#y'shtola x reader
cinnabun-faerie · 3 months
Huddling up to the Scions (Reactions)
A/N: I don't know if I've done this yet. If I have, oops. If I haven't, cool! Here you go! ^-^
Characters: Estinien, G'raha Tia, Thancred, Urianger, Y'shtola
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When he noticed you were shivering he would pull the blanket up to your chin. When you huddled against him, he wouldn't hesitate to wrap you in his warm embrace.
"Can't have you getting a cold can we?"
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When you huddle close, his tail would wrap around your waist and pull you in closer to his body. He would blush at how close you were even though he was the one to initiate it. He just hopes that you are okay with it an panics for a sec in his head. When you huddle up to him and put you arm across his body to hug him, he relaxes a little.
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While he isn't shocked that you cuddled up to him, his heart is full and he can't help but hold you. His initial reaction would be to coo over how precious you are. He absolutely adores you and wanted to keep you safe, sound and warm.
"Are you cold, love?"
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He would immediately pull you into his side, immediately watching as you revel in his warmth. If you continued to shiver, he'd make sure to get you some warm tea and a blanket.
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She knew you weren't huddling up to her just because you were cold. You just wanted to be closer to her. She didn't mind, but she was debating whether or not she wanted to just give you affection or tease you. regardless, she'd warm you up in any way she could.
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starlight-brainrot · 7 months
FFXIV - Academic Rival AU (x reader)
Characters: Aymeric, Alphinaud, Urianger, G'raha Tia, Y'shtola
Tags: fluff, high school AU, academic rival AU, gn reader, miscommunication (g'raha's)
Warnings: since it's a high school AU, it's assumed that wol/reader is the same age as Alphinaud.
Word Count: 1336
Mr. class president
Chess club leader as well?
You, meanwhile, are the captain of various sports teams
As well as boasting a more than stellar gpa
It ends up being a competition of who will have the better college application - him, or you?
Whenever the two of you meet, it feels as though sparks are flying
The two of you will share pleasantries, but make no mistake - the tension is thick.
For every competition he wins, you make sure to win a couple more. For every academic ribbon you earn, he’s right there behind you.
Haurchefant and Thancred secretly have an ongoing bet to see when the two of you will finally get together.
And as time goes on, more and more of your friends join in on this bet
It seems that the feelings between the two of you are obvious to everyone… but you.
Every stolen glance, every blush, every rant about the other - it was maddening to have to watch two idiots clearly in love avoid their feelings over an inconsequential rivalry.
It’s only after the two of you graduate and receive acceptance letters into the same college, both with full ride scholarships, that Aymeric nervously asks you out.
“I know that we were at odds in high school… but seeing as we’re both here and our rivalry has ended in a tie…”
“Would you like to grab coffee with me?”
Congrats to Alisaie, who won $20 from everyone in your friend group.
The two of you are fellow debate team members
…however, the two of you are constantly trying to one up each other.
Who will capture the attention of the audience?
Who will have a more airtight argument?
You were known for your iron logic. It was tough, if at all possible for others to oppose your arguments
Alphinaud was meanwhile known for capturing the hearts of his audience
Surely a formidable duo, if only the two of you could get along…
As the semester drags on, the big competition for your debate team inched nearer and nearer
With all your mock debates with Alphinaud, you felt like you had done all that you could for tomorrow’s event
But it felt like something was missing…
It was Alphinaud who approached you, wanting to go over strategies
Begrudgingly, the two of you recognized that the other could provide helpful tips
Alisaie gives her brother a knowing look as the two of you settle in with your laptops and coffee. He avoids her look with red cheeks.
He feels sick the morning of the competition. He’s so nervous!
But when he hears you say that he better not lose to anyone but you, he feels some semblance of peace, followed by determination for the day ahead of him.
To no one’s surprise, the two of you crush your competition, leaving your opponents floundering for words as you leave them behind in the dust
No, the real surprise is how loudly the two of you cheer for each other upon victory - how proud you are for Alphinaud and how proud he is of you.
You’re unsure of when or how the two of you started competing to see who could read more books in the library.
Perhaps it was that the two of you saw each other there everyday
Or the fact that Moenbryda and Y’shtola seem to constantly egg the two of you on
Little did the two of you know, the roegadyn and miqote were trying to get the two of you together, as they had been trying to do for the past four years.
Maybe this will be the year…
Urianger found himself exploring sections of the library he wouldn’t usually frequent in hopes of being in your presence just a little longer.
His puppy love felt silly to him, but he couldn’t bring himself to stop, especially if you kept looking at him with that soft smile of yours
If given the chance, he’d make a whole new library for you filled with poems and flower words detailing his feelings for you.
