#workout music 2022 violin
monirulknowledge · 2 years
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boujeeceo · 2 years
Stop holding back. Be ambitious.
One time goals
Finish my personal website asap
Stockpile collagen pills/powder for the rest of the year
Stockpile skincare
Ask my boss about putting my products in his store. HE SAID YES
Save 5K (Finally)
Get new business cards (serial business owner)
SMILE eye correction surgery 5,500$ October 2022!!!!!
Buy a violin!!! (A gift to myself, I'm looking for a specific type)
Braces 3,325$
Find a gel nail machine that I actually like
Buy new clothes and foundation/concealer/mascara (I'm going through a VS model bimbo phase 💖)
Write up a Partnership agreement for bookstores and small businesses
Create a presentation for partnerships (May need to take 2 business trips to secure my spot in my home town.)
Write up a consignment agreement
Update 5 and 10 year goals. Renew those plans and redo my 2.5 year plan to be more reflective of what I CAN do rather than WANT to do.
Create a Freestyling/networking stationary set
All my long term businesses planned out and set for 3-5 years.
Execute my 5K a day plan (aka start) YAY
Update my resume
Continue 4hrs a day!
Language (Start learning, buy a course or make a course myself)
Music (Start learning)
Career (1 textbook on my own time, 3 online courses, 2 certifications then Harvard)
Gallon water a day
Eat Fruit salad, Salad, or a Smoothie (1 per each meal)
Eat 3 meals a day
Workout daily (3x active, 4x rest day)
Follow my skincare routine
Once I've moved
Actually be at one business event per month: 100$ a month budget
Go freestyling weekly (50$ limit)
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2022 Goal List-January Update
January was calm and mainly focused on my surgery recovery. I'm also trying my best to focus on my mental health this year and if I feel like I need to, I'm going to adjust my goals accordingly. I need to work on letting myself slow down and focus more on my family and mental health recovery. Hoping to do a bit more crafting and reading in February <3
-Read about 12 books by year's end-almost done my first book lol
-Finish Atelier Rorona- ✅
-Graduate driving school- haven't touched yet lol
-Get my G2-not yet lol
-Change my last name-waiting for paperwork eeee
-Get caught up with Endwalker content-almost done shB main content then it's just the patches to 6.0!
-Cosplay Miyuki, Konata, and Pamela- MIYUKI IS DONE!! ✅ just need to get a Konata wig and Pamela dress
-Stay on top of weekly workout/daily stretch- worked out like 3 times, did a big shovel today thooo
-Paint the bathroom-gonna do in the spring or late winter, still sticking with doing the walls burnt orange or maybe terracotta??
-Finish quilt project-not yet lol
-Get craft room in functionable order- ¾ way there, gonna finish within the next month
-Buy Christian his new PC- saved up just over half the cost 😎
-play Star Ocean 2, Suikoden 1-2- played some of Suikoden 1 and it's good but def not what I'm used to, may not complete it and move on to Suikoden 2 hehe
-Play Deadspace 1-3 again- played a few hours of Deadspace!
-PLAY DEADSPACE REMAKE- waiting on release hehe
-Finish 2 model kits by year's end- One out of two complete!
-Go vegan and STAY vegan-not yet lol but making progress on switching out products
-Stay ontop of tattooing practice (and don't doubt my abilities!!)-tattoo gun is here but surgery recovery has made this hard lol
-Put time towards violin practice-got note stickers and some new strings! Gonna talk to my hubby about maybe doing Music Night together once a week, he's such a wonderful guitarist and it'd be really fun 🥰
Other January Updates
-Dyed my hair orange after wanting to since I was like 13 lol
-Started playing persona 5 and fell in love with the series
-Adjusted my goals to be a bit more attainable
-Got a dehumidifier for the bathroom, can't wait for it to come in
-Finally got my own copies of Jekyll and Hyde and Catcher in the Rye, currently waiting on a copy of Little Women to come in
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monirulknowledge · 2 years
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monirulknowledge · 2 years
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