#would honest to god not recommend this drama i cringed SO hard barely could sit through the last like 3 episodes
Tokyo MER: Mobile Emergency Room Whump List
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Synopsis: Tokyo MER was formed by order from the Governor of Tokyo. The members are emergency care professionals who go to sites of dangerous accidents and disasters using ER cars. Their ER car is a large vehicle equipped with the latest medical devices and an operating area where Tokyo MER saves the lives of the injured.
Kitami Kota is a doctor for Tokyo MER and its leader. He holds firm convictions that he goes to accident sites to save lives regardless of the dangers.
Genre: Medical, Thriller, Drama
Whumpees: Kitami Kota played by Suzuki Ryohei and Otowa Nao played by Kaku Kento
Note: Joint effort! Up to the 5th episode this list was done by the wonderful @love-me-a-lotta-whump, the rest is by me
!!Spoilers Below!!
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Kitami Kota
Ep. 00: no appearance
Ep. 01: in an explosion, covered in blood/debris/ ashes, traumatic flashbacks, anxious ::: breathing in toxic gasses, feeling unwell, coughing, heavy breathing, blurred vision, passed out, collapsed, saved, in an explosion ::: sitting with an oxygen mask over his face
Ep. 02: none
Ep. 03: shot at multiple times, collar grabbed ::: collar grabbed
Ep. 04: none
Ep. 05: oxygen mask over his face
Ep. 06: secretly watched
Ep. 07: being near an explosion, took off protective mask in a basement potentially full of poisonous gas
Ep. 08: questioned, questioned by a teammate, out in heavy rain, leg hit by a sliding boulder, fell, electrocuted, unconscious, his heart stopped, being resuscitated, his team was ordered to give up on him, coming back to life
Ep. 09: trapped in a place with high CO2 concentration, the team is not allowed to rescue him, running and carrying someone, on the verge of passing out, saved, saving someone by doing cpr
Ep. 10: held hostage by a terrorist, accused of aiding them, held at knifepoint, locked up in a room, saving someone by doing cpr, in explosion, covered in burns and soot, saving someone by doing cpr, his sister died, taunted by her killer
Ep. 11: in hospital after collapsing off-screen, feeling guilty and depressed, accused of being a terrorist, grieving, crying, saving someone
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Otowa Nao
Ep. 00: no appearance
Ep. 01: saving someone ::: cuts on his face, covered in ash
Ep. 02-04: none
Ep. 05: trapped in an elevator ::: still trapped, the elevator catches fire and the elevator floods with smoke, coughing ::: inhaling smoke, refusing an oxygen mask (sorta self sacrifice) ::: inhaling more smoke, coughing ::: panicked, pressured, anxious, collar grabbed, defiant ::: inhaling smoke, coughing, looked after ::: inhaling smoke, coughing, losing consciousness, growing weak, saved, looked after, saved, emotional, passed out, collapsed into someone's arms ::: asleep in the hospital, woke up
Ep. 06: none
Ep. 07: being near an explosion
Ep. 08: out in heavy rain, saving someone by doing cpr, out of breath after
Ep. 09: none
Ep. 10: held hostage by a terrorist, saving someone by doing cpr
Ep. 11: breathing in poisonous gas, coughing, losing consciousness, burred vision, on the verge of passing out, held, saved
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realfuurikuuri · 5 years
MissingArm!AU Chapter 4
The Key to My Heart is the Juice From a Blood Red Apple
Prepare for a long chapter, ya'll. TanyaMao angst is long arduous and deliciously painful. This took a minute to get out, especially when I've been so busy, but it was a lot of fun to write. The character drama here is strong, which is a change of pace for me. I enjoy the amount of show vs. tell I included in here. I feel like it really brings out the best in the characters. The song recommendation here is Stolen Dance - Milky Chance. Enjoy the chapter. AU made by @spookylovesboba
WC: 2,536
AO3 Link: 
Mao Mao was in the dojo, working to get his fingers under a rock. It was smooth and round; weighed a little over two hundred pounds. It was one of six that he had. When he finally got his fingers underneath the rock he made sure to lift with his arm, instead of his legs. Mao Mao lifted it up and placed it on the pedestal. Three down, three to go. He was lifting the fourth when he heard the door open. Did Bagderclops and Adorabat finally get back? Mao Mao got Badgerclops to agree to be a chaperone. He certainly wasn’t going to let them visit an active volcano without supervision. 
“Badgerclops,” he said in between breaths,” you got groceries, right?” 
