#wyvns post
wyvnspng · 12 days
Wow so I tried my best at a veldigun Alex design. I do not believe I did them justice. 😔
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Based a bit off of the design by my best friend, Clemin. And a few bits are based off of Clyde cuz I love the idea of them resembling Clyde a bit. :)
(Specifically the tail, but Alex’s tail is shorter and only has spikes on the top, and their spikes only extend to their lower back, whereas Clydes go up its whole spine. The position and shape of the horns of Alex’s head are also based on Clyde, but Alex’s horns are symmetrical.)
Clyde is very happy about their similarities.
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wyvnspng · 13 days
we love Alex getting hurt and Clyde being protective over them BUT CONSIDER
CLYDE GETS HURT and Alex is protective over it no idea how it’d get hurt but mmmm
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wyvnspng · 16 days
Mum said it’s my turn on the writing.
Ive never posted a fic before call me cringe but oh well.
My interpretation of the au and characters! probably takes place somewhere during the world’s worst roadtrip arc or whatever we called it. I love monsters and Clyde is so cool to me.
Sorta beta’d by my good friend Clemin thank you kindly.
Harold's job was a boring one. Just a cashier for some no-name gas station. Every day he spent his work hours hoping for something new and interesting to happen, and yet it never did.
Each day he entered the building was just as boring as the last, and as much as he wanted to, he could not quit in order to look for a more interesting job, as he needed the money to keep a roof over his head and food in his belly.
His energy was spent on the monotonous tasks that came with a cashier job, and his thoughts were reserved for daydreaming away the slow and boring days without directly falling asleep.
His mind yearned for stimulation, something to distract himself from the dreary repetitive days he found himself trapped in. Yet, as he eyed the literal monster currently occupying the room with him, his mind and body frozen in terror from it simply existing in such close proximity, he can’t help but miss the simple yet boring days of the past.
Whatever this thing was, it was definitely the eastridge demon or whatever it was called. He’d unfortunately never paid too much mind to the stories about the thing, instead brushing it off as some fairytale, but from what he can recall people saying about it, the thing in front of him matched the description.
Curiously, it was accompanied by a human. One Alex Williams if his memory is correct. He recalls briefly seeing (her? his?) their wanted poster. They were talking to the demon as if the two were friends, which might be the case. Probably why they had a wanted poster. Is conspiring with demons illegal? He’s not sure.
He’s also not sure how they are so calm around that thing. The sight of it makes his blood freeze in his veins and its voice makes his ears ring. He feels unbelievably cold, his terror so overwhelming that he can’t even shake in fear. Yet Alex(?) looks right at home around that thing. They don't even react to the terrible cacophony that is the demon's voice. Layers of voices and sounds that mix into a terrifyingly unpleasant sensation that grates at the ears, yet somehow this random person is completely fine. They even respond to the monster, as if the incomprehensible mess of sound was some understandable language.
A small part of Harold feels envious. How cool it must be to have befriended such a creature. He wonders how something like that happens. There’s probably an interesting story there, but he won’t dare to ask and risk irritating the demon.
The two seem to be arguing (how brave they must be to argue with it,) and from the half of the conversation he can understand without being distracted by his rising dread, the monster is asking to buy stuff that they can’t afford. Oddly childish for something so scary, but he won’t say anything.
The demon makes a new sound, which he is capable of recognising as a fucked up growl (or hiss?), and somehow his body gets even colder, nausea biting at his insides. If he was actually this cold he’s pretty sure he’d have hypothermia by now. Its long tail whips at the floor irritably, leaving noticeable scratches, and Alex scolds it. For some reason it listens, and seems to calm down somewhat, resigning to their shared fate of being poor.