If someone were to find one of your names in a library book’s checkout card, it was near guaranteed that the other’s name would be just under it.
Your name became synonymous with his, and vice versa
But a competition that was never meant to be one in the first place will fall apart, have its lines blurred and crossed.
Moenbryda and Y’shtola receive their answer one day when they approach your usual reading spot, only to find the two of you lounging together in one of the library’s bean bags, books long forgotten in favor of sleep wrapped in each other’s embrace.
G’raha Tia
Could the two of you really call it a rivalry?
As far as anyone could see, the two of you just had a string of unusual coincidences.
The exact same schedule, lunch spots near each other, both being on the Tennis team - you saw him every hour of every school day.
So then, was it coincidence that his heart eventually began beating faster when you were around?
G’raha felt like he was going to explode, constantly in your presence
So, like any healthy and sane person does, he begins to (try to) avoid you.
Unfortunately for him, it’s almost impossible to avoid someone who shares your whole schedule
Oh, and you definitely noticed what he was doing.
Had you done something to offend the miqote?
Slowly, your friendship morphed into avoiding the other, both of you running from your feelings
When I say that everyone is tired of the two of you making puppy eyes at each other when you think no one is looking
It’s the twins who eventually get fed up and decide to act on it, forcing the two of you to put the tennis equipment away together, just to get the two of you to talk.
The silence is deafening as the two of you awkwardly clean up
It’s when the two of you brush fingertips and he recoils like he’d been burned that you snap.
“Am I really that disgusting to you?” You question, frowning.
Upon recognition of what he’s done, G’raha scrambles for an explanation, but eventually sighs and gives in, telling you the truth, he’d always had a crush on you, and hoped it’d fade away with time.
News flash, his feelings only got worse
He sincerely apologizes, not expecting any reciprocation or forgiveness
And is shocked when you give a relieved giggle.
“I’ve always liked you too, idiot.”
Y’shtola was going to destroy you.
Well, perhaps that’s a bit too strong.
There was an internship available for fresh graduates under a well known researcher, and both you and Y’shtola were competing for a recommendation for said internship
Anyone who witnessed the two of you would admit that it’s a bit scary to watch the two of you interact.
As they say, an immovable object met an unstoppable force.
Even your teacher is a bit intimidated by whatever’s going on between the two of you, but given that they’re receiving help from the two of you, they’ll keep quiet about the fact that they can give you both the recommendation.
Though the two of you were at odds, it didn’t stop you both from completing your work together swiftly and without complaint.
You couldn’t help but feel as though Y’shtola enjoyed riling you up - but even as you tried to resist the temptation to reply to her, you failed every time
Luckily for Y’shtola, out of everyone she could have this silly competitive streak with, it was you. Oh, how cute you look when you’re upset, lips pursed and eyebrows furrowed.
Upon the realization that both of you got the recommendation, an eerie silence entered the room.
All that competition for nothing?
How embarrassing.
And if anyone noticed the two of you walking to a coffee shop, hands entwined after this whole mess?
They’re better off not mentioning it.
a/n - I apologize if I wrote anyone ooc hehe... I'm not used to writing for many characters so I just took em and ran (shrug)
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Ok ^^ could I have thancred zenos G'raha Tia and Y'shtola (poly if possible) with a fem!reader who comes back after a quest with a few cuts and broken bones but trys to play it off but ends up fainting due to the amount of pain she's in? Please and thank you in advance 🤗🤗
Of course!
Zenos, G'raha & Y'shtola looking after a badly injured fem!reader
Y'shtola doesn't believe that you're actually okay. She's right, and has luckily managed to (lovingly) bully you into sitting down before you passed out.
Zenos immediately wants to go after whatever hurt you. G'raha has to talk him down while Y'shtola starts healing you.
You're more than a little outside the golden healing time, so while Y'shtola can make sure you're not gonna die, she can't really do anything beyond that.
They take turns sitting with you until you wake up.
Zenos forces you to eat once you're awake. He cares and wants you better but all he knows about healing is that you need food for the energy of it.
Zenos also carries you from your bed to wherever you need to be because of your healing bones.
Y'shtola whacks you round the head with a book if she catches you trying to move around unaided.
G'raha works himself into a bit of a frenzy worrying about you and often needs to be soothed before he can see you while you're healing.
G'raha also makes it clear that you're no longer allowed out without a healer. Whether that's him, Y'shtola, or one of your other friends, because he doesn't want to be in this position again.
Zenos ends up making you laugh until it hurts pointing out that you don't need a healer if you just kill whatever you're up against fast enough so clearly all you really need is more training and he will help with that.
Y'shtola rolls her eyes at the boys antics and just asks that you be more careful in the future and kisses your head.