“I don’t know. You’re going to have to ask him, Mittens.” 
Mao Mao’s hand slipped. He fell back with the rock weighing down on his chest. “God- Fuck!” He gasped. 
Tanya watched him move the stone. The confident, sly smirk was gone. Replaced by a regretful straight line.
“How’ve you been? Up to anything new,” she asked. 
“Oh, nothing new. Just strength training, Atlas stones,” he said pointing to the rocks. 
Things got terribly quiet. Mao Mao could hear his bonsai trees shaking in the breeze. 
“So, I heard Jǐngtì stopped by,” she said. 
“Uh, yeah he did. D- do you mind if we do this inside...and not sober.” 
“Yeah, sure.”
Mao Mao led Tanya to the kitchen. The change of setting didn't get rid of the awkwardness between them. Mao Mao knew that Tanya would show up eventually. She wasn’t like him. She couldn’t -wouldn’t- be satisfied with doing this over the phone. He’d already prepared and practiced bits and pieces of conversation to make things lighter but found them all fleeting now. Mao Mao stood on the chair and his tippy toes to reach the top shelf. 
“Why hide it up there?” 
“Adorabat is only like six or seven years old.” 
“Did your new boyfriend convince you to try and be a better parent?” 
Mao Mao brushed away the snide remark as best he could. If anyone had the right to say shit like that it was Jǐngtì; his mother a close second. 
“What do you want? We got beer, a bottle of vodka, some wine I don’t remember buying and hard cider.” 
“You feeling nostalgic, too?” 
She didn’t say anything. 
They sat across from each other in silence. Tanya had barely touched her glass while Mao Mao was already on his second mug. 
“How’ve you been,” she asked. 
“Fine, I guess. I got sued the other day.” 
“I won the case, so it doesn’t really matter.”
“What happened to the other guy.” 
“He’s already out of prison. The kingdom’s laws don’t really make sense, to be honest.” 
“So, Jǐngtì was here, right?” 
“Yeah, he was,” he said. 
“What the hell happened?” 
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Mao Mao took a deep breath, searching for a way to explain last week’s events. “He-” 
Mao Mao was interrupted by a knock on the door. That was all good with him. He needed all the time he could get.
“I’ll get it.” 
Mao Mao didn’t know who was at the door. It was just Benny and Penny with an Amazon package Badgerclops ordered. Mao Mao threw the package on to the couch and went back to the kitchen. 
He took one big gulp of cider to finish his third mug. “What was I saying?” 
“You were telling me what Jǐngtì was doing here.” 
“Oh, uh-, he was… trying to get back at me.”
“You’re going to have to be more specific.” 
“He… tied up a bunch of sweetipies and kidnapped Badgerclops and Adorabat.”
Tanya took her first sip.
“What did he want?” 
There was a knock at the door.
Tanya took a deep breath and rubbed her temples. Mao Mao got up to answer it. It was Badgerclops with Adorabat sitting on his shoulder. Adorabat was fine, although Badgerclops’ fur was singed at the edges
“You will not believe the day I had. Chubbums made the volcano erupt! I almost died! And I’m pretty sure we displaced thousands of woodland creatures. It was quite the day.” 
“I’m certain it was,” Mao Mao said. 
Adorabat held her nose. “Your breath smells like apple juice and hospitals.”
Mao Mao wondered what she meant until he remembered the cider. Was it already on his breath?
“You good?" Badgerclops asked. “You don’t really drink unless-” 
Badgerclops grew quiet when he saw Tanya in the other room. A series of expressions passed on Badgerclops’ face. First was a surprise, then confusion, finally landing on an adult’s smirk. 
“I can just take her into town if you’re… reliving the past.” 
“What? No. That's-” 
“Tanya,” Adorabat exclaimed, interrupting Mao Mao and flying over without hesitation. 
* * *
Adorabat quickly struck a conversation with Tanya. Adorabat did have a charm to her. The smile Adorabat put on Tanya’s face was genuine, which was something Mao Mao hadn’t done in years.
She was telling Tanya what happened on the field trip. He would have assumed she was exaggerating things if Badgerclops didn’t have burns to prove it. “-and then we used the areocycle to- hang on! I want to show you a painting I made.” Adorabat zipped away into the other room as quickly as she came.
Tanya watched her go with a distant stare.
An awkward silence filled the air. 
  “She’s a good kid,” she said. 
“Yeah,” Mao Mao said. 
“Mao Mao, I can’t find it.” 