Alex does allow it to grab one thing, and it picks a jar of jam for some reason. Oh well, who’s he to judge if the demon likes jam? It is pretty good after all. The duo then makes their way over to him, and he can’t help but flinch away from them. Neither pay mind to it, and simply pay for all the items they wanted. His movements are choppy and his limbs jerk around awkwardly, but they don’t comment on it. He specifically avoids looking at it, keeping his eyes on the more comforting figure of Alex. (He can still see its face in his peripheral vision.)
After paying the two just.. leave. No killing, no destruction beyond a few scratches and misplaced items. He didn’t calm down immediately, it took a while for his body to move properly again, and his arms shake for the rest of the day. He’s noticeably spooked by the time his shift is over, and he doubts that he’ll recover from this any time soon.
The rest of his day is spent looking over his shoulder, paranoia biting at the back of his neck. He can’t bring himself to turn the lights of his house off at night. Maybe that makes him a bigger target, but the image of something towering over him, the only thing he can see of it being a pair of eyes and maybe a wide grin of teeth. The image terrifies him endlessly.
Harold doesn’t sleep that night.
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wyvnspng · 10 days
Hello sitcom au have my brain thoughts.
At the very beginning of the roadtrip arc, Alex gets very sick (normal sickness or veldigunification is up to you) and Clyde understandably freaks out. So Clyde eventually figures that they need help, or Alex might die, because Clyde knows very little about human sickness and cannot treat them by itself.
So Clyde does come to the conclusion that they’re going to need someone who 1. Won’t rat Alex out for hanging out with a veldigun. 2. Won’t be completely horrified at Clydes existence. And 3. Won’t kill Alex. Naturally, Clyde concludes that it needs to find Simon and convince him to help it.
Cue Clyde trying very hard to get Simon (who is mistrusting of it for obvious reasons) to help it. Simon agrees pretty quickly when he has confirmation that Alex is actually real i’d think.
When Simon takes them in, I imagine he’d ask about Clydes obvious care for a human, and Clyde (who is very clearly shaking from worry) would very aggressively deny these allegations.
Unrelated but I imagine that, when turning into a veldigun, Alex would get very sick. First it just looks like a normal fever, where they are hot and sweaty, but eventually their skin starts to melt off (very painful! So glad thats not me!) basically they shed their human skin via melting it.
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wyvnspng · 14 days
Hello it’s my birthday today!! Have some doodles from the doai sitcom au magma!
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wyvnspng · 16 days
Thinking about the ‘sitcom’ part of the au.
So I kinda get the feeling we want the au to be like a tv show, specifically a sitcom (as stated in the name), and while the big story you’ve all made is really cool, it sorta drifts from that? From my understanding sitcoms are mostly loosely connected episodic stories. So I propose this idea: sitcom au (an au of the au?) where the ‘sitcom’ part is front and foremost, and the ‘overarching story’ is more in the background. Most of the main story is revealed through the scenery or character interactions/ dialogue. The reveals are framed as jokes, if a little morbid, and when you put them all together it paints a pretty fucked up image.
Some examples are stuff like Alex and Clyde suddenly moving house, and Alex’s wanted posters appearing in the background. Maybe the foundation breaking into their home isn’t shown directly on screen, but someone in the main cast makes a small comment about it having happened, or they need to revisit the now relatively destroyed house to get something that was left behind.
I do think the story itself would get a bit more in your face leading up to the ‘beating Lankmann with a crowbar’ bit, but that’d be a while. And I only really imagine the asylum raid itself being front and centre.
Idk though maybe I just really like silly stories that have some really subtle and mildly messed up stuff going on. And ofc, no hate to anyone, I really love the au in whatever way people interpret it! And having different interpretations is fine, it’s all part of the fun. I just wanted to throw my idea into the hat!
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wyvnspng · 12 days
I made a doai au i call it the papas au. (Based on the papas flash games!)
Basically all the veldigun are arrested and someone gets the genius idea to put them in a restaurant for community service or something. Alex is sent by LM foundation to supervise them. They are in a constant state of being confused/ scared/ annoyed.
