga's face slightly brightened.
It seemed like a treatable injury, and the bird didn't freak out; settling down and just letting himself be held at this point.
Pickles looked like he wanted to pet the bird too.
Taiga noticed and softly sighed, still petting him very slowly.
She tried to speak in that soft, soothing voice again, once her head felt clear enough.
Taiga demonstrated how to pet the bird without causing further pain for him, now that she had some more of Pickles' attention.
He stepped closer and thankfully did exactly that, and the bird still seemed relatively calm.
Pickles' mouth hung open a little as his jaw dropped.
The ridiculousness of that look, as well as this situation in itself, almost made Taiga laugh but she held it back, not wanting to disrupt the moment.
It must have felt really cool for him, putting it lightly.
The longer Pickles looked into the bird's many eyes, the more drawn in he was.
His hand felt like it had melted and become one with the bird's body; the hues of their respective bodies bleeding into each other like spilled paint.
Taiga's smile faltered a bit as he started drooled.
She almost didn't know what to do but just gently used the sleeve covering her free hand to gently wipe most of it away from his face.
Pickles' only response was a slow blink and he muttered again about it being an alien in disguise.
Taiga snorted a bit.
"It's actually an American woodcock."
He started wheezing with laughter at hearing that, having come back into this plane of existence for a second.
Taiga was confused at first and raised a brow, but then soon understood and rolled her eyes a little; giggling a tiny bit herself.
"You're impossible."
"...'n' yer alright."
Taiga was taken aback by that one, but cross-faded or not, that seemed genuine coming from him, and it made the smile on her face grow some more.
Soon though, Taiga saw flashlights in the distance and Pickles dove behind her once he noticed and spotted them too; using her as a shield because he thought it was an alien abduction.
Taiga was unimpressed and the pain and ringing in her ears hurt from his yelling so close to her head, but she decided to look past it and push through because she saw Charles was here with some Klokateers surrounding him.
Soon they all were around the three, and Pickles recognized Charles features, along with the hooded figures; calming down.
Charles saw the bird in Taiga's arms, but he didn't even ask as he just had them ushered to the Dethkopter.
She was still intimidated by this thing.
But this time, it looked like she was getting inside of it.
There was a growing ball of anxiety forming within the pit of her belly and growing up to her chest; permeating throughout her whole body.
She tried to be brave as they got strapped in and given blankets, after their prolonged exposure to the elements.
Helicopters were... Pretty safe, right?
New experiences like this always triggered her type of Agoraphobia and that nervous energy caused her to shake a bit more.
But she just tried to relax, protect the bird in her arms, and brace herself as best as possible.
As the Dethkopter took off, it ended up being...
Not that bad, actually.
Taiga visibly relaxed and ended up really enjoying the experience.
She had heard that riding in a helicopter in general could feel similar to a rollercoaster, but...
She had never been on one before, so she couldn't make that comparison.
Taiga kept her ears lowered on instinct from the vibrations she felt, but to her delight, the space and design of this behemoth of a luxury helicopter meant she didn't need headphones, and even her sensitive ears weren't too bothered by any of the noises produced by it.
Charles stayed standing as he held onto the hand grip near the side opening of the aircraft; his jacket blowing in the wind.
His silence almost caused the anxiety to return, but then he had suddenly simply commended Taiga for her quick thinking.
She blinked.
She sure didn't expect that.
Taiga felt weird calling him Mr. Offdensen.
But "Charles" didn't feel appropriate either.
So, she just didn't use either as she sincerely spoke.
"...Thank you for your help."
Charles heard her but kept his eyes facing forward.
He would save the scolding for these men for later.
Not that he expected them to really listen to him, as per usual.
It was all part of the job.
They both seemed pleased that none of the boys were harmed at the end of it overall.
And any hint of annoyance from his end was directed towards said group of men who were mostly passed out by now.
Besides Pickles who was currently staring at one of his locs that he held in a hand, like it was alive and telling him something mind-blowing.
Taiga spaced out; shaking her head and looking back down at her new bird friend after Pickles mumbled something about a tentacle and tried to high-five his own hair.
He would probably be on a wild trip for a long time.
