waitingforteyam · 1 year
𔘓 ⚖️ . ִ ֗ age is just a number
≡ ⌂ ⌕ ❙❘❙❙❘❙❚❙❘❙❙❚❙❘❙❘❙❚❙❘❙❙❚❙❘❙❙❘❙❚❙❘ ♡゙written by muse
ˑ 𐇛̲﹗hcs of 31! neteyam sully × 23! na'vi reader, dilf! neteyam × milf! reader, moon! neteyam × sunshine! reader, established relationship, mates, fluff, mentions of childbirth, mentions of pregnancy, children... if u hate them pls dont read the second part, age gap couple
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his infatuation with you began at the age of 30.
you were laughter bottled up in a jar. if you were the sun, neteyam was but a sunflower at your mercy. but he wasn't the only na'vi who worshipped the ground you tread on and the obvious age gap debilitated his resolve to court you.
by no means was he an insecure man. he merely assumed your preference included men of your age, given you were at the prime of your beauty and career as a huntress. eywa, did he mention he never saw a huntress with that much precision?
while neteyam was the best warrior of his clan, you were the best huntress, exceeding both men and women twice your age.
many一neytiri included一saw you as someone who could stand alongside neteyam as an equal. since kiri was to succeed as tsahik, all neteyam must find was a worthy mate who could lead the people. someone the people respected and someone who would be an amazing mother figure to the clan.
of course, neteyam being neteyam, cared little about paying attention to romance until one night.
one night, a wild beast managed to infiltrate the village and ravished all the food.
neteyam had killed it, albeit it was too late. the forest whispered the tune of danger as the eclipse descended onto pandora. the people would starve for a night before the foragers and hunters could go back to work in the morning.
that was the initial plan until you sought permission to leave the village. that wasn't the first time you both spoke. no, affairs regarding the clan were a popular topic for stellar talents like you, and he appreciated your dedication to the people.
neteyam finally allowed it when you set an ultimatum: if you didn't return in half an hour, the rest would search for you and bring you back for punishment. reluctantly, he agreed. after all, you were the finest hunter with wits. you wouldn’t be killed so easily, not with that stubborn will to live. he was mostly worried you would suffer an injury under his command. that would neither do good for his name nor uphold your reputation as a fearless huntress.
in half an hour, you returned to the feast with bloodstained hands and two large deers to feed the clan.
that was the first time neteyam truly noticed you outside the tip of your arrow, the legends of your reputation and the shape of your silhouette.
for the first time ever, neteyam saw you. he saw your eyes twinkle with glee as the children cheered for you. he saw the robotic pace in your gait despite the affirmations you told your parents. he saw your pride and happiness overcoming the pain in your ankle. pride wasn't something that lifted your chin and made you look down upon the rest. on the contrary, the pride you owned was a pride that made you collapse into your friends' embraces and watch the elderly eat their warm dinner with a content sigh, hiding your twisted ankle.
everyone was so hungry they barely noticed your injury but neteyam did and he asked his grandmother to treat you.
day after day, neteyam started to bump into you everywhere. on the training grounds, near the waterfall, around the bonfire at dinner. it was given you were always around him ( you were one of his people after all ), but he never noticed in the past. yes, he may acknowledge you as the best huntress, but you both never exchanged a personal word.
that didn't sit right with him.
so neteyam approached you. the first time, it was during a hunt. simple conversation about your family as you two waited for prey. the second time, it was near the stable where he introduced you to his direhorse. the third time, he invited you for a flight with your ikrans.
little by little, the both of you grew closer. slowly but surely, you consumed neteyam's thoughts and heart.
neteyam was over the moon when he realised you began to seek him out! it wasn't one-sided anymore. he would bend down to pat your head and you would stomp on his foot in response. neteyam loved every minute he spent with you.
for nine months, he focused on getting to know your soul. for someone the age of twenty-two, your emotions were levelled and mature. your visions and thoughts? absolutely wise and forearmed. your humour and jokes? oh, great mother, it was like you possessed the ability to bring the child in him back to life. you knew your goal, and you spared nothing to achieve it. you wanted to find a true love who accepted you as you were, scarred and stained, but beautiful nevertheless.
to say neteyam was mesmerised was an understatement.
in the tenth month, neteyam concluded an end to his pathetic pining. from then onwards, he would confidently court you. you did not deserve clandestine meetings and concealed affections. you deserved the best and that was what he would give you一the best.
for three months, he courted you. he hunted, he weaved, he sang, he carved, and he met your parents. all of this to show that he chose you.
you, who couldn't stop smiling when he first gave you a dagger he made himself. you, who jumped into his big arms the second he popped the question. you, who kissed the damn idiot because he was whispering sweet promises into your ear.
in december, both of you mated before eywa and conceived a child.