“Don’t worry, I’m coming,” he said, thankful to finally be away from the terrible awkwardness. 
* * * 
Badgerclops and Tanya were left in the kitchen. Tanya tapped her finger against the table still staring off into space, while Badgerclops searched for the burn ointment. Bagderclops didn’t really know what to think of Tanya. All he knew about her was what Mao Mao would tell him until she kidnapped him. He gave glowing reviews of her. He said she was kind, sweet, and attractive. Badgerclops wasn’t sure he agreed with all of that. 
“So, what brings you here,” he asked Tanya. 
“Huh? Oh, I was just… asking Mao Mao about some things.” 
He made note that she didn’t call him mittens. 
“About Jǐngtì, right?” 
She stiffened a little bit. “Yeah. Yeah, I was.” 
“How’d he happen?” 
“You know,” Badgerclops said,” how’d you and Mao Mao split up.”
“He didn’t tell you?” 
“No, he did. It’s just that he’s…” 
“You said it not me, but yeah.” 
Tanya sighed,” we were young when it happened. Not even adults yet, teenagers. We’d already been traveling together for a while, and when he turned 18 we celebrated and got drunk.” 
“Mao Mao drank underage?” 
“I wish. We were at a place where the drinking age was 18, so he decided it was okay. I certainly wasn’t going to let him celebrate his birthday sober. Anyway, we got to drinking… and then to kissing and then… well, you can guess what happened.” 
“I’m surprised two teenagers decided to keep a child.” 
Tanya had started to drink. First, it was just a few sips of cider and now she getting a refill. 
"Teenagers are fucking dumb. We overestimated ourselves. We both had incomes and a stable relationship. So like, what the hell? Why not try and raise a kid?” 
Her story was consistent with the one Mao Mao told him. 
“How was rasing Jǐngtì,” he asked. 
She stiffened, looking out to the distance, stuck in memories. “What are you doing asking me all this? Jealous of your boyfriend's ex and child showing up out of nowhere?” 
Badgerclops first thought was of how rude that comment was, then it changed to boyfriend. 
“Sorry,” she groaned,” I’ve just… had too much to drink.” 
“We’re not dating,” Badgerclops said. 
“Really? You’re not dating?” 
“No, we’re not.” 
“You’re just two dudes living together -raising a child together- five feet apart cause they’re not gay?” 
At least that’s what he thought. It's not that Badgerclops was against the idea. Mao Mao was cute it's just that Mao Mao has never really expressed any interest in it. Not just towards boys, towards romance at all. He assumed Mao Mao was asexual until he started talking about Tanya when he got drunk. He thought it was just drunken bullshit. It was only when Badgerclops mentioned the drunken rambling to a sober Mao Mao did he realize how true it was.
He could recall the day easily. It was before the aerocycle. They were washing up in a river trying to blow off massive hangovers. Badgerclops made an innocent joke -something about the drunken ramblings being a virgin’s fantasy- when Mao Mao suddenly stopped. Despite still standing in the river Mao Mao just stood there for a few minutes, trapped on a trip down memory lane, until he slowly came back to reality. Badgerclops still felt like shit for that. 
“Found it!” Adorabat quickly flew back into the kitchen, carrying a piece of paper. Here! Look!” 
Whatever was on the paper shook Tanya a great bit. The smile stiffened, her eyes got a little wider, her hands began to tremble. “It’s-, it's great,” she choked out. 
Badgerclops placed a hand on Adorabat’s shoulder. “Hey let’s go play some games, okay?” 
Badgerclops made sure to turn the volume up, so Adorabat wouldn't overhear anything. He knew that picture. It was a simple drawing of herself, Badgerclops, Mao Mao, and Tanya. They were all holding hands, smiling, a happy little rainbow danced in the background. They were a family. Something Tanya wanted, but couldn’t have. It was incredibly rude to show that to Tanya; one of those things that make you cringe when you look back on it. How old would Adorabat be when she realized how cruel that was?
* * * 
       Tanya watched Mao Mao sit down out of the corner of her eye. He tapped his fingers against the table, searching for someplace to look before settling on his empty mug. Tanya wanted to say something, to ask him everything, but where to begin? Start with their missing son? How their child is slowly going even further off the deep end? Or maybe the new family he started after leaving his old one a broken wreck?
Tanya wanted to say she hated this man. She wanted to say she hated how he whined in that sultry voice, that she hated the myriad of gross scars of his well-toned body, that she hated the adorable way he second-guessed every decision he made, yet here she was happy to just be speaking to him. 