Simon, being the only one who really likes humans, is almost exclusively dealing with customers.
Clyde is completely banned from interacting with customers. Clyde is also banned from interacting with Simon.
The flock is the mascot.
Everyone else cooks the food. Winfrey makes pizza! Klaus feels like a burger guy.
Despite Clydes ban on interacting with Simon and/or customers, Alex still has to frequently separate them. Surprisingly, nobody has died yet.
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wyvnspng · 8 days
Mum said it’s my turn on the writing.
Ty to my good friend @cleminthewriter for beta reading
Also posted to ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56113669
Theo pulled his jacket closer to his body in hopes of warming himself up ever so slightly. Predictably, the soaked fabric did little to fend off the cold.
He eyed his best friend, Archie, who was stumbling around, the single umbrella that was supposed to be shared between them both was protecting them from the rain.
“..so they bring around their dog, which was massive! A uh- Idunno the breed, but it was fluffy and white. Anyway, they get the dog to uh, I guess to intimidate us? But the dog was a total sweetheart, we got to pet it.” He finished, and laughed. Theo laughed alongside them.
“Bet Jess found that to be great fun? You should invite her over sometime, I heard she’s learning how to play the piano.” Theo added, glancing at his friend's shoes, which were soaked with mud from where they’d jumped into all the puddles they’d come across.
Archie, expectedly, agreed. They always enjoyed the opportunity to hang out with his two favourite people (both his sister and his best friend!)
Theo shivered at both the cold and the uncomfortable sensation of being soaked by the rain. Luckily, they weren’t too far from their shared apartment, which was probably the biggest reason why they weren’t asking Archie to share the umbrella. He looked down the dark street, illuminated only by the dull light from whatever street lights were still working. It was an eerie sight, and made him want to hurry his pace slightly.
He didn’t, though, because then he’d be leaving Archie behind. He brushed off the mild fear he felt and remained by their side. Archie had run out of things to talk about, and the atmosphere had fallen into a calm silence, which was only broken by the sound of the rain, the buzzing of streetlights, and their own footsteps.
They walked together for a while, enjoying the simple silence, the long day out having sapped them of their energy. Theo was excited to get home and change into some clean and dry clothes before curling up into the warmth of his bed and drifting off into a cosy slumber.
His thoughts were interrupted by a dull crash and a groan, which came from the street obscured by the corner of a building. Archie also noticed, judging by how their head turned toward the sound. Thankfully, he didn’t say anything.
Peeking around the building, Theo managed to make out a familiar face. Curious, he made his way over, and offered a hand so they could get off of the floor.
“Alex! It’s been a while! How’ve you been?” He greeted his old acquaintance, who accepted the hand and got up from where they had clearly slipped and fallen over. Archie approached the two, also curious about what’s going on.
“Oh uh-“ They nervously looked off to the side. “It really has been, huh? It’s been good I suppose- I’ve been quite busy these days.” Theo glanced to the side, where Alex kept looking, and could briefly make out some weird lights that disappeared as soon as his brain registered them. He must be more tired than he thought.
Looking back at Alex, he could hear Archie speak up from behind him. “Oh yeah! I saw your wanted poster!” They giggled, and Alex looked at them nervously. “What’d you do anyway? I never took you to be the type to break the law and evade arrest!”
Alex lowered their head, and nervously fiddled with the corner of their wet jacket. “Oh, not much, just- yknow- the usual.” Theo did, infact, not know. However, he did know that Alex was acting very out of character here. They’d done lots of weird and potentially dangerous stuff back in highschool, a lot of which Theo had been there to witness, and they had never acted this nervous. They must have done something really bad.
Archie didn’t pick up on this, and continued. “Wow! Did you steal something?” Alex opened their mouth to reply, but Archie gasped and added more on before they could. “Did you kill someone? I didn’t think you’d have it in you to do something like that!”
Immediately, Alex did not look as nervous. “What? Why would I kill someone?” Archie just shrugged in response.
