#yes I know that Captain Kirk wasn't in First Contact
rabbitcruiser · 2 months
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First Contact Day
On April 5th, 2063, Zefram Cochrane makes first contact between man and extraterrestrials: this day is for Trekkies everywhere to let their geekdom out.
Are you one of those people who is considered to be a real, committed Trekkie? Did you spend your youth trying to Vulcan Nerve Pinch those problems away? Is there a regulation StarFleet uniform in the closet and is speaking Klingon as a second language a lifelong pursuit?
Then it’s time to get that uniform on and prepare to celebrate First Contact! First Contact Day is celebrated by fans everywhere. Even those people who don’t know Zefram Cochrane from Zac Efron are still absolutely welcome to join in!
First Contact Day is a great time to learn more about the entire Star Trek franchise and what it has meant to Science Fiction fans over the years.
History of First Contact Day
There is one day in the history of mankind in the Star Trek universe that stands out above all others, even though it’s only celebrated as a relatively minor holiday. It is none other than First Contact Day.
According to Star Trek “history”, on that day in 2063, Zefram Cochrane first took a flight at speeds in excess of Warp 1 in the Phoenix, alerting the Vulcan race to their entrance into the interstellar community and initiating the first contact. Some 300 years later it was commemorated as First Contact Day, and the celebration went on from there. Star Trek: First Contact Day commemorates this particular day in real life, in earth time, and fans all over the world have the opportunity to get together to celebrate the most pivotal moment in Star Trek human history!
First Contact is an important part of the introduction of a species into the galactic community and is handled very carefully by the extant species of StarFleet. Generally speaking, it has been found to be beneficial to privately approach the scientists and other intellectuals of the target species with the belief that they’ll be ready to accept the existence of off-world species. The approach is generally timed for when the species is about to enter the galactic community by engaging in their first faster-than-light travel.
From that point, the new species receives an explanation about what the universe outside their solar system is like and then are welcomed in. It’s a bit of a complicated process but it’s ultimately effective in solving a lot of problems in the universe.
So why does First Contact Day happen on April 5th? It seems that the show’s co-creator, Ronald D. Moore, chose the day because it is his eldest son’s birthday. That sounds like another great reason to celebrate!
How to Celebrate First Contact Day
Celebrating this pivotal moment in all of human history is no small feat! Especially since the day hasn’t technically happened yet. It will happen in the future–in 2063.
Join in on these fun activities for honoring the day, or come up with some other creative Trekkie ideas:
Watch Star Trek Shows and Films
The first step to celebrating this day is getting out Star Trek: First Contact and giving it a fresh watch. This 1996 film was the 8th in the Star Trek film series, and the second to star the beloved cast from the television series Star Trek: The Next Generation.
But watching this one film can be just the beginning because the shows and movies have come and gone since the 1960s, so the options for watching are probably just about endless. To get some background information particularly on First Contact Day, it might be helpful to watch the original Star Trek series episode, Metamorphosis, in which the crew meets a very young Zefram Cochrane.
Host a Star Trek: First Contact Party
One great idea is to have a Star Trek: First Contact Day celebration like they do in Star Trek! Just get together with various Trekkie friends, preferably dressed in uniform, and bring out Zefram Cochrane’s favorite foods such as cheeses and cheese pierogi. Don’t forget to play some old style rock and roll on the radio and party like it’s 2063!
That’s the beginning of a fantastic celebration, and since everyone is already together, it would be a great time to go ahead and run a complete marathon of all the movies!
Create a Star Trek Playlist
Space themed music is so next year! While hosting that party, some excellent tunes (including some oldies that Zefram Cochrane loved!) will be necessary to get everyone grooving. Try these songs out on a playlist:
Magic Carpet Ride (1968) Steppenwolf
Ooby Dooby (1961) Roy Orbison
Star Trekkin’ (1987) The Firm
The Picard Song (2001) Dark Materia
Space Song (2015) Beach House
Intergalactic (1998) Beastie Boys
Mr. Spock’s Brain (1993) S.P.O.C.K.
Enjoy Some Whiskey in Honor of Dr. Cochrane
Whether at a full party or with just a few friends, celebrating First Contact Day should honor Zefram Cochrane, and he did love his whiskey! In fact, he claims he has a hangover from whiskey just before using his rocket, Phoenix, to become the first ever human to break warp speed. And this paved the way to the development of the United Federation of Planets. So that’s surely something worth toasting!
Check Out the Star Trek Website
To learn more about First Contact Day and the entire Star Trek franchise, take a little peek at the website. This online resource offers all kinds of background information for fans and novices to go one step further, and maybe even — “to go boldly where no man has gone before”!
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hummingbird-of-light · 7 months
No. 29 “I only sink deeper the deeper I think.” (“What happened to me?”)
A/N: This one's for a friend of mine who always wanted me to write this story. I hope they like it.
'What happened to me?’
His head was spinning and he felt incredibly nauseous. He wanted to roll onto his side, wanted to just throw up, but his body didn't move an inch.