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neteyam was destined for fatherhood, it seemed. he knew when exactly to feed your son, when to change his diaper, how to burp him, how to entertain him and ease his tantrums. this soothed your anxiety as a first-time mom.
he was afraid you would be too stressed with a baby at such a young age, hence he would take the baby with him most of the time. crying at midnight? no worries when he was at your baby's beck and call. need to prepare for a celebration? go ahead, neteyam loved having his baby all for himself. want some alone time? do as you please, he could bring the baby to the tree of souls to visit their ancestors. leading a large hunting party? as you should, neteyam and your son would await the seven-course dinner.
sometimes you felt left out because your baby spent so much time with him. perhaps your absence didn't affect them. however, that was nonsense. as soon you entered your home, your two boys would light up in smiles after missing you a whole day.
throughout your pregnancy, he was protective. now that the baby was out of your womb, neteyam toned down his instincts to tail you wherever you went because he trusted you and he could protect his baby.
jake introduced him to a baby carrier and dear eywa, neteyam couldn't love anything more. he would wrap his baby in a piece of fabric with your scent on it and carry him everywhere. you found it endearing whenever he held meetings with the elders and warriors, all while a baby drooled on his chest.
whenever neytiri and jake missed the baby, he would hand your son over and relish in the rare alone time with you. just like his father, he would plan date nights. he was the heir and head warrior, but he was yours first and foremost. this gesture would remind you why he's the father of your child in the first place.
as your son grew into a toddler, neteyam would scheme games that encouraged your child to walk. he made it his number one priority to witness his first footsteps. you would join in of course and at the end of the day, both of you would be exhausted from coaxing your toddler. the three of you would fall asleep within a blink on the bed, limbs entangled and jaws agape.
when your son did take his first steps, neteyam cried. he cried like the day you gave birth.
it crashed down on him, the fact that happiness was so simple. it was so simple to achieve because of the family you gave him.
once your firstborn reached the age of three, neteyam would ask for another one. a daughter who was the spitting image of you, if he was lucky. you would oblige and soon the family of three became a family of four.
with two children, it meant twice the chaos.
he would nurture your daughter whereas you would match your son's lively spirit. one would be fed all day, and another would be bouncing up and down, running back and forth. frankly? it was a little tiring, but nothing you two couldn't handle.
for your daughter, he would carve the lortsyal out of crystals and weave bracelets for her chubby hands. he sang praises about his daughter's calmness, never waking in the middle of the night and always cooing whenever he kissed her. he would let her play with his tail, smiling even when she bit it out of curiosity.
in the middle of training, you'd drop by with your children in tow. neteyam would train the warriors from sunrise and return at sunset, but the children lacked patience. upon your son and daughter’s whines, you'd bring them to visit neteyam and leave them there for a couple of hours.
when neteyam caught a glimpse of your soft smile as you carried both your children in your arms, he swore he wanted another one.
and another one you both had. actually, two. twins. two daughters. one with your features and one with his smile.
quickly, your home would brim with toys and children's laughter. neteyam often boasted about his family: his mate being the best huntress, his son being an inheritor of both their talents, his eldest daughter being the sweetest girl with the sweetest voice ( almost overthrowing ninat ) and his two baby twins who were by far, the most mischievous and noisy children in the entire forest. he dared comment that their wails would drive away the toruk.
if there was one thing he would complain about, that would be that all of the kids were born with your indestructible optimism and contagious laughter. that meant neteyam was utterly weak to all of you. the wrinkles he was bound to receive after worrying for all five of you.
just when the mighty warrior was about to surrender, you announced your pregnancy with your fifth child.
neteyam crumbled from the overflowing bliss.
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based off this request!
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reblogs and comments are appreciated!