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watanabes-cum-dump · 6 months
I didn't know you were also a ffxiv fan!! If you have any thoughts on yandere ffxiv characters, I would LOVE to hear them.
Like, zenos is obvious, but I totally have some thoughts on others 👀👀
Yandere Haurchefant is hopelessly devoted to you. Sure it's not super different from regular Haurchefant who is Down Bad™ for WOL but I think here it becomes more of an obsession. Is he capable of holding you down? No, you're the Warrior of Light for twelve's sake. He couldn't lock you away if he tried. His resolve? Be around you 24/7. And I MEAN 24/7 365 12 months a year. Bro worships the ground you walk on and I really do think he would have joined the Scions if you know... the Vault didn't happen. Having his devotion might be a blessing or a curse, bc he is NOT letting you out of his sight. Attachment issues fr fr. Honestly I don't think he'd do anything super insane. Like yeah he'd kill for you, but he'd do that normally. And he's not doing it just bc he wants to or whatever. If you're ever threatened or god forbid, hurt- someone is going to taste the steel of his blade. Yandere Haurchefant is just regular Haurchefant with a little added insanity and unhinged-ness. Maybe he's extra horny too, bit of a pervert that one.
Now, Yandere Aymeric is giving me many thoughts thanks to this fic called Captivate so though I am a firm subscriber to the idea that literally only Zenos might be able to lock up WOL, I can also make an exception to Aymeric because of this fic. Please read it this changed my feelings for Aymeric. Though, Aymeric locking you up would also require him to have a sadistic streak, which he doesn't really have and this fic itself also feels like an AU where Aymeric actually caved in and became a piece of shit due to his upbringing. However, my personal idea for Yandere Aymeric is that via his political power, he pushes you to be with him. Of course, he only does this if you reject his advances at first. He would 100% find a way to force you in a semi-political marriage with him. Like I said before, no one can hold WOL down, but, he can keep you on a leash. No matter how long, he can always reel you back in if he wants to. I think he would harbor a bit of guilt personally. Like, he knows it's unhealthy, he knows it's hurting you- but he just wants you so damn bad. And he tries to make it up to you with gifts and whatnot, but at the end of the day, your collar, no matter how gilded and comfortable, is still a collar. And the Lord Commander had the leash.
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yukiotacon · 2 years
Y'shtola x WoL jelly mentor edition
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I am experimenting with new drinks
Look Y'shtola doesn't get jealous easily
However, that doesn't stop her from getting a little miffed that you have been spending alot of time with her sister Y'mithra
I mean she knows that you are helping her unlock the full majesty of summoner magics and that is a very interesting thing to pursue
However, she does secretly wish that you would take a break and spend more time with her
Y'shtola would definently busy herself trying to get over it ( she doesn't really)
Expect Y'shtola demanding you assist her in her scion tasks for the next month as compensation
Congratulations, you made the great avatar of destruction jelly
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polyamships · 1 year
May and June 2023 Polyam Shipping Day roundup
Hi everyone - it's been a hectic past few months and we missed our May roundup, so here is the roundup for May and June for Polyam Shipping Day.
We had nine works for the month of June across eight fandoms, and 3 works for the month of May across 3 fandoms. All are linked below:
Boy Meets World: Trust Me (fanfic) by The_Lavender_Creator, ughdotcom (angela moore x cory matthews x shawn hunter x topanga lawrence-matthews)
Far Cry 5: Trusting Them (fanfic) by AutisticWriter (deputy x joey hudson x staci pratt)
Final Fantasy XIV: Clearing The Air (fanfic) by @theoreticalconstruct (thancred waters x urianger augurelt x warrior of light x y'shtola rhul)
Kamen Rider Geats: patiens (fanfic) by @flaim-ita (azuma michinaga x kurama neon x sakurai keiwa x ukiyo ace)
Kamen Rider Geats: The Star of the Stars of the Stars and His Co-Stars (fanfic) by @merryfortune (azuma michinaga x kurama neon x sakurai keiwa x ukiyo ace)
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint: The Remaining Stars (fanfic) by@xnicowritesx (han sooyoung x kim dokja x yoo joonghyuk)
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint: Trust During the Apocalypse (fanfic) by @xnicowritesx (han sooyoung x kim dokja x yoo joonghyuk x yoo sangah)
Sense8: You Have Us (fanfic) by ughdotcom (kala dandekar x rajan rasal x wolfgang bogdanow)
Sense8: will you touch me like you love me? (fanfic) by @heavensenthale (kala dandekar x rajan rasal x wolfgang bogdanow)
Sonic the Hedgehog: Trust (fanfic) by @sonysakura (amy rose x shadow the hedgehog x sonic the hedgehog)
Stargate SG-1: the journey home (fanfic) by @nonbinaryezrabridger (daniel jackson x sam carter x teal'c)
Ultimate Spiderman: stars (art) by @rolaplayor101 (danny rand x peter parker x sam alexander)
Thanks to everyone who took part this month!
