onenicebugperday · 1 month
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Really excited to share this leggy friend with you! I did not know that there were millipedes of this size in Missouri, and it was such a treat to find out. This curious individual was crossing a sidewalk, I made the choice to move them along a safer route and got a few photos in the process.
You definitely do! Narceus americanus is found pretty much all over the eastern half of the country and up into Canada. They're usually called American giants or pinkfoots. I think there's currently some debate about whether it's just one species or several in that range.
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officialfrankfurt · 1 year
ich hab jetzt polls, also
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realness-remade · 1 year
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🪦🦇 (original pic + alt eyestrain version under teh cut x3)
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realheroeswearhats · 11 months
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When is Femboy Films gonna do a 4K restore of Time Squad?
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happyfunf3tti · 1 year
old special interestz are liek little brain wormiez 2 me. they live in the deepest part of ur brain away from ur current special interestz. the second u see something thatz related 2 ur old special interest da wormie flickerz, glowz, and sendz u into panic mode. why iz this happening??? why are u coming back???
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40h40blunts · 1 year
Frag mich was hat meine Jugend mir gegeben, Digga nix außer schwarze Lunge, rote Augen, Leere im mei'm Blick
Ich komm mit Shox an, all black Jogginghose sitzt
Leute ficken wieder Kopf, ja ich brauch dringend noch nen Sip
- beslik meister
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booogy-man · 2 years
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Back & better than ever!!
@thewordofm @lovelymoonmagic
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extravagantliar · 1 year
@idolbound said...
Not 2 mention the prev. Viscount started extorting Orlesian ships and almost caused a war, and the Chantry sent the templars in to stop him and it got KC Guylian Killed like, there's SO much power in controlling the port and sea
LIKE IF ANYBODY KNOWS HOW TO CONTROL SHIT, it's her since she led the templars to storm the keep and arrest that Viscount for his crimes. sdfjhsjdf
Not to mention that most of Kirkwall City is in the SERVICE SECTOR TO THOSE HARBOURS. Those harbours were not just pretty to look at but kept the populace employed from feeding the market districts to offering other businesses actual BUSINESS. Plus trade of art, language, culture, money, grain, SOCIETY!!!!
The crumbling or even compromising of those harbours could cripple the people of Kirkwall, leading into what folks in history call the long slow winter followed by what we all know is famine. I’ve implied that the Harbours were, within the first three things rebuilt, even before Varric left for DAI - those ports are CRUCIAL to the Free Marches and anyone who controls Kirkwall’s ports has a good hand in what will happen to the Free Marches. 
Oh, why don’t they just go around? THE BOAT IS FASTER AND CHEAPER. You can carry more and get to a larger berth of the world. SO yeah
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meetlobby · 3 months
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spielesnacks · 1 year
Peppa Wutz – Eine Welt voller Abenteuer mit einem neuen Video
Peppa Pig – Eine Welt voller Abenteuer startet in ein … neues Abenteuer. Hier siehst du das neueste Video zum Spiel. Hier das Video So beschreibt der Entwickler das neue Abenteuer Als Spieler kannst du im neuen interaktiven Abenteuer unter anderem Deutschland, Italien, Spanien und Hollywood erkunden, um auf ihren Reisen Quests abzuschließen und Postkarten zu sammeln. Du kannst nach Australien…
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badlydrawnjohn · 10 days
h3y m33n4h wutz up grl
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vintagexherry · 9 months
Treasure for Three Days [3]
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Pirate!Miguel x Princess!Reader
// Arguments, denial, consumption of alcohol, Ooc Miguel, Miguel is mean
A/N: This ones a bit short since im a busy for a moment but I'll still post dw
"Shut up."
He didn't shout this time, but you know better than to disobey, he gripped your forearm, and you both head back to the ship.
This night marks the end of Day One
Day two [Early in The Morning]
The ship was quiet aside from the on and off chatter, the birds squaking and waves crashing. The ship's sails have wind, and the weather perfect.
The ship also has a thick tension in the air, and everybody felt it deep in their bones, but everybody decided to ignore it for their safety.
Except for two.
Two crewmates looked at Miguel, who was looking at the distance by the helm, his eyebrows furrowed with a frown on his lips.
Usually, they wouldn't mind, but his frown was deeper than usual.
"So.... Wutz up with big man ovah der?" A man with dark skin and braided locs asked another crew with a bandana on his forehead while his hair was styled with to an mini black power style.
"Im actually not sure, Hobie , He's been like that since yesterday night." The crewmate replied.