( no beta, we die like tsutey )
written by muse 2023
584 notes · View notes
waitingforteyam · 1 year
𔘓 🌊 . ִ ֗ the mirage of you
≡ ⌂ ⌕ ❙❘❙❙❘❙❚❙❘❙❙❚❙❘❙❘❙❚❙❘❙❙❚❙❘❙❙❘❙❚❙❘ ♡゙ written by muse
❝you're as beautiful as the day i lost you❞
ˑ 𐇛̲﹗27! neteyam sully x 27! mate, widower neteyam sully x assumed dead mate, angst, comfort, brief mention of bonding, brief mention of explosions, mentions of death, grief, war hero neteyam sully, inspired by httyd 2 stoick and val's reunion
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When he was all but seventeen, Neteyam lost the love of his life.
The sky people dropped an explosion, forfeiting your life without a speck of ash to remember you by. Immeasurable lives were lost amidst the inferno of flames devouring the forest. Knowing that you've descended the mountains on that particular day to pick out his favourite fruit, the fangs of guilt sunk into his neck.
He planned to commemorate your first day as one of the people and his mate, never expecting he would have to remember it as your final day as well.
After all these years, Neteyam still mourned for you. It wasn't spoken or conveyed through actions, but everyone could tell through the fog of dejection around him and the smile that never reached his eyes.
He had been engrossed in protecting the rest of his family, watching the years flash by, without ever catching a break.
Until tonight.
“Fnu, both of you.” Neteyam snapped at his sisters, tone harsh with concern when he asked them to be quiet. “How could you venture out during the eclipse? Do you have a death wish?”
For the many moons that came without you, Neteyam slept out of necessity. Four hours would be his usual. Even as his muscles were sore and his bones ached, he couldn't find comfort in resting. When he had retired to the night early, he didn't expect to wake up two hours later to find both his sisters missing.
Imagine his fear when he located them near the ruins of the sky people's old base, vulnerable and bare, fiddling with the remnants of their mechanics. The only person keeping his sanity intact was Loak, who to everyone's surprise, wasn't involved in this at all.
“Neteyam, you wouldn't believe who I saw一”
He raised his hand, signalling for Tuk to stop talking.
In front of them, Loak froze.
Sighing, Kiri placed her hand on Neteyam's biceps.
“Neteyam, I need you to calm down and maybe lower your weapon. This information would be best processed with nothing lethal in your hands.”
He frowned, both at Kiri's words and Loak's flabbergasted expression. His younger brother dropped his firearm. Neteyam's blood ran cold. Loak never drops his firearm. He passed by his siblings, patting Neteyam's shoulder with a slackened jaw.
It was as if Loak saw a ghost.
“You might want to take this one.”
Neteyam had no complaints. Swiftly, he positioned a poisoned arrow against the string of his bow. He led his siblings, treading stealthily. For his prideful brother to back down, perhaps it was a vicious beast.
Dread knotted in his stomach. With every step nearing the exit, his tail twitched in vigilance. Mentally, he prepared himself for the worst. But what was the definition of worst? it could be a thanator, a pack of viperwolves, or even the sky people.
“Kalweyaveng.” son of a bitch, he muttered under his breath. Did it matter what he would have to face? During the war, Neteyam had slain creatures, dreamwalkers, robots and humans. He was ready to kill anything.
Neteyam emerged from the thick metal door, stretching his bow as he laid eyes on his prey. One glimpse would be enough for the young war veteran to mark his enemy for death.
At once, he understood why Loak had reacted that way.
Beneath the swirling branches and silver starlight, at the centre of the yard, there the phantom of his dreams stood一you. Fireflies adorned your unravelled hair. The borrowed light illuminated your raised eyebrows and separated lips. Ah, your lips. Neteyam remembered the last time he tasted them. The day he lost you.
A barely audible gasp echoed in his ears. Your gasp. Dear Eywa, he had missed the way you breathed. The way you lived.
Discarding his bow, he took a step forward. It was shaky, just like his fingers that removed his own ikran riding visor. Your golden eyes widened, alarmed at his sudden appearance.
You gulped, abandoning the basket of fruits.
The human base was a deserted place that grew unique fruits and vegetables. Though the Na'vi condemned any location where the humans set foot, you worshipped the emptied places. You weren't the best huntress and sometimes; you want an easy dinner. Who wouldn't?
Tonight, you sneaked into a nearby base and foraged next week's rations. The last thing you expected was to find him.
“I know what you're thinking, Neteyam.”
So you knew how much he missed that voice? How much he craved to hear you say his name again?