Gentle reminder that if you want your fanwork to be included in the roundup it needs to either be submitted/@ us on tumblr or in the official ao3 collection, and if not uploaded on the day in question let us know what prompt it’s for. And if we've missed any items please send us a note and let us know.
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Not saying I can write all of these well or believably, but give me something to consider over the next few days while I'm in Nashville
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miss-tc-nova · 6 months
Happy Starlight Everyone!!!
So I haven't really had the motivation to write, but I'm grateful for all of you who support me when I do.
To celebrate, here's a list of all the holiday related fics I've written with one angsty exception.
But I wish you all a very Merry Starlight!
Kingdom Hearts:
Holiday Strides - Bragi x Reader
Different This Year - Brain & Chirithy
Riku's Christmas Wish - Riku x Reader
A Real Winter - Scala Kids
Final Fantasy XIV:
Teasing Repaid - Alphinaud Leveilleur x WoL
An Adventure with You - G'raha Tia x WoL
Beneath the Tree - Y'shtola Rhul x WoL
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autumnslance · 2 years
Hi, this is the Ultima Thule anon and I just wanted to let you know I'm in absolute awe right now. Truly all I had hoped for was a little "nah, Y'shtola's sacrifice actually meant X and G'raha's was Y" but to read a whole analysis of Ultima Thule? I'm blown away. To be honest I hadn't even taken Krile's words to them into consideration, but when you brought that up it just adds an extra layer of emotion and I cannot wait to replay EW with NG+ with your insights in mind! It was frustrating, not understanding the meaning behind the scions sacrifices but KNOWING there was meaning there--like when an English teacher tells you to look at the text again when you try and give them your answer--so I really do appreciate you taking the time to explain that part of the story. I hope you have a good weekend!
You're welcome! And hey, I have to use my fancy degrees for something now and then 😉
In a long, ongoing work like FFXIV, every piece is part of a greater whole. Character actions follow from previous reactions and learned experiences. Nothing is in isolation. Events from earlier expansions affect the characters now (and they remark on a good many of them; Urianger finally getting catharsis for Moen's loss is part of his arc in Endwalker, but far from the only example). The Scions went to Ultima Thule with a goal, and how they approached that as a team relied on each individual's unique insights and contributions, culminating in a field of flowers.
Ishikawa and her team of writers may have different ideas what they wanted the Scions' sacrifices to say and mean, but this is what I took from it after following these characters and this story so long.
And that's all literary analysis is--the way it's often shown in English classes in many schools, the students are left to think the teacher is giving, or wanting them to give, a definitive answer on "what the blue curtains mean." What should be getting across is how to interpret the text, taking into account things like the writer's time period, culture, life events, etc, but also how that has transformed for a reader/viewer/listener now, looking to the text itself and what resonated with a particular viewpoint. And there's lots of formal and informal analytical viewpoints out there!
Some people find Endwalker to be uplifting. Others found it depressing. Some folks love it, some folks don't. Some people I look at and wonder if we played the same game. Some folks it's obvious (or flat stated) they ignored character and plot elements they just dislike, from all the expacs as well this one (which I think is disingenuous when then attempting to describe and interpret story and characters). We all get our own meaning and interpretations from the story, how and why it resonates or doesn't.
If my analysis gave folks something to chew on and think about, especially as they replay on alts or when New Game+ drops, that they can look at and either agree or disagree with, then the essay is working as intended. That's the fun part of it, after all. 😊
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cinnabun-faerie · 4 months
FFXIV Scions taking a bubble bath with the WoL
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matching bubble beards
no question
honestly putting bubbles on each other just was so much fun
and maybe you had a little too much bubbles in your bath to begin with
so the fact that you were looking like a Yeti before you were done was hilarious
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he’s the type to sit you in his lap and scoop the bubbles up with his hands holding yours
and you two would blow the bubbles off your hands and watch them float in midair before falling back into the tub
he would love to put a bunch of bubbles on top of your head and declare you his queen/king of the Bubble Kingdom
you however would spike up his hair before piling bubbles on his head
you weren’t exactly sure what it was you were doing, but he looked so cute
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really I don’t think you want to know
but if it must be revealed, baths can start or end quite steamy
no, not just due to the hot water
honestly the different scents of bubble bath seems to rile both of you up
raging hormones definately become a thing when you two bathe together
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he is definately the one with the rubber duckie
it fits the aesthetic of bath time
or at least, that’s what Thancred said to convince Urianger
honestly Urianger would just hold you when you bathe together
helping to wash each other is a must
it’s rather comforting actually
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why would the bath ever be place for all business
you must be crazy if you think she’s going to keep her hands to herself
and the bubbles in the bath was such a nice and calming touch
she would use some magic to make the bubbles float all around the room
the two of you would sit snuggled up in the tub as you popped bubble after bubble
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astarriscus · 3 years
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˗ˏˋ ꒰ rules ꒱ ˎˊ˗
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. . . no : ✧࿐
cheating / infidelity / pregnancy / specific illnesses + conditions (not very comfy writing for these ^^; / comfort is ok but i just won't write explicitly for the above)
nsfw / dc !! (no yandere, pedophilia, incest, abuse, etc)
i do not normally take requests, except for events! otherwise, only suggestions or my own ideas. i also do not usually do matchups, except for events or small games.