“Why’d you leave?” 
Mao Mao looked up.
“Why’d you leave,” Tanya asked again. 
“I -I -I,” Mao Mao stuttered,” I-... don’t know.” 
“Look, Mittens I-” 
Sssaaaavvve my bacon! I’m really in a jam! 
Everyone turned to the bizarre alarm as it rang out. Tanya sighed and gestured for Mao Mao to go. 
He got up and then sat back down. “Go ahead. I’ll catch up later.” 
Tanya felt a bit of rosy red on her cheeks. Just maybe he learned to put family over that stupid obsession of his. 
Badgerclops considered it for a minute before saying okay and taking Adorabat with him. She could hear the roar of the aerocycle as they left. 
Tanya stared at Mao Mao; he stared back. 
“You should have just gone,” she said. 
“You wanted to ask me something. I’ll answer it and then go. I still have a job to do.” 
The words felt like a sledgehammer to the skull.
Tanya put her face in her hands and laughed. “I wanted to ask what kind of dumb, desperate slut falls for a walking, talking napoleon complex with daddy issues that can’t put family over his stupid fucking obsession?” 
“I don’t know,” he said. 
“What do you know? Do you at least know where our- where my -son is?” 
“I don’t know,” he said again. 
Tanya pointed at the door. “Just go. Just… go,” she said. 
She heard the scape as Mao Mao pushed out his chair, his steps against the hardwood floor, the front door creak as it opened, and the soft click as it closed. 
* * *
The king hid behind his throne while Badgerclops examined the bones. They were littered all over the floor… a pattern? Or was he just seeing things? If it was a pattern, what did it mean?
“Badgerclops,” Adorabat asked. 
“What’s with Mao Mao and Tanya?” 
Oof. Why did she have to be such an observant child? 
“It’s...adult things.” 
“What’s adult things?” 
“You’ll understand when you’re older.” 
“But, I wanna understand now.” 
“Well… it’s like Tanya and Mao Mao we’re friends.” 
“I thought they were already friends.” 
“Like… best friends. They used to be best friends-” 
“What about Jǐngtì?” 
“Okay… uh, think of their relationship as a lot like what we have now. Tanya had the same role as me, and Jǐngtì had the same role as you. They were a happy little group.”  
“Then what happened?” 
“Something… just did. Jǐngtì did something, Tanya and Mao Mao got into a fight and they … split apart.” 
Adorabat looked down at the ground. “Does that mean we’ll split apart, too?”
Badgerclops decided to leave the adult conversations to that cat bastard. 
“Why’s Adorabat sad?” 
Badgerclops jumped back with an effeminate shriek. “Holy shit, dude! I am ‘this’ close to putting a bell on your ass.” 
Mao Mao didn’t even bother to tell Badgerclops to watch his language. He kept his head down preventing Badgerclops from seeing his face. Not that he needed too. The slumped shoulders, low voice, haggard movements told Badgerclops that Mao Mao was miserably drunk and miserably sad. 
“You feeling alright,” Badgerclops asked. 
“I’m fine,” Mao Mao said, kicking the bones. “These aren’t the King’s I hope.” 
“Nah, they’re just bones. I’m thinking they might be a pattern or something.” 
Mao Mao thought for a second before running up a pillar to the mezzanine. He rarely climbed, having one arm made it hard. Mao Mao began to slowly scan his eyes, his lips moving quietly while he did it. Was he reading something? 
“Hey, whatcha see up there?” 
Mao Mao didn’t answer. Badgerclops watched Mao Mao's expression change. He became tense and rigid, teeth ground against each other, his brow furrowed, eyes scowled, and veins popped on his forehead. He was practically foaming at the mouth. He ignored Badgerclops completely, leaping out the window full of piss and vinegar. 
“Um, is he okay,” the king asked from the peanut gallery. 
Not once in that man’s entire life has he ever been okay. Badgerclops didn’t say that. "Don’t worry. Things should be fine,” he lied. 
Badgerclops turned his hand into a helicopter to get to the mezzanine. Adorabat flying up to land on his shoulder soon after. He turned his attention to the bones. Up here they spelled something out. “Beware the monster - Bao Bao”. 
“Adorabat go get Tanya,” he said. 
“Go get Tanya,” he repeated more forcefully. 
Adorabat finally got the message. She flew out the window, towards home. Badgerclops turned his attention to the kingdom. He needed to find Mao Mao before he ended up killing someone.
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