“Staying away all those years. Why didn't I come back to you?”
No, that was the last thing on his mind. Neteyam could only conjure thoughts of you being alive. His mate was alive. In thinking so, a part of him also began to revive.
Neteyam was a complex man who learned to mask his true emotions. His father built it into him from the second he learned to walk. But right now, great mother, he surrendered. The walls he built around himself collapsed.
During this twinkle of time, breathing in the night mist, he was in his rawest form.
“The RDA was after your family and they've been hunting down the traitors of humanity.”
Neteyam continued his advance, glossy eyes glued on you the entire time.
At first, you held your ground. You could stand talking to him from a distance, albeit Neteyam was adamant to close said distance. Your legs faltered as you retreated.
In the background, you noticed his siblings. They're alive. All of them were. You missed them too, but right now, all you could focus on was the loud thumping of your heart. Your ribcage threatened to break with how rapid your heartbeat was. It was a miracle how you had yet to faint.
“Your father is a strong warrior. He can protect his family. But I can't.” Gradually, your back hit against a tree trunk. “A prodigy like you wouldn't understand, but it was the best option.”
Neteyam listened to you, like he always did. He understood where you were coming from: you were a scientist without prior combat experience. During the war, the only time you held a weapon was to hunt a small animal for food.
“My death guaranteed one less burden for you.”
He wanted to disagree, but his voice tangled at the base of his throat. Where you lacked in hunting, you made it up with your intelligence. That was one of the reasons you ended up surviving.
Neteyam had so many things to say, so many questions to ask. Nonetheless, he didn't want to interrupt you. What if he spoke and the mirage broke? What if you vanish before him? Oh, his poor heart wouldn't be able to handle it.
He shook his head, banishing that thought. Though it seemed his action led you to think he didn't believe you.
It maimed you, urging you to explain yourself better.
“I know I left you all alone. But don't you understand? That was my way of protecting you.”
Two years ago, they called a truce. After the war, the humans pledged to never walk on pandora land ever again. However, you understood how fickle human promises were. Paranoid, you vowed to hide yourself until your death.
“You must resent me, but I have no regrets.”
Your eyes shot all over the place. At one point, you shut tight them, hoping when you open them again, Neteyam would stop in his tracks.
To your surprise, he did. His hot breath fanned your face as you craned your neck to face him. He had matured into a strong and mighty warrior. Scars, both tiny and big, littered his blue skin. He had grown taller too, now towering over you and enveloping you in his shadow.
Disbelief marred his handsome face. A sense of nostalgia twanged his heartstrings. He had stared at you like this, ten years ago. As if you were the last thing he wanted to see and now the realisation of it all shocked him.
“Oh, don't be so silent, Neteyam.”
Your lips trembled.
His silence scared you. The minute he entered your view, you couldn't stop the words from flowing out of your mouth yet Neteyam hadn't spared you a single alphabet.
“Go on一scream, shout, say something.”
Neteyam cupped your cheek. His heart melted at how you instinctively leaned into his warm touch. It proved you were here, right now, right infront of him. Goosebumps rose on his skin to surface, and he became so sensitive.
The Great Mother must've appreciated his endeavours to protect his planet. This was her reward, her sign that she had witnessed his glory. She had returned you to him.
You're real.
Alive, healthy and breathtaking.
Once upon a time, he carved your face into his memory and sculpted your features out of his love. Be that as it may, nothing came close to your actual visage. The one he was holding onto as of now.
Neteyam found his voice, but it was fragile and soft.
A single tear escaped his eye.
“You're as beautiful as the day I lost you.”
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reblogs are appreciated
( repost bc i was sort of shadow banned yst but i will make a pt2 ab them dancing and singing )
written by muse 2023
452 notes · View notes
waitingforteyam · 1 year
𔘓 ⚖️ . ִ ֗ how they would cry to you
≡ ⌂ ⌕ ❙❘❙❙❘❙❚❙❘❙❙❚❙❘❙❘❙❚❙❘❙❙❚❙❘❙❙❘❙❚❙❘ ♡゙ written by muse
ˑ 𐇛̲﹗angst, hurt slight comfort, no comfort on neteyam's end lol, established relationships, grief, mentions of gore and injuries, death, bad mental health
cointains SPOILERS ! read at your own risk
characters : neteyam, loak
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the first time you saw neteyam cry, was with a firm hand pressed upon his bleeding chest.