character x oc, character x character.
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. . . yes : ✧࿐
sfw !! fluff, angst, comfort, etc ... <3
character x reader, romantic / platonic / familial (only platonic / familial for those that are kids or look like kids)
gender neutral !! regardless of your gender, you are free to read any of my works (save for those specifically for transgender writings)
i'm fine writing for some specifics, mostly with things like gender/sexuality or details like height/wearing glasses/having a sibling/etc.
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. . . note : ✧࿐
i am only human. i have a life & an irregular sched - i might take a while w stuff depending on my motivation / workload. be patient & kind. don't be mean.
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. . . fandoms / characters : ✧࿐
HAIKYUU. sugawara nishinoya tanaka kageyama hinata tsukishima yamaguchi kuroo kenma lev oikawa iwaizumi bokuto akaashi atsumu osamu suna — ( only until the anime, but vague post-timeskip is ok )
JUJUTSU KAISEN. satoru gojo yuji itadori megumi fushiguro nobara kugisaki toge inumaki kento nanami suguru geto (hs only) — ( only until manga : gojo's past arc )
KIMETSU NO YAIBA. tanjiro zenitsu inosuke kyojuro rengoku giyu shinobu — ( only until the anime )
GENSHIN IMPACT. albedo diluc kaeya childe venti xiao thoma zhongli kazuha yoimiya amber jean chongyun bennett xingqiu hu tao ayaka beidou fischl barbara scaramouche eula keqing ningguang beidou lisa aether lumine ayato ei yae miko — ( updated w/ mostly everything, but not well knowledgeable on character stories? )
TEARS OF THEMIS. luke artem vyn marius — ( no spoilers for character episodes )
FIRE EMBLEM THREE HOUSES. dimitri felix sylvain dedue ingrid annette mercedes claude hilda lysithea edelgard // PLATONIC / FAMILIAL ONLY : jeralt // — ( not complete list yet ? // all routes, but not complete w/ black eagles / ashen wolves )
FINAL FANTASY VII. aerith cloud tifa sephiroth zack reno rufus // PLATONIC / FAMILIAL ONLY : barret marlene angeal // — ( not complete list yet ? // original & remake okay, but not finished with original )
FINAL FANTASY XIV. g'raha alisaie alphinaud hythlodaeus emet-selch elidibus magnai y'shtola thancred urianger moenbryda lyse cirina sadu lyna ryne gaia lue-reeq — ( NOT COMPLETE LIST YET ? // endgame & mostly all side quests )
FINAL FANTASY XV. prompto noctis // PLATONIC / FAMILIAL ONLY : gladiolus ignis lunafreya iris // — ( not complete list yet ? // base game + dlcs, but not very knowledgeable on dlcs as i haven’t played yet )
FINAL FANTASY TYPE-0. to be updated
GRANBLUE FANTASY. link to the list ( on my gbf sb! )
PERSONA 5. akira/ren/joker ryuji ann yusuke makoto futaba haru akechi sumi mishima sae tae // PLATONIC / FAMILIAL ONLY : sojiro justine caroline // — ( not complete list yet ? // royal )
OBEY ME. lucifer mammon leviathan satan asmodeus beelzebub belphegor solomon barbatos — ( not complete list yet ? // )
TWISTED WONDERLAND. to be updated [ soon ]
ENSEMBLE STARS. to be updated [ soon ]
PROJECT SEKAI. to be updated [ soon ]
TOKYO REVENGERS. to be updated [ soon ]
CHAINSAW MAN. to be updated
SPY X FAMILY!. loid yor  //  PLATONIC / FAMILIAL ONLY  : anya [ soon ]
PERSONA 3. to be updated
PERSONA 4. to be updated
. . . + possibly for others too ! feel free to inquire ? ^^
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cinnabun-faerie · 2 months
Heyya! So I just started playing Ff14 again after a quite long time away from the game! So I was wondering if I could requests headcanons of the Scions dating a Dancer WoL, when the WoL surprises them with a dance they made just for them? I don't mean it to be something suggestive, but if that's what you wanna do then do whatever you wanna!