"Bet it was da fight wid da princess and all that."
"I tell you what, Miles, I wuz just comin back from the bar, but didn't wana go in. Herd shoutin and all" Hobie shrugged.
"They had a fight?!" Miles whipered-shouted.
Hobie shrugged again and got quiet.
Then, as if a light bulb went out of his head. He smirked.
"I don't like that smirk" Miles deadpanned as he felt like his life is in danger.
"Tell you what."
"Im not gonna gonna sneak you into Miguel's cabin with you again to get another stash of gold." Miles shivered from the memory, Miguel didn't let it slide and gave them both all of the crew's chorework for a week.
"Nah. You want to know why he's moody?"
Miles knows where this is going.
"Oh hell n-"
"Ask him."
"Hobie! I can't just!-"
Hobie suddenly produced a stash of coins and smirked with his eyebrow raised.
Miles contemplated long until his brain could burn.
"Fine! But if I get punished again, im blaming you for mutiny." He didn't wait for Hobie's reply and marched straight to Miguel who was standing by the helm.
Miles gulp the closer he got.
"What do you want now?" Miguel groaned as he heard Miles not-so-subtle steps toward him.
"I...uh... Just wanna know how's the best captain in the world doing."
Miles started to sweat even if the weather wasn't even hot. He didn't know why he said that. He'll make sure Hobie pays double.
"None of your business." Miguel's frown deepened with his words.
"I recommend you to go back to your duties, Morales."
With that, Miles didn't waste time saying goodbye and head back to Hobie, who was busy chuckling.
Miguel sighed as he remembers again what happened last night.
You and Miguel got back from the ship, letting the crew enjoy the night, but Miguel only led you back to the cabin and once he forcefully sat you down on the bed he didn't waste time scolding you.
You swore you felt as if you're a child all over again, adults telling you to go back to your room when they caught you slipping your hand in a cookie jar.
"Didn't I tell you to stay where I can see you?!"
You remembered him shouting, his deep voice slightly echoes throughout the room, the volume making you wince.
"You think I want to actually stay with you? You think I asked to be here?!"
You also remember shouting back, furious that he expects you to be alright with your situation.
"Fine then! Go out on your own! Go and get your ass touched by another man!You should be thankful that I was there to save you! Is going out on your own the safest thing you could think of?!"
"Safe?" You chuckled with no humor.
"You kidnapped me, threatened me, and held me hostage with hands behind my back and a sword to my neck. And you're talking about 'safe'."
You pushed yourself to stand up and look at him dead in the eyes.
"Don't talk to me about safety when I'm not even safe with you." You calmly stated as you jabbed a finger to his chest.
And with a puff of annoyance, you turned around and decided to watch the scenery outside instead of Miguel's face cus you swear you want to slap it if you look at it more.
While you looked out the window, you heard Miguel's anger huffed and took a bottle of rum off his shelf and, finally, with his heavy footsteps, he left you alone with a loud thud of the door.
Now here he is seething.
Your attitude.
Your ungratfulness.
Your spoiled ass.
Your exposed cleavage.
Your words...
Your face
Your eyes.
Just you.
You drive him crazy. Who do you think you are?
With one swipe of his sword, he could kill you, make you bleed into the floor, and after that, burn your kingdom to the ground.
Wait, no, maybe he could make you watch him burn your town, and after that, he kills you.
He ignores the feeling deep in his guts saying that you wouldn't be happy.
Who cares, right? Why does he care for your happiness? He kidnapped you just to get the treasure he wants. He doesn't care if you cry or scream for help.
With that thought, He took another big gulp of his rum.
Damn that guy for touching you. Maybe he should have killed him more, damn him for wasting his time.
He feels a rising headache upcoming, and he sighed heavily. He was about to drink more, but as he tilted the bottle to his lips, he realized he had already finished the bottle.
How long has he been here thinking bout you?
He shook his head out of his thoughts. He stood straight from his position and decided to man up and talk to you.
He ignores how his brain buzzes back to you.
Maybe it's just the alcohol talking.
Yeah....It's the alcohol.
You paced around the cabin for a while.
Back and forth
Forth and back
Should you feel sorry for shouting? No.
You had a point in what you said.
But so does he.
You were thinking of thanked him, but thanks to his mouth, you didn't.
He was right. You aren't safe out there, and you should have sticked the company you know. Plus, once you did ask for help, how would you know their trustworthy?
Then again, trusting a pirate doesn't seem like a good idea either.
You groaned.