“neteyam, look at me.” look at me, or i'll lose it. look at me, or i'll lose you.
the blood gushed out of the wound. you felt it stain the lines on your palm. sticky and thick. something that would seep into your skin and leave its mark for eternity.
both of your hearts thumped in tandem. yours in fear, his in an attempt to keep him alive.
“it hurts,” he said through gritted teeth. his fearless and ambitious facade fell apart, piece by piece, until neteyam couldn't pick them back up again.
you pressed harder, hoping it would numb the agony and soothe the lines on his face, but to no avail.
“i know. i'm sorry.”
everyone surrounded neteyam. his parents, his siblings. and you, his beloved.
a wet, warm hand grabbed around your wrist. you knew it was his without glancing. you were familiar with his touch, and you began to fear one day you would grow to be a stranger to it.
“what is it, neteyam?”
veins popped on his neck.
he was struggling. you knew he was struggling, but what could you do? the only thing you could offer was your undivided attention as you listened to him.
“i want to go home.”
within a blink, your heart scattered. guilt and regret came up your throat in the form of bile. you wanted nothing more than to empty your stomach. it tasted sick.
sick. because if you went with him, you could've avoided this. you could've protected him. you could've brought him home. but no, he pushed you out of the way to bring his sister and tsireya somewhere safe.
something you failed to do in the end, seeing that kiri and tuk was nowhere here.
they would miss this. they would miss his last breath. they would not see their noble brother smile for one last time.
“i want to go home,” he said once more.
“you will. just stay with me, alright?”
against the deafening sound of gunshots and pitter-patters of rain, you barely registered the crack in your voice. the break of a promise.
with what little strength left, neteyam caressed your cheek and smiled.
“i want to show you the forest.”
“i would love that.” you accepted his touch, despite the metallic stench of blood coating his hands. you leaned over, closer, to shelter him from the rain. protect him from what you still could.
his touch didn't linger long.
once he withdrew his hand, his breathing slowed.
the blood wouldn't stop, flowing until the blue feather attached to his armband turned into a dark crimson hue.
immediately, your hands faltered. your vision stung with the amount of tears you were holding back.
“you're going to be fine. we'll patch you up and head back to the forest straightaway. no delays.”
were you consoling him? or were you consoling yourself?
“okay.” his thumb rubbed your hand. “i believe you.”
his words did more to calm you down, instead of him.
hope began to bloom.
be that as it may, one glimpse, one tiny grin was all it took for you to understand: he wasn't going to make it.
you heard it: the petals of hope crushed beneath the weight of truth.
his gaze darted between jake and you. you could tell he wanted to tell his father about your mating bond. how you both had mated before eywa weeks prior to this day. how you both agreed to announce it next week.
the two of you planned this meticulously, excited for a bright future together. he promised to wait.
neteyam couldn't wait any longer. you couldn't either.
he clenched your arm. you understood right away, nodding at his pleading look.
it was now or never.
“dad, i一”
he paused.
the second his heart had stopped beating, you had felt it first hand.
you witnessed the breath caught in his mouth vanish, as his pupils enlarged and the darkness consumed him.
“neteyam?” you choked down a sob.
no reply.
a drop of rain rolled down your cheek. it was rain, you convinced yourself. it wasn't anything salty or burning. it certainly wasn't streaming from your eyes.
you traced his features. the handsome face you would awake to once you both announced that you were mates.
happiness was so close. it was right at the palm of your hand and you struggled to hold onto it. an immortal love, now dead.
letting go, you gazed at your bloody hands.
the second he died, a part of you did too. a mate was another half of you. you would never recover. for the nights that would come, you would be mourning for a lover and a version of you that used to smile and love.
“neteyam?” neytiri's voice shook.
you wished you could shout, scream or thrash around like neytiri. but somewhere along the line, you became exasperated.
you couldn't move an inch. your body wasn't listening to you. you just crouched there, hands in your lap as neytiri wailed into neteyam's corpse. for a second, you thought you were the one who died.
as every sound turned muffled and every colour faded in your eyes, you reached out to wipe the tears left on your lover's face.
the day eywa reunited with her child, neteyam had cried, knowing it would be the first and last time he did.
