#yeah well Zack had tickets to disney on ice and someone needed to fill in
prismaticpichu · 1 year
Followup to Mama Strife
Sephiroth didn't actually know who Cloud was... When he does find out and realizes why Cloud was hiding his face and that the villagers were really mean to him he goes full big brother mode.
Ohhhhh heck yeah! Sephiroth got them fraternal instincts!! >:3c
(Sequel to this little thing)
Now that Sephiroth has defenestrated his SOLDIER belt, he’s settled quite nicely into his new lifestyle. He wears rustic, loose clothing, eats plenty of grilled Chocobo stew, and even shares a room with the newly-quitted Cloud! Oh yeah, bunk bed HYPE! (Sephiroth insists on the top; Cloud lives with a perpetual fear of being crushed in his sleep.) He can’t even begin to express the joy and content of being a part of a family… of being loved. Of sleeping under the covers and knowing he would wake up, safe and sound, and that everything would be there in the morning.
And it brings out every last bit of unseen, unbridled protectiveness he had in his soul. Every. Last. Bit.
When Claudia half-heartedly mentions Cloud’s bullies during dinner one day, Sephiroth is SEETHING. The chair screeches like a dying bird as he pushes himself out and straightens, fully intending on heading to those stinkbugs’ houses with a fiery reckoning. He’s full on Drampa from Pokémon. Ready to tear down their homes and make them pay for his dear brother’s bruises. They would PAY. Humans. Humans. HUMANS.
Yeah, unfortunately, with jenova so close by, Sephiroth is very volatile. He flares up a LOT. Needle-thin eyes, bloody murder in them, the whole shebang. Thankfully though Claudia and Cloud are always able to snap him out of it—usually just takes a few calm strokes on the arms and some soothing whispering. That’s what you get when you adopt a Sephiroth! Gotta read the warning labels.
There’s no need to worry about bullying, however; no one DARES to even glare at Cloud now that Sephiroth’s around. The guy is always by his side, 24/7, and every previous stinkbug there knows that messing with Cloud means messing with Sephiroth. And messing with Sephiroth earns you the intelligence ranking of a clamshell.
Over time, Cloud opens up more and more to Sephiroth, and they end up having nightly discussions from their beds. He admits that he always wanted to be a SOLDIER, the best of the best, but he was too weak. That he promised a girl he would make it. Now he can’t even show his face around her.
Sephiroth’s heart absolutely splinters. It’s not anger that fuels him upon hearing this—there’s nowhere for the rage to go. It’s only ache. And sympathy. And sadness that Cloud doesn’t know how special he is.
“You’re not too weak for SOLDIER,” he tells him, leaning over the rails of the bunk bed. “You were too strong for them.”
Cloud melts into a warm, messy smile. “Thanks, Sephiroth…” He closes his eyes. “You’ll always be my hero.”
Now about that girl.
The next day Sephiroth proceeds to write a flowery, lush, beautiful love letter on Cloud’s behalf. Does this love train crash and burn, or does it ride on the railroad to paradise? Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z!
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