How many animals would she end up having to take care of around these dudes...?
Taiga then turned her head to cover her nose by the faux fur lining on her coat and sneezed; feeling a tickle in her throat.
Oh, great.
Pickles and Taiga both ended up getting sick after everything was said and done.
However, Taiga didn't seem too bothered, even if she sure felt like crap at first.
Because even though her bird friend was now physically gone, she was at least able to keep him comfy and taken care of as much as possible in the meantime, until she had gotten in contact with a licensed wildlife rehabilitator as soon as they returned to Mordhaus.
She had to have a Klokateer meet with them outside of the grounds (the first time she asked for something that didn't have to do with the cub she attended to), for security reasons obviously, and she also didn't want to possibly get anyone else sick.
(Taiga obviously thanked them a bunch for their help; something they all weren't used to hearing especially.
But it was unthinkable to her to not thank them for their efforts. She couldn't even imagine what it was like to do the work they did.)
The wildlife rehabilitator was able to properly help out the little guy, and thankfully, she was updated that his wing was able to heal within a week, and he was able to be relocated.
It made feeling like death all the more worth it.
And she sent out nothing but the most positive of energies for the bird, hoping he had a wonderful rest of his life.
Once Toki was recovered from his own hangover and found out that Taiga had a cold, he was understanding and kind enough to tell her she didn't have to worry about her job's responsibilities until she was better.
She had still come out that day, wearing a mask and all bundled up, but honestly...
"You looks terrible!"
Taiga just tiredly stared at him before giving a half-hearted thumbs up in response.
At first, she was about to push herself to keep on going, but...
She genuinely could barely function in this moment.
And she left her notes out for everyone to use anyway.
It would actually be fine.
Her mind didn't battle her much today.
And Taiga was truly appreciative; croaking out a soft thank you as she headed back to her chambers, her movement akin to a zombie's, to rest up more.
However, she couldn't help herself whenever she got restless over more time and was still doing research about Zoological parks on her laptop while in bed.
Later on, Toki had paid a visit to her room, and after hearing Taiga's cracked voice telling him that he could come in, he opened the door and greeted her.
He said that he made something for her to help her feel better.
Taiga perked up a bit more in curiosity. He presented the soup that he made, it resting on a tray.
And she carefully took it.
It took everything within her to smile.
...She didn't know you could burn soup...
"Thank you... Toki.
That's very nice of you."
He beamed and wished her well, saying he wished he could stay longer but had an interview to get to.
Taiga wished him well too before he bid her farewell.
Although, she was honestly relieved that he didn't stay to watch her eat.
She tried a tiny bit.
Yup. That was a mistake.
It was like if someone had liquefied charred bits of bacon and... Even the vegetables were burnt, and were black.
What did he even do???
You know what, she didn't even want any answers.
The smell and taste attacked each and every one of her senses.
But hey, she didn't puke, so...
There's that.
It was sweet, but Taiga knew that she may actually get worse if she ate it.
So for now, she just set it aside.
It had been a slow week as the two recovered, but afterwards, Pickles and Taiga got back into the flow of things.
Her moreso than him work-wise.
Since a part of him liked being sick, because he could get much more attention...
He'd ham it up at times, with the poor Klokateers assigned to him those days, when actually starting to feel better...
But who's counting?
Eventually though, he did have to get up and actually into the studio again.
But as always, he ended up getting it done, and didn't disappoint.
Taiga took a page from Toki's book, and aside from the soup, she went to go see how Pickles was doing.
...Right after she figured out where exactly she was on the map she had of Mordhaus' layout.
It only had the areas she had clearance for visiting, but it was still a big help.
Pickles didn't open the door, and Taiga wondered if he was even in there.
But as if on cue, she heard footsteps and saw him coming closer near the end of the hallway.
He had his thumbs hooked in his pockets as he aimlessly moved along, looking bored out of his mind.
Taiga called his name as she approached and that got his attention.
Pickles grinned.
"Look who it is."
Taiga gave a friendly little smile.
"I just wanted to see if you were feeling alright. I heard you got sick too."
"...Comin' tah check on little ol' me?"