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when loak cried, he used his tears to wash his hands.
he told you they were dirty. smeared with his brother's blood. it was his own imagination, he knew.
after returning from three brothers rock with neteyam's lifeless corpse, he had been cleaned. somehow. he didn't remember who helped him. days passed in a blur. loak wasn't even certain that he moved at all.
instead of his family's marui pod, he slept in your home. he couldn't bear to enter his pod. not where it was filled with memories of neteyam. he was afraid, if he entered, he would face neteyam's ghost.
he flinched at your voice.
gingerly, you sat down in front of him. the weather was gloomy; showing no sun, just gray clouds. it bathed the room in a shade of loneliness, of hiding, of grief.
“the ceremony will be held tonight.” you dapped a cloth around his sweaty forehead, not bothering to look at him because you knew what would await you. “are you prepared?”
his voice was meek, barely audible if the wind blew inside.
you'd inhale a sharp breath, before searching for his gaze. there you would find the remnants of a broken boy.
gone were the molten gold of his eyes. all of it were replaced with red. had he been crying while you went out again?
“let's get you ready, okay?”
loak wasn't sure what happened, but somehow he got himself changed in his funeral attire. as for the intricate face paint and beads, you were the one who did it for him.
right. you were always there for him.
it was you who urged him to bathe. you, who dried his hair. you, who fed him when he forgot to eat. you, who rubbed his shoulders when you didn't know what to say. you, who made sure he survived when he was set on dying.
he sniffed. the noise stole your attention instantly.
“loak? what's wrong?” you placed down the bowl of paint, wiping your fingers clean. “why are you crying? tell me, sweet boy.”
loak never noticed when he cried. it just happened. but now, he felt the tingles on his skin. the burn in his eyes returned.
slowly but surely, he was feeling again.
“i'm sorry.”
“what for?” you furrowed your brow.
he wanted to cup your cheek like old times, but it was still hard. his soul was only beginning to return to his shell of a body.
“you've been taking care of me for the past few days, and i didn't even acknowledge or thank you.”
your breath hitched.
“i wasn't myself,” he admitted.
“it's alright. i'm fine.” you didn't care if you were shuddering to compose yourself. you couldn't break. not when one of you had to be strong. you cracked a grin. “i'm just waiting for my loak to return to me.”
the loak she fell in love with. the boy who lived like there was no tomorrow. the one who tickled her and kissed her beneath the moon.
“do you miss him?”
you closed your eyes for a while.
“so much,” you said. “do you think he's coming back?”
what was i expecting?
you ignored the disappointment that shot down the last shred of hope in your heart. it's too soon, anyway.
you gathered the disarray of fabrics and paint on the floor. loak watched you, without saying another word. you couldn't bear the shame of asking him such a crude question. you needed to be patient, but great mother you just missed the sound of his laughter.
at the entrance of your marui, your back faced him for good. you were sure you were about to cry. you were grateful for his silence. if he had spoken a word, you一
it was one word.
one word, and the dam broke.
now, both of you were crying. you cradled his sobbing body in your arms, absorbing all his apologies as he repeated it on the skin of your shoulder.
neteyam was dear to both of you. for such a beautiful soul to return to eywa this soon, none of you could accept it.
especially loak.
you'd watch him wallow in guilt everyday and know there was nothing you could do. you'd lose slivers of him with each sunrise. it took every fibre in you to not beg him to snap back into reality.
“the blame isn't yours to shoulder,” you said. “you didn't shoot him, loak.”
“i brought him there.” for spider. he had exchanged neteyam's life for spider.
“no, he followed because he was your brother. he followed, despite the dangers, because he cared about you.”
it was true. wherever loak went, neteyam followed. wherever loak brought him, he would go.
“he would never blame you. he loved you so much, how could he?”
you sunk into each other's warmth. by the time, both of you calmed down, the sun was setting. the face paint streaked down his cheeks.
you called out to him.
“so would you wash your face and bring him somewhere one last time?” your meaning struck him.
bring him to eywa's hold.
“you're coming too, right?” he sounded desperate. so eager for your support. “i won't be able to do it without you.”
you rested your forehead against his.
“i'll be with you, every step of the way.”
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reblogs are appreciated
( 2 posts in 1 day the fandom is about to get sick of me & im kinda dazed rn pls point it out to me if u see any spelling errors )
written by muse 2023
426 notes · View notes
waitingforteyam · 1 year
*SLAMS THE DOOR OPEN* i wrote a brief character study fic of neteyam.
Fandom, Beware.
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