A/N: Welcome back to the game! Also don't worry, I never intended it to be suggestive! ^-^
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When you dance for him, his cheeks are very red
not because it's bad or anything
you want to show just him your dance?
he is honored
your dance is so lovely
he malfunctions when you tell him that you made this dance just for him
he doesn't know what to say or think
if Alisaie or Estinien were here, they could put him back into normal mode
so for the time being, the poor boy is red and a statue
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his face is the same shade as his hair
he is definitely studying your movements
he wants to burn the memory of your lovely dance into his mind
he tries to hide how nervous and lovestruck he feels, but his ears and tail gives him away
His mind melts when you say this dance is for him
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He watches you carefully
you move with such elegance and grace
your movements seem to almost hypnotize him
if he was a dancer, he might've gotten up and joined you
perhaps you could show him a thing or two
isn't surprised when you tell him the dance is for him
"Of course is is. I can tell by how you look at me."
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You want to show how a dance?
by all means, he'd love to see
his eyes never leave your figure
your moves are not seductive and yet he is seduced
his mind would wander to thought of you potentially dancing like this for others
he doesn't like it one bit
Thus he is ecstatic when you tell him
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Oh? You want to dance for her?
Teases you about you being her personal and private dancer
she is more than happy to hear that this dance was for her
so this is what you've been working on for so long
she definitely can tell how hard you've worked on this dance
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cinnabun-faerie · 1 year
Thank you so much for answering my previous ask ☺️ if possible could I please have some cute headcanons for Alphinaud G'raha Tia Thancred Y'shtola Aymeric Emet-Selch Jullus Zenos Hermes and Urianger with a WoL that turns into a blanket burrito when it gets cold outside? (It's actually cold where i live 😅 so it made me think of this ask idea) thank you and please keep up the good work
A/N: It's quite cold where I am as well! I hope you keep warm!
Note: Established relationships, fluffy
Warning: Spoilers if you haven't made it to Endwalker!
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"Do you have room in there for me?"
he thinks that you're so adorable when you're wrapped up like that
perhaps before joining you, he could go put a few more sticks on the fire
he'd rather not have you nor him freeze to death
actually he would ask if you want to go and sit together in front of the fire for a while
you'd grudgingly agree
it's much warmer with the fire and you're cuddled up with him in a chair, head resting on his shoulder
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Seeing as Ishgard is always cold, he understands why you'd be so bundled up
honestly you look so cute like that
but how was he supposed to hold you and get warm?
you had all of the blankets
perhaps you'd rather some body heat to help
"Sweetheart, can I hold you in the blankets?"
He would chuckle at your eagerness to engulf him into the blankets
"We can stay like this til morning if you'd like."
"I'd hope so or you'll end up a Knight-cicle."
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Rolls Eyes
It wasn't that cold
but if you were that cold, then he could just go get you another blanket
the things he does for the love of his existence
"If you keep rolling your eyes, Emet-Selch, you'll never be granted access to the blanket."
"You're not going to share with me? After I get you two more blankets? I can't believe you."
"Two? Maybe we can call a truce."
when he finally joins you under the blankets, you realize that he's just as cold as you are
you lay on top of him and tuck the blankets around both of you
"Don't worry, I'll get us nice and warm."
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G'raha Tia
G'raha was your blanket burrito buddy
he got a bit cold as well and the best thing to do was to cuddle up together
at least then he could pull you close to him
he was so cute for this as you were so fond of the way he nuzzled against you
"Shall I get more blankets?"
"No. I'm warm just like this. And I don't want you to move."
"Thank goodness. I didn't want to stop holding you, even for a moment.
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When he'd see you in your little blanket burrito, he would chuckle to himself
he should have known that you would be in here if he couldn't find you elsewhere
he would not try to wake you, but he would go to his side of the bed and cover himself with an extra blanket that you had not stolen for your burrito
his back was to you when you woke up to see him laying beside
you had moved closer to wrap your arm around him, your hand finding his
"Missed you."
"Missed you too, love."
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Whether you were used to the cold or not, you were constantly cold
and being with him in Garlemald didn't help
but he had a solution for that
he had the fluffiest blankets reserved just for you and him
and when he sees you all bundled up like a burrito, he would have the cutest smile on his face
he adored you so much no matter what you did
he would join you in bed and pull you close so he could kiss your forehead, nose, cheeks and finally your lips
his heart would melt when you snuggle up next to him
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He loved teasing you whenever you were wrapped up like a burrito
you just looked so cute
and you had the best reactions of course
"Cold are we?"