Pickles asked with a growing smirk; purposefully in a teasing tone.
Taiga deadpanned and crossed her arms.
Pickles chuckled at her reaction and stopped smirking, but kept the grin of course.
He'd almost look weirder without it by this point.
"Yeaah, I'm just fi-"
His stomach suddenly grumbled very loudly.
It was almost comical.
Actually, for Pickles, it for sure was.
He laughed hard.
"Okay den, besides da monster inside my stomach I didn't know about letting out war cries, I'm-"
Pickles' stomach kept grumbling.
"Dood, I'm tryin' to talk 'ere."
Now Taiga couldn't help but giggle herself.
Her eyes changing from her natural grays, to purple.
Pickles noticed and his own eyes lit up some more.
"Yer like a livin' mood ring or sumthin'!"
Taiga wasn't the only one to surprise others.
He was the only one to have noticed so far.
Or at least, acknowledge it out loud.
She giggled a bit more before calming down.
"Heh. I guess so. I've never gotten that before...
Hey, if you want, you can have this."
Taiga offered the candy bar she had tucked away in her pocket for later.
Pickles looked over the wrapper as she held it out, and didn't seem displeased. His teasing tone returned,
"If ya keep this up, I might think ya like me~"
Taiga just blinked then moved like she was about to open the wrapper; her normal bashfulness pretty much nonexistent right now.
"Maybe I'll just change my mind."
"'Ey, 'ey, 'ey!"
Pickles snatched the bar.
"I'm just jokin', calm down... Gahhhd."
Taiga was the one grinning now as she crossed her arms once again.
Her confidence had been slowly improving the longer she stayed here, and at times she would catch the boys off-guard especially.
It was honestly satisfying to be able to do so.
"Tryin' tah steal from the starvin' now. I see how it is, Kit Kat."
Taiga tsked and lowered her arms at the sudden silly nickname he got from the bar he held, starting to laugh a little.
"Speaking of, I don't even want to imagine how badly your stomach reacted after we got back home. But I am glad you're feeling better.
You were so sloshed!"
Pickles' grin grew as he raised a brow.
Taiga sighed softly.
"You know what I mean."
Pickles snickered, not remembering much of the events that happened, but he did remember that Taiga saw him in that state for the first time, and was imagining how she must have felt.
Her reaction was probably priceless.
He refrained from teasing her further about it, for now, as a more important question came to mind.
"That reminds me, did ya see who lost first?
I have to bring it back up with da guys so we can talk prizes... And penalties."
Pickles got a more mischievous glint in his eyes as he dramatically clapped his hands and deviously rubbed them together.
Taiga shook her head, at both his question, and other statement.
"No, but...
You were definitely the last conscious one."
It honestly didn't surprise the girl, or him for that matter, but...
It still left her in awe how quickly he could bounce back or keep truckin'.
Pickles' ego grew 3 times its size that day.
"Winner, winner, chicken dinner!"
He said in a slightly goofy voice as he unwrapped the chocolate bar and took a bite right out of the side, without breaking it.
"But chocolate is fine too."
He said with his mouth full; cheesing.
Now Taiga's stomach rumbled and she blushed lightly because of it.
She thought and then spoke up again.
"...Actually, that does sound really good right now."
The pair laughed together before heading off to the dining hall.
As they walked, Taiga told him about the soup Toki brought by for her a couple days back.
Leaving about the more...
Charred details of the crispy carcasses and filmed lining of tarlike substance covering the almost porridge consistency of what was supposed to be, what she could only think was bacon vegetable soup.
Taiga just kept thinking:
'It's the thought that counts.'
Pickles made a face and stopped in his tracks, which made Taiga pause herself and look at him curiously; tilting her head to the side some.
He began to pout and stared at the floor for a bit.
He thought Toki was a terrible cook. Was he holdin' out on him all this time??
Before Taiga could say anything, Pickles spoke up once again, in almost a whisper.
At first.
"...what da hell... He never gave me any soup! TOKI!"
As he snapped his head back up and stomped off in a hurry to go looking for the man instead of going to eat, Taiga thought that maybe she should have just kept that to herself.
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