Even the desire to look around was ever destroyed when McCoy realized that his head was also paralyzed.
All he could see was the blue sky above him, accompanied by many pink tree tops.
They had been on a new planet to explore it. And then he had come into contact with this strange plant, had accidentally touched it. He had staggered backwards and fallen.
The plant! It must have paralyzed him!
McCoy wanted to call for help, wanted to just scream out loud, but not a single sound left his throat. He was completely helpless.
His breathing became more frantic and he struggled for air. Why was he so nauseous? Had the plant poisoned him badly? And why did he feel pain in his stomach area?
McCoy tried to move his eyes enough to see his stomach, but he couldn’t.
‘Help! Please help me!'
It was a miracle, but his silent prayers were actually raised.
For suddenly a voice rang out.
"Bones? Bones, where are you?"
Jim! That was his captain!
McCoy would have liked to smile, but not a single facial muscle stirred. Somehow, however, he managed to breathe a little more calmly.
His friend would help him.
"Bones, where- fuck! Bones!"
McCoy's blood froze in his veins as he heard Jim suck in a sharp breath and then curse.
Only a moment later, the captain appeared in his field of vision. His face was pale and his eyes wide.
"Bones, what happened? Talk to me!"
McCoy cursed inwardly. He'd like to, but he couldn't talk!
"Bones, can you hear me?"
He was aware of Jim putting a hand on his shoulder, but he couldn't respond. The look in his eyes, however, seemed answer enough.
"O-okay, y-you can't speak. I see. I'll, uh, we'll figure this out, okay?"
McCoy noticed that his friend's gaze kept going toward his stomach. What was going on?
"Y-you tripped. And... I don't know how exactly it happened, but... but there's some kind of pointy boulder i-in your stomach."
Somehow, McCoy's eyes managed to widen. Immediately, his breathing became more frantic again.
A boulder?! A fucking boulder had pierced him?!
"O-okay, just... just take it easy, okay? I... I know you taught me what to do."
Yes. McCoy had indeed. He had always made sure Jim had been to all the first aid classes.
"I... have to stop the bleeding first."
Searchingly, the Captain looked around before his gaze fell on his dress shirt.
McCoy just wanted to shake his head.
Call for help! Jim should call a medical team first! Christine, M'Benga - somebody!
But his friend was obviously in shock. He wasn't thinking about the obvious.
Instead, he took off his yellow dress shirt, and just a moment later, an excruciating pain shot through McCoy's body.
He wanted to scream, to curse loudly, to hit Jim.
He was squeezing too hard! The damn bastard was pressing too hard on the wound!
Tears welled up in McCoy's eyes and he tried to shake his head.
"I'm sorry, Bones. That... that's got to hurt like hell, but... I've got to stop the bleeding somehow."
Jim looked at him desperately and McCoy didn't know whether to hate him or feel sorry for him. His friend tried his best.
"And now... now I have to... oh fuck! Call for help! I have to contact the ship!"
With trembling blood covered hands, Jim raised his communicator to his mouth.
"Kirk to Enterprise! Kirk to Enterprise! We need a med team! Now! Injured crew member! Heavy bleeding! Puncture wound in abdomen!"
McCoy listened to the murmur on the other side before a response sounded.
("Roger that, Captain. We're sending the team down. However, outside the forest you are in due to interference.")
McCoy's heart stopped.
This was very far away! How would the team ever make it in time?
"C-copy that. Kirk out."
With those words, Jim dropped his communicator and refocused on the injured doctor.
"Help is on the way, Bones, you hear me? They... they'll be here soon, I'm sure."
McCoy felt another wave of pain surge through his body as Jim once again applied pressure to his self made bandage.
He begged for Jim to stop, but his friend failed to understand the look in his eyes.
He just stared at the wound, muttering to himself.
"Everything's going to be all right. Everything's going to be okay, Bones."
McCoy could only hope so. If the team hurried, then he would have a chance.
There was silence for a moment, then Jim groaned.
"Where is the team? This is taking way too long!"
McCoy wanted to groan as well. Jim was just always too impatient. He wanted a solution. And quickly.
And a second later, the doctor knew that would be his undoing.
Jim's eyes widened.
"I... I have to take you to them."
Panic filled McCoy as he heard those words.
No. No, no, no!
"I... I can do this. I'm fast. And the faster we get you there, the faster you get help, Bones."
That idiot! That fucking idiot! Hadn't he ever listened? Foreign bodies were not to be removed from the wound! The risk of injuring vessels was far too high!
He pleaded and begged, tears in his eyes. Jim was not allowed to do this!
"I'll... I'll lift you up. On three, okay?"
McCoy yelled. He yelled at Jim not to do it. He yelled at him to stop. But his friend couldn't hear him.
The last thing McCoy saw was Jim's desperate look before the blood poured out of his body like a waterfall, ending his life in short order. If only Jim had listened to him better.
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