"And what if I am too?"
"Get your own blanket."
"I'm wounded, Y/N. My own partner doesn't want to share with me."
You would tug Thancred on the bed before wrapping him and you up in the blankets, earning a laugh from him
"Shut up."
"You know, if you want to get warm, I know a good way."
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Whenever you got cold, you had this habit of wrapping yourself up in a blanket burrito and waddling out to wherever Urianger
there you would simply throw yourself at him
and he'd always catch you and set you in his lap
he knew that you preferred the blanket and his body heat
at least then he could read to you and you could warm him up
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"Is it burrito season?"
"It is. Will you be joining?"
"When have I ever refused."
Whenever you got cold, she always joined you
sometimes you formed her own burrito or other times she would just join yours
and whenever either of you were cuddled together in one big burrito, it wouldn't be long before you both would be fast asleep
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How could you be cold when he always pulled you close, providing you lots of heat?
regardless, he found you wrapped up in the blankets to be rather endearing
his heart might even skip a beat when you start wrapping him up in the same big blanket with you
"Are you satisfied?"
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cinnabun-faerie · 4 months
Y'shtola could be a better boyfriend
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A/N: Based on Dove Cameron's song Boyfriend
Warning: Some swearing
Y'shtola never liked how your boyfriend treated you
she would roll her eyes whenever she heard the lies and false promises he'd tell you
she hated how he treated you
you were often left in tears
or left alone to fend for yourself
but she was always there for you
she listened to all of your problems
held you when you needed it
and maybe it was wrong to feel such strongly for you
but she couldn't help it
she was so drawn to you
she always has been
even before your boyfriend had entered the picture
and she knew you were equally as drawn to her
she saw the way you looked at her
eyes full of passion and love
she was prideful to see that you never looked at him like that
you didn't shiver at his touch like you did when she barely touched you
a simple touch of her hand and yours
but seeing you left alone as he was elsewhere flirting
oh yes, she knew he was a piece of shit
everyone knew
but you chose not to see
maybe cause you held hope
but she couldn't take it anymore
you needed someone who would treat you right
and she could
she could be a better boyfriend than this player
so she approached you with this new air of confidence and determination
she would bluntly yet softly tell you that you need to leave this man for someone else
and that someone else?
could be her
she could kiss you in ways that he could never
and touch you in ways he never did
all you have to do is leave with her
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cinnabun-faerie · 2 years
FFXIV Scions Headcanons: Discovering they married you after a drunken night
A/N: Starting off really good with being back
Context: Both of you got black-out drunk & ended up getting married. When you wake up & go down to meet with your friends, you find out about it. Thing is, both of you are madly in love with each other, but no one had confessed prior to this moment.
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he would not believe it at first
he doesn't remember what he did while drunk but he has never gone out and just married someone
how can he believe it when most of the Scions can't stop giggling
until Alphinaud suggests him to ask Aymeric whom had specifically travelled for this wedding that "just could not wait another second"
Aymeric while concerned at first would have the goofiest smile on his face as he recounted how in love you & Estinien seemed to be
Estinien's was surely to turn quite the shade of red
but he didn't deny that he felt so enamoured for you
Estinien would then ask for you to speak to him privately
only prompting the others to quickly leave to give the newlyweds some time to themselves
"So we got married"
"Seems like it"
it would be quite silent until you blurted out that you do love him & have feelings for him
he could not believe his ears & would stay silent for a good few minutes while staring at you without blinking
"If you don't feel the same, that's quite alright-"
the shear panic he would feel when he snaps back to reality after hearing how dejected you sounded
he would never want your heart to break because of him
"NO! Wait. Hold on. Please. I feel the same. I'm just shocked. This is a lot to process so early in the morning."
"It's the afternoon. We slept-hold on. Did you just say you felt the same?"
"Should I not have."
"Tell me again, I think my ears couldn't remember."
he would let out a chuckle at your choice of words
"Your ears couldn't remember huh?"
"My brain hears but doesn't remember. My ears don't hear but they do remember."
"I really married you for this huh?"
"Yes, and from what I can tell, you love it."