You can't trust people outside, and you can't trust people from the inside.
You don't have a plan of escape since you barely know life outside tall, golden encrusted walls of the palace.
Do you remember trying to learn about the ocean, forests, or different lands.
But such knowledge is forbidden for a lady like you.
All you could gather is how to handle the people, the law, and the land as the future queen.
Aside from hobbies you learned from your mentor, such as stitching, gardening and embroidery.
You sigh as tough as she was. You kinda miss her nagging. You never thought you would say that, but here you are.
Negative things aside.
At least you get to experience, the world as it was.
Children find happiness in the simplest things, such as bugs, random plants, and flying kites.
Adults go by their day to work, open up their shops, and sell bread,vegetables or live stock.
Then you met pirates.
Miguel, specifically.
You don't really talk to the others since you'll probably be reported to the captain.
You can admit during the first day of your captivity, the stories he told you were amusing. Even more interesting than reading it on a book, hearing it from an actual person who experienced it first hand just felt different.
Your heart wishes you could hear more of his adventures, know the stories behind each treasure, gruesome or not.
You suddenly shook your head out of this thoughts, it's still early in the morning and your head is already filled with unnecessary thoughts.
Maybe you just need to suck it up and just thank him for what he did.
Granted, you might not completely forgive him for kidnapping you and all that, but the least you could do is thanked him for a part of it.
Yeah.....You're gonna thank a part of it.
Before you could head out, you hear the door open with slam.
Your eyes widened, and you flinched hard from the impact. But your shoulders slightly relax upon seeing Miguel's form in the doorway.
Miguel saw your frightened eyes and cursed himself for slamming the door, so much for an entrance.
He went in with a slight wobble in his footsteps thanks to the alcohol.
He stopped in front of you, and you froze.
Is he gonna hit you? Shout at you more?
You gulp as you wait for his words.
@yougavemeyourheartyouknow @autismsupermusicalassassin @lionhearted-soldier@hearts-4-lanadelray @sukioyakio @chshiresins @ginger23@amelialysm
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plezfection · 1 month
INFECTEEDDD!!! show us whats behind the glitch, WHATS THEERE what are you HIDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
also, is the 'shadow' an actual shadow or a part of his skin?
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h3H3, z0rr1e!! 1 c4nt rLly d3w th4tT, th1z5 tH1nG d03znT g0 4waY !! dunn0 wUtz up w 1t! LOLOL
//what i can do for you is draw it though!
//little bit of a gorey tw, :33c vv
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//also yes, it is just a shadow, i dont think it really responds to light though! same with his glitch!
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lyrakanefanatic · 3 months
A Libby and grayson fic that absolutely nobody asked for 😜👍
Grayson never dreamt. And whenever he did, it was always about Emily, or his grandfather. Unfortunately, tonight it was about Emily. Restless, he got out of bed and headed towards the kitchen for a glass of water. As soon as he reached the kitchen, he saw Libby hunched over a stack of cupcakes, icing them using a piping bag. She didn’t seem to hear him approach, and was humming.
“Libby?” Grayson asks. Libby jumps slightly at the sudden sound and looks up with widened eyes, only to relax when she sees Grayson. “Oh, it’s just you Grayson. What are you doing up?” She says, placing her floury hands on her hips. Grayson sighs before walking over to the island chairs and taking a seat. “I couldn’t sleep. Why are you up?” Grayson asks her. “Same reason as you.” She replies. Looking back down to her cupcakes, she continues the one that she had been working on before Grayson came in. Now that her focus was off of him, he couldn’t help but think of the dream. Of Emily. “Oh c’mon, Grayson. Don’t be such a wutz.” He could see her saying with a mischievous smile, even now. “Jameson would go cliff jumping with me. Should I ask him instead?” She always liked taunting him, always liked pinning him and Jameson against each other so they could both do her bidding. And he was so obsessed with the idea of her, and so terrified of losing her, that he agreed every time. Except that night. The only time that it ever mattered. He had left her when she needed him, and now he was going to pay for it for the rest of his life. Emily’s voice was always going to be in the back of his head, taunting him, mocking him, always telling him that he should have been there, that he shouldn’t have left her, that-
“Grayson?” Libby asks, concern on her face. Grayson snapped out of it and looked up at her. “Yes?” He asked, trying to get back in control of the narrative and refusing to look even in the slightest bit rattled. Libby seemed to have noticed the way he quickly changed his mood, and her frown deepened. “Is everything okay? You look like you have something on your mind.” She asks. Every instinct in him wanted to deny that he had been feeling anything at all, that she was just seeing nothing, but this was Libby. She only wanted the best for him, and she truly cared for his well being. But still. “Nothing, just a bad dream.” He said, refusing to give out any more information. But Libby still pushed. “Are you sure? You seemed off earlier. Don’t be afraid to tell me if you feel upset, Gray, I want to know.” She says, her voice serious yet gentle.