“You never know with this stuff! Even the nicest people can kill if they find a reason!” Alex just frowned.
“Well, I didn’t kill anyone.” They glanced to the side again, and wiped down their front, as if trying to get rid of the water.
Archie opened their mouth to say something, but Theo cut him off before they unintentionally caused offence. “Is everything alright? You aren’t, like, starving on the streets or anything, right?” Alex just shrugged.
“I’m doing alright. It’s sort of complicated, I guess.” They took a few steps backward. “Speaking of, I should get going. I have stuff to do.” Alex didn’t wait for a response before sprinting down the street.
Theo briefly considered running after them, but decided against it. Whatever they were doing, it was probably best that they stayed out of it, lest their faces also end up on wanted posters.
A quiet thump, followed by some louder scratching sounds, came from the alley that Alex had been staring at, causing both Theo and Archie to flinch. Theo, being braver than Archie, made his way over and lit the alley up with the small flashlight he carried around. There was nothing of interest in the alley, except for large scratches that went up the wall.
Theo shivered, and Archie let out a shaky breath from behind him. There was definitely something in here, and whatever it was is gone. Whether that’s a good or bad thing is something only time will tell.
Still a little shaken up, Theo and Archie make their way back to their shared apartment as fast as possible. It’s only when they’ve returned home, and Theo is taking a warm shower, does he think back to that alley and consider that Alex was aware that something was in it.
Theo can only hope that whatever that thing was won’t hurt Alex.
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wyvnspng · 18 days
Just a glimpse into my sick and twisted mind
Doai GLMM || hated child becomes hybrid princess!!
This is a joke ofc. References to the sitcom au (i love it so they will be common)
The last one got a lot of positive (?) feedback so i decided to make another!
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wyvnspng · 18 days
This is the best thing I’ve ever made.
DOAI devils dont fly glmv | sad story
Sitcom au is referenced.
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wyvnspng · 11 days
Aghhh it’s been a while since i made a gacha @cleminthewriter
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wyvnspng · 5 months
Hello!! I just finished up a collaborative thing with my good friend @heartsoulanxiety ! It’s not all that impressive, we’re still working on our skills, but we figured a little collab would be fun, so we did it! There may be more in the future haha!
This collaboration is simple: we got a prompt, and we drew the linearts of two characters in the prompt. The characters chosen are specifically characters from our current hyperfixations. We both used the same characters. We swapped the linearts and did the colours of the other persons drawing.
Lineart by me!
Colours by Hope!
Wander from me!
Benrey from Hope!
Prompt: Isekai’d
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wyvnspng · 11 days
Everyone is putting their fics on ao3 so I thought I should do the same! Clemin will also be putting their fics here !
(I’m pretty sure & is the friendship tag?)
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wyvnspng · 14 days
Played a game with my best friend, Clemin, on discord. The game is simple, we gave each other 2 things to connect via a conspiracy! One round had three. Here’s our conspiracies!
(As an added funny measure, our conspiracies were written using mobile keyboards voice to text feature.)
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wyvnspng · 8 months
Hi people. Hope and I did some little doodles on whiteboard fox that we decided to share. (There will not be more on Hopes page, I think? It’s up to Hope if they post other doodles.)
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This is just a quick picture of Wirt I drew. Not much here.
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This is Kitty City. We made it up just now. Wirt is there because he is fun to draw. Greg would be there but I do not enjoy drawing him.
The cats are doing a lot of things, mostly cat-like things. But some are doing human-like things. For example, driving a car.. or piloting a plane. The plane will hit Wirt. Does he survive? Probably.
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wyvnspng · 13 days
Hello, I am Wyvern. This is my main blog. I use all pronouns, but I prefer It and They!
I like to draw, write and play video games. I also love fandom stuff. I am learning to play the flute.
You can use the ‘#wyvns post’ to find my original posts!
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