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G'raha Tia
He would feel so horrified
no, not because he married you
it is but a dream to marry you
it may have been his dream but it was only supposed to be just that
it seems to be that not only was it his desire to marry you, but also yours to marry him
Urianger nor Y'shtola would lie about such thing
but now that you were "legally" married, he would have to come clean and admit his true feelings for you
and should you like to stay married, he would be the happiest man in the world
hopefully your relationship would progress & bloom until the time is right to one day have a more proper wedding
at least then you could renew your vows, update them from a drunken garble to more romantic words that would be remembered and cherished for a long time
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Well then
this shall be the greatest story to tell while on his travels
as a matter of fact, he is going to bring up the fact that he is the WoL's husband
he'll announce it loudly and proudly
aside from that though, he would be worried that this was a mistake
he doesn't see it as a mistake
what if you see it as such?
it is one of his deepest fears to think that the love of his life would view this marriage as a mistake
he is well aware that he has not confessed to you, sure, but by the way he acts with you, his feelings are very much out in the open
please if you would, spare his heart
should you break it, he would not know of what to do
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this cannot be real
how could he have been so foolish
to be fair, he was drunk and well, so were you
and naturally, real feelings were bound to come out
and by the gods, did he have them for you
and he had kept them in for the longest time in fear that tragedy would strike & render him truly unlucky & a bad omen
but thus he hears from Thancred that this drunken wedding went rather smoothly
for that, he is grateful
should anything happen to you even then, he would not be able to forgive himself
you are the most precious person in his life and you truly deserved the world
he did love you
and it seems that his drunken-self wanted to make that quite clear
but to get married of all things and to not remember
or even to know how you felt about it
sure, Thancred said that you were just as lovestruck as him but he didn't get to experience that
and surely your sober mind would feel different
how could you be in love with him when there was surely others who were far better
he would need to apologize
should it come to it, he would prepare his heart should you tell him that you do not share romantic feelings for him
"Urianger? You're spacing out. Are you alright."
"Apologies, Y/N. I was just thinking."
"You were worrying. I know you well enough by now. Your leg bounces when you're nervous or worried."
and it had only stopped now since you had a hand on his leg
"All is well, I promise."
"It's about the marriage, isn't it? Are you not happy to have me as your partner? That's unfortunate as I was hoping you'd love me as much as I love you."
he would quickly pull you from the room to tell you just how much he adored you and loved you
and you wouldn't mind listening to his ramblings
should you get tired of talk, you would kiss him
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she wouldn't be so surprised that the two of you would go off and get married
especially while drunk
it sounds so thrilling
she imagined that it would have felt much more so
surely she will tease you about this
and she will be crafty enough to slide it into conversations with others so that they know that she is your beloved wife
has she confessed to you? she hadn't before this, but she would once she can pull you away from the others
while it may be fast, she would want to marry you a second time, this time completely sober
why not? after all, you were both technically already married
besides, it would be a shame to annul the marriage only for the two of you to go and do it again somewhere down the line
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cinnabun-faerie · 1 year
Scions Reactions: Finding out the WoL already has a child
A/N: Jeez how long has it been since I even made a FFXIV post? Feels like it's been quite a while.
FFXIV taglist:  @missnella-nova @shippyprincess @healersadjust  @thai @lumeriadeborel @obscene-tevene  @losingmymindinglitter @gudaworks @midromiell  @kanouizumi3104 @msrussian
If you'd like to be added to the taglist, you can comment here on the original post !
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She did not see that coming
after all, when she's met you, she wouldn't have known
only now, after recovering in Ishgard did she learn about it
regardless, she would want to protect your child as you protected her and Alphinaud
she felt as if she owed you that at least
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He was certainly not expecting that
this may just make your job a bit harder
are you sure you want to go through with it?
he could make sure there were accomidations for you and your child
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Well with feelings for you brewing inside of him, he'd be curious about your history
if you were comfortable, perhaps you would share stories of your past with him
He'd be curious if there was another parent in the picture
if not, he'd want to help you the best that he could
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G'raha Tia
While he was curious about your story, he didn't dare to ask
he thought that he may seem rude if he asks
he would just wait until you tell him of your past and about your little family
honestly with you having a child, it didn't deter him from liking you any less
and he would love you and them both
he just hoped that you would love him too
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Of course he knew
he'd only been following you this whole time
no, he was not stalking
a gentleman like him surely wouldn't do that
anyways, if you were having your child accompany you, he would make sure that they were safe at all times
this later led to your child being both of your wing-person
something tells me that your child had been trying to get you together this whole time
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You were truly the spark that set his eyes ablaze right from the beginning
and he was intending to court you, though he (nor you) never confessed
and when you introduced him to your child, he was wondering if he had simply confused affections of love for that of companionship
"I know it might be sudden, but if there is to be anything between us, I wanted you to meet my child first. They are most important to me."
to this he was relieved, and was more than willing to still court you even though you already had a child
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It's not as if she didn't know
you had been with your child when she met you
as you were a parent & an upcoming warrior, she knew that your child and the Scions were in good hands
however, should your child need another, she was readily available
of course, that is if you'd like for her to be your partner
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