In that moment, Grayson felt something in him unwind as he stared into Libby’s kind eyes. A need to tell her everything. But he had to keep it together. He wasn’t supposed to break, although the least he could do for Libby was tell her bits of what he dreamt about. “It was just Emily again. Emily and the cliff jumping.” Grayson eventually says. Realization etches itself onto Libby’s face, and I can see another look in her eyes: Pity. Immediately, Grayson turned on his defences without even meaning to. “I don’t need pity. It was just a dream, so don’t worry about it.” He said, his tone sharp and clear. Regret instantly hits him as Libby flinches and changes her expression quickly, and Grayson knew that he owed her an apology. “I’m sorry.�� He says. He felt as if he had so much more he needed to say, but didn’t know how to say it. Libby sighs.
“It’s okay. I know how horrible it is to be with somebody who makes you feel like you’re on top of the world one second, and then it’s like their mood switches and suddenly you’re worthless to them. Drake was one of those people. He would make me believe that we were meant to be together, and then I say or do something wrong and he turns into a complete stranger. That’s why I stayed with him for so long. Because he would get into my head and suddenly, when I would think of Drake, I wasn’t thinking of the guy who would scream at me for small mistakes and punch in my walls, I was thinking of the guy who spun me around and called me beautiful. And when Avery first got written into the will and I had broken up with him, I thought that there was no hope for me to have a love life anymore. But there was,” She says, her tone serious, until she smiles. “With your brother.” Grayson puffed out a small bit of air and thought about how Libby had first met Nash. She believed that she had lost her special person, but that was till she had met him. Nash had become the love of her life, her soulmate, when she felt like she had no one. Was there still that hope for Grayson? Libby, who had seemed to have read the expression on his face, spoke.
“But I don’t think that Emily was the girl for you. Or Eve. I know it seems untrue, but one day you’ll meet somebody who is your person. Who you feel safe around, who you trust, who you genuinely enjoy spending time with. You’ll find a girl who makes you happy, instead of one who lies to you or manipulates you like Eve and Emily had done. And once you do meet her, you’ll forget a time where you loved anybody else. Once it became clear that I loved Nash, Drake became white noise to me. You’re still young, Grayson. You have a whole life ahead of you. So quit moping.” She said, pointing her finger in his face at the last sentence. Suddenly, a mischevious smirk was on her face. “And besides, maybe you’ll meet somebody in The Game. It’s starting soon, you know.” She wiggled her pointed finger at him. He raised a brow at her.
“I seriously doubt that.” He said. She made a hm sound at the base of her throat that said, ‘You sure?’ “Well, you never know. My super psychic skills say that Grayson Hawthorne is soon going to meet a girl and fall so hopelessly in love with that her he’ll actually start smiling instead of just raising an eyebrow whenever he feels emotion.” She jokingly says. Grayson puffs out air and laughs, and Libby smiles back. “Well, if your super psychic skills are right, then I’ll have to keep any eye out for her. Thank you Libby.” Graysons says, the barest smile on his face. She salutes him and goes back to icing her cupcakes. His and Libby’s talk couldn’t help but remind Grayson of what Nash had said to him not too long ago. ‘Why not you, Gray?’ Past Grayson would have said because loving wasn’t for him, because Emily died and Avery chose Jameson, so there was no point of even trying to love anybody else. But now, there was another voice repeating in his head. A new answer, thrumming the same tune as the beat of his heart.
Why not me?
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xxxg0ryygurlll13xxx · 3 months
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IM SO 3XCITEDDDD XD my dr3am it3m is still the iconic gir hoodie BUT THIS IS AMAZINGGGGGGG HEHEHEHEHE itz 3v3n b3tt3r caus3 2morrow @ my sk00l itz a gr33n and whit3 out of uniform 4 st patricks day SO I G3T TO W3AR IT YIPPIEEEE XD
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wackypalooza · 4 months
look at urself! oh, that's right, u can't.. bcz ur eyeballz r all the way inside ur head... wutz wrong, flat face? 0_o r u gunna cry? do u want me 2 call ur flat faced mooommy? :3
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