#xkcd 2829
todays-xkcd · 8 months
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Our experimental aerogel iceberg with helium pockets manages true 100% efficiency, barely touching the water, and it can even lift off of the surface and fly to more efficiently pursue fleeing hubristic liners.
Iceberg Efficiency [Explained]
Transcript Under the Cut
[Black Hat is holding a stick and standing next to an image of an iceberg halfway submerged in water, presenting to an unseen audience.] Black Hat: A standard iceberg is only 10% efficient. Black Hat: 90% of the ice is hidden underwater, totally wasted.
[Black Hat is now standing next to an image of the same iceberg, with another "iceberg" almost entirely above the surface of the water to the right of it.] Black Hat: Our next-generation foam-filled iceberg achieves near-100% efficiency, floating almost entirely above the ocean surface.
[Black Hat is still holding a stick, but is standing next to nothing. There are no other people directly shown, but three distinct 'off-frame' voices are indicated.] Black Hat: "But wait," you might be thinking. "How will such a lightweight iceberg pose a threat to hubristic ocean liners?" Black Hat: That's where the torpedoes come in. Off-panel voice 1: I'm sorry, what project are you part of, again? Off-panel voice 2: I assumed he was with you. Off-panel voice 3: Security?
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